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I'm still trying to work out why they have invited this woman to the opening of SW!? I'm mean, there is a time and a place for everything and everybody. But I'm not sure that a 'family friendly' tween and special needs based selfie taking business quite fits this woman's MO 🙄😲🤦‍♀️
Maybe someone from Asa's "other" life aside and hidden from Maass' Mold Mansion! 🙄....jk...he wouldn't have time with taking care of Abbie full time, completing household chores and projects Priscilla comes up with, Zaxby, Chic-A-Fil and Dunkin runs, videoing/editing/uploading all his and Priscilla's internet platforms, etc....There just wouldn't be time or energy for a secret alternative lifestyle! 😂
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That was her story and she stuck to it. 🤣
There is no way she would be able to get that actual literal mountain of an ass of hers in a size 14.
I seriously doubt that Lauren Brazee is a size 24. She's got an even bigger gunt and her ass mountain is big enough to party on.
It's all lies.
A 24 is pretty big....Lauren is believable
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They still have slots open, oh too funny. Yep, the crowd is pouring in.

Yeah, but they will exploit them. IMO they will drop Abbie off at SelfieWrld for their employees to babysit her while they run errands, sleep, etc. Their employees will become respite workers.
I wonder if they have thought about releases - getting permission from their employees and customers to use their likenesses on their vlogs and social media....

I wonder if they have thought about releases - getting permission from their employees and customers to use their likenesses on their vlogs and social media....
and releases from the parents of minors
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The whole concept of this place is already skeevy enough as it is. You don't need your 14 year old daughter to develop a crush on the guy whose job it is to help her be photographed on a couch shaped like lips.

I can't get over how gross some of the neon signs are for this place. "Dirty." "Slippery when wet." "Juicy." Just gross. Some of the sets/photos are legitimately lovely, but the other 90% just look cheap and trashy.
I haven't heard the word "skeevy" since I was a teenager, and that's been quite a while ago! 😄 Quick flashback to the day! 😄
I guess some of the booths or signs for them to go along with the VIP guest theme...what's her name, dominix???
Headed over to my corner spot now.
Noir, I saw the same when when my Mom's dementia went into overdrive. Her face was often expressionless and her motor skills were gone. There are things that I see in Abbie that my Mom did, especially in lack of understanding and ability to focus and pay attention.
Sadly, we're going through that now with my mother in-law. We're not quite reached the severe level yet but, her memory and cognitive abilities have deteriorated rapidly over the last 6 or 7 months to a point where there needs to be someone with her 24/7.
She just turned 96 last month!
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It is probably a combination of the things people have suggested: that her differences seemed more normal when she was little and she is probably much more heavily medicated today...I think Asa said they didn't believe in medication for a while? In the third picture, in what I assume is Abbie's birthday party, she looks to be in some kind of harness (or is that part of her dress?) and young Summer (that's her in the red shirt right?) in the background is being held back by a lady as if she is special needs too. I don't think Summer is special needs, but it looks odd.
Abbie has the harness on in this photo as well, wearing a different outfit. Perhaps it was the precursor to the backpack she wears now. :unsure:

Good catch!

WOW...that sure does look like Summer in the red shirt, maybe that is her mom behind her? She may have reached her arms around Summer (or her doppelganger!) 🤷‍♀️😂😂to clap, at least that is how it looks. :unsure: Isn't that how they met Summer? Thru the Autism Surf program?

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Dare I say I am ready for this SelfieWrld BS to move along? We all know how that is going to go. Straight SOUTH ! #bigfatfail
I need some Pigfuckles travels the US eating all the thingth in my life. I am ready for poonamis in a RV. Moobs hating his pathetic life as he empties the shit tank and re-levels the RV for the 11th time by dusk. I want to see his eyes brim with tears as Abbie honks and threatens to kick a drunk Mama Sow over a bag of pretzels. Travelmaass aka Travelfataass. Bring it on! 😻
View attachment 627598
Could someone photo shop some vampire fangs on her? Lol!!! I have a new computer but no photo shop program, yet…or I would do it.
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Cilla talking about the ice being a "big ol' sphere". Yeah just like you Boozy Floozy.

View attachment 631818

Checking for her hidden ranch and cheese stash?


View attachment 631823
How can some leg humpers look at this picture and STILL compliment her on her weight loss!?

Either Abbie is sick or the mold wrecked havoc on her.

I don't think she even knows how to blow her nose. Her sinuses must be chock full! Her under eyes across her nose look puffy. I wonder if she's having sinusitis pain?!
Either Abbie is sick or the mold wrecked havoc on her.

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they couldn’t even organise a piss up in a brewery. Absolute cockwombling idiots.

I’m on a mission to bring back to word ‘wazzock’ Asa is a wazzock.
Ok,I had to Google this and it is a perfect description. Now, I have to Google so many new words but emojis cause me to shudder with fear since I know many have a different meaning such as peach and aubergine.
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Abbie as a little kid was so cute! I am surprised she was skinny. Did she not eat much back then and/or run around more?
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I almost wish we had the problem of compulsive eating with my son. We have the opposite. He is so rigid with eating. His list of foods is growing smaller by the year. We are lucky if we get a toddler sized portion of any meal into him. He also tends to pocket food in his cheeks and just keep chewing and chewing until he finally spits it all out. It is beyond frustrating. He will devour things like muffins and chips though. At the moment, I am just focusing on making meal times less stressful, and he eats what he eats. I give him a multivitamin, and a tasteless protein powder I can mix up in applesauce. We've been to the nutritionist a few months ago for any type of help, but they can't really suggest anything we aren't doing. He won't drink any of the meal replacement shakes because they are all flavored. He won't eat any food offered in a clinic setting because, well, it's "different". Dinner time can take over an hour, and I am cutting everything into miniscule pieces, and trying not to lose my damn mind. I would freaking LOVE it if he ate as much of a variety as Abbie. My hubby says that maybe he is tired of the same foods all the time, but on the other hand, he won't eat any different foods we make for him. I am seriously at a loss here.

P.S. If anyone here is a feeding therapist or nutritionist, I'll take any help I can get at this point. At the moment, I am just going to keep on swimmin' with what we've been doing and hope things turn around soon. No doc seems concerned about his weight, and the entire 6 weeks we saw the nutritionist he never lost any weight, so?? Then I remember my oldest son was a rail at 17 too, and he has now plumped up a little at 22. Are there other 17yr olds who seem to exist on air??
My heart goes out to you, I have been a child carer for over forty years and have come across kids that only eat white things, canned spaggetios, drained off the tomato sauce! Bacon and sweetcorn for another. I would suggest do some talking around how corn is grown, (worse come to worse there is ok ole Blippi) and follow a journey to the store, then let son pick a whole out, then show him he can cook it in its husk for 4 mins in the microwave, then off the tht husks(might still be hot) then when cooler slice off about 5-6 corn kernals and see if he’s willing to try.
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