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I noticed Summer was suddenly well the next day (the day before she said she was sick).. but well enough the next day to go on the "vacation".. Also thought it was funny how Isaiah got in the back seat for the road trip and summer had to sit by Abbie.. lol.. she didn't look too happy about that. After they stopped and got back in the car.. I think for dinner.. I noticed summer quickly got in Isaiah's spot in the back seat. I thought she enjoyed being besties with Abbie?

Yea.. I dont think the Summer thing will last long. She is making the mistake of being much to close and familiar with them.. and she is really hired help. I notice A & P like to refer to her as one of their kids.. she is an adult who is working for them. I think that dynamic might get a little interesting.

Also I noticed "the girls". ... Summer and Abbie .. were sharing a room at the air bnb. I wonder if Summer will wake up to shredded pull ups all over her?

On a different topic..Abbie's rocking stim... where she rocks violently.. is that common among others with autism? I have seen rocking but it is more of a soothing thing.. and not violent like Abbie's.... I wonder how much her rocking is possibly causing further brain damage?
I really worry that Abbie is going to head butt someone and break their nose or a bone in the face. She is dangerous when rocking back and forth so violently
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We all make mistakes in life. We all would like to put them behind us. An honorable person especially when facing the public owns up to those mistakes. I’ve seen countless videos where Asa or P have stated “I don’t drive because Priscilla doesn’t like my driving”, “Priscilla drives because I have road rage” a live he admitted to that. Blatant lies to all the fans supporting them. Dishonest and deceptive. They outright lied. They could have avoided the subject all together but instead they chose to lie. “Deception is one of the quickest ways to gain little things and lose big things” - T. Sowell
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I've noticed when they talk with her they also use a lot of junk filler phrases instead of keeping things simple and clear. Instead of "Abbie, would you like this? or this?" they'll say things like "we gotta make a decision!" "Let's decide what you want!" "Come on you like these!" All sorts of phrases that aren't clear about what is being asked of her and aren't helpful. That's just one example but they do it a LOT. I sometimes want to yell at them to just STFU and let her process. Talking at her more using phrases she hasn't learned well is going to make her so confused.

And then when they ask her to make a decision they NEVER LET HER ACTUALLY MAKE THE DECISION. It's always "Oh you don't want that!" "You'd like this better!" Like how is she supposed to understand choosing if they never let her actually do it??
Yes like when they took her to the convenience store and asked her to pick out an item but then said “no, choose something else”. Isn’t the point of the task to show her she has the freedom to pick her own item?
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Chatty Member
Omg making her do these meet ups is so wrong. Complete random strangers. Usually when I see people do meet ups they are sitting behind a table, in this circumstance she’s just being paraded around to random people. You don’t know where their hands have been. Idk it’s just too weird.
The meet ups and a lack of any effort to guard their address, where they will be vacationing, etc, put her at risk. It puts them all at risk, but she is the only one who doesn't go into it understanding how foolish they're being. And it isn't just for now. If she lives in that house for the rest of her life, there is no way to go back later and protect her. The internet doesn't work that way.
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They portray a nice, conservative wholesome family, providing exemplary care for an autistic child. Family values... Only they aren't.
IMO, they are litigious, foolish, greedy parents exploiting their daughter on youtube.
Driving like a maniac and without a valid license is anti-social. Remember how mad he was that P's name had to be on "his" truck. All of this adds a new layer to the emporer not wearing pants.
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Chatty Member
So, today's video was insomnia with autism. While he may have made some good points, he colossally ignored other things. He says that Abbie's sleep problems have to do with her particular mindset and energy levels - or something along those lines. He completely ignores that she often naps when she gets home from school and (it has been mentioned multiple times in past videos) there have been times they've picked her up from JSA and asked how her day went and the teacher said she slept for a cpl hours. So, if Abbie is taking one to two naps almost every day -- it's no wonder she stays awake until 4:30 or 5:00am! Then she has to get ready and go to school around 7:30am and it starts all over again. Asa talks about her meds and says sometimes they just don't work. Not because she's gotten bigger or the fact that she's been on the same dosage for years now and more than likely built a tolerance to that dose. No, it's because sometimes her mindset just won't allow her to sleep.
He basically says that insomnia is a common problem for people on the autism spectrum and that's why Abbie has sleep issues. :rolleyes::rolleyes:
Yeah, that King of Autism crown he holds on his head, is starting to become a little to tight..
He is so delusional. If one of my children was doing that, without reason, I would be on the phone figuring it out. Of course, all these naps have interrupted her natural sleep pattern..
First, she shouldn’t be napping at school and home. Also, if she is napping, it should be limited to a certain amount of time (no more than an hour) and if it is at school, then they need to let the parents know if they took a nap or not and log it...
Lastly, they need to talk to the doctor and increase her sleep meds, at least for a short time, to get her to sleep and back on a traditional schedule..

