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Summer's nasty hair wasnt even pulled back. Hogsiah did not wear a head covering. Between their hair and the animals, I can only imagine what got in the food.
82 homeless people in Jacksonville most likely suffered with severe diarrhea Saturday night due to improper food handling by these morons.
Mother Teresa would kick her ass for doing this.
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Yes.. maybe her mother does not want her daughter to be the focus of social media due to A’s choices and lack of compassion. Its bad enough people keep bringing it up and involve her in discussions while reminding her what A has and has not done. What does it do to see child support records? What does it matter at the end of the day? Just like Abbie, his eldest daughter should be off limits. She is not involved in FA and therefore should not be a topic. There are a lot of moving parts that none of us are privy to. It took two adults to create that child and two adults to make choices that this child is paying for and will continue to pay for. You have no clue as to who her mother is or what her role in all of this was... she ultimately had the upper hand to pursue things because she has custody. Obviously due to time lines she was not in a heated rush to hold A to the fire. It seems it is just being nosey searching for child support orders for a kid who is sadly not a part of their lives.

He bought her an industrial size with extra extra padding so the seat would be more comfortable...I wonder if it disappeared like you
There are a few people on here that make assumptions when they really don’t know the whole story, this topic of the other daughter has been discussed on here many times and I for one don’t feel it is necessary to police people’s comments, they are entitled to their opinion.
spill the tea as soon as you can Hot.
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Pink Marshmallow

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Cilly edited her post about the parade yesterday.

They are on the Christmas trolley, with other people!
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Drives me bonkers when I see masks worn like this.
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Because this is all I can see...
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I freaking ❤ Jamie's comment to Kay...
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There she goes again with the "You do You" bullshit!

Choosing not to wear your masks or wearing them improperly (Isaiah) has an effect on others. What you're doing, the choices you're making can have potentially serious consequences.
That's why "You do you and we'll do us." is simply NOT acceptable.
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Chatty Member
Morning all! Just breezing through but has to comment on this pic from their wedding.
Asa looks like a typical 19/20 yr old.
Big P already looks 40. Smiling like shes Stella and she got her groove back...LOL.
You'd be smiling too if you bagged yourself a hot stud like A and were beginning a lifetime adventure of Dunkin and golf cart rides...gag :sick::sick:

Check out the last comment on this photo:

View attachment 340497
People should really direct their anger and nastiness to the people who deserve it- her parents.
Her mouth was droopy back then too.

Top beauty seller shows how to get "cute" lips.

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When she did this live yesterday, she read a comment of someone asking if the foundation had oil in it. She of course didn't know and asked if anyone did (why would she know, she's only selling it, also, who is she asking? Her minions who pose as customers to boost sales?) Then, someone asked if the foundation was a matte finish. She said it is but "looks dewy on her" because she mixed oil into it. So, that's not photoshop after all, It's magic oil from magic beans. Or maybe it's just bacon grease. We may never know.
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They hand it out like they do the bags. Oy!
Mmm, improperly transported, non-refrigerated meals with no provisions to make sure they are safely heated to a hygienic temperature! Sounds great!
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That is Asshat's attempt at being 'cool and open to criticism and discussion'. Some preemptive damage control.
One might be inclined to believe it if they didn't really know him/hadn't seen any FA videos.
But we know the truth, don't we Asa?
You are so right. Assa is unmatched when it comes to others who possess a higher level of maturity than he does. Hes still trying to manipulate the situation. Notice he doesn't use his typical snark with this guy. He is trying to go the soft route and look reasonable, especially because he knows leghumpers are on there watching and he can't delete the previous comments made.
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Hi everyone
Shitshow time
I wonder what scintillating topics will be covered tonight....ok not really but had to say something right😘
Please be short, please be short....awww shit 16m50s

