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Y’all let me know how long these stay up!!
Awwwwww man, Sam-I-Am---> the LOOK on PIGcilla's face that you captured in that screenshot turned out perfect when juxtaposed with your comment. LOVE LOVE LOVE it. We know they are seeing these, why no response? Or at the very least a delete? So ODD. I wonder what the situation is like. Does Isaiah know? ASSa's Mother and Father, Step-Dad, etc? How did PIGcilla react? Maybe that is why she's so enormous and he cannot leave her? IDK, all this controversy did for me was stir up even more questions... WHY??????????????????????

She doesn’t know how to comb Abbies hair? She said Asa usually does and she’s not good at it? Summer couldn’t comb it either? How hard is it to put it in a ponytail so it’s not in her face constantly.
Judging by how PIGcilla's looks on the daily tells me she's just "not good at all the things..." one of them being 'doing girl hair' SHEESH!

Some fool has put a comment Priscilla for president. New project for Asa
Whaaa? Based on what? Her superb lunch-making skills and her status as the lisp-Queen?
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Also, not every person who is staring is judging her for being autistic. An almost adult sized person is screaming and grunting.... people are going to keep an eye out to make sure she's okay. It doesn't mean they don't "accept" autism.

If you're going to take someone with autism and extreme stimming behaviors out somewhere that is potentially triggering to them, you owe it to the autistic person to make the experience as smooth as possible. Both parents focused, wait staff aware of what's happening, placed somewhere that is somewhat quiet or close to an exit. It's disrespectful to shove a camera in Abbie's face while she's already in a stressful environment that she DID NOT CHOOSE TO BE IN. When the camera is out it means that you're #1 priority is filming, not making it a pleasant experience for her. They need to put the cameras down. live in the moment. and actually FOCUS on their daughter and what she needs instead of scolding her and trying to get content.
Exactly!! You said it way more better than I could!! I just don't see why they think everyone is always "judging" them but sometimes people are just concerned!!! Also, yes, planning is so essential!! They have both parents to be able to make those plans too.. It is just myself (and now we include the child that is going, or all of them) but we always have exit plans. I can take all 4 of my kids out, by myself but there are exit plans in place.. I don't see why he doesn't have those planned out... I guess maybe because they didn't do it for so many years, sticking her in the back room of the ATV shop for hours and days... So, of course, she is going to act like a feral animal, when she finally gets to go out...
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It's still disrespectful to her classmates, the teachers, and Abbie. Abbie is worth being on time for her activities and her schooling should be taken seriously. I used to assist at classes and a camp for autistic/disabled/IDD students and e very single school and training program I know has a schedule that they use to run smoothly. Imagine having a classroom of autistic students that rely on routine and schedules, and having your morning constantly interrupted by a late student. It's so disruptive and inconsiderate. Especially considering it's something within their control.
They don’t care how their or Abies behaviour affects other people. It’s all about them and their needs.
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Fans are getting mad at me for the comment about the news. I can’t believe how people can defend someone while they don’t even know him. “Even if he cheated he’s a good man. None of your business”. How the f do you know if he’s a good man? To me he seems controlling, narcissistic and full of himself.
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What’s with Priscilla and this fake HGtv, Martha Stewart act.

She has no idea what she’s doing. They are going to blow all their money on useless junk. A bar behind the dining table?

OMG! The "we taught her not to touch those things" Seriously? but you can't teach her not to barge into a room with a door closed? Seriously, there is way more just out in the open, than there are doors closed, especially the bathroom door!!!

The bar, seriously? They do not need alcohol around and especially out in the open with a child that has absolutely no impulse control..

Who else was rooting for Abbie just to take a plate and throw it to the ground? I wonder if that will happen within the next few days/weeks, no matter what she says... Abbie still is destructive and tears things up.. I could just see her going into a fit and picking up the plate and smashing it to the floor... I seriously have lost almost every ceramic plate that I own, either to dropping or smashing but I was totally okay because I got 2 very cheap sets from Rose's...

Her decorating though... Ugh... She definitely isn't no Martha Stewart, no matter how much she tries to copy her..
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The # of women who go into their YT comments to say: “Is it just me or did Asa’s accent get thicker while in VA.” Holy hell women out there. What kind of prozac/opioid/xanax are they on that so many repeat the same freaking lines while arse kissing for attn?! They need to get some self-awareness! 🤦🏻‍♀️
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She's got that pointy chin hidden!! 😆
$200,000 in 1.5 years. Wow. Are we supposed to be impressed by this? It's a friggin pyramid scheme ffs. Nothing to be proud of 🐖cilla.!!
How much of her own money that Abbie made her did she use to buy her own products?
It is obvious from the looks of those at the meet up that their demographic lives at or below the poverty level, IMO. So, she's not selling much to them unless its $25.00 increments here and there.
They really should put a damn brush in Abbie's backpack and use it when they are out. Abbie truly looks disheveled like a feral child!
🐖cilla is that mom who dresses to the hilt while her kids look like ragamuffins!
We see where her priorities are. Her phone. Her pyramid scheme. Her tik tok. Her dunkin with extra cream. Her enormous portions of food. Her alcohol. Her enormous friends, the Brazees. Her. Her. Her.
What's lacking, IMO, is her responsibility as a decent caring mother.
She can't dispute the self evident truths.
They are out there.
She can try to hide the truth the same way she hides her newly discovered pointy chin.
But we all know it's there. 😆


