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Chatty Member
I found out that my brother died tonight. Covid-19.
Of course we can't bury him. His daughter and her children all have covid-19.
I am heartbroken.
If I see another vlog from the Massives galavanting in public I will probably lose my mind.
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A must watch! I bet Asshole is fuming if he saw any of this.
Oh I am quite sure Asa is building up to an aneurysm right about now. That trip is ruined. And for that alone, Josh deserves a medal! It will be unicorn farts and P' giggles on camera but behind the scenes his head is EXPLODING!!
How dare someone question his motives, means, integrity, parenting!
How dare anyone challenge him?!
Not fear him? And not just once, but announce a series of upcoming vlogs?!
I just love it. Love it!!
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That was the most fun I have had in AGES!!
I wish I could see and hear the drama unfolding in that sweaty SUV right now lol. How perfect is it that this was dropped as they head out on yet another trip?!
Josh was focused and well spoken. It was interesting and factual. And when he mocked P "I feed the homeless!' I did a fist pump. Yes I did! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
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This should be a real "circus to watch tomorrow! Just hope Asa's will be decent enough to forewarn the staff there and the ski slope guides about the "novelty" of their screwed up family.
I'm sure he did. It went something like this-

Hello, I'm the award winning Youtuber and Autism Awareness Advocate Asa Maass. I'm sure you've heard of me. This is my mealticket daughter Abbie, but you can refer to her as #AutismPrincess. Over here, we have my wife Big P, mother of 2 out of 3 of my children and top selling MLM seller on planet Earth. Over there is my son who is largely a disappointment but has started raking in some bucks so he's looking better each day. That girl over there is a 23 year old college grad who is my 15 year old's best friend and lives in my home. I swear nothing weird is going on here. Anyway, get ready for a week of your other guests being videoed without permission and just enough honking and yelling to ruin everyone else's vacation because the MaassSquad is in the house! Also, what time does room service close?
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So Christmas morning came again last night ;) DCP's video was such an unexpected, exhilarating surprise! I felt like a prosecuting attorney in the midst of a huge trial who just cross examined a key witness. My husband, asleep on the couch next to me, awoke to me applauding and shouting praises and gratitude for Josh. He even got in on the action and watched for a few minutes. I was so happy that I actually had to ask myself...again...why? I have a very full life and do not need to live vicariously through anyone, especially not a family I only "know" through YouTube. It's all about justice being served. I cannot stand liars, phonies and narcissists. Before Josh I felt powerless to effect change, and now I have hope. FA, and all the ancillary channels associated with it, is nothing but an affront to the intelligence of anyone .... with any degree of intelligence. The fact that Asa, the master manipulator and gaslighter, wants to continue to defend his channel as one that "raises awareness" of anything, let alone autism, makes my blood boil. With all due respect, Abbie is just as special, but not any more special, than millions of autistic/IDD people making their way in this world every day. She is not an #autismprincess, she is not changing lives, she is simply a lovely young lady being used by her parents as a means to make a living. It disgusts me! I've mentioned before we have dear friends who have a 24 year old, slightly verbal autistic son who is similar to Abbie in many ways. Why wasn't he allowed to be the #autismprince? Why wasn't he allowed to "change lives?" Why do his parents have to work REAL jobs to support their family? The answer is because his parents are good, decent people with morals and values! They would never dream of exploiting their child for their own personal gain. There is zero difference between these two innocents...the only thing that separates them is the character of their parents. Go Josh!!! I've liked/subscribed/set up alerts...anything I can do to support his efforts to take these channels down. And for the argument that he's no better than FA, benefitting off of increased comments and subscribers...I say good for him! I hope he becomes a millionaire many times over fighting the good fight. Have a wonderful Sunday fellow Tattlers ☺
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Pink Marshmallow

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Josh brought up a point that has always stuck out to me and I've mentioned it on here as well, that whenever Asshat and Princess P are addressing some serious topic or some criticism or the CPS thing, they can never look at the camera when they're talking. Asshat especially. He will always be looking off to the side, looking at P, then the wall, then the kitchen counter etc. Basically anywhere other than at the camera. He may glance at the camera for literally 1/4th of a second, but never direct or consistent eye contact.

This body language is EXTREMELY telling. There's the obvious thing that it shows they know that they've done something wrong. They're avoiding that connection because of guilt, shame and (especially in Asshat's case) being unwilling to admit to wrongdoing, avoiding admitting any fault. Owning up to it. Most importantly, taking accountability and making meaningful changes.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if the same thing happens if they mention the Dad Challenge video on the vlog. Shifty eyes galore.

Or (since we know you read here, Asa), prove us all wrong and actually hold eye contact with the camera when talking about serious things like this.

Which one will it be? ;)
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Why would A & P not want to associate or think they are too good for Jen or other autistic adults? Their daughter has similar (but probably much more severe) disabilities and will one day be dealing with that as an adult. Why the seeming uncomfortable vibe around someone with a disorder that they (A & P) have dealt with for 15 years and pretty much built their entire lives around?
JMO, but its several reasons. First, having Jen around amplifies that there is a lot more going on with Abbie than Autism. Abbie has Autism, but is also profoundly intellectually disabled. Jen has Autism, but is intellectually gifted. I think her perspective is threatening to Asa- he makes so many assumptions about Abbie and Autism that Jen could easily call him out on it.
And when they first met Jen, I dont think he knew or understood anything about her. I think he just thought she was an autistic fan who vlogged, and was wanting to be "friends" with Abbie- not realizing she was not only a few years older than them, but also damn smart, and not interested in fan-girling over Sweet Girl. I think that was a huge shock to him. And finally, despite all his BS awareness chatter, and "perfectly imperfect" crap, he is NOT comfortable around people special needs unless he is SUPERIOR to them.