1. Damn a variation of the word celebrate in two titles and thumbnail..impressive...NOT
2. Oh look more groceries FOR THE FUCKING HOUSE
3. And here comes the homeless, aren't we wonderful brag talk
4. Plugging the rip off potpourri shit
5. And now the curiosity stream plug. Blah blah blah....
6. STFU Asswipe with the obnoxious tagline shit
7. OMFG plugging Piggys MILESTONE with her running con oh I mean business
8. And look going out to lunch AGAIN
9. I really hate HEY fucking obnoxious
10. I think he has another new pair of raybans (tortoise shell)
11. Piggy actually fucking waddles
13. Fake maternal moment
14. Awwww wreaths don't light up...poor fucking babies
15. STFU about Hogsaiah and the bow fluffing
16. Dark fucking vlogging
17. Maybe lead with the fucking crap chicken first
19. Piggy has the peloton..she doesn't need a bicycle. Especially one that would hold her
20. Awww so sweet...Piggy and her surrogate daughter went to get their nails done. OMFG think of the poor nail tech who does Piggys pedicure. Wonder if she gets combat pay
21. Yup Asswipe is doing the nose wipe now too
22. More fake maternal moments 🤢
23. That tree looks like shit...needs alot more lights
24. 15m41s ... looks like a beached BLUE whale on that loveseat
25. Asswipe and work... 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣...sorry gets me every time
26. After the beep ... bullshit ornament packing and Hogsaiah being a wiseass
The End

These vlogs have gotten beyond boring
Just saying 😉
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Pink Marshmallow

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Let me tease her and let her look in the pantry, even though I have no intention of letting her have anything from it. Abbie keeps things even though he is laughing when saying no.
I was so annoyed at that part. Like, why the hell even open the pantry for her and let her ask for things if you don't want her eating anything from it?? Just tell her she's not having anything from the pantry before she walks over there and don't tease her with it.

Living up to his nickname - Asshat!
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I wonder if they are planning to leave the Christmas tree where it is ??? Abbie cannot see it where she sits on the couch. It would drive me crazy to have something in front of the tv like that... no wonder she tried to pull it down.
Even the leghumpers are agreeing with us on the Christmas Tree blocking her view of the TV. It is a Christmas miracle!
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I think Asa cut some off the back last year so they could push it back further but P yelled up him about cutting it this year. There is nowhere else to put it. They need a smaller tree or just use the tree in the front room (which is also partially blocking the doorway this year). I know some people think it would fit in front of the pool doors, but it way too wide. There wouldn’t be a place to walk if they did that.
It’s like I’ve said before , that house has had additions over the years and it has an awful layout, she should just stick with one tree. There isn’t really a good spot for that large tree without it looking as if it’s blocking somewhere but 🐷 gets what 🐷 wants and bugger anyone else even if it does look a mess. They really have no clue when it comes to decorating or furnishing a home, nothing compliments another, they have no colour accents anywhere ,it’s as cold as 🐷 black heart.

Oh yep! Ass was very defensive when he talked about where that tree was. He reverted back to his "We like it there." That damn defensiveness again. Always matter how big or small an issue.
He is such a dick, he has to be right all the time, 🐷 should tell him what an arse he makes of himself on a regular basis. Fat little man with a big camera.
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So cry me a damn river Ass, about how hard you work. You had to edit 3 videos today! While sittin on your fat ass.
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Same old shit different day. I wish Isaiah would stop being a smart arse and enough with Abbie asking for food, it’s so bloody irritating, nobody needs to eat that often, it’s ridiculous. A few firm no’s wouldn’t go amiss, boy have they fucked up with that girl.
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You know if they get P a bike, it will get used for a week or so and then collect dust (along with the trike and the gifted Peloton upstairs) in the garage.
I would bet the Maassive Plantation that Pig complains about the Peloton. She has a hoof full of excuses as to why she does not ride it. Its uncomfortable. It is boring...blah blah. This is another failed attempt in the making to get Tinkerhog’s fat ass off her phone, off the couch, out of the booze and instead burning some calories. Like you said....Another garage ornament for Christmas. She will be tho exthited....all the way until Moobie cuts the camera off. Fake for fakes Sake , which is why I sooooo enjoy hating her for hates sake! 🤣🤣🤣
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Screenshots and Sarcasm: Mother Teresa wannabe edition

And we are off, at 11 am.

But first, we need to go back 24 hours, for the shopping! Pretty full cart for a COSTCO run. Remember, she needed to go out quickly for more ingredients the next morning. This woman hasn't met a dollar burning a hole in her pocket.

After spreading turkey germs everywhere, because she insists on rinsing off the free Butcher Box turkeys left out in a tote full of melted ice (Yeah for the e coli!) Peep a look at the Aunt Bea hairstyle from the back.

Can't forget the heavy whipping cream!

