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To all the UK Frauen struggling with the heat, welcome to my world! I can barely do yoga in summer, I sweat so much that I can't hold poses because my limbs get all slippy. 🥵 Two years ago was a nightmare, we were legally obliged to wear masks EVERYWHERE, indoors & out. They even tried to enforce masks on the beach at one point. I never really knew upper lip sweat was such a thing until then, you know?

I think it's often harder in countries like the UK when there's a heatwave because none of your buildings/infrastructure are designed for it. I remember getting the train in England during a heatwave many years ago, and it was just horrendous (no shins were kicked though).
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Sideboard Bob

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Sorry for chatting about this so much. It’s so warm this is all I can think about!

But if anyone’s interested, here‘s a link to the images released today from the James Web Space telescope. There’s some cool features where you can zoom in on the images, which is worth doing since they‘re so detailed.

This telescope is such a game-changer for our knowledge of the whole universe. It’s sending images from stars and galaxies as they were seen billions of years ago! It will help us understand what happened just after the Big Bang, as well as so many other cool things.

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Big hugs. Been there, it sucks, but you can get past it. I was sick for more than half my life. Now I honestly can't remember the last time I slipped up and binged/purged, and that's an amazing feeling.

Recovery is fundamentally an inside job. If you're struggling with intrinsic motivations, it can help to make a list of ways your life will tangibly improve when (not if, when) you are better. This varies so much depending on your lifestyle, the nature of your ED etc, but for me it was things like I will be able to go out for dinner or go away for a weekend with friends without getting anxious about food; I will have more free time to spend on hobbies because I won't be bingeing; I will have more money at the end of the month; I won't pass out from electrolyte imbalance under fluorescent lights and spend the night in hospital again. It can take a while to think of things, but they are there, I'm sure of it.

I found in recovery that if I felt triggered, it was very important to acknowledge that and identify what was triggering me...then if I could, go off and do something distracting/productive (usually go for a walk), and if I couldn't, at least take it as a learning opportunity - OK so today I slipped, how do I avoid that next time?

If you need to take time off from reading the Jack threads, do. I think a lot of us find ourselves needing a break from time to time.
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Sideboard Bob

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Saw this today and it really resonated. “It’s ok to not want to deal sometimes”.


I got a 2:1 today and have been put forward to join the NMC register. Fraus, I’m a real nurse 🥰
Omg congratulations! 🥳 Delighted for you, we know how hard you’ve worked for this!
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Bit weird to share it with ninnies but I have a referral to a clinic next week and am having a moment about it. Sure it’s precautionary and probably nothing but keep feeling a bit
My mum is a long-distance runner, and my dad was a big rugby player until a certain age, but I didn't do any sport until I was 30. Went for a run on a whim one day, couldn't even manage 1km, and felt so embarrassed that I started a Couch to 5K programme the next day.

I ran for a couple of years until I injured my knee in a half-marathon, but I never really enjoyed it - I just liked the feeling of having finished. When I got into yoga, something clicked - I love that a good yoga programme combines cardio, strength, and flexibility, and I'm so happy whenever I feel myself making progress.

I hike a lot too, and I love it so much, but summer here is not the best time. Speaking of which, our mosquitos seem to have evolved this year, the plug-in does nothing... 😖
Oh no! I am holidaying in Spain 🇪🇸 soon and I thought I might have gone overboard with the anti mosquito stuff but maybe I haven’t…
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Sideboard Bob

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Thank you lovely ninnies for being so sweet ❤

I can’t stop laughing at this, I hope some of you find it funny too.

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I wanted to talk about this on the MT but then thought it was too off topic and a bit me-raily. But I wish people realised that it can actually be nice being single. And sometimes just talking time to not be with anyone is a really positive thing.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m so happy for everyone I know in happy relationships, it‘s a beautiful thing. But I’ve been single for a couple of years now, and I’m ok with it. Also my head isn’t in the right place just now.

Sorry, I don’t know where I’m going with this, it’s just really dawned on me that “society” thinks if you’re not in a relationship, you must be looking for one, but that’s always the case.
No apology needed. You always express yourself so well. ❤

I think that pairs well with the phrase “you’ll find love when you least expect it”.

Why do you need to “find love”? Who says? Everyone navigates life differently. Some people are with one person for 50 odd years. Some people are with one person for a while, that relationship ends for whatever reason and then they are fine being on their own. Others are always on their own, others are sometimes with people, sometimes not. Why does it matter?

