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I've got two questions. First is, remember they use to have lots of packages and letters sent to their PO Box? The mailroom people would ask them to come get it cuz there was so much, and there would be blogs with them opening. I do know they asked viewers to NOT send packages, but I honestly don't think that all those hundreds of adoring fans would just suddenly stop. That even with their request for gift cards (that they could buy supplies for the give away bags-yeah, right) that their fans would STILL send gifts. Why don't we ever see that? Or hear a thank you? How much in gift cards do you think they are receiving? And second question is A’s mom & stepdad. Where did they go? They visited the new house ONE time. Before they moved to the big house, Asa’s mom (who I really like) was in the vlogs a whole lot more. Anyone else noticed they are missing? Didn’t see them at all over the holidays.
I have more observations but am splitting them up. I'm new here (after I stood up for someone who made an innocent comment on FA and got bullied, then I got bullied by the fan crowd, I decided ”screw this” and came over here).
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“Mom needs a break”, and all the ass kissing comments about how great Priscilla is and how she deserves a spa day...sickening. She had to spend 3 days as the primary caretaker. I don’t doubt it’s a lot of work, but she also had paid respite and abbie’s live in “best friend” there to help. So many people do the same thing, all the time, with much much less support. They are so incredibly spoiled with all the help they get. The amount of times they have paid respite when they’re both home and not doing anything is proof of that.

and re: her having to get diagnosed again. They’ve mentioned many times how much they struggled with even accepting the autism diagnosis at first - and now it’s become more accepted, mainstream, and they get all this attention by making it their whole brand. I’m sure having to admit she has a “worse” (in their eyes) diagnosis of IDD is a pretty bitter pill for them to swallow. Though I’m sure if/when the time comes, there will be a clickbait title of “not autistic anymore??”
I dont see them admitting to their"fans". that autism isn't the primary diagnosis.. they have built their whole brand around autism.. I think they will just go on raising autism awareness and pretending to teach about autism.. regardless of her diagnosis. They probably already know autism isn't her first diagnosis.
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She could have hung out in Summers room or even her own room. Two parents, two caregivers in the house.....there should have been no reason for Asa to need to close those doors.
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She nearly hurt herself or others in that murky river. A nearby manatee must’ve been wondering wth was all that drama about. I didn’t see her as that unwilling to use the ladder. They didn’t give her enough chances. The steps area w/ muck could’ve had broken bottles, etc & cut her feet.

When she was sitting at the picnic table near the alpacas, it was apparent how locked into her own little world she really is.
That whole body of water was hazardous! Ewww.
She really is locked in her world!
That's exactly why they should stop the exploitation!
I hope they do a meet up near me someday. 😆😆😆. Cuz I'll be there!
And...I will vlog it and upload it right here!!😆😆
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And after all that chaos and BS with A&P not letting Brandi do her job, A says "If you're ABA therapy doesn't look like this, you should be concerned."
How much are they paying Brandi to show Abbie how to load a dish washer. Are my tax dollars paying as I live in Florida?
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Chatty Member
Does anyone get a vibe from Lauren like she is flirting with Asa?
He even slipped & referenced a beautiful shot w/ Lauren in it w/ the lights & then Priss seemed like an after thought to get her “IG” pic. lmao.

Also, i read this....”and the maass pair” in a post above & my mind automatically read: “and the maass air pollution.” 🤓

Oh look at them with their Apple Watches. Living the high life. Can keep up with their fancy electronics, but can’t keep up with Abbies IPad.
No offense to thick wristed ppl out there, but can’t she get a larger watch band? It always looks like it’s hanging on for dear life! 🤣 thread needed after 1,000 comments. Here’s that title again. Not sure who came up w/ it. 🙂

Fathering Autism #3 - 3 Kids, 2 Daily Dunkins, 1 Huge Exploitation

ok i did it! yay! new thread is up! 😚

hope this works:

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Pink Marshmallow

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So, today's video was insomnia with autism. While he may have made some good points, he colossally ignored other things. He says that Abbie's sleep problems have to do with her particular mindset and energy levels - or something along those lines. He completely ignores that she often naps when she gets home from school and (it has been mentioned multiple times in past videos) there have been times they've picked her up from JSA and asked how her day went and the teacher said she slept for a cpl hours. So, if Abbie is taking one to two naps almost every day -- it's no wonder she stays awake until 4:30 or 5:00am! Then she has to get ready and go to school around 7:30am and it starts all over again. Asa talks about her meds and says sometimes they just don't work. Not because she's gotten bigger or the fact that she's been on the same dosage for years now and more than likely built a tolerance to that dose. No, it's because sometimes her mindset just won't allow her to sleep.
He basically says that insomnia is a common problem for people on the autism spectrum and that's why Abbie has sleep issues. :rolleyes::rolleyes:
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Omg making her do these meet ups is so wrong. Complete random strangers. Usually when I see people do meet ups they are sitting behind a table. She's being paraded around to random people. You don’t know where their hands have been. It’s just too weird.
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That house is like any old house, a money pit. At first I believed it was okay because I believed them when they said the area would hold it's value so the house could be sold down.the road. In some ways real estate is a good investment. But let's say it even doubled or tripled in value, it still won't come close to what she needs for the rest of her life. And the more damage is done to the historic charm of the place, the less it will be worth.
Help for someone who is prone to violent outbursts is more expensive and harder to find than they realize. Even if they understand the reasons behind it, the burn out level of caring for an adult sized person who lashes out is high. It is also very hard to place them in assisted living places you would actually want someone you care about living in. My husband and I earn six figures together. We live on half of it, put a quarter of it in my brother's trust and the other quarter in our own retirement and savings. Even then I worry it won't be enough. So watching P&A live on the high horse sends the wrong message to their cult followers. I don't know any reasonable special needs family that lives that way.
The upkeep of an older home will sink Abbie and if Isiah leaves the home, he will constantly be called for repairs and replacement for things. The house is way to huge for her alone, even with a care giver. Isiah will want his own space one day and not have a constant huge house bill over his head. That house was 100% purchased for P, no matter what they say.. I mean, just think about the power bill alone.. I couldn’t imagine what it would be, to run the a/c on full blast, the extra room and then the pool.. The power bill is probably around $700-800 easily a month..

