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An ex-colleague of mine has set up an English teaching social media page where he posts random vocab, pictures etc (lots of ELT people do this).

Anyway, he posted the word shart with the caption "a bit rude but very useful vocabulary nevertheless", and I honesly can't stop laughing that anyone would consider a mixture of shit and fart to be "very useful vocabulary".

Wildly irrelevant, but I hope this will give you all a few HOOTS this morning.
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Sideboard Bob

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I’ve not caught up anywhere, but I just wanted to add to the voices saying how lovely you lot all are ❤
I was so pissed off when I saw ~that~ post with the screenshots. Ffs! You’ve done nothing wrong, obviously!
Anyway, I don’t know much about food or drink, but on topic (?) I don‘t really like mash, and I’d happily never see another willy for the rest of my life. I’m currently drinking a red wine and cola! Yes, combined. 🙈
Happy Friday everyone!
oh gosh, I just saw, get well soon @Harrybosch I don’t know you but you seem cool AF x
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Finally finished my grunka through willy mash. Got back from a much needed week away in Devon yesterday. Spent the week with my 5yo having beach walks, pasties, cream teas and all the carbs basically. Felt great then back to scary news of lockdown 2.0 which scares me and it’s just the two of us at home and hard to social bubble with anyone without pissing off someone (do I choose my bf or mum).

Anyhoo, love to all and hope your fella is doing ok @Flumps

After playing catch-up -
- doughnuts - love any but more partial to the cheaper end of the scale. Your basic jam or hot seaside ones in a greasy paper bag 🤤
- teeth - I’ve had 3 pesky wisdom teeth out as they were growing sideways into my cheeks 🤢 and my little bro had an extra set of adult teeth that needed to be removed via GA
- root beer - yes please although tastes like germolene
- butter beer - yuck

I don’t know about the drama that went down as I don’t read the JM thread however I just have to say I love you lot and how welcoming and funny you are and I’ve loved contributing and reading when I can since that fateful day I bumped into you all via Downing Street 🤭

brekkie today was cinnamon buns before a windy forest walk with little ‘un and I’ve now got a chilli bubbling away in the slow cooker to top jacky P’s later.
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Fraus, this is a wonderful and safe space where everyone is welcome - but if people come around and make *others* feel like shit with their bigoted views then you better believe they'll get called out on it. I'll say it on here and I'll say it to their faces on the MT (it's Mother Thread, actually sweetie...).*

*calling out the specific poster here, don't want any of you folks worrying it's you!
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honestly, if you don't want your shitty opinions commented on on the internet, then don't put your shitty opinions on the internet! it's not hard! 😤 just like Jack's (soft soft softy soft) food 🙃 (sorry, riled)


it's duck pancakes, prawn toasts, spring rolls tonight here. 😋 from out of packets cos we are knackered chez kachoochoo
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Sideboard Bob

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First post over here but after seeing those screenshots yesterday (Which seemed odd) and having a read through for myself.
I read that some of the 'gender' conversation was extremely upsetting to some.
In all honesty, I answered a question and tried to move it back to Jack as quickly as possible.
I'd like to offer my deepest apologies if I have offended a single person on here.
It sincerely was not my intention.
I love cooking, I love chatting about cooking, I love recipes, I love recipe books.
I hope you don't mind me lurking around here checking out your food.
I can only speak for myself but you have no reason to apologise. You answered those questions in such a tactful and inoffensive way, I could never have been able to. In all honesty, it might have got worse without you being so calm and respectful in the face of such a delicate subject. It was the people coming out with blatantly provocative, transphobic statements that bothered me, not you at all.
I’m so sorry to drag this up again, but @TurnedUpInTipp I just had to explain that imo you have no reason to be sorry. Also, I think you’re hilarious and I’m so glad you’ve come over to this corner too!
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My plan for today was to go to McD for a breakfast after dropping the boys at Bin-Cunts and to watch Saturday Kitchen but the queue for the drive in was massive so I am settled with my bagel and honey butter. God I love all of the people on todays show and I have laughed along with them as they genuinely seem like mates. I love Bryns gorgeous accent and always marvel at the fact that he is married to Sharleen Spiteri from Texas, I can imagine they are a lovely fun couple.

