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This is so true! And not making her clean up messes she makes is "reinforcing that behavior"...there, I used technical terms Asa! Aren't you tired of cleaning Priscilla's car.yet or do have Isaiah or Summer do it!
I make my son clean up his wrappers and crap. I’m very uptight when it comes to my car being clean
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I pressed the BS button so many times I broke it. When Asswipe answered his phone did anyone hear it ring? My fav part was Abs rearranging the clock.
He maybe had his phone set to vibrate only? IDK for sure. That clock he made isn't going to do squat with Abbie not having some kind of concept of time.
Still waiting for vlogs with him working on clock skills with Abbie!
You can't just make something, hang it on a wall, and just start pointing to it when Abbie requests something.
Kaitlin looks very unnatural in this photo.. I wonder if she is using P's weird filter to make her look different? P's photos is of course altered .. possibly by photoshop or using a filter of some type.

I think it's the makeup...looks like Kaitlin is made up with LimeLife products. Priscilla has the same "waxy" look to her face. Just my thought.
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They will eventually. This level of adoration and fandom wont last forever. Even the few that think Abbie is "so stinkin' cute" will not feel that way when she is in her 20's or older.
And I've always been honest about my opinion about it- I dont blame them. Its not a slam against Abbie, some people are not cut out to devote their entire lives to care for someone like Abbie, Im one of them. I may have felt differently when I was younger, but I just turned 50 and I feel 50 LOL. Ive raised my children. Using Abbie as the example, I'll say:
I no longer have the tolerance for noise- the yelling..??...hell no
I dont have the energy to constantly placate her and say "No" to food and rides 1,000x a day.
I dont have the energy to deal with toileting accidents and shredding, stripping naked, getting into things
I dont have the energy to worry every time we went somewhere I may have to chase her, or leave.
And biggest of all- no way would I at 50 (and older!) deal with being hit, pinched, kicked or bit.

I cant stand them, but in the interest of not being as fake as they are I can be honest and say nope, dont blame them.
Oh sorry I thought you meant in the near future I am sure once the views go down and she gets older and more out of control they will put her in a home I also think they are going to squeeze every last cent they can between now and then.Summer and I will leave and pretty sure 🐷 and assa will split up but I have no clue what they would do afterwards any ideas
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Screenshots and Sarcasm: The One When Abbie Runs Cilly Ragged, But Still Gets a Donut edition

Maybe it is me, but Cilly's hair seems to be much thinner lately in the vlogs. Could it be the horrendous diet with the failed WLS. I am now 💯% convinced when she shows off her hair for L'ange, she pulls most of it forward to look more full..
View attachment 359401
If she isn't eloping any more, why is Cilly talking about having essentially a leash on her with her backpack? It still isn't cute to watch her shovel food in her mouth like she is stoking a fire, nor is it cute that she stares at other families because they get food first. If Abbie really wanted to take off, no way Cilly could catch her. She is out of breath just walking normally.
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Cilly, you need a larger mask, so does Abbie. I am glad to see Abbie doesn't put up a huge fight with a mask. At least one of you wears it and will adjust it when prompted. I would think your bestie Kaitlyn would know that being she is a frontline nurse.
View attachment 359406
I have seen this look before.

"Hard Day For Mom"
Abbie knows her mother fears her, and completely walks all over her when it is just the two of them.
View attachment 359402
Ah, we are to the Ass likes to hear himself talk section. Isaiah, this was my face exactly during this BS filler. Anyone knows that certain things can't be found during the pandemic, such as, freezers, bikes, appliances and more. But in Ass' world, he doesn't think ahead about what he is going to do and ends up scrambling like he did in this vlog.
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I see Ass is too busy working to repair the couch. Abbie had made a mess. And no. It isn't a Florida or Southern thing that your tree dries out. You need to water the tree every day if not more. You are just lazy.
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You spent how much $$$ for that fancy kitchen, and you are eating take-out. Wow. Lazy and a waste of $$$. Must be nice to have leghumpers willing to keep the $$$ rolling in.
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Once again, Isaiah, blink twice if you need rescuing. The tension during Ass' talking section is apparent. Your face just confirms it.
View attachment 359407
Oh Cilly. You know the only things Abbie can communicate through her iPad that is yet again MIA, is food and kart. She certainly can't tell you what she wants for Christmas. Let me help you though. Abbie wants the inexpensive sensory toys that make noise, bubbles or music. She doesn't need the expensive gifts she has paid for because of your exploitation. Love that she walked away from you. Take a hint Cilly.
View attachment 359408
She is fifteen. She is never going to be independent, nor is she going to be able to ask for certain Christmas gifts. But you know her best, why don't you know that yet?
View attachment 359409
Poor Cilly. Abbie was TOO HAPPY, so her mother-daughter day was ruined. She spilled orange juice all over your car. All you could do was ask for hugs and kisses when frustrated. Oh, and call in Ass for reinforcement. Abbie sounded out of control over the phone. Not surprised to hear she is still pinching you. She knows you are scared of her! But hey, let's get her a donut to reinforce that she is in charge.
View attachment 359410
Why do I think there are no presents under the tree because she will be sensory-seeking and tear them up while you leave her on the couch to stim while you run your #bossbabe business?
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Excuse me, my POPD (perfect ornament placement disorder) is driving me batty when I see this tree.) How sad that they plan to take it down Christmas or the day after Christmas. And people think you are some #influencer they want to emulate.
View attachment 359412
It is midnight, and your daughter is not in bed. Yeah, that chaos is really something she thrives on. But one last kiss for mom to redeem her parenting skills in this vlog. Sorry Cilly, I am not buying it. You can't handle your own daughter on your own, and I have zero sympathy for you. You only have yourself and Ass to blame.
View attachment 359413
Yes yes and yes! Abbies face said it all in the car right before Pig kissed her ass, when that little tongue of hers peeks out and her eyes of steel look at P it says it all
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Welcome to the group. All of us are here because we are upset about the same things you are mentioned and more. But specifically hoe they treat Abbie. I personally, I can't talk for anyone else, don't mind making fun of Cilly, Assault or Isaiah because it is the only way for me to let out my frustrations.