The MT tonight has left a horrid feeling, and then sadness from Instagram means it is just an odd night. I don’t know why it is horrid. Not ick, just horrid.
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Even on the Sali Hughes threads people who have put all that shit on their face get bored with it, then give up and just wash it with a wet flannel in the end. It’s all marketing palaver.
Although I do have a quartz roller because it feels lovely on your face (or on your feet on a hot day)
My relative isn’t going to pull through. I said goodbyes and got home for a rest, as I’ll need to be back in a few weeks for the funeral. I’ll probably be having a grunk, but if you don’t see me around, that’s why.
I am so sorry for you and your family. Sending hugs Hotes. Come back when you are ready. We will be here when you need us xxx
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You're right dear heart @Emmapism you've made me feel better about it thank you x I can still bash out a few pull-ups so it could be worse. The fact that I even want to do anything at all is positive in itself and I'm really glad that I have all the equipment I need at home so I don't have to face the gym yet. I will be going tomorrow with my mum but I'm training myself at home first then will train her so all I have to do is stand about in gymwear saying KEEP YOUR CHEST UP FFS. My plan is to go on a mad bulk to put back on all the weight I lost so the 80% cake body composition sounds ideal.
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Chatty Member
Belated happy birthdays, Sweety T and MistyWindows. I don't think it sounds privileged at all to be sad about losing a pet, grief is grief and they really are like part of the family, especially when you've had them for so long.

jordishaw, your post about the candle from the other day made me well up a bit, and I'm not normally an emotional person at all. What a beautiful way to express your feelings and I'm so sorry for your loss ♥

I've been incredibly fortunate in that so far in my life I haven't lost anyone I loved before their time, so to speak, though it's been a close call on a few occasions. It's not something I take for granted and knowing it's a possibility is a perpetual fear in the back of my mind. I'm forever telling people how much I love them to the point where I probably sound mildly unhinged, but I'd so much rather be sure that they know, than try to play it cool and risk ever having to live with the regret.

I had a lovely day yesterday - some very good friends who I haven't seen for years as they live abroad turned up unexpectedly and took me out for a pub tea, then we came back to mine and chilled with coffee and just chatted for ages, and it felt like we hadn't spent any time apart. I totally adore them both - they're just the coolest people, and years ago they helped me turn my life around when I was in a really dark place, so I feel massively indebted to them (although if they heard me say that they'd tell me not to be daft!) It was the perfect way to end five days of not being able to see anyone.
View attachment 1382611
I feel so guilty washing the dog. He makes a half hearted attempt to run away when he sees the lead (arthritis) but then just gives in. The look of absolute defeated resignation on his face is both sad and hilarious. Here's him in his favourite place instead, his pile of cushions (there's three more out of shot)
A former housemate had a Maine Coon and we had to shower him once when he got fleas. He was NOT happy 😂 The results were hilarious - with all the floof flattened down he looked like an almost normal-sized cat stuck on top of reeeeally long stilts!
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I had decided I wasn't going to go to running club tonight, but then my friend texted me and asked if I was I went after all! whilst it was a very slow and hot 5k, I'm glad I did it. Trying a new skin class tomorrow and fully expecting to hate it. Boring update over 😁
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Ah man this same mouse tragedy happened to me. I had caught 4/5 mice in my traps and sent them off to live out their days at the church. Weeks went by and no sign of any more, so I collected up the traps. Few days later I remembered there was one I hadn't retrieved, found a mouse inside that had passed away. I felt absolutely awful and I cried! 😑
We got mice when I was a little kid.

My dad was trying to locate and fix any holes one night, I was holding the torch for him. A mouse came shooting out of the back of the kitchen unit and fraus, I kid you not, that little bastard ran straight up my pj trouser leg. Nightmare fuel. Dad, quick as a flash, then pulled my trousers down and the mouse jumped out. (We always used humane traps and I always cried that we couldn't keep any as pets.)

So dear readers, Orphy-B's top tip? Tuck your trouser legs into your socks. A mousie up your legs haunts you for life. Hickory, dickory, dock, indeed.
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View attachment 1382611
I feel so guilty washing the dog. He makes a half hearted attempt to run away when he sees the lead (arthritis) but then just gives in. The look of absolute defeated resignation on his face is both sad and hilarious. Here's him in his favourite place instead, his pile of cushions (there's three more out of shot)
I see these videos on the internet with dogs loving their life when they are being washed and wonder where it all went wrong. He is beautiful though. Floppy ears of love.

( I got into a humdinger on another thread yesterday. Got told I was virtue signalling, was lying when I said I did psychology as a career and they signed off with- after looking at my posting history- implying I couldn’t do anything else because I was on here too much. Deleted now obviously 🥺)

Toffee Finger - is your covid improving?
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