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Assa is trying to say that the fob was locked in the car, therefore they never unlocked the car. Um ok, well this person is saying there is no way to actually lock the fob in the car so wtf is he talking about.
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Oh look, double donation with purchase of an overpriced mirror.

I wonder why Ass was mad at Isaiah. Lauren Brazee thinks it is funny and asks to be put in the will.

This struck me as funny. It was a comment on Cilly's Shit and Things post after her mortuary makeup session.
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I don't like how Assa hovers over Abbie either but...
You gotta remember she's PROFOUNDLY IDD, with a history of violence and eloping.
I doubt that he is "playing" or interacting with her ever, except to get vlog footage.
He has to stay close to control her movements for whatever narrative he is trying to show at the time for the vlog.
Abbie doesn't know wtf is expected of her when he forces her to perform. Assa has no idea how she will respond. That's why he hovers. That's why Summer hovers.
They just throws shit out there with Abbie "activities" and see what the best result is to use in the vlog.
I do think Abbie is aware that she has his undivided attention during Abbie "activities" but shes not aware of anything deeper than that.
Abbie's behavior is a lot wilder than they show on the vlogs.
Absolutely her behaviour is far more violent than he shows us. One time , although he didn’t really show much, he said that her aggression was a daily event and that the taking her clothes off happened regularly. He doesn’t mention it any more because he is no longer truthful and wants us all to think she has improved when she clearly hasn’t. The stealing of food is never mentioned, the fecal smearing, the shouting , the tantrums. They are rarely mentioned now, are we supposed to believe that she no longer does any of these things? Has she had a miraculous cure, what a load of bullshit.
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Interesting that you said that, which channel you referring to?

LMAO upper arms are bigger than my calves. And the lower part of her arms are half the size but just as bloated. Yes Assa your wife is a HOT MESS.
It’s not a very huge channel. I won’t say here because I don’t want to bring any unnecessary curiosity to his channel because of drama. I also don’t think he’s that bad of a guy, just very cocky and arrogant once he was able to make money on YouTube which caused him to lose subscribers.

As leghumpers start to move away from the channel, I somewhat am losing interest as well. It’s the same thing over and over. Priscilla isn’t losing weight, she eats whatever she wants and lies about it. Assa continues to talk about irrelevant things and pretends to be a know it all about Autism. Isaiah went to college, started vlogging and has seen his parents twice since leaving only a month ago. Summer is still the same doesn’t seem to be changing....nothing new or interesting there. Becca disappoints me by continuing to go along with the circus. There Q and A are BORING because they pick shitty questions and answer according to what makes them look good.

It would be more interesting if they actually answered questions that made sense. Someone kept asking how they feel about people calling Abbie cute. I would love to know the answer to this even though they themselves call her behavior cute, it would still be interesting to hear their thoughts on why they feel that’s ok. Their inability to be real has ruined their channel. They just aren’t real or honest.
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Any other male in here get nervous when women start talking weight ( mostly their own) I mean am I supposed like, love, laugh, go wow, act sad, get sick or angry or just scroll on by. It’s confusing 🤔😆😆
This has cracked me up all morning! 😜 I imagine the lot of us women in here can be quite entertaining from a male perspective. The shit talking..the fighting! 😂😂 You are a true Tattle Trooper.
ps...probably best to give a simple thumbs up..and keep quiet! Lolol! 😻😂😻
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Pink Marshmallow

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Oh my god

Oh my god their whole conversation about that was super disturbing. "We always joke and say: We need our youtube dad! :)" I'm failing to see the punchline. You frequently have to specifically remind your spouse to stop treating you like shit? That's funny?
I felt the same way. Calling it being "grumpy" is an attempt at putting it nicely. I mean, we all know that Asshat is an asshole. This just confirms it.
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Broken puzzle

Chatty Member

Assa is trying to say that the fob was locked in the car, therefore they never unlocked the car. Um ok, well this person is saying there is no way to actually lock the fob in the car so wtf is he talking about.
I call that move the " baffle 'em with bull shit" mode. He does it allll the time.
Edited to add: lungs are clear. No C.
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Kind of off topic, but kind of not. Did you hear about Boogie 2988? Apparently allegedly another YouTuber was harassing and stalking him and figured out his address, he went a few states to get to his house and went there. Boogie told him to leave, the confrontation continues, Boogie fired a gun, police were involved. Apparently the person who came to the house finally retreated.
But it just makes me think about those weird fans came to the Maass' house the other week. It's scary stuff when uninvited people come to your house. I would not wish that on my worst enemy. People are gone crazy. People need to learn boundaries. Just because you like someone on the internet doesn't mean that you guys are friends. I just hope they didn't make Abbie give those people a hug.
Seems like most youtubers are afraid of their "haters" when its their biggest fans they should be afraid of. Fans stalk more. They feel connected and need to meet them. Selena's fan club president killed her.
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The hair is an old trick...she just has part of her hair at the crown pulled up. Then when pic was taken pull the hair that's down to one side and tilt head, viola instant extensions.
My question is...who buys mold green colored eyeshadow
But definitely phototuned/shopped..her head is too big for her body
And hoglet looks stoned...just saying
I am just sick to death of this bitch pretending she is slimmer than she is. We have just seen her on the vlog looking like two ton tessie O’Shea and the next day she looks like stretch Armstrong. I’ve bloody well had enough with her lies.
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I may cave and watch it later. I only watched him drop Abbie off because the comments led me to think it was worth watching.
Shouldve known better! LOL
I won't watch him, summer, or P... FA is bad enough (just watch to chat with you all.) Isaiah is uninteresting to me, he doesn't even appeal to his own demographic. Just leaching veiwers/Subs off FA. Summer is the same for me. These are not intriguing young people at all. As for P she has nothing to offer. A talentless snooze fest. I can't force myself to watch anything of hers even a moment.
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So I did some research and It looks like every place they have lived one of their parents have cosigned for them. I cant seem to find anything on this house yet thouvh

did anyone see when asa ask the lady to confirm P is getting a diet coke on the drive thru? Your stomach shouldn't even be able to consume carbonated drinks after surgery
I think any good the surgery did has been undone at this point. I’ve watched Dr Now from 600 lb life and the stomach will restretch itself out if you start overeating all things. We know thats been happening for months now.
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Pink Marshmallow

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Asshat talks about Abbie not doing well when people leave and that it "disrupts her environment."
Hmmm... that sounds a lot like Abbie does better and feels better when she has routines that are followed and adhered to.
Not so much the 'thriving on chaos' or 'loving chaos'
Asshat is just so two-faced when it comes to Abbie. Occasionally, he'll talk about Abbie having a hard time when things don't happen in the way that she's used to them happening (aka a routine)... but then most of the time he claims she doesn't need or want a routine. He's like this with other stuff. Some of the time he'll say something bothers or upsets her, other times he'll say the total opposite about the same subject.
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Yeah...and imagine knowing that your spouse or parent isn't motivated to be supportive of you unless the cameras are on. What a warped family existence. Like when they're having an issue with him they actually stop and say "Hey, Asshat, try being the person you pretend to be!"
That was very telling. I HAD a very abusive, controlling ex husband. Unfortunately, I see alot of his behaviors in Assa. We all can see how fake he is on camera. I don't think you can hide that. And when she was talking about his grump "go-to" personality, I heard Cilla sneak in that "our son" is starting to become like that.
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