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This is a long-shot but does anyone remember a children’s book (maybe from the 50s or 60s?) where a little girl had a treasure box?

It was filled with things like a tiny music box, a little kaleidoscope, shiny buttons, maybe a little doll? It was so cute! I remember loving all the details as a kid. I can’t even remember if the treasure box was the main story or just part of it.
Is this going to be another “crunchy bar that begins with “b”, is yellow and was made from corn” Sidey B?

Because if so am totally up for it!

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Jay-cloth Cow

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Just wanted to give a quick update on my friend situ you were all so kind and helpful about last week (seriously thank you so much). I was away for the weekend but had a mull over in my head - I ended up texting her OH and just basically said hoped I wasn't overstepping the mark but I was worried as she seemed off when I saw her and haven't heard since (still haven't) so if there's anything she (or he) needs, to please let me know and I will do anything I can to help. Only sent last night so will see what he says.

On another, lighter note, I was at a wedding, sat by a lovely couple. Got onto the convo of wedding rings, fraus I absolutely 🦉🍾 when the husband said 'I have a rubber wedding ring I wear most of the time because of my job'. 'What job is that?' I asked. 'I'm a tree surgeon' 🤣🤣

Sadly as lovely as he was, he did not fit what I now know to be the stereotype!

Me again! Been googling but getting conflicting information, either it's great or the worst thing ever and can kill them - as just mentioned in the MT my poor pup is struggling with the heat. Has anyone given ice cubes to their dog to crunch in hot weather? I think pup would love it but probably similar to when you google illness symptoms and are immediately diagnosed as terminal there are pages saying it can be dangerous. She has a frozen carrot she is chowing down on (vet said they are good for teething) but thinking of later when it's even hotter...any thoughts? Maybe pop a couple of cubes in her water rather than give her them as a snack?
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Jay-cloth Cow

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Thank you @heretoreaditall2019 and @Wooh for taking the time to be so caring and insightful - given me a lot to think about for sure. I'll have a proper think and try and sort through the options in my head. You really are wonderful ninnies xx
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Lads I almost forgot to celebrate Sideboard Cat's seven year adoptaversary! I can't remember which photo I shared before of her when she was a kitten so you might be getting recycled material. I think she was 12 weeks old here? How was that seven years ago (obviously I know how, relentless linear passage of time etc.)

View attachment 1402019
What a cutie!

I managed to get interviews for both jobs I applied for, please send good luckeroos for next week please 🤞
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you're all so lovely

insert *bernard cribbins as wilf in dr who* gif 😭

I got round to ignoring jack's shit and doing my packing! can't wait to see the four cats (and pa kcc, I suppose) up in the proper north.

if anyone else is watching the tennis, doesn't this tim van rijhoven look like a young rob beckett?
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Here's the smol idiot, cooking herself like a potato. At least she's had the sense to go to sleep under the table now so she's getting some cool air from the fan. She's never attempted to eat Cornettos or Magnums @Hollaaa maybe because they're the vegan version? Although that's never stopped her drinking oat milk when I'm not looking. I really fancy one now but Sainsbury's is a 25 minute walk away and I'm SO TIRED. Send Cornetto-os.

smol idiot.jpg
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My eyes are watering so much since Sideboard Cat came back. That must be what it is. And pollen. Lots of pollen that I don't normally react to. Has there ever been a lovelier canal? No, now get to absolute fuck.
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I really am in awe of gym Frau. I come from a very sporty family- I have newspaper clippings of my great grandfather swimming in the St Lawrence river in Montreal. Father played for the Montreal Canadiens hockey reserves. Mum was a swimming instructor, brothers play footy and cricket yet I am a dedicated bookworm/gentle walker. If I wasn't a carbon copy of my mum I'd swear I was adopted.
Anyhoo, it's a gorgeous winter day here, I'm going to drop some pasta off at the street food bank and go look at some ducks.
Fingers and eyes crossed for the Canal job seekers. Blessed be ♥
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Spot on 😂 my wife showed me a video of him last night, we bought them one of those flappy battery powered fish you can get and while the others loved it he's just there backing away slowly and meeping at it. I think Ragdolls are barely cats though I love him dearly
Oh, bless. Susan screams at the ceiling and will smell the walls sometimes. I would love to swap lives with her.
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Chatty Member
Hello all! I survived my first ever camping trip and the OH (etc) and I still like each other. Can't face the MT grunk rn, though I've been trying. Assume Jack's still a massive knobend?
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Oz is my favourite place I've ever been to - I cried on the plane home cos I didn't want to leave 🤣 was only there for 2 weeks so did Melbourne, Phillip Island, Great Ocean Road and Sydney, but would love to go back and see more. I actually had a job interview in Melbourne (stayed with friends, one of whom was my boss in a previous life and he put me forward without telling me 🤣) so I could have been an honorary Aussie frau!!

