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Tunnel dog overheats (had a huge scare last week and I thought I was going to lose her). She goes all odd, ignores instructions, runs around in circles, collapses and it takes about 40 mins for her to come back. Vet says it is an inbuilt thing and all we can do is try and prevent it (someone ignored me in the park when I said repeatedly not to throw a ball for her. Eventually I picked her up and stormed off but it was too late)

Anyway, in that horrid situation we wet her paws, tummy, groin, and under her ears with tepid water and only let her drink a bit. However, the latest research shows that it is ok to soak the dog. I wouldn’t do that to her when she is distressed but might have to next week 🥺. We also give her very cold cucumber and carrot.

She won’t lie on a cold mat princess that she is.
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Is this icco 🔺 ? Truly a gem of reasonable pricing in a sea of nonsense 👌
LOVE Icco.

@HotesTilaire very sorry indeed for your loss, and I hope the legal wranglings are not too awful. Making hospital complaints can be horribly stressful, and really do take a ridiculous amount of time but hopefully you'll get some answers and justice from it ♥
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We are hanging on so you don't float away. I loved your horse story, btw. I'm actually scared of horses. Big cows, no problem. Horses freak me out.
I wonder why they freak you?

I used to ride, and just like the meme says, now:

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My mum is a long-distance runner, and my dad was a big rugby player until a certain age, but I didn't do any sport until I was 30. Went for a run on a whim one day, couldn't even manage 1km, and felt so embarrassed that I started a Couch to 5K programme the next day.

I ran for a couple of years until I injured my knee in a half-marathon, but I never really enjoyed it - I just liked the feeling of having finished. When I got into yoga, something clicked - I love that a good yoga programme combines cardio, strength, and flexibility, and I'm so happy whenever I feel myself making progress.

I hike a lot too, and I love it so much, but summer here is not the best time. Speaking of which, our mosquitos seem to have evolved this year, the plug-in does nothing... 😖
I keep trying Yoga but it keeps aggravating my back… I love how it feels when I do it, but for some reason I think I just am a non-yogi. 😔.

Running is my love. I started it at uni to help with rowing and apart from the obligatory stress fracture and a major Achilles issue have done it ever since. Sometimes slow and sporadically (like after covid) and sometimes too much (like 80 miles a week).

I don’t think that the “it’s one hour of your day” mentality helps though or “running/walking cured my depression”. When I was getting back after injury, it was the most soul-destroying thing- ruminating over every niggle, feeling so unfit, looking at my times being so slow. If you are very ill, getting yourself up or to a class is simply out of the question.

Sorry, rant over. MT is 😞
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Someone close to me is very unwell at the moment, and this evening I’ve just had some wine been distracting myself. I feel so stupid, but I just don’t know what to do with my thoughts just now.

I was going to say I don’t know why I’m sharing this here, but then, this site has been a great distraction, but also just full of lovely people and lols.
I know exactly what you mean! I’ve shared more with you mithering ninnies than people I see everyday!
Illness is awful and so unfair when it’s someone you love, I hope you’re okay! Please unload anything you need to dearheart 🤍

On a much MUCH less important note, there’s a vine outside my bedroom window and the blossoms smell like piss to me 😅 I’m not sure if any other ASD fraus can relate but the smell is actually driving me round the bend. It follows me around my whole life no matter how much perfume ect I spray. I think I smell like piss to everyone I meet but I can’t really ask them without seeming odd. Send clothes peggos.
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Chatty Member
I’ve just been giggling to myself about what a f+d zoom hen party for JCC would look like. Obviously we would still have to retain some kind of anonymity, so the logical step would be Jack masks , Mr Kachoochoo style . But then imagine how horrific it would look seeing so many Jacks staring back at you
View attachment 1397886
Congratulations JCC!
This is perfection. I don't post much because I'm not witty enough and twatting around in my real job and having an OH makes me BUSY but I would so love to be on the canal hen do. I think I'd come as the sentient sideboard and sit in the corner on which your pumbles can gently rest.
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View attachment 1382611
I feel so guilty washing the dog. He makes a half hearted attempt to run away when he sees the lead (arthritis) but then just gives in. The look of absolute defeated resignation on his face is both sad and hilarious. Here's him in his favourite place instead, his pile of cushions (there's three more out of shot)
Awww, I love elderly pets. He looks so sweet.
I had to take Pooh to the vet today (he's fine, got some antibiotics for a cough) and there was a puppy there called Douglas.
Douglas, I was trying so hard not to laugh.
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We once had a pigeon that our old dog caught (he was a terror) and we were convinced it was going to die, so we put it in the shed with water and pumpkin seeds and thought we'd give it overnight and then dispose of it with dignity.

Went into the shed the next morning to find pumpkin seeds everywhere, the lawn mower covered in shit, and an absolutely furious pigeon. Caught the pigeon and went to release it outside the garden so he was away from the dog. The damn thing angrily walked off up the road like a tiny, furious hitchhiker. He was just missing a red handkerchief on a stick.
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I ~might~ have clicked on the wrong gif.

*Whispers* Gasp! Can you see me? 😮

Happy Birthday!!

It's also the not SGs birthday today, 12! Going out for fancy burgers in a bit, then home for cake.
Happy Birthday SG Cookiecookie!🎁🎂 Do you have darling little independent fancy burger establishments where you are? I'm fortunate to be near a swanky place called 5 Guys. I believe it's run by 5 brothers so plenty of opportunity to be nuzzling ALL the siblings plus, everything is artisanal and homemade, it's 👨🏽‍🍳💋 x
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Toffee finger

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@Into_the_tunnel You’re definitely not annoying. I always find your posts thoughtful and interesting. Plus tunnel dog is a legend!

I still have covid and somehow feel worse today even though it should be done by now. Please send covid go away-os!
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Sidey T, would you please congratulate the Pet Slop Boys on their epic Glastonbury set at the weekend next time they're in your studio?
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Thinking of you @HotesTilaire you are doing the right thing. There'll be unimaginable beuoracacy in store, so vent here at any time.

I hope everyone is doing ok and same goes for all cattos, doggos and animal kingdomos that are frau/herr adjacent.

❤ ❤ ❤

well, I was unsuccessful, it went to an internal candidate :( but I remain determined to find something else. Thank you everyone for the excellent advice and the rallying "you can do its", I've saved some for the next one of us who needs it too xxx

ETA sorry, that sounds really negative, Hotes, hope you don't face bureaucracy
Sorry to hear that on the job front Kitty - it can feel so deflating on top of the other myriad of feelings. There is another job out there with your name on it and when you get that this interview will be a distant memory. Though I appreciate that doesn’t take away the feelings currently.

@HotesTilaire sending love and thinking of you. I know there isn’t a lot practically we canal can do but we are here should there be anything we can help with. Even if just to provide a distraction.
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Whatever you decide, you're a wonderful friend. Everyone needs someone in their corner

The word I was seeking earlier was "dissonance." I've spent a pleasant 5 mins checking the etymology of the words nuance and dissonance and, FYI, they're from different roots. Unrelated. Interesting. Oh, yes it is!
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I love how many fraus like the Office!
This video of Steve made me very happy earlier so I thought I’d share!

My best friend who came over for my birthday has just tested positive for COVID, I didn’t expect a present at all but this 😅
Send paracetamolos
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