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I was coming to post this!
Maybe Asa and Priscilla will finally get it!!!
They'll either ignore it completely because "you do you,"
or they'll freak the fuck out and drive up there to drag him home.

The only middle ground I can possibly see is maybe talking about it dramatically for vlog content over the next couple weeks, complete with inaccurate health PSAs and fake "precautions" they're all taking while all the while still going to Dunkin 12 times a day and, now that restaurants are fully open in FL, out to dinner constantly.

Oh, and Isaiah will keep pulling his mask below his nose when he's behind the camera and only pull it up a second after he turns the camera around to his face.
Not sure if anyone noticed that from his vlog yesterday but...
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I’m late to the party with this comment. I know someone mentioned they contacted limelight about using Abby for sales. Limelight literally gives no effs because she is bringing in money. The dream podcast was mentioned aa while ago but if you haven’t listened to it, I totally recommend. The first season is all about limelight & an insight into how they run. Plus, direct sales are rarely going to care how they get the money. I’m sure her up line probably even encouraged her to use her personal life to attract people/sales.
I know limelife doesn't care but she should .Using your daughter and selling completely useless and btw ugly ass cosmetics to their leghumper fans is just disgusting.I mean their fans probably don't have alot of money and especially during a pandemic .The holidays are coming up so I expect she will be hitting them up more and more .Doing her trainwreck lives with special appearances by Abbie .And can someone please take this stupid cow to Ulta to show her how to properly apply makeup I mean please Jesus take the wheel .But I guess this is just her jam getting all the things no matter what .
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Oh I am sure they will be driving back soon enough also. But could have swore they said he was coming to visit them. Why that one girl kept mentioning they were seeing them too. I could be wrong and no way in hell am I rewatching the vlog lol
Yes! The one girl repeated herself several times.. “us too!” “We are coming too!”
She and Summer should be fast friends. They have the same tastes in shorts. 🤓
@Lore1259 JINX
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OMG!!!!! Have you seen her latest post on pigs shit and things?

All I wanted to do was sell some makeup
and skin care to make a car payment. Our family
was dying and we really needed a vehicle. When a friend from high school approached me about LimeLife I thought
, maybe, just maybe this could help pay for the car. I did that and much more.
Here we are two and a half years later
. I got into something that I really didn’t think I’d have time for. Now I’ve realized how much time it’s given me. My job goes with me to my daughter’s therapies, on vacation
with my family, to the pool
deck, in the kitchen while I’m cooking the family dinner
, on the boat
with family and friends, on dates with my husband
, and to drop my son off at college
. Limelife also gave me something I didn’t even know I needed. I am surrounded by boss babes
who have the same mindset. I have the most amazing team and sideline sisters
who cheer each other on.
More than anything LimeLife has given me time. Time doing the things I love with the people I love while running my business from the palm of my hand.
All I wanted to do was sell makeup
and skincare to make a
payment. One year after buying that car we gave it to our son to take to college so he would have safe and reliable transportation. I bought my new car with cash
. So yeah, I met my goal of making a car payment. #llrushweek #makeup #skincare #directsales #momboss #vacation #stressfree #workfromanywhere
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Abbie could hardly contain herself and she only got up from the couch because she saw the goodies bag they brought. She really couldn’t give a shit
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Well I just checked Possums Pancakes and Potholes thinking that she would get at least 50K in views because they showed Abbie, she only has 14k views. I wonder if it is because they know she can't cook, or they knew it was going to be a brand deal because they showed the box for hellofresh in one of the vlogs earlier that week. Maybe quite frankly the fact that people really don't like Godzcilla.
🤦‍♀️😂😂😂😂😂😂 Now that I've stopped laughing, here is a fun fact....we only have Opossums here in the US....but there are Possums in Aussie and other countries. Opossums are SO adorable and beneficial - the total opposite of 🐷:m:m😂😂😂
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Oh look, (S)LimeLife is donating a whopping $2 donation to the "Keep a Breast" foundation. So generous.
View attachment 260513
I swear they just add £2 to the end price so they are still getting the full amount for the product they would have any way. Also - why can't she just donate her own money in Aunt Cheryl's memory? It will certainly be more than what this raises overall and its better than using someones death to capitalise on poor followers. aghhh this family makes me so mad.
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I think Asshat has painted himself in a corner with his channel. He wants to go with the narrative that Abbie is "sweet girl" and that she is learning and making progress. This narrative is not reality so it is becoming more and more difficult. The followers that have any intelligence can see that she is not learning or making progress.. in fact she is regressing.

They stopped showing the reality of Abbie a long time ago.. they sued the public school system because they were not getting her to progress.. yet now she is in JSA and regressing. Its becoming more and more obvious.. all the other autistic kids on youtube are progressing in different and significant ways.

