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Well-known member
He did an excellent job expressing himself and what life as a Mormon is really like. I have a deep seated fascination with Mormonism. What happens within the church is mind blowing. A few things to mention are they have to wear special underwear, they keep things secret until you are in a ceremony, they baptise the dead (children from age 12. Not forgetting the garments that no one tells kids about that you have to get married in. Its all very hush hush. Families do not share what happens in the temple with children, they only find out when they are old enough to go in and take the interview like Skylar had to. His analogy of the Truman Show was perfect!


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His appearance is certainly very different now - good for him, but I hope that his wife has realised that she can say that it isn't what she expected or signed up for and that she realises that she has a right to be happy herself. In their 'coming out' vlog her input was very much about trying to convince herself that life was still wonderful.
I agree, I think it's hard because you'll be perceived as not being supportive but it's valid. I support trans people, gender nuetral people etc..but if my partner transitioned to female, it wouldn't be the same.
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Well-known member
errr no!
Did you watch Jamie’s recent vlog about why she choose to divorce? She was quite clear and open and said religion had little to do with it.
Religion has everything to do with it. The LBGTQ community is totally ostracized by Mormon beliefs. He left the church, she hasn't. He left because he chose to standby his sister Shay. He most probably was told he was leaving church by his Elders and Bishops. That doesn't mean he cant still have a faith but Mormons want nothing on their vlogs to tarnish their reputation. I still think Skylar is gay n he just doesnt know it yet. If your gay and Mormon you will have to suppress every feeling you have. Jamie hasnt been honest at all neither of them are. Theres alot more too it. They are both just trying to pretend everything is good and they are totally happy.
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The vlog about leaving the church makes a lot of sense now, guarantee Jamie was ashamed and gave Skylar an ultimatum. Jamie wants to live in a perfect world with perfect kids, very sad. I’m glad the kids get to be kids when they are with Skylar
He always seems so good with the kids and they seem to have fun... With Jamie it's picnics in the garden while immaculately dressed.. Or a 'date' with one of them. Is it just me who finds it weird she says she has a babysitter for the rest? Why can't the rest go to their dads?
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Active member
It’s a podcast, sounds interesting and I will give it a listen.
If people can afford not to have a “real job” why are their finances anyone’s business but their own? It is not like he is asking for donations to his go fund me!
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Active member
So I watched the latest vlog and saw aforementioned tatt but then wondered how Mormon the two older boys are or if they are checking out too? I mean dad does make life seem more fun.
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VIP Member
I personally thought the big news that everyone was suspicious about was going to be that Skylar and Whitney had found love, all the time they spend together! Maybe I am twisted like that, yep I get they’re related, but that does not stop people, especially in weird red neck land where they live.

In todays Vlog where Skylar had the girls shopping for dance outfits it was nice to see them with messy hair, kinda more relatable than everything all prim and proper all the time.
Isn't Whitney his niece? Wouldn't that be illegal, although as you say red-neck land and all that lol.
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VIP Member
It would be interesting to know what really went on. Good on Skylar to some degree I guess if he has found himself/ is being more honest about who he is, but he is still a scummy parent for selling his kids out for income. Can you imagine how screwed up those kids are going to be when they are older and they realise how much of their lives are online and that they were used for years as the family's only source of income because of their 'oddity' if being quints?
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Well-known member
This is what I meant when people were being super critical of him upthread. He’s made some questionable choices but he’s also been incredibly brave.
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Active member
I always thought the house Jamie is in that they actually bought that house. I remember their previous house was rented for a short time but I really thought they bought the house Jamie lives in.
Yeah I agree I am pretty sure I remember them saying they bought that house. The one prior to that was a rental.
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Active member
I thought it’s bit distasteful to put that vlog upon of introducing the girlfriend.and also he then leaves the quints in the van with the new girlfriend by themselves while he goes in the shop! He just met the woman I don’t think she should be left alone with them yet?!it’s also a lot of change for those little ones all at once two house moves a divorce and now dad has a new girlfriend poor little darlings
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VIP Member
I agree, I think it's hard because you'll be perceived as not being supportive but it's valid. I support trans people, gender nuetral people etc..but if my partner transitioned to female, it wouldn't be the same.
I think that people who come out when they are older often become very selfish and self centred. Yes he should absolutely be whoever he is, but he shouldn't expect his wife to have to pretend that everything is fantastic and that life carries on as normal. It doesn't. I actually hope that she has left him as is rebuilding hher life. Dom't shoot me lol.
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Active member
Costa Rica! Yes that’s where he is.
He seems to have gone off for a whole Eat Pray Love journey and left Jamie to it with the first day of school and all.
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Active member
I actually took Skylar saying he could work at home meant he was also continuing in his job in some capacity he was doing pre quints (home valuations, if I remember correctly, he had his own business).

I think he is very likeable and will do well. I would be interested to hear more about the faith crisis and leaving the church.
I figured he had left the church. Interesting she said in her newest vlog he has the kids on the weekend and she goes to church and rests.
I wonder if the kids don’t go now? Or only on her weekends?
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New member
I was actually so shocked to hear him say they were separated! Didn't see it coming, although Jamie often seems a bit distant/forced in the vlogs. I wonder if it is a trial or it is a done deal.
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