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Morning all. I'm ok. I went to bed like a sensible person and just as I was drifting off to sleep, partner rang me and we had a very brief chat (which was so good, just to hear him), but it woke me up all over again and I didn't sleep brilliantly afterwards. He'd got worse all through the afternoon, doctors were eventually called and I think some major pain relief given because he was a bit all over the place. Spoken again this morning, he's a bit better, but very, very down. I think all the pain he went through at the weekend completely wiped him out and he's just terrified when it comes back, even if it's not the same. He just sounds low on resources and like he's not coping well. Not sure if I will see him today, I want to, but I also want him more to just rest, rest, rest. We'll see how he goes. I am cleaning house like a madwoman, though just spoke to estate agent and sounds like the person may cancel the viewing because 'weather is bad'. I know they have no idea what is going on in my life, but I am a bit eye-rolly at that excuse as I've managed to get back here to get it sorted. Still, once it's clean I can leave it and if they get other viewings I don't have to worry about dashing back over the next few days.

Essay, sorry, also, very sad about my daughter. She's opting to stay with grandparents/aunt, because it's more fun than hanging out with me. I don't mind that at all, and I'm v grateful to my family for having her, and I don't think children should be emotional crutches for their parents, so if she can be off having a nice time atm I'm all for it. However, spoke to her earlier and she gave me a truck load of shit about not being able to tell her what's happening, and how I'm messing up some of her plans (though I'm not, if she arranges to see friends, my mum has already agreed to be her taxi service, I didn't get a chance to explain that to her). I don't want her to think she is bottom of my list, because she isn't, but it's like her head is completely full of her own stuff and like she thinks I don't care about her because my priority is temporarily elsewhere (and I know it's complicated because my partner is not her dad), though I am trying my best by proxy to make sure she's as undisturbed by this as possible. She is inflexible, naturally, but now I am worried I am being a dick to her, when I am really just trying to do my best.

God. I am whinging. I am so so sorry.
Gosh you’re really going through it, and on top of you not being on top form for a while either. Kids are just full of their own priorities they can’t help it but don’t think you’re doing her a disservice by not leaping to her every whim ok? 🥰 hugs x

Ah lads, I need to sound off and let the anxiety and racey head clear. I have my second interview today, to meet the other women on the team & see if we gel. The job is a 2yr apprenticeship so long term, its a great opportunity. I'm having proper second thoughts. Its a huge change. Im not sure I should have thrown myself at something full time after being a SAHM for 5 years. I'm thinking I should have stayed with part-time roles. Ive seen a couple jobs with better timings, that would allow me to get the kids in the afternoon and still do homework/dinner with them. 😬 The OH is now unemployed (enough payout to cover us for 4/5 months if needed to), so I also feel more pressure to just go for anything. Ideally, itd be him FT and me PT.. but thats life innit. 🤯🤯🤯
Ahh it’s natural what a huge commitment and change but also what a huge opportunity! If it didn’t work out, you can always walk away x
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Jay-cloth Cow

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Thank you all so much. Sorry not to do individual thanks. I have got him back now. Not appendix, that was my guess too. I shan’t go into details for the sake of the poor man’s privacy, but v painful but not life threatening thing, follow up necessary and poss lifestyle changes. I feel very relieved, he feels terribly guilty for worrying me and bothering health people. Now he’s napping on the sofa next to me and I’m busy pretending that I have been FINE all along.
Thank you again. Sorry to go quiet after asking for support, but had to do work thing, then pick him up, then attempt to be nurse like.
Glad he's home and resting, much love to the Flumps ❤
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Darling Canal scented body lotions / creams any recommendations please? I like Jo Malone scents but am not spending that sort of money

smooches ss
I like Liz Earle and it’s a bit pricier but Elemis do some nice ones (look on QVC they do easy pays)
Pleased your partner is ok @Flumps
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Take care @Flumps. Must be really hard not being able to go in but hopefully they’ll update you soon. Hope he’s home and on the mend before long xx
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Omg drop the #afflink please?! Just went on amazon and couldn’t find them, or have you copped the only pair in the country?!

Entirely irrelevant but it made me lol

View attachment 286428
I just went to find them and...

