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The cases here in Florida are rising every day. i wear my mask everywhere. Unfortunately the neighborhood folks are looking at it like a political battle and I see many at Publix (the only store I go to) without masks. I hate wearing a fucking mask...but I still do. All of Florida is in phase 2, but Dade, Broward and Palm Beach (where I am) Counties are still on phase 1. I even heard talk this morning we were being considered an epicenter.

Ive discovered that COVID is something that a lot of people are not overly concerned about until they finally know of someone who has been affected...until then, its just something seen on the news. I worked through the whole shut down period and was fine. It was only after we "opened" up that I became ill. I still do not know how/who I contracted it from, but the fact is the shut down ended and suddenly people just acted like it never distancing....going places just to masks....ridiculous. I am currently on day three of fever. Even with Tylenol I havent gone below 100.8, and that is the lowest. Its been up to 103. I am sitting here waiting delivery of a pulse ox monitor for my finger. Apparently with COVID people can develop pneumonia without experiencing the typical symptoms, and have been showing up at ER's with oxygen levels in the low 80's (Not good) but were not even aware. There are a lot of unknowns too. I dont have yesterdays test results yet, and if it is positive, no one knows what that means. There is no answer to that yet....they dont know if it is the original infection, new infection, or a false-positive called viral shedding. Any way it goes I'm sick again with either actual COVID, or a COVID caused illness.
I admit I've been indulging in self-pity the past few days. I already went through 24 days of COVID....and less than a week later here I am again. I was always careful. Then I see all these people all over the world just out living it up and think, how are they not sick?! Or care that they make someone else sick?! And yes, if I were in Florida, Arizona or Texas I would be SUPER careful. Its getting bad.
Thanks for the vent all....I will not mention it again today. Please stay vigilant and safe my friends!!! :)
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I’m sorry but she really gives me weird babysitter vibes.
“Don’t pinch me *giggle*” Whack!

Me too.
She is entirely too touchy feely with Abbie. She does not respect her personal space (none of them do), and she laughs at her.
The 3 of them preaching in the car about being 'good humans' or whatever the fuk they said was nauseating.
They laugh at Abbie. They've made videos of them mocking her noises. They have no right to call anybody a "hater".
They're just a bunch of self righteous narcissistic pond scum.
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Her "fight face" at 5.11 is creepy.
I won't imagine what she doing when is camera is ofg sometimes.
I agree with the fight face, she pulls that when she doesn’t want to do something or she is irritated. You know trouble is coming. I think there is far worse off camera . They just don’t give an accurate account of her disability even though they say it’s all about the truth. It really isn’t. I think we see a tiny fraction of the bad stuff. Sometimes Asa looks absolutely beaten down and one can only imagine what they really have to endure.
Not for all the money in the world.
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It's apparent these hambeasts live like trash just by looking at their patio. Garbage left on the table. Couch Cushions all in disarray.
Summer could take 5 minutes out of her mundane life to handle that and make it look presentable. Afterall, they are paying her.
Speaking of couch cushions. I was grossed out to see Summer with her ass planted on Abbie's nasty cushion. On the other hand, it was refreshing to see her draw a line and tell Assa not to film her with her hair in a towel. You could tell that bugged the piss outta him and he REALLY REALLY wanted her to change her mind.
I laughed because at first glance, I thought she had stolen 🐖's special headwrap!!
One last observation.
Abbie seems to grab everything. Not just food.
To me, she will now be known as Grabby Abbie. 😜😁😂
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Broken puzzle

Chatty Member
This is going to be like Nat'l Lampoon's Vacation! 😄
i am a die hard camper, done a huge canvas tent for twenty years. We all shrug when a Reserve Usa camper shows up, it's like, Here come the noobs!

We rented an rv once and I can tell you the info on running that thing is a LOT to learn. The propane gas alarm goes off on powerful fragrances or hairspray. The smoke detector, same deal. The can't run the water willy nilly or you will run out! Same with power. He had the air blasting, lol...nope that can't be ran like crazy too. I hope he got extra insurance, he's gonna need it. I can't wait until he has to back it in, getting directions from Priss. We set our lawnchairs up to watch this stuff!! Golden!! Divorces happen over parking the rv lol.
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Oh you can bet Assa strutted on over with P waddling behind to announce that they were the famous Maassive family of youtubers with their celebrity daughter who has Autism. So if you hear honking, crying and farting during the night it's all par for the course and be sure to subscribe and like them on Youtube ya'll.
I have passed. You just killed me.
I swear I can actually envision this LOL
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Hey guys. Long time lurker, first time poster

The snake vlog obviously shows how Priscilla is checked out of parenting Abbie. Its sad that Isaiah had to pick up the slack of moving Abbie out of the way and comforting her after she’s startled while P just stands there giggling like a schoolgirl:sick:
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Oh my. I'm late so skip me if not interested...