I just dont think he can keep his current narrative up .. that Abbie is "sweet girl", that her and summer are "besties", that everything she does is "so cute", that P is "working her business" and that P's success has nothing to do with the FA channel.

P's success will most likely start to fade as well if FA channel does not survive.... eventually all the leg HUMPERS that joined will start to see that they are losing money and are involved in a scam.
We called it here. Besides the freak leghumpers that just want to “watch Abbie”, most people came to the channel to to learn more about autism. That’s why I initially started watching the channel, but overtime you see they don’t do anything at all. Also we see that Abbie is somewhat limited in cognitive ability, not due to autism but due to the “development delay” as Assa calls it. They never actually mentioned the “development delay” in detail until recently . It’s because they know the autism narrative isn’t quite working anymore, especially when they aren’t giving actual tips and we see that Abbie isn’t progressing much.

They made that video of her putting groceries away recently and her playing with Assa. It was a nice video but it doesn’t mean anything when Assa and Priscilla aren’t real. They are never real and it doesn’t make watching pleasant. They just go around lying about themselves and about Abbies progress. They are obnoxious and over spend on everything. No Assa, I don’t feel bad you are losing views. None of this was owed to you but you and your wife went on about how you work so hard and how you have all the things and are owed all the things while doing the bare minimum. Now it’s all crashing down and you want sympathy. Sorry I have none for you, when you have used Abbie to get there and have been the arrogant glutinous obnoxious ppl that you are.
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P making Abbie appear on her "cooking" video is truly disgusting.. exploitation at its finest. Abbie did not want to "cook" and was only interested in looking at/running off with the ingredients. When they were at the pantry Abbie started doing that hand shaking STIM.. and I could hear her fingers hitting each other with force.

Yea.. I think thats the day when Abbie did not feel good. She was also picking her nose.

Who gets a meal kit for tacos? with precooked meat? its so easy to throw that together. P made the comment that this meal is really "nutritious" ... really? saw lots of cheese and sour cream going in there.

Someone mentioned Weekend at Bernies.. sadly...thats what it reminds me of as well when they move her limp hands around to make it look like she is performing a task.
Not to mention the thought of eating anything that Abbie helps with makes me want to throw up. She is constantly rubbing her eyes and wiping her nose. P says gives her a sense of accomplishment, lets be real she has no clue whats going on. Not trying to be mean about Abbie but she gets nothing out of helping in the kitchen and its not preparing her for independence as P says.
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Seriously tattle folk. I know you all have said this many different ways...but I have never in all my 67 years seen adult parents inject themselves into their college kids’ lives. Joining their son and his college friends’ fireside gathering, pool parties, you-name-it. It’s fascinating to watch. How are they not embarrassed or their son especially not embarrassed?
Let me introduce you to my sister.

She's not a lying, scamming, dirty hosebeast like Prissy but she's been her older son's "friend" more than parent since he was, I dunno, 12 or so - hosting parties, pretending not to notice when she'd have a backyard full of 16 year olds drinking beer she conveniently had stocked in the beer fridge in the garage, getting drunk with my nephew & his friends, hanging out with my nephew & his friends, the whole nine yards.

The kids get free stuff. They didn't/don't care.

The only thing I can see in common here is having kids young and not getting to experience the freedom of those halcyon post high school/early college years. My sister got pregnant her senior year of high school & the father was uninvolved after my nephew was born. She worked, she tried to go to college (which didn't work out), she took care of her baby, and that was about it. Once she had some freedom, it was like she reverted to being 18 again and wanted/wants to live that life now.
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In some of the older vlogs Asswipe actually made her toys and they showed her playing with things
That all seemed to change when they moved to Piggys version of the Mansion on a Mole Hill
All of a sudden anything that might "mess" up her oh so perfectly 🤮🤮 decorated house went to the great toy dump in the sky. Abbies room isn't even "kid" friendly anymore, it's a version of what Piggy thinks a NT 15 year old would want or what she wanted when she was 15 . If it's the NT choice she still missed the mark
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I try to spend as little time with my MIL as possible. Now my wife’s stepmother, I’d take care of her until the day she dies

I have been divorced for almost 20 years, and I am still as close to my MIL as I ever was. She even vacations with me. Its never been awkward. She loves her son, but also knows he is the asshole, not me LOL. I was lucky to get a good MIL!
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Chatty Member
I am not discounting anyones opinion about JSA, but I'll say this.
(And probably get ripped for it, but oh well lol)

Its always someones fault. A&P's, JSA, therapists, etc. Im going to call it as I see it. Its Abbie.