I guess you'll have to join a waiting list for these very exclusive socks... 😜

Do you reckon one of the staff listed it as a joke and got the shock of their life when some muppet (me) actually ordered them ?! 😄

(I love that photo and i hadnt thought about the rugrats for years but now im remembering that edgy conspiracy theory that it was all happening in angelicas coma dream or some nonsense 😄😄😄)

ETA THEY'RE ON NEW LOOK FOR TWO POUNDS Not so exclusive after all :p
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Well-known member
They are doing take away at the moment so I might get this delivered later. Its honestly the most gorgeous thing ever with the roasted flavour and the texture of the nuts.
and that green sauce. I’d struggle not to order a Bakchich and a Mowgli whilst the driver was on Bold St though.
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Chatty Member
As awful as we all find it at times.. Get your daughter and her chums to play loud music on their phones as they walk.
Not obnoxiously loud, just 'noticeably' loud.
People notice that. Even if it's just to tut or look out of a window.
The people who could possibly be up to no good with young people walking home, don't want noticeable.

And pumpkins? Did anyone else not get a Swede as a kid?
You genuinely had to be Michelangelo or Barbara Hepworth to get anything out of them!
Hammers and chisels were needed!
The smell of a candle burning the turnip was truly disgusting! I do remember having lots of fun making Halloween costumes from binbags in the 70s.
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@Veronicaaa and @Oofadoofa - I tend to get a craving for broccoli when my diet has been a bit shitty for a week or so. I assume it's my body yelling at me for something green and nutritious. Am a bit jealous of your pasta, pasta with broccoli, chilli, garlic and anchovies is one of my favourite dinners.

I woke up with a craving for good pizza though. I am all about the comforting carbs right now. Decided there must have been more improvements with MrF overnight as he used the word 'contretemps' in a text this morning. I'm just trying to get myself into a being busy frame of mind, but am so achy in my hands and knees and fuzzy headed that I'm struggling to get going.

Hah. Love the thought that now you're just testing the boundaries. We got away with 'Willies and mash', will we get away with 'Dicks and donuts'?
Sorry if I have missed it, but did your viewers turn up after your frantic tidying? Or did they cancel?
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God I'm living for this North East chat. Soz soft southerners 💁‍♀️

oh, I'm so out of touch. I read a novel set mostly in Newcastle recently (boy parts by Eliza Clark - excellent, but grisly) and i got obsessed with a reference to a Tesco on clayton street and I'm like I literally lived on clayton street (20 years ago, somehow 🥴) where is this Tesco?! anyhoo, I've triangulated it now and looking on streetview, man the whole area's completely different from what I remember! good to see the black garter's still there, like
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Hello frauen I have been very inactive on the last thread but thought a lovely brand spanking new one would be a good time to drop in again! Congratulations on getting through to the second round @Begborrowsteal !

Does anyone have any good recommendations for vegetarian mince that don't involve grating a mushroom? I usually use quorn but its really been upsetting my stomach of late (although maybe that's just the mushroom soup 👀).
I loooooove this stuff - I've never used it for anything like a bolognese but it's delicious for things like veggie dan dan noodles (swap out the paprika for five spice) and tacos/burritos. Half a head of cauliflower makes a huge batch too, and it keeps for ages. Although yes, it does involve mushrooms but you can just food process them if you have one - probably the reason I haven't made it for ages is cos I moved out of the flat with the Magimix (not found at a charity shop) 😫.
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I’ve never heard of butter beer - where is it made? Wonder if it’s like root beer, which I’ve adored from childhood.
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Finally did my food shopping today and got our meat delivered. Been eating junk, so im excited for veg! Making a mutton curry tonight 😋
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Thank you. Managed to have a small nap (no dinosaur snores or whatever twat face aka JM calls it) and then dragged it out further by cleaning the bathroom!

We’re having cottage pie after being influenced by @Alansbigplate. The other half cooked the potatoes-fml he boiled them to within an inch of their life and they looked like some sort of MT slop offering when drained. Hoping I’ve managed to rescue them by heating up the drained slop to ‘cook off’ some of the liquid.

ETA pic of rescued mash - the top is hiding the slight sloppy nature of the mash.
View attachment 287593
Nom! Looks lush god I love creamy mash, we had more of ours for lunch
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Yes, I’m so glad you enjoyed it too!

I just remembered I snapped a photo before I ate mine Wednesday. Yours shows off more of the chicken, mines hiding under the courgette somewhere!
View attachment 285527
There was a shed load of courgette! I could probably have done with less and some mushroom instead but I’ve enjoyed it also I don’t have a little grater wotsit for the lime so just squeezed it in
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