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I actually had to go to Phoenix on a work trip right before the pandemic, and our neighbors had moved out there a couple of years before.

It’s kind of sprawling (the greater Phoenix area is really big). I think it’s changing quite a bit in the past 5 or so years, lots of younger and creative people moving out there (including our neighbors who love it) so there are lots of new creative industries popping up. Little independent restaurants, bars, shops etc. Climate is great for most of the year and sunsets spectacular, lots of outdoorsy stuff to do. Don’t want to oversell it though-wouldn’t rush back there on my own $$ but wouldn’t hugely object to having to go back there for work if I had to- unlike Orlando 😂 I don’t think it’s as much a destination for me as a place to stop on the way to other better places.

Denver however also has absolutely beautiful sunsets -and sunrises, is a GREAT friendly city with fab food and drink, overlooks the Rockies, with fantastic weather for most of the year and I’d get on a plane and go there right this very minute if I could. Plus Boulder is very close and only $5.50 on the (every 15 mins bus) and is also great. Go Denver! (And Boulder!)

ETA and fun fact! The airport is a goldmine of conspiracy theories, so much so that the official website of the airport even has a page dedicated to them 😂 once you’ve read keep scrolling down to the tinfoil hat catto too ❤


Below is Boulder
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I'm about to say that it never crossed my mind to go to AA. Of course this is a conversation, and not any dis-nuance about AA. (Obvs, no such word as dis-nuance, but it works for me at this moment.)

Little bit amused at myself for deleting 3 paras of my story: it's not about me.

What I want to say is that for some people, tackling the anxiety of life first may lead to stopping abusing themselves via alcohol and drugs. This could be through a clinical psychologist, or psychiatrist. It might be via anti-depressants, and/or followed up with "tools for living with anxiety" with a counsellor or psychologist.

Grace and peace to all
Thank you this is a really good point and a blind spot for me as I’m evangelical about the rooms. But I’ve had the privilege of being in London with lots of meetings to pick from & really strong fellowship in the ends. If I was in rural Yorkshire it wouldn’t be the same so yeah looking at alternatives is definitely a smart idea!

Personally for me I know my issue stemmed from really low self esteem/worth and baaaad anxiety. Agreed with Wooh if I’d have sought professional help for that maybe I would never have stopped drinking or dabbling, maybe it would have just gone back to okay levels. I was never physically addicted or behaved poorly (women rarely do, it’s why Jack’s stories make me cringe so much, we’ve been socialised differently it’s just not a common occurrence to publicly lash out?) it was my head that was terrible. There were and are ppl that consumed a lot more than me and acted sloppier but it’s where my head took me that resulted in seeking help. I’d always have ended up having down periods and binging/being destructive to my own personal life though which couldn’t work with the life I wanted (career, family, husband who doesn’t hate me lol).

There are many ways to skin a cat. I started to read a book that discussed this but I struggled with it as the author was peddling her own recovery program. And I won’t go into the ins and outs but I do think AA has problematic elements to it, ultimately it was made by white MC WASPs in the US nearly 100 years ago so it’s never going to be for everyone. I trust that it has and will continue to evolve with the times. I had a religious school upbringing so maybe I find the traditions and formality of it a comfort?

Also speaking to her GP could help, especially if she’s drinking half a bottle of vodka (that feels like a lot to me?? I was a wine and uppers girly so no idea on equivalent volumes?) she may need some medical advice on cutting that out gradually rather than cold Turkey. I genuinely have no idea on that, may be being OTT, but a GP will never be a bad shout??

Best of luck tho and please keep us updated! ❤ Ps sorry to me-rail.
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Despite not leaving the house much and wearing a mask if I do, I've managed to catch some kind of lurgy again. I think my husband brings them home from his friend's house? His friends wife is a primary school teacher and we all know schools are full of germs. I have a sore throat, cough and swollen eyes. I look pretty, you guys.
I don't have any facts for facturday as my brain is not working properly. Send tea with honey-os and some patience as I am a cranky old MCM today.
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spot the kitty


he's still very shy, but he comes and sits with us a bit about this time every night

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Whisper: I didn't go to work today, nor will I tomorrow. By 10pm yesterday a proper nasty cold had me in its grip.

I'm about to say the oddest thing: it's been so nice to have a cold! A proper minor physical ailment to suffer instead of (hypothetically,
of course) an existential dread or lassitude. And actual sick days from work! I "managed to" (self tease) turn my mattress and change bed linen last night. I squeezed some oranges this morning. I ate peanut butter on toast. WoohCat1 has purred in my arms all afternoon, in bed. WoohCat2 lay on my knees. Terribly cosy .

