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Thank you. ❤ It’s just been a weird few days, exacerbated by the MT. It is also difficult to express oneself without hurting or annoying others- I don’t want to always come across as the “naive one” or the one who continually bangs the same drum.

(Hotes, thinking of you and Traumy S-piddly weights came into the shop- it’s like we are selling stuff for you, obviously not the piddly bit, I mean the weights!)
I really like your posts. I find them very thoughtfully put across and insightful. Also bang on side splitting funny - don’t stop.

I guess what I’m trying to say is ~thankyou for all that you do~ 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

Thank you. ❤ It’s just been a weird few days, exacerbated by the MT. It is also difficult to express oneself without hurting or annoying others- I don’t want to always come across as the “naive one” or the one who continually bangs the same drum.

(Hotes, thinking of you and Traumy S-piddly weights came into the shop- it’s like we are selling stuff for you, obviously not the piddly bit, I mean the weights!)
I really like your posts. I find them very thoughtfully put across and insightful. Also bang on side splitting funny - don’t stop.

I guess what I’m trying to say is ~thankyou for all that you do~ 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

I really like your posts. I find them very thoughtfully put across and insightful. Also bang on side splitting funny - don’t stop.

I guess what I’m trying to say is ~thankyou for all that you do~ 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

I really like your posts. I find them very thoughtfully put across and insightful. Also bang on side splitting funny - don’t stop.

I guess what I’m trying to say is ~thankyou for all that you do~ 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Oh chaos!
So good I said it twice
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No such thing as cat spam, especially when it's sweetie Side Cat. She has true personal cat beauty and elegance.
I have nothing but love for Susan but she really doesn't have an ounce of grace or mystery about her like TS Junior does.
Hard agree. You can’t have too many cat pics.
Every time I think of my cat he shows up yelling about something or other. I’d like to think he’s psychic but more likely it’s because I think of nothing else. Stopped clock is right twice a day kinda thing.
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At the moment it’s tea time so they’re both hanging about. No psychic vibes required where food is involved.
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Get well soon @Toffee finger have you tried a kipper, or maybe going on a yomping tour of your local chippers?

I'd never be able to resist Tunnel Dog's eyes :love: My mum experienced the same thing with Sideboard Cat who has come home very spoiled and looking a bit chonkier than when she left.

Has anyone seen Thomasina Miers' most recent book Meat-Free Mexican? It looks good, I might take a trip to this quaint smol independent book shop called Waterstones tomorrow.
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You can join me and Sidey B ( ❤ to you, you most mithering of ninnies) in the sideboard corner @busylass but everyone has to promise they won't sit on me or fill me with off-season crockery 😰
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Sending upside down huggos to Lady Hotes. You'd think life gets easier as we go along but it sometimes doesn't. Susan sends big paws. ♥
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It's really foggy in the outer East this morning. Not quite Victorian London pea-souper but still cold and damp.
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Thinking of you Hotes ♥

I hope everything goes well @Vanelope

Big congratulations @Jay-cloth Cow

I wish I could find an activity for my daughter. She can't swim. It took me years of paying for swimming lessons before I realised, like my grandad, and indeed Jack, she can't float *wtf* She can't ride a bike either. I'd say she can walk, but she did once forget she had two legs whilst standing on one leg, and fell over and bust her knee open ...Children!
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You all need to move north, we're 'only' topping out at 27C on Tuesday and Monday is forecast 15C most of the day rising to 18C late afternoon - I shall believe it when I feel it.

Poor Senior Horse has to have a blood test done on Monday.
I was hoping we could put it off while I attempt to train him to tolerate needles, as about five vets from our practice will attest to the fact that it is very, very difficult/impossible to inject him with anything, but I got the weight tape out on Thursday night and promptly called them first thing Friday morning, he's now 35kg under the lowest weight I consider a 'good' weight for him. I'm pretty sure it's Cushing's disease, he's 27, I can't keep weight on him, his top line (the muscle over his back and his bum) has just vanished, atwand ever since he hurt his tendons twatting about with Junior Horse he's been a bit down and lethargic, which is also a symptom, though his legs are just fine (walked him out today to make sure).

The good thing is that if I'm right, he can go on a once-a-day tablet that works for about 80% of horses and ponies with it and at just over £1 a day it won't bankrupt me either (gives the Pony, who had gastric ulcers, a Hard Stare). And we've spent three days working very hard on needle training using positive reinforcement methods - I've been getting him to put his nose on a traffic cone, doing things at various levels of unpleasantness to his neck, marking a lack of reaction with a click and then rewarding him massively. So we've worked our way up from stroking his neck through pinching the skin, prodding him with the blunt end and the sharp end of a biro, prodding him with a cocktail stick, and today I boiled up some old needles I had from sheep injections that had only been used once so were still sharp and he let me put a needle in with very little reaction (he got a whole carrot for that one).
I don't know whether it's the training or whether it's just he's feeling rubbish, probably a bit of both, but tomorrow my horsey neighbour is going to come over and pretend to be a vet and do the same thing and then fingers crossed he won't flatten anyone when the blood draw is done on Monday morning. Just very glad they don't seem to have the film crew around at the moment - my practice is the one with the Channel 5 TV show.
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Happy birthday, ST!