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Oh my goodness yes!!! The first thing anyone should do, when raising awareness, is to make sure you don't offend the population that you are trying to help...🤦‍♀️
It would be understandable if they were like "WE choose to use this language because it's what works for us, but the standard is blah blah blah and that's okay. It's different for everyone"

But NOPE! It's just words! Yeah, the R-slur is "just words" too Asa, but we don't use it. He REFUSES to see the difference between what works for him and what works for other families. He really thinks he is the one and only representative of what autism is.
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Everything about today's vlog bugged the shit out of me. Summer's laugh annoys me. Becca is more like a guy. She has zero personality.
P is so fake. When she got flowers from her "girls"...🤢
Of course they love you. You are making them loads of cash with your naive followers you idiot.

That family acts like they are so popular...makes me vomit.

End rant.
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Before pigcill gets too much credit, we saw the mayo trick on a cooking ch yrs ago & it’s even better w/ sourdough bread & then swiss or whatever you choose. Mayo is so much better than butter.

When accidents happen most so close to home, they are really living on the edge driving that open air “buggy” on the roads w/ distracted drivers everywhere! They can do it anytime, but not fair to Abbie.

Also, god forbid they get in an accident in the car, her feet would be unprotected w/o her shoes on. I think of that anytime I take my shoes off in a car. In any case, the smelly shoes on/off & hence, dirty hands thing gets old. Why not edit that out? lol.

Why do i always sense they’re trying to get Abbie to go for the biggest & fattiest treat like the brownie? And notice no clip of her eating the cookie like a feral child this time. I must’ve paused & played the choc covered pretzel clip back several times just to see that feral expression & how fast she was. Many said she looked feral. Must’ve been why he didn’t show it today. And good going Summer...teaching these sugar addicted parents it’s OK to cut back on the treats by only offering 1/2 the cookie. Abbie won’t miss it!

And not to mention that he sounds like a gay arse man!
Now you're MY hero!! 😂😂😊

There is no reason why P cannot prepare healthier meals for tge kids while her and Asa are out. I'm sure Isaiah and Summer can prepare something too. The amount of take out food they consume is astounding!
I notice P is putting on the pounds again.
All of the DD sugary frozen coffee they drink
What happened to the walks?
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I mentioned before that I felt Summer's dad Phil rubbed me the wrong way. Now, I think he is not liking the set up and feels the same as we do. Perhaps that's why he comes off as arrogant and Summer's mother is never around the vlogs.
Summer is there only for Asa's financial gain.
Nothing more
I can't believe they were complaining about Abbie being sick and how it was going to ruin their weekend.
P's fake attention to Abbey is so sickening.
Asa...get off of high horse. We all see right through you.
Well, they aren't letting Abbie be sick ruin their weekend.. They have planned a big meet up and already several people jumped on board saying they were coming... Sick... Seriously, we have the flu and every other virus and cold running rapid around the country right now but they have to put on their face and go "work" because if not, they aren't making money.. I guess they would have visited DD anyway, since apparently none of them are capable of making their own coffee but they could have used the drive thru.. Now, countless people have to be exposed to their germs and spreading of whatever P and Abbie have...
Oh and the fake attention is so very sickening.. I wished P would just come out and admit that she is struggling on how to be a parent to a special needs child..
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Plexiglass? Or get rid of the glass period. It's a no brainer.
It looked like really weak glass that was cut in pieces with pieces of metal for decoration.. a piece of it fell out.. very strange that would be next to the door. They should at least have stronger glass next to the door..where someone can easily break in. I can't believe he would show something like that on the blog and risk their security.. also Abbie could have really cut herself badly when it broke.

Asa's answer was glib and rude.
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I have been looking at Facebook and it’s even worse on there for arse licking. I left a comment on there and guess what, it’s been deleted.
Asa was saying how happy abi was to see him, I didn’t see that at all, she couldn’t have cared less. They are getting richer by the minute and their followers who are probably lower income are sending money. I just can’t see an end to it.
I agree. I can not imagine who is sending them money on a regular basis. Sort of like the mega churches where money is sent to TV preachers instead of local church. The viewers are so nasty. Someone said Abbie looked like a normal teenager and the viewers went nuts saying she is a teenager but you can't use word normal.
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I would love to see how the numbers of all the “donations” that they have been doing all year!!
I will keep a watch on the state’s website, for when Maass Media has to file their financials for the year... It just took a few quick clicks to find it.. This should be interesting to see all the money they claim that was “donated”...
People are so afraid to ask questions. It is like a cult.
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Would love to be a fly on the Maass wall right now. I feel terrible for Isaiah right now....but think he already knows his dad is a terrible person. They are also noticeably absent from social media this afternoon and evening.
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