I acknowledge how lucky I am that I can "enjoy" it. It's been months since I've had a break from work, family, my lover's insistence she buy a house yet further
away -_- , tasks, my head. Colds are a seasonal virus, yet I'm convinced the universe sometimes says, "I'm so sick of you, have a sneeze and cups of tea and come back when you're ready to discuss your behaviour."

And a Saturday off! OMG
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Oh, well, if you insist on cat spam. Here she is displaying very poise, much grace.

View attachment 1376996

Lads I'm doing a chaos again, send wasted NHS time-os. The side effects from my new medication I was confident would go in another week did not go so I'm back on my old medication. I'm only joking about wasted NHS time as I still obviously wasn't well and needed help but I do feel a bit silly and very, very sweaty. My fingertips are visibly glistening, so that's nice. On the plus side I've nearly finished a little microslop drum & bass version of Landslide. I capped it at 1:45 because nobody asked for it and, let's face it, nobody wants it 😂

You're right Sidey B. Sometimes people end up defined by their partner or lack of, maybe there's a general perception (especially for over 30s) that if you're single you must be in some way defective? Fortunately I don't feel under any pressure to be in a relationship although I want one eventually, I'm also quite clearly not in the right space for it now either. Ultimately it's a good thing for people to be comfortable by themselves and not rely on being made complete by another person. Sorry if this didn't make sense.
Hope you feel better soon ❤ and even if you are joking, your health is not a waste of anyone's time, you shouldn't feel bad for trying to get meds that suit you better and your well-being is important. I really hope that either the meds you're on, or new meds if they change you again, work better for you.

Agree so much with you all about the importance of being ok with being single. I don't have very much experience with solid committed relationships, but I see people who have the fear of being alone and it makes them stay too long with people who frankly don't deserve them. Or people who jump from one relationship straight into another, and just don't seem to have any sense of self. Not just celebrities, people in real life too.

And that's before we get to the absolute horror shows you see on Reddit ! (I choose to believe all "Am I the asshole" posts are fiction because the alternative is just too sad I can't deal with it)

I've never had a proper long term relationship! Just casual dating, friends with benefits, one short relationship where I had to hide that we were in a relationship from everyone, and one night stands only. My head wasn't in the right place at all though for commitment as my mental health was all over the place and I had no self worth, also I was very hung up on that one person I dated for like embarrassing length of time afterwards - an absolute car crash of a (not even) 6 month long relationship which fucked me up for about 3 years. 😬 So thankfully I was self aware enough to be like no I need to work on me and get the medication, therapy, work past my issues.

The past year I have finally started to feel like I'm ready for a serious commited relationship, but I'd prefer to keep focusing on my career for another year and a half first as there's a milestone I expect to have hit by then.

It is scary going on the apps/ putting yourself out there , but like others have said, if the prospect of being single doesn't scare you it takes some of the pressure off and lets you meet the person you're happy to sacrifice singledom for. I like the freedom to do my own thing and I don't want kids, so it's not like there's any biological time limit. 🤷‍♀️
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What a beautiful, beautiful little Doggo @MistyWindows! Our lovely vet had to put our lovely elderly rescue cat to sleep a three years ago next week because she had kidney failure. I still tear up when I think about her and I still miss her lying against the back of my legs in bed sometimes as every night that’s where she’d sleep. I’m sure anyone who’s lost a beloved pet can relate. It’s hard, especially after eighteen years. It’s wonderful to have had that time with them, but it hurts like fuck when they’re gone.

Here she is tucked behind me in her little leg nook, on the sofa this time ❤

Sending pre-Independence Day huggos to you, and happy birthday-os from the US of A where it’s still your birthday. x 🇺🇸 ❤ 🎂
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Happy bday Sweetie T! Frank is looking dashing as ever in his gay bow tie.

I've probably got everyone beaten on last time in a cinema as I haven't been to one since 2007 to see whatever Pirates of the Caribbean was out that year. It's not easy to fit in a cinema seat when you're a 93kg hunk of quality oak furniture from the Cotswold Company. I'd better send cattos instead, I'm just taping up her box now. She's off to 28 Food & Drink, Tattle Road, Tattle.

cat in a box.jpg
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Thanks to those that gave mice advice!

