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She doesn't look distraught there that the golden boy is leaving her again, she seems to have quickly got over the distress pretty quickly this time.
I am still waiting for the "we bought/renting a place in Boone " so ya know P can start a business (get away from Ab and Ass) there and they can stay when they visit a couple times a month. Plus save Isaiah on rent of course. It's an investment. PS mom will have to cosign some more. And a call to tax guy to see what they can tax deduct. Beat the trip to visit Isaiah is a business expense.... ya know P is always working (her scam) hard.
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Pigcilla....STOP using people suffering with breast cancer as a way to scam more people with your shit. Donate to BC research, but don't sell (corporate America bullshit) makeup in the name of breast cancer awareness. Shame on you sick BITCH! I have a lot of friends that have had to deal with BC and they will be the first to point out how disgusting it is that all these companies making money off of so called breast cancer awareness. I have so many articles talking about the disgusting truth behind all of this. I so with I was not banned from posting on her stupid fucking Pgicilla site.
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I think Asshat has painted himself in a corner with his channel. He wants to go with the narrative that Abbie is "sweet girl" and that she is learning and making progress. This narrative is not reality so it is becoming more and more difficult. The followers that have any intelligence can see that she is not learning or making progress.. in fact she is regressing.

They stopped showing the reality of Abbie a long time ago.. they sued the public school system because they were not getting her to progress.. yet now she is in JSA and regressing. Its becoming more and more obvious.. all the other autistic kids on youtube are progressing in different and significant ways.

I just dont think he can keep his current narrative up .. that Abbie is "sweet girl", that her and summer are "besties", that everything she does is "so cute", that P is "working her business" and that P's success has nothing to do with the FA channel.

P's success will most likely start to fade as well if FA channel does not survive.... eventually all the leg HUMPERS that joined will start to see that they are losing money and are involved in a scam.
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On my goodness! The vlog was as good as Kermy’s recap!!

Ms. Bull, I agree with you, boiled peanuts are horrible! Give me hot roasted ones and I am just fine but gosh no on the boiled part...

Funny, I owned a Traverse several years ago. Like the second year Chevy made them. Even I couldn’t lock my vehicle keys in my SUV. It is a feature they made on them and I was so glad because my little ones were toddlers and I couldn’t find my head most days, much less remember my keys... If it picked up the fobs within the vehicle, the doors would not lock and it beeped weirdly. I could turn off the feature but left mine on because I refused to pay for the Star system program(can’t remember the name but it does road side assistance, etc.,), to do remote unlocking..

Priscilla’s temper tantrum was epic and now we know where Abbie gets it from!! Gosh Priscilla, you need to grow up!

Abbie getting up and leaving as soon as Priscilla walks into the room, says a million things. She was fine and comfortable with Dad coming home but she didn’t want Mom. She definitely didn’t want to hug on her and you could tell that by Abbie’s body language. Gosh, these people need to take lessons in nonverbal communication... They could learn a lot!

Oh and I love that road side stand. We have to stop every time we go up there..

Lots more to be said but I will leave it there...
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On HER "bougie" grocery shopping trip to Fresh Market and it being for older people and not younger people. But she said young people "can go there too but they may not be able to afford it".

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‘When we choose a sponsor’ — hilarious. They beg for sponsors. They would agree to anyone as a sponsor. When Captain Assmerica was mugging for the ever present camera, waiting for the thanks from P — gosh — he’s huge. He’s Dom Deluise huge.
They are really pushing their luck with COVID — hugging Abbie with all the college dorm/airplane droplets...they are getting even dumber about the virus...
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Summer tells Abbie. "Its your world.. we are just living in it".. so true with Summers life.. her world really does revolve around Abbie in such an unnatural way.. I mean I can see A&P's life revolving around Abbie.. but Summer just plain weird.
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Does anyone else miss the fun we had at the height of Covid? Wayyy back?
I do.
I missed this latest thing. Guess Im glad. The infighting is tiresome. I hope we can all move past it this time. ☺☺
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Hey just thought of something...wonder if the upcoming visit is for Isaiahs birthday? You know...nothin better than partying with Mama.
Oh I can just see it now. Priscilla planned out the party and she refuses to not be included.