Also yes, someone keeps posting about a place for people to give money to, that is a non-profit to help a lot of families. The Kool-Aid followers blasted him/her.. I truly hope the person continues to post it!!
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Asa has addressed it in previous videos. He says that he's not as concerned about Abbie being late to school because it's not like she's going to a regular school learning math & science where it would be a bigger deal if she got behind because of being late. At JSA, they're teaching her life skills which he feels he's partly already doing at home by helping her brush her teeth etc and get ready to go. So basically, he feels she isn't really missing anything at school if she's late. He also made it seem like the teachers are not bothered by it (but that could be BS for all we know).
I think if my severely disabled child was learning life skills at this school (pretty much the only consistent place she does), I would make it a habit to be ON TIME! Also how did “you need to talk to Abbie more” in December turn into “Abbie understands normal conversation”?
Also Summer is definitely getting tired of them.
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My brother has sensory issues with shirts and anything touching his knees clothing wise. He also hates the feel of socks. Whole other thing with because he can and does talk to us about it. The rule, when we take him, out, is that he has to dress for the weather (no shorts in winter, no going shirtless, shoes and socks must be worn). He hates it and says if we make him wear stuff like that he won't go with us. And he'll try about once every few times to take something off in the car. He does that, the car gets turned around.
Abbie doesn't seem to have any limits like that. Anywhere she goes the shoes come right off. I can see going barefoot at home since it is warm enough. But away from home? I don't think she takes them off at school. At least I didn't see them off in the few times they filmed her there. The school seems to get her to do these basic things pretty well. If A & P are such experts why aren't they able to follow through with what the school does? Small children learn this, why can't she?
Because they aren’t experts. It’s been hard for me to even pay attention to what they do/say after they let her jump in that mucky water in an unfamiliar place.
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So so sad

Can someone please tell her it’s OYSTER crackers NOT OYSHTER crackers! She must have said that ten times with that salty cracker recipe
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Pink Marshmallow

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Something I learned when I took child psych courses: It can be super distracting to children when they are working on a task and you interrupt them with praise. Since Abbie is mentally very young, I think the same is probably true for her. When they are doing a task like ordering at the cookie shop, she is WORKING. That is her job and her workplace and they are focusing on the task at hand. When you praise her and have them stop to aknowledge it, that interrupts their flow. How would you feel if you were at work and your boss was constantly over your shoulder yelling "good job!" every time you completed a task you were supposed to do?
I've always thought that, as well. It seems to overwhelm Abbie having multiple people telling her what to do and telling her good job at the same time. Asa is always preaching about Abbie's sensory processing issues, well HELLO. Three different people prompting her and praising her simultaneously is definitely sensory overload. Then they don't seem to understand why Abbie starts to get upset and doesn't want to complete the task. I recall Brandi saying a few times to do the least amount of verbal prompting and use hand signals/signing. I think this is not only so that Abbie will begin to do more tasks without help but also so that she doesn't get so overwhelmed.
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It's still disrespectful to her classmates, the teachers, and Abbie. Abbie is worth being on time for her activities and her schooling should be taken seriously. I used to assist at classes and a camp for autistic/disabled/IDD students and e very single school and training program I know has a schedule that they use to run smoothly. Imagine having a classroom of autistic students that rely on routine and schedules, and having your morning constantly interrupted by a late student. It's so disruptive and inconsiderate. Especially considering it's something within their control.
They don’t care how their or Abies behaviour affects other people. It’s all about them and their needs.
What you'll said is so true! Also, don't forget, Asa said that Abbie doesn't like schedules and routines before too.. So, it doesn't bother her to run late and then miss certain aspects of her morning.. I know if I am late dropping my kids off, they let me know it and they voice their displeasure and usually it will end with a meltdown of at least one child.. Hence, we operate on a very strict morning schedule, just like most Autism families... Again, something they just don't get, understand or care about and again, another failure on their part for Abbie, setting her up for a confusing day and making others wait on them..
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Noir Fan

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It was sad watching Abbie hiding in the corner of the dark laundry room. Something was bothering her and unfortunately she couldn’t express it. I don’t know if it was the filming or she didn’t feel well. Many times, I feel so sorry for her.
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I heard it too. No isn't an unusual first word and it would go along with her mental age.
I’m not sure that her brain, mouth, tongue, & jaw will ever work as one to purposefully say “no.” I see it as more of her moaning & complaining sound. Thinking back into the history of phonics, her neanderthal (sci proved all humans carry the genes now) “naughoughhhwww” is how the word NO was likely formed. Not sure about all other languages. I could be way off. I’m just guessing. Rather than parents to caregivers just sit on the couch w/ her, why don’t they read over the alphabet, phonics learning, flash cards, etc! Imagine being a fly on the wall when it’s just a parent or caregiver. I’m sure they’re just on their phone...& maybe reading here. haha
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Their fan randomly showed up to where they are vacationing because they saw an Instagram post. They asked if Abbie wanted to get on the boat. Complete random strangers. They have half million followers, they should try to be a bit more private.

Did anyone notice Abbie grabbing that random lady to sit by her? Did she think that was someone else, crazy nanny maybe lol.
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