I would have loved to have done the humane thing but sadly there have been mice reports in 4 of the 11 flats in our block so it's a bit of an issue. I'm going away on holiday on Friday so the timing couldn't be worse 🙁

The one that I saw yesterday I have managed to trap in the spare bedroom but after seeing it on the bed this afternoon, I'm too scared to go in there without backup. Tomorrow my neighbor is providing the emotional support and we are going to go in and lay traps. I'm gutted because I've got clothes, my nice pjs and other things in there it's probably pissing and shitting all over but having it contained to the one room is helping me to get some sleep at least 😬 it's times like this I hate living alone!
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speaking of pettoes with odd names, I found this twitter account today called cats with interesting names. i think this one's my favourite

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Sideboard cat is definitely thinking about how to proceed now she is home.

1. Forget about everything and move on
2. Hold a grudge FOREVER
3. Be sick in hidden places
4. Shower you with love but refuse food

Cats are epic. Dogs just follow you round waiting for crumbs.*

How is it Monday already? We were meant to go to a concert on Saturday but it got cancelled due to Covid. It’s like the gig gods are against us.

* obviously dogs do more than this. Tunnel dog is currently thinking about how to worry me ALL day.
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Sending huggos and thoughtos @HotesTilaire ♥ I hope you’re as okay as you can be!

Cece was obviously cold in the night and came and got under the covers with me, woke up to this 🤍

Also I’m really into my skincare, I get very ichy dry skin if I don’t look after it and it’s very sensitive so I’ve tried a lot of different approaches, but I’ve realised that my face feels/looks best when I don’t slap a million products on it! Just a toner and a moisturiser. That’s me though 🤷🏻‍♀️
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I haven't been around much either (it was my birthday on Monday which is historically... not a great time for me) but I am reading when I can - please imagine I've been reacting appropriately. <3
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Love to all who need it ❤ I’m here, I’m lurking and I’m thinking of you all and sending you big squishes for those who welcome them and an empathetic ear for those who need it.
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Sideboard Cat is sick of me performing violent dance moves around the flat singing OHHHHHHHH OHH OHH NIGHTMEAT as I've been doing it for about a week now. It was just that little snippet going round and round in my head for days before I started trying to make it. May I suggest a little snacko of cheap wet ham, snaffled directly from the fridge, fed slice by slippery sodden slice directly down your throat as if you were a sexy python à la Mom?
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Went to my first meeting this evening and it went ok. Was convinced until about a minute before the Zoom started that I wasn't going to go and that I was being ridiculous but I went and it was really very much ok. I'm going to go to another meeting.

@Lurkeryaar just in case you still wanted some more info: it wasn't too religious. I'm a cradle Catholic so I'm not personally unfamiliar with religious sentiment, but there was nothing denominationally specific or anything. It was welcoming!
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ETA rereading my previous post I made it seem like everyone needs to end up in a relationship eventually. Just wanted to add that's not true, and being single is not a "holding state" while you wait for a relationship, if you decide to live your life single that's just as equally valid as living in a traditional monogamous relationship, or a poly relationship
The OH and I are in a poly relationship and I think that's been the key for me. I realised a couple of years back that monogamy wasn't quite what I was looking for - it's not necessarily that I want multiple partners, I've just never liked the pressure of being The One for one person. Mr Pixie has a long term relationship that has been theoretically poly from the start, I'm the first serious addition to it for either of them. Myself and his partner get along really well, we're happy to hang out as a group, I don't get that horrible tied down feeling. It's working out great so far.
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It's seat-stealing season here at Casa MC. We have a dining table which seats six, but every time I get up there's a small surprise Susan on my chair when I come back. It's only about 4 degrees atm so I don't blame her for wanting the warmth I leave behind but I'm used to 'my chair' with the view of the kitchen. We are currently sharing the seat and I'm typing with one hand as I have my arm around her. If she were a human I would've kicked her off the chair but I'm a big softy when it comes to my little princess.
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Sending congratulationos to all in the JCC household. Very exciting newso- I shall get myself a lovely pigskin Stetson for this joyous occasion.

Also sending big huggos to you Hotes. What a time you’re having of it right now. I know we are all thinking of you, and thanks to the upside down ninnies and the USA fraus there’s usually someone around in the wee hours UK time if you want to chat.

I hope you don’t mind me being silly as well, but your circles food comment put me in mind of this oldie but goodie from Viz. Hope it gives you a little smile ❤

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