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Skylar has his own Facebook page “Skylar Shae Scott” where he did a grand reveal of his new tattoo and is making funny vids.
I personally find it better and more entertaining than his five to live account, where Jamie is boring and the little kids beyond annoying. I think he will roll it out across the other platforms.
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I feel like the jumping all over the place was to string the announcement out and make you watch it til the end. I just fast forwarded through to that bit.

I like them both and I think they will both do okay with social media and YouTube going forward. Skylar said that Jamie will set up her own YouTube channel.
I probably won’t follow her as I find all the mum waffle and quint stuff a bit tedious and boring now. I like Skylar and find him much more interesting and entertaining. I hope he has more escaping Mormonism content because that’s pretty fascinating. He has said he intends to film the quints less, whereas I feel like that’s Jamie’s will maintain the current level.
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He didn’t seem nervous to me, just sounded like he had lost his voice a bit. That was Whitnee with him (Hehe poppins) who is his niece
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I wonder if this is simply a ‘set-up’, to stop further gay talk.
I doubt it. I don't really like speculating about people's sexuality though. But I feel as though Skyler has come out of the church, and is accepting of his sibling's journey. If he was gay maybe he would come out, maybe he wouldn't but that's truly his business and sexuality is a spectrum anyway. I think if he is in a relationship with a woman, then you can probably assume that he is attracted to women.
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Yeah I it would be pretty hard with five preschoolers, I know from my own kids that no matter how good you strap them in, some kids can just get out of them. You can keep an eye on it with one kid, but with five no way.
I've worked with kids for 10+ years. It's possible if they're put on right and modeled. You can fix it and explain the reasoning in a developmentally appropriate way.
Regardless, if you can't keep your kid safe in the car maybe don't record it.
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I’m happy for Skyler. I feel as though he had a crisis of faith, Jamie felt differently, and he had to walk away or she ended it when he really didn’t want to. He always seemed to love her more than she loved him. He looked horrible last year and kept getting sick and I felt for him. He deserves to be happy.
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They lost like three thousand followers since skylar posted the pride pics 😕 it hasn’t gone down well and the comments aren’t the best
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So Skyler has talked about the divorce today on hus youtube channel. It sounds very much like Jamie hit him with it out of the blue.... and he says he's definitely not ready for dating either so I guess he's figured that out.
I wonder why she said she was done?
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I’ve thought it odd that Jamie had the money to buy a house, and Skylar is renting. Maybe not a 50/50 divorce? Skylar appears not to be coping when looking after the 5 youngest children, and in general, he appears a tad unstable. Is this a ploy to gain sympathy - more viewers. Yes, Jamie clearly has family help but she appears more organised and more in control of the children. Skylar is from a much larger family. It stands out like a sore thumb that his family never help, even before the divorce (unless they refuse to be filmed - which I totally understood). Oh, yes Skylar’s niece has helped out a lot, but that is one person from a large family. When the children were younger, there was friends that you would regularly see on flogs - these appeared to be Jamie’s friends. Jamie has surprised me with her improved clogging skills. I wish the family all the best. Finally, the ideal outcome would be to stop filming the children.
I think that Jamie bought the house next door to her parents? She was initially looking for rentals as well - I assumed that her parents helped her to buy it rather than it not being a 50/50 divorce. Skylar is a total flake - Jamie is definitely the more solid, stable parent.
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He is on a whole “eat pray love” type phase, of discovering personal growth and alternative modalities, that I find many people go through in their 30s, but I have been there and done that myself about 14 years ago and I find listening to other people’s experiences now boring.

I think it’s unfair he kept all the five to love YouTube subscribers and in the future the quints will have to scroll through tones of his vids about his drug trippin’ navel gazing to see the vids of when they were babies.

I wonder if he is working in his previous profession again?
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Hmmm……wonder how the older boys feel about their parents broadcasting their dating life to the world?
Sounds like Jamie is onto a regular boyfriend with Mr Idaho, they held hands! Awwww!
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Interesting @lokencrepis there are a lot of ex Mormons over on tick-tock, quite fascinating (to a point!) to hear their stories. I did wonder if it was a religious difference.
They do seem to be seeing a lot more of Skylars family now.
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Chatty Member
Skylar has announced he is going to stop vlogging and his final one will be this Sunday.
Maybe he has a real job now.
I just read that on his page, I think he has done the right thing for the kids. Wish him all the best. I don't really watch Jaime.
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It is interesting where their money comes from. Skylar seemed to have his own business as a house valuer prior to having the quints so you would assume he could just fire that back up, but Jamie doesn’t seem qualified to do anything or have a whole lot of work history. Seems like she was a Mormon mum planning on making that her job for life.

I think Skylars social media could do quite well solo. He is likeable and the whole ex-Mormon thing is interesting.

It is odd that so many family vloggers or instagrammers feel they are all respectful and enlightened because they always say “if the kids don’t ever want to do it, we respect that”. So basically it’s an “opt in” unless you can voice you want to “opt out”. Which is not how consent in the broad sense works!!!!!
I do feel in the future some of these kids will have solid legal cases against their parents for violating and taking advantage of their inability to consent.
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Could be a total coincidence but this is written by Skylars, Sister in Law. She is married to Shay, Skylars brother. Lots of speculation but i wouldnt be suprised if this was aimed at Skylar.
wow holy smokes!!!! Good pick up, it is like they are inferring a close family member came out. Glad his family are supportive of that is the case.
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New video from Jamie. She obviously has not appreciated Skylar's videos.
The comment about the ten acres in Waco and homesteading was so interesting. I know that wasn't the turning point but it seems like Skylar wanted to run off to some place and live this certain lifestyle that she didn't.
Felt to me, like this was the next way he was planning on keeping the vlogging and online thing going. The kids getting older, there needed to be a new way to keep up the views.
I also have probably watched too much TV, but I wonder if he had the whole sister wife idea going on there.......
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In some of the recent vlogs when Jamie has the quints she mentions they have all been to church. I think the quints go sometimes maybe, But taking quint preschoolers can’t be that fun either, so doesn’t surprise me she is not insisting!
But it does feel to me that the older boys don’t go. Landon’s new hair doesn’t look very Mormon compatible and Shayden lives with Skylar full time so seems unlikely he goes.
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I think that even if Skylar is gay, I don't think that would be what broke up the family. They are incredibly 'good' mormons, I remember back in the day seeing Shayden and Skylar going to church for choir at 5am, so they were at the temple 7 days a week, or at least it seemed so. That is deep commitment(/indoctrination, but that's another issue). Now, if one of them has left the mormon church... that's a possibility. That's a tried and tested method of breaking up a relationship.

I always thought they were in over their heads, having 5 babies at once...?! It's insane. It utterly destroyed Jamies body, she had to have a hysterectomy! I can't imagine she doesn't have any irritation over that. Especially given the mormon church puts so much weight on a womans ability to conceive. - which could have been why they kept all 5 in the first place, in spite of how dangerous it was for her and her babies.

Now, this may be controversial, but I think they may well still be together had they aborted one or two in pregnancy. After the emotional rollercoaster of infertility, and then an incredibly high risk pregnancy, that would break a lot of couples. I think perhaps the whole package, the guilt of not being able to focus on their older boys, having to have help to just function, and their natural differences in personality... as much as it is a shock for a lot of people, I really wasn't all that shocked about their separation. I always thought Jamie was dragged along with the youtubing, she never seemed the 'type'. Skylar is an exhibitionist and an entertainer, through and through. However Jamie did her vlog... so obviously she is okay with it enough to continue...
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