Majestic. Maybe thats why the mirror is so brainwashes your spouse.
The snake incident. She didnt push her. She shrieked in her ear and kind of ran behind her. Then lied and said she pushed her. IMO, shes a shit mother. She just stood behind her kid who doesnt know a snake from a puppy. Had it been a venomous snake and not a scaredy cat snake, then what?
I wont concede on that. I ran in and out of my burning house and saved all four of my kids and spent over a year in a burn unit. Mothers dont choose their safety over the kids. I said what I said. Shes disgusting.

I also didnt think Abbies reaction was that bad. Shes acted way worse and cried way harder over candy or not going for a ride.

Props to Isaiah for being the adult, and throwing some shade at P.

Asa's discussion/refresher on restraint was actually ok and informative for new viewers who have never seen the old vlogs and seen them do it. But as you all have said he misread the meaning behind the comments....and Big Prilly just sat there looking pissed 80% of the time and staring straight ahead. And she even said the comment made her once again Asa feels he has to defend her ass. She needs thicker (not fatter, thicker) skin if shes going to live a public life.

Last random the car as they were just leaving the woods P is crying about the outdoors, blah blah, and Isaiah says "We walked 1/4 of a mile!" in a "get a grip" kind of voice. Watch the brief flicker of annoyance on P's face. I bet that heifer was going to post something like "We went on a 2 mile family hike today!" and Isaiah ruined it LOL
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they showed the swim diapers today, and the said they don't use them often. when they do she wears shorts. Ive noticed she's in shorts when people are over. so they don't care if she shits in the pool when they don't have company? and "she's doing good" so she doesn't need them. Tell that to the couch cushion that disappears for days at a time.
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Somebody commented on one of their vlogs today and they said “Ms Pricilla I made a song for you guys could you show Asa and everyone please! it’s on my channel” So obviously i had to click it. I was a little disappointed in his creativity tbh but more importantly I can’t believe someone is out there cutting clips of Abbies yelling and making beats lol. Also it’s sad to me that Pricilla is responding to negative comments like always and of course she won’t give someone the time of day that made an entire song for their family (reguardless of what the songs actually turns out to be ) here’s the link - let’s give him views!!!!

This sounds so creepy. I was expecting to have a laugh but this is just weird
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Active member
I just watched the scene.

Assas instant reaction was “Get her, get her, get her” and you just see Isaiah fumbling to grab his sister.

She seemed to calm down a bit after Isaiah hugged her. But honestly it looked like she was looking for reassurance from Priscilla.
Reassurance isn’t her jam.
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Chatty Member
My two cents worth:1: I got raked over the coals about reporting the twats to the NPS when they went waddling through the park when it was closed, because they thought that rules didn’t apply to them, and the whole snake incident could have gone terribly wrong. Then when Asssa came out with an excuse of ignorance, I said to myself, I’m glad I did it, and got over being ‘told off’ on here, as rehashing things that happened four pages ago, is not what this site is about. Youguys gave me the courage to do what I thought was right on behalf of all the furloughed NPS staff that would have had to been mustered if the twats would have had to be rescued, and the fact that I don’t even live in the US.😊🤔
2: this comment will probably rile some of you, but I have grave concerns Asssa is starting to show a form of Munchausen’s by proxy, just to get views, even if it means Abbie could get hurt. The opening of gates and the garage door, Asss showing absolutely no concern Abbie ran across the road after not been supervised for five seconds, the throwing her into the pool, etc all could go tragically wrong, just for him to turn around and say... but it’s not my fault,Priscilla is away, I &S are doing a Tiktok, I don’t do parental responsibility, I just film the carcrash!
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1. To start with big Piggy pusher Abigail closer to the snake and jumped back herself. I watched this part like 4 times. Abigail may have IDD and ASD but she knows what her mom did. That’s why she was so mad.SMH
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Omg pigcilla has gained so much weight it's really noticeable now. At this rate she's going to be her old size very soon

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It seemed like Guillermo learned in to give Abbie a kiss in the beginning of the vlog today... same guy who wrapped his whole body around Abbie when she was sitting down on the sand a few months back and said something like “let’s stay here forever.”
That guy is a weirdo. I find him extremely cringy to watch.
He definitely wrapped his lanky body around her on the beach that time. I dunno what he said though.
He fits into their little tight knit group very well.
I would never leave an IDD kid with him.
Alone or in a group but especially alone.
Watching Dummer and Assa basically get all up in Abbie's personal space was hard to watch.
I was shocked to see her hit abbie twice with the pillow and yell at her in a stern voice. Maybe she does it all the time and that's why it didn't get a reaction out of Assa.
Who knows.
Bunch of weirdos.
They have no redeeming qualities in my opinion.
And I do not apologize for having this opinion.
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My favorite part of tonight's vlog was when they were trying to teach Abbie to open the gate. Again.
If their lazy asses are consistent, they just might be successful with this!!
Afterall, opening a gate takes effort. We know they hate effort and ain't nobody got time for opening the gate themselves. Just teach Abbie to do it!!!
The good news is, Abbie might master opening doors and gates!!!
Nothing to be concerned about!
Nothing at all.
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