I am too invested arnt i?

I was hoping that Nigella would choose Peach and Chickpea Curry or Fish Finger Lasagne as her Food Hell. Jack will be watching them both ..... seething.

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Sorry to go on with my woes again, but I am fretting. Partner and I have been chatting lots on text and phone since he's been in hospital. Haven't heard from him in hours, despite sending a few messages. I haven't wanted to call him because if he's sleeping that's the best thing for him to do. Last message I got was him telling me he was feeling rough and sick again. He read one message an hour ago, but I have not had any response. Very unlike him to go silent, especially in situation like this. Tell me he is just feeling awful, not up to texting, but sleeping, and that's all and I am not to start panicking like a complete idiot. I think I have been on my own managing this a bit too long and my head had got into a bad, bad place tonight. This is daft of me isn't it? I'm his emergency contact, if something terrible had happened I would know wouldn't I? He's just sleeping isn't he? He looked better when I saw him earlier, I need to stop being an idiot. Oh god, I am so sorry to be dramatic on the internet. I am going to feel daft as soon as I hear from him, but I cannot keep this in my own head right now.
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Morning fraus. I'm on holiday this week and was supposed to be doing all sorts of efficient stuff with the other half, getting loads of things put away and a house ready to put on the market. Instead, he's still confined to bed and I'm alternating between nurse duties, sitting on the sofa and vaguely pottering*. The DIY from house next door that has been hallmark of every weekend here for about 2 months is now apparently continuing into the week this week and I'm feeling fucking murderous and a bit bored and a bit useless.

*I would get on on my own with the stuff, but everything here is not mine, and I can't really box it up/decide whether to keep it or not without input from sickboy, and there are *issues* around the stuff that are emotional labour that I can't do. Hah, sorry, I sound like a 'yes, but...' person don't I?

Anyway, blah, am fucking miserable, surrounded by stuff to do, but can't do any of it. And listening to endless drilling and banging. Suggested that I went round and asked whether they were planning to do this all week and if we could agree on some quiet time, in my most middle class way, but apparently I will just be told to 'fuck off'. I'm quite into the idea of being told to 'fuck off' as I'm spoiling for a fight (polite, quietly astonished, middle class, pass agg fighting my specialty, I have learnt from my mother, the queen of polite outrage) tbh, but partner is all, 'I have to live next door to them, blah, blah, blah, don't waste your time, don't be so confrontational'. He's no fun.
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Evening fraus, rough news this morning (i do think we should have had the circuit breaker end of september but hindsight is a wonderful thing i guess) what's done is done

It is gonna be a rough one, lets hang together ❤ 😔 and i wouldnt judge anyone now for carefully arranging to meet a loved one or two just one last time before thursday (but obviously make it somewhere with a till or you'll get a swat team through your door).

I've got some dumbbells in so im sure you're all eagerly awaiting my transformation into an omnivore bodybuilder who can deadlift sideboards 😜

The dark nights will make it tougher but we'll get through this one day at a time, love to you all 💞
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It's a weird sensation isn't it, I've gone through a load of odd feelings with no logic behind them?! Wanting to binge chocolate, wanting to buy a load of plants, wanting to sort out a cupboard, wanting to paint the cupboard, wanting to sell a load of old books... Instead of that chaos I've just done next week's Ocado shop (usually just put 20 bags of cat litter in to hold my space and then do it the day before, but was worried about shortages caused by JM's stupid tweets) & organised baby's outgrown clothes into little capsule wardrobes to donate and put a load of other birthing bits in the car to give to midwives so at least remaining relatively productive??
You’ve reminded me that organising and sorting makes me feel a lot better, and a lot more in control. I realised the last time I organised my kitchen, about a month ago, that so much good stuff hides away in the backs of cupboards and drawers. Once I’d got it all out, we did some cutesy family meal planning, and there was so much that I felt the food anxiety fade off a bit. I haven’t moved all day today. I’m somehow immobilized by the stress, but I’m going to give myself some small tasks to get me going.

