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RocketQueen......Sorry it took so long for me to reply to your question about "What will happen to Abbie?".
WoahThat'sCrazy did a good job explaining what I meant... It's like picturing in my mind Asa, Priscilla, Isaiah sitting in a circle while they watch their subscribers/viewers and sponsors leaving their sites/ vlogging platforms, etc. And without the money ...they wouldn't be able to maintain their "lush" lifestyle, and the little they would get in from various assistance programs might mean having to place Abbie in a governmental type facility.
Thank you WoahThatsCrazy🙂
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Ok- shes also probably getting 1k a month "Lifestyle Bonus", and she earns all these other percentages off the downline as well, up to 4 levels beneath her. If one of her guides becomes a Director and then has their own team, she gets 3% off that total team which they call a "generation". So she can earn commission on up to 4 "generations" on top of all the individual sellers.
Also more "points" she can use for free crap.
Math is not my thing, and it is confusing, all these odd percentages and generations and shit. But we know she's at 35% personal sales. If she is the top seller in the company, lets be generous and say she sold 700k. We know she sold at least 600k because of the balloons last month. So- she earned 245k off her personal sales.
Plus 12k in annual monthly Lifestyle Bonus.
And even if it is a measly flat 3% off the remaining 300k- not even jacking it up for having additional "generations" or levels under her, she makes 9k from her underlings. (And I would guess reality is much higher.)
PLUS.....her 3 to 5% recruiting bonus- no idea what that could be.
So my 20 min observation from the Income vlog- $266k WITHOUT recruiting, and other oddball percentage bonuses.
I hate math too.
The 600,000 personal sales was her total sales over the years.
So do we divide your answer by 2.5? Cuz shes been selling about that long. 😂😂
I dunno.
Great job getting it somewhat narrowed down!😊
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I thought she was #1 in the whole world? #1 what? All snide remarks welcome, and if someone knows the real answer that's ok too.
I've been trying to figure it out too, because I remember Asa getting SO cocky and saying that!
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I did not read it like they were still fighting. The hearing was over. Case settled. It seemed to me like they were left in limbo not knowing if the money would get to where it was supposed to go in time for the new school year.
If you ever come across those vlogs where they say the lawsuit money was paying for JSA, please link them for me. I obviously missed them.
In the meantime, check this out:

Start at 5:00
I don't remember which, but I think they were Q&A ones or live ones from like YEARS ago. I started watching them before the potty video in the first house. There was a lot of lives then when they answered questions. I know it was brought up more than once asking how they paid for JSA. They would always revert back to the law suit and say that the district is paying for it. That is why they were so gunghow about being on the school board and such.
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Chatty Member
Either way Priscilla tries this ...and Asa as's not going to be pretty. On skis or in a tube...I feel like they're a disaster (literally waiting to happen! Isaiah and Summer may have a good ski if they've skied before... Maybe Summer I think. And, Abbie... if they have simething for toddlers or young children!

Whatt video is this?
I think Asa is the only one that has possibly been skiing in the past. P & I haven’t even been in snow before and they were talking about Summer being scared/screaming
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Chatty Member
Hi everyone
This is not a drill...Asswipe is giving us a year end gift, oh goody
Settle in for this short gift 🙃

1. Boring ass beginning
2. Bullf**k continued and still continue to live life as if there was no pandemic so stop with the needless, tug at the heartstrings bull💩
3. Ah yes the "let's encourage Abbie to go into the river" vlog...first of many dumbass ideas
4. Funny he left out the part where Abbie approached a random woman at the alpaca place and took her hand..missing an opportunity to remind us what an inspiration Anbis is🙄
5. But we get to see Summer cackling like a loon again or should I say still
6. Time to make the humpers go awwwwww
7. Making the grand entrance 🙄 remember Asswipe made sure they referred to her as a you tube "star" or at least made sure FA and youtube were thrown in
8. Oh look Piggy oh so happy to finally get something she actually loves
9. The bull💩 disney trip ...only things I remember is they invited themselves on the Wee's vacation and made Jen cry...they were really assholes this trip, more than usual
10. When HogBoy was thin
11. Showing how they homeschooled..god I can't type that without 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
12. The dumbass prom bull💩
13. Dumbass f**king bike
14. Piggys birthday eh
15. Graduation cash grab in more ways than one
16. Stupid f**king RV trip from hell
17. Idiots hiking in the rain but he did keep the fall in ... almost makes this vlog worth it
18. Stupid 4th of July outfits
19. Piggy acting the usual fool at the drive through animal park
20. Most action she's gotten in a while
21. Aww we're up to the Bringing HogBoy to college saga....sniffle sniffle cry cry
22. Really WTF is it with Summer being in every f**king family picture
23. Pool and boat ...we know idiots you think you have money and want to flaunt it
24. Bunch of Abbie awwww moments for humpers
25. Light parade...piggy the dancing fool
26. Thank god December...ugly trees
27. Gingerbread and presents
28. And another bullf**k title card to end it
29. Fake out oh great a bunch of insincere Happy New Years from the Maassf**ks
The End
Re no. 17, the fall??
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Let's take a trip to Isaiah's account.

