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Chatty Member
@Switchstreetz I've never been in a relationship either :) Mostly I think because I'm more sexually attracted to women but more romantically attracted to men, which means there's never been one person I've felt the desire to spend the rest of my life with. Maybe there's someone out there who'll tick all the boxes one day, or maybe not, and I'm happy in either case!

I'd quite like to have more casual hookups, but I wouldn't feel safe with a man I didn't know and it doesn't really seem to be a big thing among lesbian and bi women. Recently I've wondered about being the 'unicorn' for couples who want a threesome, but everyone I know who's had one says it's dead awkward, so idk.
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Thinking of you and your family, Hotes x

I don't wear make up at all, so my skincare regime consists of a thick layer of old-fashioned Nivea blue pot slapped on first thing before I walk the dogs and that's it. Not too wrinkly yet, at 46, though I expect a dermatologist would be horrified at the state of it.

Had a message from my neighbour to say the shearers are coming to our village tomorrow afternoon, so as soon as I finish work I have to go and find the ladies and persuade them to come back in off the hill.
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Awww, look at that face! Why do dogs have such manipulative eyes? And the mop. The mop gets me every time.
That mop prevents me doing anything other than cuddling her most of the time. She’s just stolen my my handkerchief* and is twirling it around her head.

* I know this sounds posh but I get fed up with sneezing into tissues.
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I will also anticipate facturday, so as (cat people )a lot of us probably know, cats don't miaow at each other, they use non verbal things, they do growl/hiss etc but not miaow. Cats have learned to miaow on a pitch that is at the same pitch as a baby's cry, hence humans instinctively respond/react to it. Are cats the best (most manipulative) animal? I would say yes :ROFLMAO:
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Hard agree. You can’t have too many cat pics.
Every time I think of my cat he shows up yelling about something or other. I’d like to think he’s psychic but more likely it’s because I think of nothing else. Stopped clock is right twice a day kinda thing.
I've often thought the same, I feel like I can psychically summon my little one, whereas my wife's cat prefers the element of surprise. She spent all of last night periodically jumping through the bedroom window and running along the headboard yelling at me. Not a clue why.
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Kitty - I’m so sorry, although side eye at the internal applicant. I get that it’s good companies do this & p sure it’s a legal requirement but eurgh 🙄 will there ever be a time where an external candidate can trump an internal candidate? It just feels SO unfair for external applicants who’ll have put time into preparing & doing the interview. But what’s the alternative I suppose? But sorry tldr don’t see it as a reflection upon you, just a dud opportunity sadly.

KCC - congratulations!!! Enjoy the happy new engagement feeling and don’t let people’s questions about when/where/how are you going to get married as that’s the most boring part of it all 😂❤

Hotes - I’m sorry for your loss dear heart. I hope the next stage of administrative stuff is kind to you ❤
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I was nosying the background, I love your green collection!

I agree with @Captainmouse going to seed normally means no more flowers. The BBC gardener's world website has loads of tips and facts worth following. Also, there is an app called 'Picture This'. You can take a photo of a leaf/flower and it identifies plants for you and gives you tips for looking after them. That one is great for random little houseplants like succulents. I discovered one of my ferns was not even a fern, even though it's called asparagus fern. Helps me look after them better. (I use the free function, never subscribed.)
thank you for this recommendation! I pick flowers on walks to press for crafty thiiiings and sometimes wonder what they are- or just wonder what plants I see are in general!


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I have got into the habit of late night snacking (I know that's bad, but it could be worse) and, omg, aren't these the best???

View attachment 1412521
I haven’t eaten a packet of scampi or bacon fries since I had a bar job at a workingmen’s club in my late teens and my mate and I ate more than 20 packets between us over the course of a 4 hour shift by filling (and topping up) a plastic Bell’s whiskey ice bucket* under the bar and “discreetly” eating them out of there🔺

Funnily enough, I went off them a bit after that. Though 31 years later, I think I’d be willing to try a scampi fry again…the bacon might have to wait another 10 years though before it’s eligible for parole from my mental “fries jail”