Back on food topic. We have so many beautiful cook books, and used to quite often spend a Sunday evening looking through with the children and deciding what to make/have during the week. I think we should do this today. I need a focus 🤯
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Fuck me, do I have to come on this thread now to get my dose of hilarity? I’ll have to jettison one of the Rebeccas so I can keep up.
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Lovely to read the solidarity in here. It was a sad day for Fraus when the F&D and MT had to split but it’s great to see the things you’ve been thinking are actually thought by others! And @Dustye please don’t ever double think how you refer to your other half I wish you didn’t feel that way ❤ I never want to think about second rows of teeth again tho NGL
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Oh fraus 😔 what a load of shit. I was as close to JM as I’ve ever been last night, watching the news had me wanting to claw at the walls and howl like an ephemeral banshee. I feel so worried for everyone. Nothing profound or helpful to say, just solidarity with everyone who is dreading Thursday. I know some of you will have already been in lockdown up to now and can’t even imagine how this latest news is hitting. I’m just sorry and sad today. I feel like eating the panettone I bought for Christmas, can’t even face making the roast I was planning! I haven’t told my children about the impending doom yet, I’m wanting to fully get my head around it myself before starting to explain.
It's a weird sensation isn't it, I've gone through a load of odd feelings with no logic behind them?! Wanting to binge chocolate, wanting to buy a load of plants, wanting to sort out a cupboard, wanting to paint the cupboard, wanting to sell a load of old books... Instead of that chaos I've just done next week's Ocado shop (usually just put 20 bags of cat litter in to hold my space and then do it the day before, but was worried about shortages caused by JM's stupid tweets) & organised baby's outgrown clothes into little capsule wardrobes to donate and put a load of other birthing bits in the car to give to midwives so at least remaining relatively productive??
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Oh god sorry to laugh I know you’re cross it’s your way with words!
I’m so sorry guys I know this is literally insane of me but I can’t believe it, I just need to share my truth 😭 I think the only solution is next time he goes to the dentist to ask them for advice and I know he’ll resist but what if it just gets worse with age! I’ve said do we need to get arm & hammer toothpaste that tastes like salt (why is this!) as I think the mint may agitate his throat hence the constant dry heaving, I’m not even adverse to trying him back on kids toothpaste as surely he wasn’t doing this as a child?!

Also it doesn’t help that I’m livid we had our security system serviced and they’ve charged us £50 for £14 worth of batteries (checked Amazon), next year I’m buying them in advance and asking them to fit them cos I hate stuff like that - I’d sooner they doubled the Labour cost of the service than pull a Jack Monroe on us. The guy was also clearly stoned which is fine if you’re just doing your spreadsheets but he was going up to near roof height on a ladder?! I suppose he knows his limits who am I to judge.

Rants over sorry guys just 😫😫😫😫 please let the vaccine be found soon
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They have a new box that looks amaziiing, just the idea of spending £35 on 6 donuts during a global recession come never ending pandemic is a bit 🥴

Sorry to hear about fraus under stricter lockdown rules. It feels never ending, I’ve written 2021 off now too.

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Sweet Jesus I would pawn a grandparent for a box of these. I’ve had the matcha one (possibly limited edition) and it was bomb.

In my old job I used to be in London a lot for work and I’d just started dating my fella and he LOVES doughnuts and on a very early date I took him a box of 6 (I have no idea how I managed not to eat any: I suppose I was training pretty hard at the time and obv concerned about how I looked naked) but they looked and smelled fucking SUBLIME.

Anyway we’re getting married so thanks, Crosstown.
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