Screenshots and Sarcasm: Isaiah's Twitter edition

When you really think you are more popular than charli d'amelio, who has over 104.8M followers on TikToke. Sit down son, you are making a fool of yourself.
View attachment 368004
Of course, check out narcissist Ass who throws a wet blanket over his son's tweet. Then to admit they bought that ridiculous onesie? 🤣
View attachment 368006
Why would they sponsor someone who is giving them free advertisement? These people are fools...
View attachment 368009
Are you thinking a TikToker that popular has any time in the day for your ass? I am glad to see delusions run in your family....
View attachment 368007
Isaiah, even with that "w" hiding the word poorly in this gif, let me be the first to tell you that you are ridiculous for even using it like this. Not funny, at all. You are a high school senior who should know better. My father would have tanned my hide if I pulled this stunt. It doesn't make you look cool, just desperate to be relevant.
View attachment 368005
I see, you beg for sponsors, your mother buys them for you because God forbid anyone deny her Golden Child with a discount code from Playlist Live? Anyone remember seeing him actually using these Heelys? Or have they gone into the depths of useless purchases by your shopping addicted mom in the garage?
View attachment 368008
Or look, he also was trying to "manifest" an $$$ electric bike to go along with his $$$ one wheel and electric scooter. Does this boy have something against pedaling a bike or walking somewhere? As we all know, he got the electric bike this year. How much you want to bet it was for finishing his first semester of for Cilly's response, I just can't.
View attachment 368003
Your dad is definitely NOT COOL. He is approaching middle age, but desperate to be the "cool " dad that hangs with his son playing video games.
View attachment 368011
Pathetic attention seekers , the apple doesn’t fall far .......

Not offended in the least. It is possible to have a conversation where one person has a different view without being offended. I did think your comment was very broad. I may of misunderstood;but in your original post you made it sound as if you didn’t know anything about any sort of traditional New Years meal. I hope your view of them being racist is due to actual actions and not by a meal that millions of people, of all races enjoy every year.
We agree they are horrible people... I hope there are no hard feelings with my response
I have never heard of a traditional New Year meal.
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Her makeup is way out to eat I could go on elf and get the same thing cheaper then what she asked for it just trying to get people to buy her pyramid scheme

I totally get how she needs to kind if stas y in the middle of all this. She's going to have her boy soon, and so there will probably be a bunch of cheap ass gifts for baby. They ard such humble parents, and do not brag unless it is about how proud she is of her daughter or of Johns weight loss journey. (100 pounds in a few months, and NO WEIGHT LOSS SURGERY). Follow the right path Lauren, and keep being the awesome person you are!
I like them both
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I was born in Kentucky but moved to Minnesota when I was 4 yrs old. So I really don't know southern traditions. But, this to me is kinda offensive. These are based off traditional slave dishes. Today is Heartbreak Day. IDK, like I said, I don't know much about southern traditions and certainly don't want to offend any of you guys.
Actually pork is good luck in many traditions not just southern US.
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Chatty Member
If you are a masochist this is the company fluff version.

they must be getting ready for ski trip?? They don’t want left overs in house........

there Is so much commission in their products. They are probably worth 5% of the retail cost.
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Let me make sure I understand - uh Cilly and Assa can't be home alone with Abbie because she has needs that takes more than one person BUT they leave Abbie alone with Isaiah! WTF
the leg humpers are already at the video, this one drank a big glass of kool aid:
View attachment 369363
View attachment 369365
View attachment 369369
Don't you guys just love people like this winner who are for some reason incapable of using punctuation?
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Thanks. I am bookmarking this to watch tomorrow also.
I don't know if I'd be "lucky" enough to see them trying to ski or snowboard or whatever watching the trailcam.. just so long as I don't have to listen to Priscilla's stupid "embarrassment" laugh!!
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I go back and forth with this because they really are just small fish in the you tube pond and as scheming as Assa is he might see it as a way to grab more subscribers so maybe he is just egging on daddude so that he will make a video about them and get their numbers up .As it is now their shit is boring and he's got nothing in terms of content and he could play the victim as they so often do.Then I think it would be a good thing if he ripped them for every single disgusting thing they have done .I think it could if done well could shine a light on the problem that you tube has ignored so far.I would love to see it done like a doc series explaining the many ways they use Abbie who cannot consent and use and leech off their fans .But the thought that the fat arrogant pos would benefit worries me.
Agreed. Hoping his video is very detailed and well-researched. He could certainly cover a lot, and if it’s done well it could hit them very hard.
But yes, always a chance Asa could spin things but I think if the people who come across the DadChallenge video see his other stuff (like on the Stauffer’s), then he may hold enough weight to finally tip the scales.

Edit to add another thought:
In Josh’s latest video, he says he deployed a tactic to bring attention to his coverage of the Stauffer family by going on their connected channels and posting neutral comments simply stating that those people had the issue with their special need’s child. He says it worked well (though slowly) to bring attention to their drama.

I really hope he can do the same with FA and Priscilla’s channel. He made the point that a lot of fans may be subscribed to one of their channels for one reason, and never notice what’s going on in their other channel(s).
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