*if you’d like to replicate this feat in the comfort of your own home, I’m delighted to tell you that you can find your very own bespoke Bell’s scampi/bacon fries bucket on eBay. Happy Times. 😂
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I can't speak to alcoholism, and I've only just started on my Anonymous journey, but all the love @Jay-cloth Cow. I don't know what I'd do in that situation, either (all the fraus here have such wise advice) but I'll be thinking of you ♥
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I don’t think you done anything wrong! Plus, he doesn’t even watch Stranger Things! (I’ve never seen it either but that’s not the point).
Thank you, what happened was he ordered his steak medium and when it arrived you could hear the thing still mooing on the plate. But he was going to still eat it and said it didn’t matter, but I called the waiter over and I wasn’t nasty or anything I just said excuse me but he ordered his steak medium and I think there’s been a mix up. The waiter was fine about it apologised and got him another but when he took his plate away, my date looked at me a bit scared and said “you’re not shy are you? So I was thinking maybe I should of left him to eat his dinner. I swear to any waiter/waitress on here I’m not a massive Karen but I’m the one who’d rather say excuse me this isn’t right, rather than say everything is lovely, never go back and bitch about them to everyone.
Totally agree on the Stranger Things front, I’d definitely recommend you watch it, I was going to wait until today to watch but I needed to know so I binge watched as soon as I got back because you know priorities.
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I currently have no pets of my own to contribute, but I often see this catto out and about and she's the absolute spitting image of my old one so I figure that's close enough.
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I keep trying Yoga but it keeps aggravating my back… I love how it feels when I do it, but for some reason I think I just am a non-yogi. 😔.

Running is my love. I started it at uni to help with rowing and apart from the obligatory stress fracture and a major Achilles issue have done it ever since. Sometimes slow and sporadically (like after covid) and sometimes too much (like 80 miles a week).

I don’t think that the “it’s one hour of your day” mentality helps though or “running/walking cured my depression”. When I was getting back after injury, it was the most soul-destroying thing- ruminating over every niggle, feeling so unfit, looking at my times being so slow. If you are very ill, getting yourself up or to a class is simply out of the question.

Sorry, rant over. MT is 😞
I’ve just started back doing couch 25k. I wish I could run 🏃‍♀️ 🙏 Got quite well into it in 2020 then knee hurt a bit. Physio said I can run again but being about 4 stone overweight I am a bit scared. However after a couple of years of doing workouts from home with weights etc I realise I’m not very fit at all (recent hike up a hill in Cumbria on our hols ended with me in tears 😭 😬). So embarrassing!! This 53 year old lady needs to get fit !!

MT is beyond grim this morning thought I’d come over here as I’m so 😳.
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That’s such good news. Celebratory waves across the country. What is the next step? Do you get to choose where to apply to? Sorry if this seems clueless. Education is a bubble of weirdness and employment things.

Thank you everyone, I’m feeling the love 🥰

I’m doing a rotational posting as I don’t really know where I want to go! I’ll be doing 6 months on a renal/ transplant ward, 6 months on a gastro/ HPB surgical ward then 6 months in ED. I got to chose those specialities and I much prefer surgical to medical. Following 6 months of ED I can go back to anywhere I was previously, stay where I am or chose something completely new in the same trust as a permanent placement. It’s all so exciting!
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I wanted to talk about this on the MT but then thought it was too off topic and a bit me-raily. But I wish people realised that it can actually be nice being single. And sometimes just taking time to not be with anyone is a really positive thing.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m so happy for everyone I know in happy relationships, it‘s a beautiful thing. But I’ve been single for a couple of years now, and I’m ok with it. Also my head isn’t in the right place just now.

Sorry, I don’t know where I’m going with this, it’s just really dawned on me that “society” thinks if you’re not in a relationship, you must be looking for one, but that’s always the case.
I have mostly been single until I met the present Mr V.

I know several serial monogamists who cannot be without a partner - it looks exhausting as they are always at some point having to deal with someone else. Either new love bedding in, or getting no bored or breaking up/finding someone new.

My (actual) FIL died in his mid 60s - which was awful for everyone. Being morbid and witnessing how my MIL is dealing with it I muse about what I would do if the worst happened and I honestly don’t think I would bother trying to find another relationship.

Often it’s how everyone else is - when everyone is single - being in a relationship can be a drag - when everyone is coupled up - being single can feel isolating.
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Shearing cancelled, it's rained too much this morning and the sheep are too wet, so no haircuts for the ladies today. I will wander down to the gate with a bucket later and try and get them in though, as it'll be less stressful if they're mooching about the field opposite where we shear rather than spread all over the hill.
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Sideboard Bob

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Another one struggling with the heat here. I think I’m in the early stages of peri-menopause, have been having hot flushes and night sweats for a while now, and the heatwave is not helping. It’s so exhausting being too warm.

I feel bad for complaining about summer, the light evenings are nice, but I don’t like the extremes. Spring and Autumn are perfect. I‘m missing the pitch black sky and seeing the stars just now, but in winter there’s too much darkness.
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The City confuses me, the buildings are all too tall and I get disorientated lol.

If you've ever had some boho type desperately asking which way to the river, then we've probably met too! 😂
Lol 😂 if anyone asks me “which way to the river” now I will give a hefty wink and suggest an icco pizza where the rest of the cabal will hopefully be assembled
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