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Why do they even have Brandy over when Asa has all the answers and won’t shut the f@ck up !!! Poor Brandy couldn’t get a word in without Assface talking over her. He just can’t help himself , I can see why he has no friends !! Nobody likes a know it all Asshole !!! Abbie pulled your damn lights off cause that big, ugly ass tree is blocking her view of the tv you idiots!!
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They are still going on about feeding the homeless? I have nothing against it but it’s clear they want a pat on the back for this.
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They know she can thread beads so why not get her a kit.

Why doesnt that school give them ideas to occupy her? I am singularly unimpressed with what is supposed to be a specialist school.
I know some will not agree with me on this, but I feel that Abbie is so severely IDD that both the school and the family are feeling it's more like a babysitting service at this point. They tried her in the occupation classes but that didn't work out. So exactly what does she do there???
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Random thoughts....
*Nice to see Isaiah is not glued to their hips like he used to be. Im not sure how Summer feels about it. Is it just me, or is anyone detecting tension with those two?
*P is going to be out of store sizes again soon if she doesnt slow her roll. I bet she is maybe 60 pounds away from her start weight. If she lost 105 lbs...and gained back 55....she spent thousands to lose 50 pounds and be where she is right now. Some "journey"!
*And off the vlog topic, I was watching Kaitlyn. They went out to eat and Kaidale starting yelling/stimming. She is teaching him "inside voices". He did pretty well. He yelled, and she quietly leaned in and said "inside voices." A moment later he mimicked his exact stim, arm to mouth, silently. With the way Abbie yells in restaurants why havent they ever tried this?! Maybe it wouldnt work with Abbie, who knows? But why not try? Probably because he cant "spread awareness" if she isnt yelling. Hes an idiot! 😡

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If there was no Abbie, Would Assa have thousands of followers? HELL NOOOO
If there was no Abbie, Would Cilla Stuff & Things have so many followers? HELL NOOOO
If there was no Abbie, would Lipstick Mama have so many followers? HELL NOOOOO
If there was no Abbie, Would Isiah Maass have so many followers? HELL NOOOO
If there was no Abbie, Would Summer have so many followers? HELL NOOOO
People were drawn in because of ABBIE WITH HER DISABILITIES.
THE Money came in for all of them because of Poor Abbie, There is no way any of those Morons Assa, Priscilla, or Isiah, Summer could have ever caught people’s attention with their ridiculous bullshit!!! I know I am stating the oblivious here. It just pisses me off that they think they are that likable! And the fact that they think people are jealous of them. Really?!? First and foremost for me is who would want their marriage? They can’t stand each other. They film such a small moment in their lives which is all lies and lots of acting! Period THEY ARE ALL JUST A LIE.
The time is drawing near where Becca will be gone. Summer will evidently move on and get a real life and a real job (hopefully) And Isiah will graduate college, and God forbid when and if he falls in love and his partner will not put up with Piggy’s controlling his every move, he may never have any success with anyone if he continues to let her control him. A&P will have Abbie to deal with alone. They are all such a train wreck. It may take time but more and more people are seeing through them.
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Chatty Member
Ummm they are hungry and they will take any food they can get!i dislike the massive was much as anyone here but atleast it is an effort and I e not met a homeless person yet to turn down food because they weren't hungry!
I guess you haven’t met many homeless people. They are still people that deserve at the very least, safe food to eat ... and they still have preferences, allergies and nutritional needs.
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Not a mask in sight ..... arseholes
Of fucking course not.

I'm extra mad about them and assholes like them today.

One of my closest friends started getting sick over the weekend with covid symptoms & tested positive yesterday. She's sick as a damn dog but not sick enough that the overrun hospitals will see her. The best I can do (since we're in different states) is to check in via phone & text frequently and Instacart her a pulse oximeter to make sure she doesn't go hypoxic.

She's taken all appropriate precautions - she's been working from home since March, only goes out for necessities and wears a mask when doing so, the whole nine yards - and she still got sick. She's sick, millions of people are sick, hundreds of thousands of people in this country are dead, all because assholes like the Maass Squad can't be bothered to keep their asses at home and wear masks when they need to be out.