Alert the press! Cilly knows what FRESH GREEN BEANS are! (Her family had to enjoy green beans from a can on Thanksgiving.) It seems the missing ingredient is her all too important shredded cheese. Is it really a Cilly meal without shredded cheese?

Just when I thought I couldn't snark anymore about her heart attack mac-n-cheese, she goes and does this! What I know as part Italian and my full Italian grandmother's teachings, you never add dry pasta to unboiled water. You wait for a rolling boil! All you have done here is make mushy macaroni. Peep the other Cilly Shit and Things unique Pinterest idea for Christmas potpourri on the stove next to the pots.

Does she put cream cheese in her mac-n-cheese? If not, what is this white stuff in the mushy macaroni?

And here we see the white carbs that are a must have in any Cilly meal.

Four hours later, and it looks like the stuffing is done. This looks ¾ sausage, ¼ pre-made bread crumbs with some flecks of celery. Oh wait, this is fueled by Dunkin! I noticed she isn't getting that oversized, extra caramel and sugar iced coffee in awhile. Cutting back on the calories Cilly?

Time to cook the green beans. I am not 100% sure, but is the bacon already added? Well, we at least know she can cook a green vegetable.

This is all we get to see of Cilly's mom. Relegated to another room rolling utensils in napkins and then putting them in plastic wrap.

She's so excited! She hopes to feed at least 60 people with this meal. She reminds us again she did not do it for the accolades. (Then why is it being talked about on ALL OF YOUR DAMN SOCIAL MEDIA CHANNELS!) be like Cilly, do something for someone else. Is this how I look like Mother Teresa and banish any negative comments about (S)LimeLife, the travel out of state to party without a mask, etc?

Time to package the individual meals. Raise your hand if you think all this food just sat out while they set up the packaging line? 🙋‍♀️🙅‍♀️ even from a distance, her mac-n-cheese looks congealed and cheese covered.

As we know from the charred turkeys in yesterday's vlog, this turkey looks dry and blah!

I wonder how many times they had to shoo Abbie away from the food. She can be seen wandering in the background. No TV or iPad to keep her occupied.

I didn't get the time stamp for the girls, but It was 4:50 pm. So, now we have had this food sitting out for three to four hours? I bet the Health Department would beg to differ if this food is safe. Why not leave Abbie home with Candy? Why take her out to hand out the food? Did she just sit in the car and rock?

This is the only screenshot I took when they delivered these meals. I think the intent was good. But the plan was poorly executed. I didn't think it was right to show any of the people they encountered.

No idea what time this was filmed. Oh look, her hair is not so tidy and she looks exhausted. Time for the leghumpers to lap them with praise about what good humans they are! They obviously didn't get enough praise in all the other posts they made! But remember they didn't did this for the praise, new subscriber reach and drown out any criticisms that are coming up again.

So many health code violations, although I didn't see her swipe her nose once! It is a record! No hair nets, dirty ball caps on Ass and Becca's boyfriend (I think), food temperature was not maintained, and no permit to do this. One can hope the powers that be see this...
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Wonder how many loving face scratches and snout rubs she worked in while cooking? Hopefully, she gnawed out from underneath her nails real well before getting started. 🤢
Shes so gross. Inside and out.
And of course once again, bragging about what a "good person" she is. If there are no accolades. she isnt interested.
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I don't think Assa has the balls to make an account and tattle among us.
Who do you guys think it is?
You may as well say...
Why not?
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82 people who have lived extremely hard lives have to go to their grave one day knowing that the worst thing that was ever done to them was this meal. The germs, the hair, just 🤢
Seriously though I follow this amazing woman on Twitter named Shirley Raines, she runs a non-profit in CA, hands out food constantly, does clothing drives, gives haircuts, she's always giving out masks and hand sanitizer, she's just so kind. So often when she gives out food her number one thing is that she always gives folks an option between two things. So many of the times she will say "Would you like an apple or an orange?" And they will say "I will take anything you can spare beggars can't be choosers. "
She is always so fast to remind them that they are not beggars, they are human beings who are having a rough time and they are worth being treated well.
I don't know, some of you might have no interest but she is the kind of person Cilla wants to convince people she is but she's far too lazy to ever be that person. Shirley is too busy being that person to film herself at Olive Garden. Her Twitter handle is @beauty2streetz If anyone is interested.
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