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@heretoreaditall2019 hope you’re feeling better or getting as much rest as work and a baby allow ❤. I had a rotten cold the other week and despite no Covid symptoms still tested but all negative - hopefully it’s just that (not that it’s particularly nice) rather than rona. Baby Beds’ Consultant warned at our last appointment that everything this winter, whether it be a general cold or virus is expected to be a lot worse than normal as we weren’t mixing last year due to lock down etc. Told me they’re expecting vulnerable groups to need antibiotics in higher volumes than normal too.

Really pleased eBay served it to the buyer - do people have zero conscience?! Thank you - feeing much better now and you’re right it’s a good exercise in self care. One last rummage and hopefully that’ll be it for now. Don’t blame you for booking privately - I think anyone would who could in your position.

@Universal nodded and agreed to everything you said re: gynae care and the impact of the pandemic on an already (in most areas) sub par service.

@MaineCoonMama I don’t have any doggos or cattos to send but have some fluffy socks instead! They’re a bit of an accident waiting to happen as so slippy. Hope things start to lift soon and that Susan is providing lots of comfort in the meantime 💕.

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Jay-cloth Cow

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Remembered, as I was making dinner (tray bake of chicken thighs and roasted veggies) to pull out my bakestones.

A really thick/heavy bottomed frying pan works for Welsh cakes if you don’t have a bakestone.

These are my bakestones - the black, thicker (and considerably heavier) one is my Nanna’s and the other is one I was given for Christmas years ago after being taught to make Welsh cakes by my Nanna. It does the job but is far far far inferior!

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Professor Slop

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Congratulations - did you have to re train? Sounds exciting.
I didn't! In a roundabout way covid actually helped.

I used to work in research and during the first lockdown I had to find something to do since the lab closed. I taught myself BASH/shell scripting in order to analyse some sequencing data, and luckily for me the post I went for specified skills in this area. I feel like I was really lucky as usually these posts require proficiency in python, database management etc. I have the opportunity to learn python and other languages while in post so I'm really excited about what could easily have been a devastating situation. I will miss the science but I feel like I'm not just settling for something else and I'm really looking forward to it.

The only downside is I now have to dress like an adult and not jeans/trainers/hoodies. If anyone has an idea what smart casual entails I'd be grateful! I'm thinking trousers and a woolly jumper would be OK... I don't do skirts/dresses!
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I'm going to a concert once I finish my complimentary hotel drink. I have a spare ticket because I've been stood up THREE times over the course of this week. First pal pinged (Weds). Missed train (this morning). Work (admittedly live TV, right now) over-running. I'm going to channel Romy & Michelle and pretend I'm a strong independent business woman and go by myself 💪, and try not to think about Omicron.

Hope you all have a lovely evening lined up.
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I must say I’ve timed this late pregnancy thing just fantastically 😩 not sure whether we’ll have any available support once B-day arrives!
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Sideboard Bob

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The casual sheep in the car story reminded me of one of my favourite movie FACTS.

In Back To The Future, when they first test the Delorean and send the dog, Einstein a few minutes into the future, it’s actually a stuntman driving the car. Obviously. It’s not like I’d always thought it was the dog driving, but it only really sank in when I saw these hilarious pictures from the set.

It just wasn’t what I was expecting! 🤣

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KCC your tree is very nice but where are your 400 other baubles, are they still in one of your two sheds?

I made my own version of the peanut butter and jam burger I had a couple of weeks ago and it was a vast improvement. From top down it's black cherry jam, Violife original slice, Marks Plant Kitchen no beef burger, peanut butter (Whole Earth crunchy), all in a Hovis premium burger bun. The peanut butter definitely works but it needs to be one with no added sugar. There was no real thought behind the choice of jam, it was just the one that called out to me.

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ooh, I'd forgotten that the mash pot was also idahoan! this is the good shit!
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I didn’t know you could get it in instant pots! I have a few sachets at the ready for those moments when you just can’t be arsed. The garlic one is particularly tasty!

Also, hola everyone. I’ve been dipping in and out of a few threads but always manage to lose F&D. Maybe I should post more often! Not much eating or drinking going on here at the moment, I’m feeling absolutely horrific with lung pain and coughing. Even walking up a few stairs has me feeling like I’ve just run a marathon. Negative Covid test so probably just whatever my generous child brought home from nursery last week. Now I know why he was feeling so sorry for himself!