Humanity disappoints me.
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Definitely him!!!! What the heck?? Must be money involved.
Im too lazy to look, but I think Asa did that pic for a "Vlogmas" vlog a few years back...but I doubt he knows someone is using it.
I bet they get one of his strongly worded letters soon!

Cease and desist!! I am Asa Maass. Creator of Fathering Autism. I am also the real president of Maass Media, but I cant admit it publicly because I dont want to pay my baby mama.
However, my wife and other baby mama is a real life bonafide #BossBabe. Trust and believe you dont want that weight on you!
You really dont! 🐷🐷
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Just a thought. When Brandy was last on, did anyone see her rub her belly and say yummy? Trying to teach Abby a new sign. Abby's parents have dropped the ball on teaching that child anything. Besides doughnut and such. All of her learning has come from schools and therapists. As evidenced when they quarantined and had to home school and didn't know one thing she was being taught in school. Their shit show should be called.... 'How NOT to father autism!'
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It seems that Ass is aware that this guy wants to expose them.
View attachment 336893
It's not just about analytics ASSHOLE MASSIVE! You exploit your daughter. Asshole has mentioned the videos that get the highest views are ones that show Abbie having meltdowns and all the things. What they do is live off the back of their daughter that can't consent, nor will EVER grasp what YouTube actually is.
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Vlog was boring, Ms Brandy knows that house is a crack den in the making. Maybe Abby pulled down the lights because you put the tree in front of the goddamn TV you absolute morons!
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Ah, I never made that connection. Yeah she is definitely not capable of any vocation other than passive cash cow. Poor girl. Makes me wonder if they’re hustling so hard with their scamming in order to pay for her to be in group care someday. They can always frame it as Abbie’s “independence,” and bring her home on weekends for content. Wouldn’t put it past them.
They are scamming so hard so they can have all the things. They don't give a shit about the future for Abby. They are do busy doing them. Pretty evident if you look at the house they bought "for Abby" ... no sensory anything allowed... not even toys. Girl doesn't even get to see TV now they shoved a tree in front because her mother needs everything for herself. They can't even buy her decent cloths... has to be off the clearance rack. Just very recently they tried to change that narrative with "p takes pride in Abs appearance and dresses her nice." But nah they are doing all of it for no one but them. More so P. She has to have everything and everything is for her. Just look at the Big P Pumpkin on her kitchen.... says it all. Nothing that woman does is for anything but herself. Even her "charity" has to be mentioned every vlog so she can get attention and praise.
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Felt bad for Isaiah when his dad called him a disappointment for thousands of people to hear. Asa should have immediately said no I’m just kidding of course. Or something to take away that awful statement to your kid.

Then CillaSue told Isaiah to “man up” in that vlog or the one b4 or after it. Of course she was hee-hawing after she said it but it was an embarrassing thing to tell your 18 yr. old son, again, with thousands hearing it.

On the Pinterest stovetop smell stuff, CillaSue’s presentation says not one word about it being from Pinterest of course. Just reinforcing the fact she is deceitful to viewers.

And speaking of deceiving the viewers, one of these pictures is not like the other. Good job Asa, you got very good photoshop skills:

View attachment 335429
Her “tiny” face, can see the trimming on the left jowl.

View attachment 335430
The “no time for photoshop” face
I think Arsewipe’s mask is starting to slip, the last few vlogs have shown him being really snarky quite a few times. The comment to Isaiah when he was being precious about wearing the pyjamas, NEWSFLASH, you don’t need the pjs to look the fool, we already think you are one and he was irritated with Summer for pointing out the mess he made with the lights. The other day when he stepped in the dog poop and 🐷 was laughing, he was not happy. Notice they are all things that make him look less than perfect, he can’t bear it when he less than the “god “ he thinks he is. It won’t be long before the “wonderful husband and father” mask slips completely. What an Arsewipe he is.