Here she is at his 18th party.
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Summer was digging her shorts out again, and he kept the camera on it.....not her face....pervert...
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Arrrggghhh! I hate that man! I hate being preached at by an idiot who doesn't have the intelligence of a flea. It was a pity party and a train wreck of a vlog.....
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I am not discounting anyones opinion about JSA, but I'll say this.
(And probably get ripped for it, but oh well lol)

Its always someones fault. A&P's, JSA, therapists, etc. Im going to call it as I see it. Its Abbie.

Just because she is autistic and goes to JSA doesnt mean they have some secret formula that can overcome her IDD. Asa himself has said it more than once- activities and learning for toddlers are too much for Abbie, so what exactly is JSA supposed to be doing that could overcome that?
I am not insulting of making fun of Abbie, she cant help it.....but she is the common denominator.
The small bit of success she has had came from Brandi.

Frankly, I think this is part of Asa's "mood" right now. I think that when they started at JSA they had high hopes that Abbie could be much more than she is. I think its becoming clear to him that it isnt going to happen. She will continue to go but nothing will change. I admit that as a parent, that would crush my heart too.
I agree and the only reason the keep sending her there is for a glorified day care so she is gone most of the day. And I think JSA is putting up with him and tolerating Ab so they don't get slammed with another scam suit.
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@Lizaable90 - Thanks for answering. I was actually specifically referring to Assa's big plans with Summer and Becca that he discussed in the vlog yesterday.
He wants them to work with Abbie on "all the things" like vacuuming, dishes etc. Becca would be paid respite.
It sounds like double dipping to me and he has done it before with Crazy Nanny. Remember "Abbie's Art"? Crazy Nanny was asked to mass produce it while on the respite clock, and they would turn around and sell it. Profiting off of "work" Crazy Nanny did, while she was being paid by the government.
My thinking is, using respite hours to "teach" Abbie "life skills" would be double dipping because Brandi already gets paid by the medicaid waiver to teach "life skills".
Also, I thought there were rules regarding respite time being used for "therapy" for the client.
It goes without saying that one of them will profit because the "sessions" will for sure end up on a vlog.
The fact that these mf'ers scam and lie everytime they open their mouths, naturally Assa's big plans for his respite workers, raised questions in my mind.
Again, thanks for replying.
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I’m late to the party with this comment. I know someone mentioned they contacted limelight about using Abby for sales. Limelight literally gives no effs because she is bringing in money. The dream podcast was mentioned aa while ago but if you haven’t listened to it, I totally recommend. The first season is all about limelight & an insight into how they run. Plus, direct sales are rarely going to care how they get the money. I’m sure her up line probably even encouraged her to use her personal life to attract people/sales.
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This bitch....
Buy Slimelife and you too can look like this shower of shits.

They say actions speak louder than words. The way P treats Abbie just shows she hasn't accepted anything about her.

I almost wonder if P was ready to make it on her own, with mommies help, and then ass came back. They "work things out" and then Abbie comes along. Now she feels more trapped.
I’ve said this before but now that she is making her own money i don’t think she will be around for long. Someone suggested that she might go to Boone and I don’t think that’s too far off the mark. She has no maternal feeling towards Abbie at all and I can understand in a way that she is devastated by the fact that her daughter is not what she hoped for.
In saying that she really should have sought help with coming to terms with who her daughter is. I have no love for Priscilla whatsoever but what stretches out in front of her must be really depressing, it’s no wonder she drinks.
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Oh look, (S)LimeLife is donating a whopping $2 donation to the "Keep a Breast" foundation. So generous.

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Me too!

And P drinks the flavored iced coffees or iced lattes. WELL over 250 cal for a large. And Im sure she isnt drinking sugar free.
The only 2 comments on that post want in.
I cannot believe how stupid people are!
$69.00 would buy groceries, gas and fix certain car repairs.
Where the fuk does she come up with these lines??
It's obvious by that statement that 🐖 is well aware that those she preys on are economically disadvantaged and or intellectually disabled.
Yet, she is obsessed with getting her little fat hands with crooked pinkys on their $69.00.
Poor 🐖. She's so victimized.
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