Sending love to all because I fecking love tha cabal 😊
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This is great news! Your Christmas has been saved!!! I love how many good people there are on this forum, thank you for volunteering on Christmas day. A walk with Mr F and the full works on Boxing Day sounds pretty perfect. You must be so relieved.
Thank you! I really am. Mum is 70 tomorrow and it’s so good to be able to see everyone.
To be honest I first volunteered the year I split up from my husband. I would have been perfectly happy at home on my own but I knew no one would let me so this was a cast iron excuse not to have to and see people. It really was a wonderful day, it was hard work, and very upsetting at times, but still somehow enjoyable. Now I do have a lovely Mr F to spend it with but I don’t forget how it was there when I needed it as much as it needed me so I still go and Mr F will still be there another day.
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Will try and remember to pull it out tomorrow to take a pic. It’s worth so much to me on a sentimental level and I’m pleased that I took the time to learn from my Nanna how to use/make Welsh cakes and had that experience. Her recipe has an egg in it but you actually don’t use it all.

Here are some Welsh cakes I made last Christmas:
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I’m on a train for the first time since pre pandemic and weirdly nervous. I find trains a bit claustrophobic. Not helped by a noisy bunch of (harmless) loud day drinkers. Them aside it’s not busy thankfully. No shin kicking or stuck tiles to report yet. Will let you all know if I get told white trash shouldn’t breed.
😂 at the last part of this, how was it? Completely completely get the train thing, these things are to be expected after close on 2 years of varying degrees of isolation & we all need to be gentle on ourselves. It’s trauma what we’ve all been through and going back to things is going to feel odd.

Is anyone else more scared of the dark this year? Trigger warning brief reference to murder victims in this but I don’t know if it’s a result of covid & not having to go out in the dark anymore, very high profile stranger murders (regret reading the court’s closing & family impact statements for Sarah Everard’s murder tbh), or heightened anxiety from having a child but went out at 5pm by myself this week and was genuinely anxious and thought how ridiculous is this!
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Fraus - I wanted to share my good news! I hope this doesn't come across as boasting as I really don't mean it that way - not sure if anyone remembers, but I went through a really tough time about 2 years ago, my MH was at an all time low mostly due to my job and being bullied by my manager - had 3 months signed off for anxiety and depression, went back for 6 months then left and got the job I'm in now. I absolutely love it, and am in a great place right now - and the other day my manager called me into a meeting room and said they are so happy with me that they wanted to promote me, but because there are redundancies going on in the business HR (where I work) can't be seen to be making people redundant then promoting within, so they gave me the pay rise I would have got if I was promoted, and a £100 amazon voucher as a little bonus 'it will help you buy stuff like toilet brushes and oven gloves that you need but don't want to buy for your new house'. I just wanted to share it as it's made me feel so good about myself and so valued, after being at a job which drove me to telling mr C I didn't think I could go on living anymore. Soppy moment too - you guys have been a real lifeline and comfort to me during the bad times and the good, so I want to thank you all ❤❤❤
Tattle is good for some things 🥰🥰🥰🥰☺☺☺.

So happy things are better. When you are in one situation, it is hard to see yourself out of it, so it is fabulous you are now in a completely different place, job and everything!!

I read the last line as “velvetiser” and thought ….. ohhh hot chocolate!!!

Nope! Removing moisture not adding yumminess.
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I once literally reached my finger in to a pan of boiling water to grab a piece of pasta so...
That's nothing, try dipping a finger into boiling toffee. Then running it under the tap as you do with a burn only to have the toffee set hard... 😱
BTW. It might be a year since I posted, and will not on the MT as I promised, but I keep up with goings on. Love to all that are having a bad time. You're all ruddy marvellous, as you were. X
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As long as I'm with my Pooh-Bear I don't care about much else!
Also my step dad is really excited for me to stay with him. He was married to my mum for over 30 years and is just an incredibly awesome old bloke. @Universal Thank you so much, you've cheered me up immensely!

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stunning 😻 Sorry to hear about anyone going through a bad time, I am not in a great situation either for various reasons but I am convinced cats have a really high level of emotional intelligence, the last 2 nights both of my cats have slept on my bed (something they NEVER do, despite being allowed to sleep wherever they want in the house, of course) and it did make me feel a bit better ❤
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I wasn’t allowed to watch either so I had to watch them at my friend’s house. When it was the wedding, I think we orchestrated a week long stopover 🤣.

I had a major crush on Susan. She was 😘.

Edit- toadfish. Those were the days.
Karl is in a band and when they were on tour in the UK a friend of a friend went back to his hotel...she was really proud of it as well!!
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