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@MrsSlocombe i think that is way too harsh. It would be impossible for one family to have five babies or even toddlers and not have both parents home, I don’t feel they were exploiting their kids, they were always respectful and asked the older kids if they wanted to be in the vlogs. I think they just did the best they could in a fairly intense, demanding and unusual situation.
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The Florida trip! Yes. I was stunned. Not just that they made the decision to fly across the country with their older parents and 5 once-premie NICU toddlers in tow, but their defensiveness afterwards. If I remember correctly they made some excuse like “we were supporting local businesses” — really, at Disneyworld?!
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I can’t imagine what the reasons are, they had a lovely life, family, house and are genuinely lovely people.
I know everyone likes to make their life look perfect on vlogs but it really did look fine!
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It is kind of ironic how people on here go on about vloggers exploiting their kids, yet they obviously support them by watching their content!
A weird double standard.
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I actually took Skylar saying he could work at home meant he was also continuing in his job in some capacity he was doing pre quints (home valuations, if I remember correctly, he had his own business).

I think he is very likeable and will do well. I would be interested to hear more about the faith crisis and leaving the church.
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Well-known member
That hous looks great! As everyone said the kids on his vlogs seem so much more relaxed and "normal"

as for Violet's hair , maybe she wants short hair, as a kid i wanted my hair short from a very young age...
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Well-known member
I still think the divorce was to do with him standing by his Brother, now Sister Shay. He left the church and stood by Shay and because Jamie could never accept it divorce was the only option.
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Very moving. I know Skylar's been criticised for going to South America and for being very public with his last girlfriend. Honestly the criticism is fair enough, both decisions were questionable. But his video just got me thinking about how leaving the Mormon church must really be like starting your life from scratch. Rewiring your brain, healing trauma that is so deeply ingrained. Perhaps it’s no wonder he had to get away or that he's making mistakes in the process.
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The vlog about leaving the church makes a lot of sense now, guarantee Jamie was ashamed and gave Skylar an ultimatum. Jamie wants to live in a perfect world with perfect kids, very sad. I’m glad the kids get to be kids when they are with Skylar
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In Today's vlog...Hanging out with his brother Shaye, the one who "came out" and left the church with the wife in the viral video.

He's wearing a long line cardigan, hair in a bun, and wearing diamond earrings, interesting! I wonder if he's exploring gender more now.
His appearance is certainly very different now - good for him, but I hope that his wife has realised that she can say that it isn't what she expected or signed up for and that she realises that she has a right to be happy herself. In their 'coming out' vlog her input was very much about trying to convince herself that life was still wonderful.
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I still cant get over how these two constantly need someone with them helping with the little ones.
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i wonder the reason for divorce? Doesn’t sound like it was what skyler wanted he described it as feeling like a form of grief
I feel looking back at older blogs Jamie seemed so disinterested in skyler and like she couldn’t bare to be around was probably just that Jamie fell out of love with him
Nah, i think it's difference in faith.

Skyler has a giant new tattoo, his brother shaye has a viral video about gendr dysphoria and leaving the church, theres a pattern there
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I really like him and find him really genuine and usually hilarious. How disgustingly creepy are the viewers that demand “less of you talking and more just of the quints” whenever either he or Jamie try and make it the blog about something else besides the quints. That would freak me the hell out - like they have viewers with a creepy quint fetish and they’re handing them up on a platter - vomit.
Good on him for trying to change the focus to a more general channel. I think he would do really well solo.
Shouldn't any obsession with the quints freak them out though? I really disagree with parents using their kids for income, but I can actually see why they did it initially because it enabled them both to be home with 5 babies. They should use the divorce as the ideal point to decide that they are done with it - the older the quints get, the longer they are being used for income, and the more likely they are to have problems about how they think about it when they are older. I do quite like Skylar, but him saying that when the quints decide that they don't want to be filmed they'll stop filming them. That's BS. How many years will it be before they really understand that their lives have been put on the internet for their parents to earn money and everything that that entails?
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He's got a video out today explaining both he and Jamie have to move.

He was Live and someone in comments said " why divorce? Who cheated" which I thought was incredibly rude, but he answered. No one cheated. They were married 18 years and could no longer make it work.
I watched it as well. I did pick up that he talked about mental health issues as a contributing factor though - I wonder if it was Jamie's or his? Neither of them seem to be working outside out youtube which is ridiculous (He talked about youtube allowing them both to be stay at home parents). I actually think that he would do quite well just doing his own social media stuff. He's more 'likeable' than Jamie on social media and whilst I used to find him quite hyper and all over the place at times which made him hard to watch, he seems to have calmed down a bit? I know that he has started his own stuff, but he is still currently persisting with the fivetwolove stuff as well. It's time to give it up, and to stop using the quints for income.
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Yes I wondered that too - if the move to Waco and taking up homesteading was a way to keep up the views on YouTube.

The sister wife idea!
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Yes I totally agree that it’s the faith difference.
I thought Jamie’s family was very Mormon, so she is more likely to be attached to the Mormon faith.
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