Just because she is autistic and goes to JSA doesnt mean they have some secret formula that can overcome her IDD. Asa himself has said it more than once- activities and learning for toddlers are too much for Abbie, so what exactly is JSA supposed to be doing that could overcome that?
I am not insulting of making fun of Abbie, she cant help it.....but she is the common denominator.
The small bit of success she has had came from Brandi.

Frankly, I think this is part of Asa's "mood" right now. I think that when they started at JSA they had high hopes that Abbie could be much more than she is. I think its becoming clear to him that it isnt going to happen. She will continue to go but nothing will change. I admit that as a parent, that would crush my heart too.
is she the common denominator, though? She fails to make progress, until she does with one person and is able to carry it over, at least for a while. So there is a difference. There was a difference less than a year ago. Unless Abbies IDD is of the progressive sort, which would open a whole other can of worms.
I have worked with even lower functioning people than Abbie. Granted, they were younger and therefore had a bigger timeframe left, but the initial rating was akin to "barely alive". Nevertheless, most of them had a development, given the right therapy and literally everyone working together and investing energy in the same direction.
JSA hasn't a formula to overcome her IDD, but they still operate under questionable conditions, IMO. They seem to operate in their own little world, without talking to the parents much or coordinating with Brandy (well sometimes), they gave A&P "homework" once (a social story about a field trip). They never call out when they see that A&P didn't do what they were told . This is a project doomed from the beginning. Add the revolving door of employees which is hell for almost all people with autism and the like (like FAS).
I see the main fault with A&P. We see every.single.vlog that they are lazy and lack any consistency. Hell, they weren't able to properly train a relatively easygoing puppy! They say one thing and do the opposite. They never bother to even learn Abbies favourite stims (crinkly stuff and blankets).
I never doubted that Abbie would be delayed. No therapy on planet earth can take away her IDD or her autism, but I think that she could have been more if treatment went a different route (again excluding progressive stuff). Talking or being self sufficient was never the question, but she was using her iPad more reliably than she does now. She had relatively good grasp on sorting colours or pictures of family members. She has lost all that and my theory is that she has lost it, because the last three+ years were a confusing mix of new impressions (travel) and missing any consistency and - most of all - lacking a routine.
I agree that the realization that your kid is profoundly disabled is soul crushing, but if A needed this long to shed any illusions about it, he is delusional. And again, he could be honest about it and not hide behind this happy-go-lucky-asshole-facade.
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Based on how the interaction when saying good-bye to Isaiah with Savanah and Paige around, I have to agree that Cilly was not fond of either girl. There also some not so subtle hints that the vibe has changed between them since Isaiah went to school. Cilly said that she can rest easier knowing he has a great group of friends, but she was lying through her teeth. I don't think she is fond of the fact that Isaiah has made friends, and would prefer to hang with friends than his parents. If they are coming to visit, it will be interesting to see how they interact with Abbie.

Isaiah does seem to be enjoying his life away from Florida. I hope his friends continue to be an influence on him because they truly like him, not because his mommy is trying to "buy" their friendships for him. It is obvious ne
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I watched the wonder boy's vlog.
He seems to be showing his true colors.
For instance, the way he responded to whoever suggested he get a haircut.
Could he have been anymore rude and disrespectful?
He was very condescending and arrogant.
His privledge is clearly showing.
When he was asking his "friends" all those stupid questions, did ya notice the very first one was about him?
He needed to hear praise about himself.
His narcissism is showing.
The apple did not fall far from the trees in this case.
He's a shining example of what it looks like to be "raised" by 2 stupid, narcissistic hambeasts.
I noticed that, he asked everyone of them to say something about him. He is sooo like Arsewipe and changing the subject why doesn’t he get a job?
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I asked this question on a few threads back but no one seemed to respond to me, but I still want to know, why is Areshog the way he is if his parents, especially his mom are so nice and down to earth?? How on earth, what happened?
He married HER. I think that’s what happened. I think when he was young and met her, and dallied around, he was being a typical enlisted guy. Wanted to have some fun while off the ship. And then a baby came and we know the rest of the story. I agree that the guy has many, many faults and he isn’t the most decent sort. But something about HER gives me ominous feelings, and if your significant other is a bitch and is selfish, etc., it can be difficult to rise above that. Who we choose as a partner makes all the difference in our own outlook on life. If she was a decent and good person she could encourage the same in him, and vice versa. Yeah I’m not there and I’m only surmising, but I think she has dumped him in so many ways. He is the primary caregiver with her contribution seemingly being she wraps her big arms around Abbie and smothers her with kisses a couple times a day. That’s about it. Big whoop. I guess what I’m saying is I think P is a negative influence, is a downer, is self-entitled, mean, etc. and that with a different woman, he may have been a decent guy.
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