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Mmmmmmmmm, doughnuts 🍩 🍩 🍩 I'll have been sugar free for a month on Sunday, I could happily sink my teeth into a bag of custard ones at the moment.

OKCupid gets the type of people it does partly because back in the day it was the only mainstream dating site that had an option for people looking for poly relationships and word quickly spread that it was the place to go for a decent chance of finding someone who wouldn't vanish when you said 'nonmonogamous relationship'.
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Gutted to have missed the MT drama 🤣

Popping over to say hi to the old (and new) crew. But I'll have to leave again if Brenda's sausages make a reappearance!

I made this pie the other day. As Jack would say "it's the bestest ever rift on a pie ever and I had so many compliments" but honestly it's amazing
Bad as brendas bangers are, that egg lentil thing is way way way way worse 🤮🤢🤮 gross

I was hoping that Nigella would choose Peach and Chickpea Curry or Fish Finger Lasagne as her Food Hell. Jack will be watching them both ..... seething.

that is one scary child😱
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I just went to find them and...

I guess you'll have to join a waiting list for these very exclusive socks... 😜

Do you reckon one of the staff listed it as a joke and got the shock of their life when some muppet (me) actually ordered them ?! 😄

(I love that photo and i hadnt thought about the rugrats for years but now im remembering that edgy conspiracy theory that it was all happening in angelicas coma dream or some nonsense 😄😄😄)

ETA THEY'RE ON NEW LOOK FOR TWO POUNDS Not so exclusive after all :p
You've obviously started a pile on, out of stock!

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oh, I'm so out of touch. I read a novel set mostly in Newcastle recently (boy parts by Eliza Clark - excellent, but grisly) and i got obsessed with a reference to a Tesco on clayton street and I'm like I literally lived on clayton street (20 years ago, somehow 🥴) where is this Tesco?! anyhoo, I've triangulated it now and looking on streetview, man the whole area's completely different from what I remember! good to see the black garter's still there, like
Very weird how the places in your head aren’t the same any more. There’s fuck loads of bypasses, roads that were there aren’t there any more and there’s roundabouts that never were... then teeny little ancient things still are there and the memories come whacking back
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Nearly 3 months bless her 🥰 I need to get over the guilt with leaving her by herself, we’re either cuddling her, watching her sleep, or trying to entertain her which is bad isn’t it, she’s never alone. I need to get over the guilt ASAP as it won’t be good when she’s got to go out into the real world. God speaking of guilt absolutely traumatised I put her in a thick knitted coat type thing yesterday and her thumb got caught in the lining and bent back it was horrifying struggling to free her, she cried, still feel sick to my stomach I did that. She forgot about it in seconds and we’ve been checking the thumb but ☹

Does anyone else watch the bidding room? One of the dealers isn’t half bad 🥴

omg this is so cute! I love the idea of this, thank you, she had this electronic swinging arm which they claim is moveable but you’d have to be the sonic arm like JM to do it! I’ll check if she needs to be a bit older cos I worry about her floppy neck omg
We swore by a sling for those early months, one of the stretchy fabric ones. He was such a fusspot you could never put him down for even a second, so I'd pop him in the sling while making myself a sandwich, sorting the washing, walking the dog etc. I miss those sling cuddles!
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Much love to you @Flumps. I can only echo what others have said. He’s in the best place and they’ll take good care of him. Hope you get some answers soon.
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I'm also going with whitley Bay (Tynemouth has been posh for years, cant ever imagine Blyth or Ashington gentrified, id be pleased to hear Whitley is doing well - when i left north east spanish city was still in a seemingly endless restoration phase)
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chocolate choux

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My held together with string block of flats has paper bag walls and my upstairs neighbour does the disgusting phlegm thing every five mins or so, honest to god. I can never just have silence as I wait for it. He is an alcoholic and has a shit ton of other problems so his health isn’t the best but dear god, I hate him and all who sail in him. Also, our layouts are the same and I hear it in every room, where does it go?

🔺My son has an electric toothbrush and his braces batter a brush head a month.🔺
Neighbour sounds like a nightmare :confused:
Do you buy the unbranded brush heads? They’re so much cheaper if you can find compatible ones
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Chatty Member
Darling Canal scented body lotions / creams any recommendations please? I like Jo Malone scents but am not spending that sort of money