Mr C broke my heart today! I was in the office and he was WFH, he sent me this - that door is my office where I WFH, he always works from the dining room - pup apparently kept going to the door, scratching at it and whining 😭
This is Maisie when I left for work today 😢😢😢


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Thinking of you, dear Hotes ♥

I completely agree with the ninnies that there's too much pressure on relationships as a panacea for all of life's woes.

Embarrassingly I fell in love with Mr Owl from pretty much the get-go because he was all strong and silent, and I thought he was terribly mysterious. He's definitely mysterious even now, but I don't know if it's all that romantic 🥴

Really depressing me-rail but when we were in marriage counselling, one of the big things I had to confront was the fact I was holding onto a lot of resentment about the things I thought I'd missed out on because we got married so young. It wasn't so much wishing I had been single, because that would mean wishing away my children and the man I love despite/because of his idiosyncracies. It was more coming to terms with a type of life no longer being an option for me because of my own choices, and needing to accept that as my thing to deal with.
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A glorious day here, so I have dry sheep and could get them marked with my flock mark this morning and back out on the hill :)
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Chatty Member
morning Fraus, just wondered if anyone had any advice - looked to see if there was a thread on this kind of thing anywhere but couldn't find one. Am worried about a friend right now - went to her house earlier in the week to see if she had a dress I could borrow for a wedding this weekend, she seemed out of sorts, when I was looking in her wardrobe I found 6 empty vodka bottles hidden in there. I questioned it, she broke down and told me she's secretly drinking at least half a bottle a day, and is taking cocaine to try and seem sober in front of people. She told me I was under no circumstances allowed to tell anyone especially her OH, that she's just going through a rough patch at work and it's helping her cope. Since then she won't reply to any of my messages. I'm really worried and am considering calling her OH to tell him - tbh I'd rather her not speak to me than continue doing this but also I know people need to want to stop to be able to. Had a look online and am considering calling al anon for advice. Would that be too pushy? I want to help but don't know how, or how much would be an acceptable level of involvement. It's so hard!

Sorry for bringing the mood down, hope everyone is doing ok xx
I can't offer any insight here, I think @heretoreaditall2019 and @Rekyavikgirl might be the best women to give you some advice but just wanted to send huge hugs, it's a hell of a position to be in and I'm so sorry you have this decision to make.

PS I've grunked but cannot find who it is that's dealing with an inquest. I have a friend currently going through similar (I don't think you're the same person!) and I know how hard it can be. Sending sparkly vibes to you too, just know this internet stranger is thinking of you xX
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Sideboard Bob

VIP Member
Oh hi.

Today was my nephew's 30th birthday, except that he died last year, just before his 29th.

So I've been on a scientifically calculated mind numbing but still going to work programme Wed night till now to avoid that hurt.

Normal systems of responsibility returning tomorrow.

~It will all be okay some time, probably soon~
Oh Wooh, I’m so so sorry. I don’t even know what to say, just please know we’re all thinking of you ❤
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Congrats @Jay-cloth Cow what wonderful news! Don't worry, my bot and I have taken care of your wedding breakfast menu.

jcc's wedding breakfast.png

We have very similar views on and trajectories with exercise @colouredlines. I ran casually for a couple of years before the lights went very violently OFF and it became physically impossible. I never took it up again because I didn't enjoy it, I just felt like I should be doing it. If you'd told my younger self that I'd be going to the gym four times a week for fun and have kept it up for several years I'd have hooted up a lung.
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