Has Abbie always been this obsessed with food?
😂😂😂 does a bear shit in the woods.
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Pink Marshmallow

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You are so right. Assa is unmatched when it comes to others who possess a higher level of maturity than he does. Hes still trying to manipulate the situation. Notice he doesn't use his typical snark with this guy. He is trying to go the soft route and look reasonable, especially because he knows leghumpers are on there watching and he can't delete the previous comments made.
Exactly. Manipulative narcissist to the very end.
He'll try putting off having a one on one discussion as long as he can. He'll claim it's because his schedule is just so darn hectic and busy. He may even bring Abbie into it and say that he has to focus his time and attention on her and thus can't really spend a lot of time talking with Dad Challenge.
Unless it was someone looking to sponsor them or if there was $$$ involved, he'd suddenly have a very open schedule. lol
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The other night on her live when she just started a woman came on and said “I want to hurt myself” (something to that affect) and she called Asa in to “take care of it” ppl kept asking about the woman, P was saying ignore it then she finally said “Asa is taking care of her” so I think he was talking this woman off the ledge, so to speak...
If Asswipe did something like that he would more than likely be shouting it from the rooftops.
I think taking care of her meant deleting the comment
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Hey guyths
Are we all excited!
And this is why I don't buy lottery tickets...long ass 26m25s vlog ...long recap

1. Clickbait thumbnail...titles wicked close to clickbait
2. Stupid morning montage shit....nice catch of Piggy looking as bad as bad can be...nice hair 🤣🤣🤣🤣
3. This dark vlogging sucks
4. Wow fake maternal moment came early, 30s mark.
5. So refer to your severely IDD daughter as having a "little mind" . Most parents would use the phrase what goes on in her mind
6. I don't care about your fucking pool motor
Just freaking a new fucking motor mr master mechanic
7. Ah ha another tattle fuck you...see we do talk to the doctor
8. Fake maternal moment 2
9. was her day/Asswipe..I don't know 🙄. That about sums it up
10. Sure she's gonna talk to the doctor
11. Stupid ma'am crap and poor Abbie stimming with the bag for the ornament but wait according to the idiots she doesn't stim like thatcanymore
12. Idiots...broadcast the name of Abbies Psychiatrist all over the vlog
13. Asswipe sounding a titch exasperated 7m47s
14. Of course idiots, not giving her sugar and heavy snacks before bed will help her sleep
15. I'm sorry...none of the doctors visit should be shown... BE A FUCKING PARENT...not a scamming vlogger
16. There goes Piggy with the typical teenager bullshit
17. How the fuck can they lie to the doctor like this...she knows food and that's it
18. They've been working with Abbie and the IPAD...Must be in a parallel universe
19. That whole doctor thing was a definitely a big old FU to tattle
20. Ok it's a nice pic of Becca..she still looks like Isaiah but it's a nice pic
21. Sure doctor said they're a joy to work with...funny they didn't vlog that part
22. More freaking filler rambling about the doctor
23. Lighting with this vlog sucks
24. Blah blah blah blah sleep..blah
25. Most people struggle with no sleep
28. Should Brandi be consulting with Becca if she's just respite
29. Thought Abbie didn't understand time concepts
30. Bets on if they really teach her the concept of later or drop it like everything else
31. Why does he always have to say how much things are..he made sure to say $500 later🙄
32. Filler again all about command hooks and extension cords....scintillating I tell ya, absolutely scintillating
33. They think they're so cute and funny
35. More money more money more money
36. Might want to spray paint that door with rustoleum paint Asswipe before it rusts through
37. Sure fuck with electricity in the dark
38. Again don't care about the fucking pool
39. I'm losing the will to go on UGGGGHHHHH
40. Great now freaking clock filler
41. Backwards PJs on Abbie again....guess there's been some smearing
42. And the activites are food as usual
43. Finally done
44. After the beep....shit about tutu for Sandy
The End

Ok anyone else find these terrifying..just me, well you will not be seeing them in the corner🙂
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