Belated Good Morning and Happy 2021!! I slept thirteen! hours and it was amazing! Then I woke up to see it is sleeting- so dark and gray the streetlights are on. I hope this is not a sign of how 2021 will play out! :(
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Melissa Roper

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Sorry Laura, she will never date anyone, not being mean or anything, she can't consent to anything, she hates being hugged, she can't consent to anything physical with another person. So therefore she cannot date. It's nothing personal to her, she just can't.
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I've had so much fun with the humpers.
But wow- Josh got his first message through loud and clear- shots were definitely fired. There are so many of his own followers chiming in on this!
And I know some people dont like it, but I LOVE that he is aggressively challenging Asshat and letting him know- you aint shit bro! Because thats all Asa responds to, and what he fears.
Its a beautiful thing. 🌷🌹🌺
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Thank you to those folks on here who brought attention to Josh’s vlog from DCP. I learned some things. I’m glad Josh took the time to watch some Fathering Autism vlogs and also read some emails or texts from supporters as well as those who are alarmed at the exploitation of Abbie that happens on Fathering Autism.

He reaffirmed our notion that it’s (the FA vlog) all about ASSA and their money making world. He brought up an interesting point about them (Assa and Priscilla) not looking at the camera when they address the call from CPS and other times they have been called out. (The third child and Ass’s infidelity incident) And Josh pointed out that they defend their parenting by bringing up their two awards they received for their video work and “feeding the homeless”. That is interesting. I watched the entire video of Josh’s and I haven’t watched a FA vlog from start to finish in a long time.

That comment Ass made to Josh about how he wouldn’t even sit down at a table with him because what? He’s not on the same level with him? Wow. A man that leaves his wife and child because he doesn’t want to be married anymore only to quickly find another woman to have sex and another child with. (Thanks Josh for the recap!)

Finally, I think Assa can maybe dismiss all of us on Tattler (generalizing) that we are a bunch of tired, miserable, uneducated (stupid) old women but when he sees a younger man (Ass’s age) that is bright, articulate, skilled at videography like Assa criticizing him and his FA vlog ...this really bugs the shit out of Assa. And I’m glad.
I hate when he made that comment about the ages and gender of everyone on here. What in the world does someone’s age and gender have to do with their forming an opinion on their videos? What an ass.

I’m 23, and I found their channel because I genuinely wanted to learn about autism and families whose lives have been touched by autism. I wanted to learn how I could be supportive. When doing some research, I happened to stumble upon the video of them taking Abbie to the fair and she ended up having a meltdown. I immediately got bad vibes from this family. First, I didn’t like the exploitative thumbnail they used of Abbie visibly upset. Second, it bothered me seeing him film her as she was upset. I started watching more and more videos and I thought it was very strange how Priscilla does pretty much nothing for Abbie. It was all Asa and Isaiah. And I was really, really bothered by how they talk about her as if she’s not there.

I could also sense Priscilla didn’t like Abbie and thought she was a nuisance. I tried to find any gossip sites to see if there were others who shared my thoughts. At the time, I couldn’t find anything. Then the video about his past (if you know what I mean) showed up and I googled them again and found this site. What bothers me the most about them is that Abbie has no idea what they are doing to her and she can’t ever do anything to stop it. She has no advocates. I really want to see her live the best life possible and be happy, but they have shown nothing that indicates they are really doing anything to make her life better. They only care about the lavish lifestyle she has given them because they’re using her for money.
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Purple Ruby

Chatty Member
It beats me how that bloke has the gall to stand in an expensive restaurant during Covid grinning like a cheshire cat while his lumpy wife brags about it. If I was trying to dodge paying a decent amount of maintenance for my child and couldn't be bothered to even see her I'd be more than embarrassed.
It proves that he has absolutely no conscience whatsoever. She's as much to blame by not encouraging him to contact or see his daughter, I imagine when the topic crops up P stamps her feet, slaps her thighs and has a hissy spoilt fit.
They're overweight, overindulged, exploitative poor excuses for human beings.
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Well-known member
Thank you to those folks on here who brought attention to Josh’s vlog from DCP. I learned some things. I’m glad Josh took the time to watch some Fathering Autism vlogs and also read some emails or texts from supporters as well as those who are alarmed at the exploitation of Abbie that happens on Fathering Autism.

He reaffirmed our notion that it’s (the FA vlog) all about ASSA and their money making world. He brought up an interesting point about them (Assa and Priscilla) not looking at the camera when they address the call from CPS and other times they have been called out. (The third child and Ass’s infidelity incident) And Josh pointed out that they defend their parenting by bringing up their two awards they received for their video work and “feeding the homeless”. That is interesting. I watched the entire video of Josh’s and I haven’t watched a FA vlog from start to finish in a long time.

That comment Ass made to Josh about how he wouldn’t even sit down at a table with him because what? He’s not on the same level with him? Wow. A man that leaves his wife and child because he doesn’t want to be married anymore only to quickly find another woman to have sex and another child with. (Thanks Josh for the recap!)

Finally, I think Assa can maybe dismiss all of us on Tattler (generalizing) that we are a bunch of tired, miserable, uneducated (stupid) old women but when he sees a younger man (Ass’s age) that is bright, articulate, skilled at videography like Assa criticizing him and his FA vlog ...this really bugs the shit out of Assa. And I’m glad.
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