smooches ss
I like the jpg and angel I got in a gift set.I usually just use Johnstone's baby lotion because I still love the smell 🤗
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did they do the impacted one in local or general anasthetic (sorry to everyone who hates the teeth stories) my top ones both are and i am terrified.
About the Very thing, that is crazy, how are things like this not illegal?!
omg my love there is nothing to fear! I went back to work after & went out for a Nando's (hot) that night.
are you not in agony with them impacted at the mo?! This was before my big cancer scare & c section obvs so my first foray into medical things so at this point was not a hardened old boot, but honestly it was absolutely fine they were both top ones too! The worst bit BY FAR was the anxiety beforehand and sweating non stop thinking it was going to be like a horror movie. I was under local, quite enjoyed those injections tbh, and all they do is use like this metal rod to move the tooth back/forth and then it pops out. The noise and the thought of what is happening is a bit bleak if you think about it? Mine actually popped into my mouth so I jolted up for fear of choking and she was like NO NO NO as I think that can cause bleeding. You then sit there with the weird cotton wool thing in your mouth for a bit, do the mouth wash which is impossible as you just dribble it all out, and you're done! I don't understand how some people end up under general, I think that's if there's something to do with the actual jaw bone itself? Or a preference maybe as apparently anaesthetic isn't as risky these days?!

@Mustard Yes I think loads of celebs have been, and they do influencer collabs which freaks me out a bit more. But influencers promote klarna and those other schemes so not surprised, just shit that this stuff is always targeted at women isn't it!
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Thank you ❤ This is really useful. I think my problem is that I dont know what I want. I'll experiment and report back on the process. Even talking to two blokes by text is draining as my memory is awful since the lockdown and I cant remember what Ive told one or the other - I should keep a log!

If all goes well I am speaking to them both on the phone at the weekend as I want to move on from texts to test if I like them. Aww you've all been lovely thank you. I nearly didnt talk to anyone as when I looked at my messages the next day I had some awful ones from men accusing my account being fake and one man calling me a golddigger as I didnt look my age (I do, I am very average looking but had out a nice photo of me on there as thats the point isnt it?).
Look up negging, there will be a lot of that. Also remember it’s a woman’s market, men are desperate and will send anything in an attempt to elicit a response as it’s an in! Block anything sleazy, it’ll get worse I used to get sent messages about BDSM (I’m not a goth or anything??) or asked if I’d sell pics of my feet (was so skint I was tempted).

I don’t know what the app market is like now but there will undoubtedly be some better ones with higher quality men, I know our @crystaleyesd has been on a lockdown date so maybe she can advise? xx
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I love making bread but don't have a bread maker, I just do it the old fashioned way (and pretend I'm on bake off by camping out in front of the oven).
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@Alansbigplate - I'm loving seeing you cook, it's so cool.

@emm - so sorry about your job news, this year just fucking sucks doesn't it?

Flumps house is not good this evening. Sorry for the drama. Took partner back to hospital for appointment today after GP made appointment for him after he talked to her this morning as wasn't getting any better. Getting him there took an hour (for a 10 min journey) because he was in so much pain. Could barely talk to doctor he saw in clinic (extended GP service). His BP and heart rate were insane. Got sent straight back to A&E for more tests/bloods/possible IV for pain and hydration. I've had to leave him there, as can't go in, so no idea if he has any of those things yet. He is the most stoic person I know and he could barely speak for the pain, and was almost in tears (never seen him cry before) from it too. I'm home now, and just waiting. Am a bit worried now, though maybe I am just not used to seeing him like this, and feeling a bit alone. Hah, woe is me right? He's the one really suffering here.

ETA: what is everyone up to this evening? Feel like I need some normal life distraction if y'all(!) don't mind.
So sorry @Flumps it must be so frustrating seeing him in pain and not being able to be with him xx
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He's feeling a lot better than yesterday. Markers are down again. He's just been talking to me about work, went to his management meeting this morning <eyeroll emoji>, and is sending emails apparently. For the first time he asked the docs this morning about plans and when he'd be getting out, from the sounds of things it's likely to be towards the end of the week.

I'm working today, which is hard because I'm shattered, but useful to have a bit of a focus. We've decided I am not going to see him today, 3 hour round trip to do it from where I am now, as teen is back at school. I feel dreadful about that, which is daft as we normally go all week without seeing each other anyway, but it seems different in these times. I'm probably going up tomorrow to visit him and the cats. Hopefully have a massive food order coming tomorrow to batch cook a load of stuff later in the week.

Thank you for asking sweetie. I am so grateful to you all for the last week or so and giving me a space to vent while I try and look all serene to everyone else.
This is all really lovely and positive! With work it’s good you’re going to get a bit of structure but remember if they only get 50% of you, that’s still something to be proud of, we’re not robots and we can’t operate at 100% all the time, especially during a pandemic and especially with an unwell loved one! Hope things start looking better ❤ (Also super behind so not ignoring other posts just gonna post this then grunk) x
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Guacamole lovers - Waitrose is doing an offer on Holy Moly until 1 December. Two for £3.50. An absolute bargain.
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