Just back from a wedding, since they're Mr F's friends I've come home to walk dogs and sort livestock and he has an Airbnb booked and is partying on for the rest of the night :) Epic amount of kilt-wearing men about :)

My brother worked for Leo Burnett and McCann Erickson in his 20s and 30s and was there through most of the events the novel e by Matt Beaumont is based on. Insane industry.
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I’ve been to a Royal show 🔺 and saw lots of sheepos….amongst other animalos.

Apologies @Falkor I wasn’t paying a lot of attention to breeds but this one made me think of Badger:

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Then there was this sheep….I’m really sorry but it made me think of a cow in terms of its head 🐮🐑

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There were so many breeds/varieties of sheep:

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This one made me think of the sheep from the Usbourne books Farmyard Tales:
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The picture does not do justice as to how much of a unit this sheep was.
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I love these sheep - behind are some (sorry photo doesn’t show how much) that are so yellow in colour.
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I love the fringes on these two!
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Also pigs…..can we add pigs into the fold? Little Beds imaginatively named this one ‘Grunty’
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There is actually a breed of sheep called the Badger Face Welsh Mountain, where the badger gene has been selectively bred in :) but I think the one in your picture might be a Hampshire Down sheep. The one you think looks like a cow (and I agree, they're ugly buggers) is a Texel, they originally come from the island of Texel in the Netherlands, but are a hugely popular commercial sheep in the UK because they grow very quickly and are so muscled that you get a very lean carcass. My neighbour has them, but because of the head shape they can have problems lambing without help, especially if you're crossing them with something else.

The yellow colour is hair dye :) Not quite literally, but you can buy something called bloom, it's a powder that comes in various different shades of pale yellow through to brown, you mix it with water and spray tan your sheep for showing or sale.
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still need to catch up here ❤ to anyone who needs it

if, like me, anyone else misses the old real cheese niknaks from our childhoods,
these are pretty close
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I always appreciate your posts @Into_the_tunnel and you are articulate & polite.

I have learnt a lot from the threads, and am still learning more. It's hard sometimes to get over a good point, but so many of you manage it. I like to think it's made me more empathetic and more rounded in my views.

I have sporadically looked at other threads, and wow, some posters are really strong with opinions or often downright rude. I've only ever posted on this and the MT for fear of attack!

And please, more Tunnel Dog! I love her hair so much, she can rock any style. I really do enjoy seeing all the pets - although I will admit I like mammals and have mild reptile phobias...
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lovely frau and herr , do you like comedy ? Do you like supporting ( non Jack affiliated ) food banks ? Do you like staying in and watching other people staying in ? Then it may interest you to know that AlwaysBeComedy are doing an zoom comedy show in aid of a Bromley based food bank on July 19th. It cost £5, and lasts just over an hour , and the line up is Nish Kumar and Marcus Brigstocke, with Alex Horne setting and judging a taskmaster task for the audience .

I’ve “ been” to a few of the ABC gigs, and although they are a bit rough and ready compared to the more professional Next Up ones - it’s literally the comics sitting in their house doing their set on zoom just like during lockdown, as opposed to a livestream from a venue- they have their own charm .
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Half the promised KCC cats! What a blessed day. Both perfect beauties obvs.

We weren't awake in time for your interview but Sideboard Cat is screaming good vibes into the void for you @Kittypops

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I was finally able to lift some weights for the first time in at least six weeks today. I didn't want to be violently ill during or afterwards which is a vast improvement but I am unsurprisingly very weak. Trying not to be too upset about it as I've barely eaten, slept or moved for the past few weeks so I'm obviously going to have lost strength. Tomorrow I'm going to see where my squat and deadlift are but I think I'd rather not know and just become a gym bro who only trains chest and arms.
Yay! I hope you enjoyed it Traumy S, even if you did feel weak. Softly softly catchy gym.......monkey.....and all that. That's always the hardest bit for my head too. I get all sulky about it. Like 'I used to be able to do this easily!!'. That was me after lockdown. I also sat on my bum for most of it and became 80% cake so I don't know why I was surprised 😂

The one good thing is (and I know you know this) your body remembers very quickly and you will get back to it much easier than someone who has never lifted before.

Six weeks isn't too long in the grand scheme of things. Don't be too hard on yourself 😊
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It's my birthday soon, I usually get a book from my husband so I'll show him this and ask him to buy it for me.
I just checked and it's definitely affordable. Yay!
Couldn’t work out how to do it as a pre pay book for you to download , so hopefully this works ❤
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