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They lost like three thousand followers since skylar posted the pride pics 😕 it hasn’t gone down well and the comments aren’t the best
Yeah I feel like he really misjudged his audience there. I wonder if Jamie actually agreed? Probably something he should have posted to his personal account, I mean it was a bit intense - Shae is definitely a woman now and pashing her wife and all! Not Mormon approved stuff.
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Has anyone kind of followed Skylar's sister Shaye since coming out as transgender? Check out Amanda's instagram for what she looks like now. I really do hope that Amanda is genuinely happily and hasn't lost herself in trying to keep the family together.
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Maybe he is just experimenting with not having to look totally perfect all the time, now he is not with Mrs Perfect. Or maybe the kids came home from preschool with nits and gave him nits. Or it might be part of exploring his sexuality.
He doesn’t look sick to me, still beefy!
or he just felt like it haha.
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Jamie is posting about her date now, I thought she would be more discreet, but I spose its content for clicks.
I wonder if she warned the guy “so just to let you know whatever goes on between us, I am likely to broadcast to the world via my YouTube channel, your cool with that right?
It's distasteful how both Jamie and Skylar click bait their personal lives for income.
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I wonder if jamie has had some sort of breakdown (i hope i am wrong) and has pushed everyone away temporarily. It can happen that people can wake up one day and not want to be in the life they are in. Or depression etc can cause this. I doubt that either of them would have had time or energy for an affair.
That’s a strong possibility as her vlog was due yesterday and didn’t appear.
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New member
It didn't look like Skylar was considering this a temporary situation. Who knows when when these videos were actually shot. Maybe they are amicable about it. I’m sure they made a good income on Youtube, so why not make it last a little longer. Things are never what they seem on social media.
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Really GROSS. And shameful for the children too, having that confusion introduced to them in such a short amount of time.

I also see that Danna has now broken up with the relationship that she started minutes after Skylar as well.
Holy wow - that Dana moves so fast!

Yeah it’s pretty unfortunate that Skylar had to document the whole “Mormon faith crisis F’boy” moment. If only he kept it quite or at least off YouTube for his kids and grandkids to view for decades to come.
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Just looked her up and thought she looked familiar - she was on a reality show I watched years ago where she was matched up with an Irish guy. I don’t think she’s that young as she was at least late thirties then.
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And the realisation that no one wants to hear about his mid-life crisis navel gazing. It’s boring and it’s not original. Having quintuplets was the only thing remotely interesting he has going on.
It's definitely about the money. He has been a total idiot about the branding though. When they split their social media up, Jamie got Facebook and he got Youtube. Jamie had to start from scratch on youtube under her own name because he had kept the Five Two Love. When he went on his hippy dippy journey as the soul surrender show he dumped the Five Two Love name, so Jamie took it back for her channel. Smart branding/ money move on her behalf. I wonder if there will be some kind of legal battle now over the Five Two Love branding? They should both stop using their kids for income and get 'real' jobs in any case.
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Skylar is posting on Instagram as both Five two love and Go Farther. Kind of annoying for Jamie, he should just leave her with Five to Love since she has done a solid consistent job at it.

I also found it interesting recently Jamie was interviewing Shayden for her FB page and he is still very much Mormon, and hasn’t been swayed by Dads move away from the church.
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Hmm...good point. I get the vibe that Jamie is fine with how things are now . She doesn’t seem upset or depressed. No wedding ring in sight yet Skyler is still wearing his. My bet is that she wanted out and that could have been because of his unfaithfulness or his desire to never go back to a real job.
I find it so fascinating that all their videos portrayed a couple in a strong marriage and very much in love when behind the scenes it was all a bunch of b.s. And those poor kids , especially the older sons, being on camera and forced to act like everything was perfect when in reality it was anything but.
I personally thought the big news that everyone was suspicious about was going to be that Skylar and Whitney had found love, all the time they spend together! Maybe I am twisted like that, yep I get they’re related, but that does not stop people, especially in weird red neck land where they live.

In todays Vlog where Skylar had the girls shopping for dance outfits it was nice to see them with messy hair, kinda more relatable than everything all prim and proper all the time.
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The Florida trip! Yes. I was stunned. Not just that they made the decision to fly across the country with their older parents and 5 once-premie NICU toddlers in tow, but their defensiveness afterwards. If I remember correctly they made some excuse like “we were supporting local businesses” — really, at Disneyworld?!
Yes I stopped watching after the Florida trip,unbelievable at the time.
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That hous looks great! As everyone said the kids on his vlogs seem so much more relaxed and "normal"

as for Violet's hair , maybe she wants short hair, as a kid i wanted my hair short from a very young age...
Maybe, I also always wanted and had short hair when I was little. Had a little helmet bob down to my chin. I just think I remember a conversation, back when the girls had their first haircuts, that Jamie had said that SHE prefers violets hair like that, as in mum is dictating. Idk, I feel very sensitive to having kids be purposely alienated. Especially since the girls will be compared by outsiders, and this isn't helped by Lily and Daisy looking basically like twins. No one can help genetics though! I remember (despite wanting the short hair, and being happy with it) feeling a bit envious of other girls, with their long swishy hair. If it's not Violets choice, that can be really hurtful. But who knows, Violet may well love having short hair compared to her sisters, she is a very bonny little girl, no matter what hair cut or outfit and she's clever to boot, I would like to think they couldn't force Violet either way, long or short. She's got her own mind!
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I've worked with kids for 10+ years. It's possible if they're put on right and modeled. You can fix it and explain the reasoning in a developmentally appropriate way.
Regardless, if you can't keep your kid safe in the car maybe don't record it.
yes. especially how OCD she is about many other things.
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I don’t know if you watch The Dashleys, they've collaborated with them a few times and seen to be good friends. A few weeks back they posted a video Q and A with one being about their faith (they too were LDS aka Mormon). Seems they're steering away from that and they definitely seem to have upped their friendship with Skyler since the split, but never mentioned Jamie.
That I didn't know...Ive watched them a handful of times but not enough to know them super well. That's interesting!
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The first blog has dropped and I couldn't get past 6 minutes of his hippy dippy light and purity rubbish. He's going to need to find a whole new audience if his content is going to be like this.
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Holy moly, horrible car seat safety! Sheesh. I just watched a vlog and the mom is recording in the car. None of their chest clips are right, one kid has the straps under their armpits, none of them are tight enough. sheesh, accident waiting to happen
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I would not be surprised if the vlogs stop or at least a name change as they still have a lovey dovey profile pic.

Am sure there have been tears but there has been approx six months of them getting used to to the separation and only now we are just seeing them.

Never watched any potty training vlogs as it wouldn’t interest me but i do remember people asking how they are going to potty training five at the same time so that’s probably why they did it. I can’t imagine them actually filming them on the loo though. Surely not.

I just did not see them as exploited as they don’t film them constantly like some families i won’t name but I see people’s point about them making money off the kids no matter how much or little they are filmed. I personally think it’s crazy how you can get paid more from making videos than from a proper job
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I did notice that Shaye has come out as trans, and she and Amanda have been blogging their journey.

I feel as though Jamie stayed mormon and conservative, and Skyler supported their sibling. I really hope Skyler and Shaye are happy.
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