Thank you for the brief summary of your son and the beautiful way you help him to cope.
Welcome! I believe you have given your children much more than you realize. They have a mom to love them care for them and want the best for them. That is priceless.
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In Kaitlin's sneak peek, she said "four years later, she is my best friend." Didn't someone post a vlog where they met for the first time in the last thread? It was in a Dunkin after Abbie was dropped off late for school because of "traffic."
Yup. That was me 😁 I think they formally met in the coffee shop. But prior to that. They had just casually chatted at JAS functions from what she said in the 'girls trip' vlog. 🤔🤷‍♀️ But who knows want the truth is for sure!
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I agree because he is a narcissist and he loves to make her look like shit but I also think how sad it is that she cannot handle one outing with her daughter without her backup it shows how little interest she has to learn to do these things by herself. Its like when Brandi comes over and you get the whole fake act that she is paying attention and trying to be the oh so involved mother .She has this idea in her head kind of like a southern belle that she has others to do the hard stuff while she demands hugs and kisses .I'm sure that Assa or I had to clean her car so no biggie .The money has made her believe all this is owed to her with little to no effort on her part.Trust me this is all for show they will try and fail to portray her as autism supermom but she just does not have it in her .Also with her cooking and bossbabe side hustles she is losing interest as she did with the wls she can't be bothered to learn how to cook properly or apply makeup or make an effort on the free peloton that most people would have been grateful for .All she wants is to go shopping eat out and have the leghumpers praise her .
The life of way back when "Southern Belle" is what she wants!!!
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Chatty Member
May I ask what you mean, "what will happen to Abbie?" Im not following.....:unsure:
(Just a guess) But that sentence would mean that since they would no longer have followers/subscribers, they wouldn’t have money and so therefore they would be freaking out over what would happen to Abbie (people may have to pay to put family members in homes too)
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I actually tried looking for that vlog the other day, but I couldn’t find it. So to be honest I’m not sure.
She's going to need the seatbelt extender again if they fly for the ski vacation. 🤣 😂 🤣
And I hope it still won't be enough to clip her safely in the plane seat...and what contraption will Asa come up with to keep Abbie seated!!! This is disgusting to think about but will be fun seeing what Asa comes up with to keep his women seated safely on the plane. That's if they fly. Even so...If they to keep 15 year old Abbie in her "childs" seat with harness now that she's figured out how the buckles work! lol Good luck Asa!

They probably take it to a full service car wash and pay people to do it for them. They are allergic to actual work it would seem.
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Seems like a regular thing she does before going shopping. Have heard her mention doing it even during the pandemic. You can easily see whenever she opens the freezer, it is jam packed full.
So much for feeding the homeless!!!
I wonder if that food she's tossing could be donated to a food bank or shelter or a soup kitchen!

So much for feeding the homeless!!!
I wonder if that food she's tossing could be donated to a food bank or shelter or a soup kitchen! Obviously if it's gone bad it'll have to be tossed. 😡
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Mom wakes up, doesn’t know what Abbie is wearing, tells dad to do her hair & give her breakfast. Mom goals. Why wouldn’t they hide Xmas presents From Abbie?? well I know because they wanted to vlog.

sking..... I f’ing despise them.

Merry Christmas!! And especially to those that have put others before their own selfish pursuits. They are so so selfish.

I wonder if Summer is going sking. I would assume yes given P. Hates dealing with her.

I wonder what he sent daughter #1 for Christmas?

also could she not give selling shit a rest???????
Daughter #1??? probably not a damn thing unless he did it on the sly! Which I don't see happening, but it's Christmas a few more houre...miracles still happen now and again. 😏🙃

Maybe a straight jacket isn't such a bad udea in the car only for her safety. They clsim 'swaddling' a baby so tight calms them down immediately, and makes them feel safe. Maybe she needs to be swaddled? Seriously.
She aged overnight...think she had a surgery a few months ago
I know Asa said something about a broken foot and her using a walker.
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Now I'm confused.
The rental was on a street that had the name of something spotted you put on a horse.
Vonhogs street starts with a B.
But yeah.
They rented from individuals not the VonHogs.
Haha I have no idea... maybe it's not the place they moved from. A good chance lol not sure how I even saw it previously really. There was no date I saw so could have been forever ago.

Long story short... I am confused lol

Doesn't matter in the long run. Has wonder if it fed into Ass being so emotional about proving he was good enough and could take care if P in her parent's eyes.
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