Yes, kids on the Autism Spectrum can get their days/nights turned around, from holidays, time change, vacations, etc. Sometimes there is no reason too... We look for signs and then we work to get them back onto a traditional wake/sleep schedule as fast as possible..

Gosh, she needs a sleep specialist because her parents don’t have a clue... Any neurologist that specializes in sleep medicine could explain this to them..
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exactly. take accountability for your actions. even if they aren't a part of each other's lives, at the very least, he has a legal obligation to provide financial support - I just hope the child and their mother are receiving payments proportional to his current income.
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VIP Member
That attachment about limelife was eye opening! No doubt she's putting her own money in so she is #1.
Hell, all those things she claimed her paycheck paid for would have been at least $30,000.!!! Supposedly she's just a beauty guide with 4-5 girls. The ones she had over for fattening chicken salad on croissants.
Even if those people had people who had people.. The math doesnt add up.
Wouldn't be the 1st time she's lied. Won't be the last.
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I think most of us started out liking them. I know I did. Especially Abbie. Within a few weeks, I remember telling someone about the vlog saying the child is so sweet but those parents!!! Especially the mother!!
Glad you joined us.
Hopefully others will too.
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Well-known member
I've got two questions. First is, remember they use to have lots of packages and letters sent to their PO Box? The mailroom people would ask them to come get it cuz there was so much, and there would be blogs with them opening. I do know they asked viewers to NOT send packages, but I honestly don't think that all those hundreds of adoring fans would just suddenly stop. That even with their request for gift cards (that they could buy supplies for the give away bags-yeah, right) that their fans would STILL send gifts. Why don't we ever see that? Or hear a thank you? How much in gift cards do you think they are receiving? And second question is A’s mom & stepdad. Where did they go? They visited the new house ONE time. Before they moved to the big house, Asa’s mom (who I really like) was in the vlogs a whole lot more. Anyone else noticed they are missing? Didn’t see them at all over the holidays.
I have more observations but am splitting them up. I'm new here (after I stood up for someone who made an innocent comment on FA and got bullied, then I got bullied by the fan crowd, I decided ”screw this” and came over here).
It amazes me how aggressive the people who follow this family are. A simple comment brings down nasty comments.
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Active member
That family is the worst, but I truly think Isaiah is a lovely young man. I hope he enjoys his life at college.
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Chatty Member
The most recent, she wants to fight. Takes a while to scroll, here's a screen shot from just now View attachment 78861and one of the most recent comments: View attachment 78862
I love how delusion that Casey thinks this is coming from 1 account but it is sooo many different people that have seen the light... I guess she is drinking that Kool-Aid way too much though, to keep trying to defend them.. Of course, 19 hours and nothing...Hmmm....
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And you just made sure people had easy access to it and knew exactly where to go to find the info. Good job. You are so very helpful and an exemplary human. If she gets fucking murdered by some crazed Fathering Autism stalker because of your posting it, I'm sure you'll sleep very well reminding yourself it's a public record, that you pointed every single crazed asshole to. Good job.
How do you know it’s a she?

Uh, yeah. I stand by what I said. This is me giving zero fucks. I didn't dox anyone being a moron.

The case number is out there now. Anyone as smart as OP can look it up. Kid is entitled. He's shit. He needs to pay. No reason to dox.
You don’t need a case number to look this information up at all....comes up just as easy using their last name. As did 🐷Cilla being sued in small claims court by a security company.
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Chatty Member
They’ll have to explain what happened, even if in brief. Otherwise ppl will continue to ask. I haven’t, but there are a ton new members here & the cat is out of the bag!
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VIP Member
I find Summer pretending to like Abbie really annoying.

She's a severely intellectually disabled girl who is extremely non-communicative. Her emotions are wildly labile and inappropriate. Her biggest interests are eating and ripping up diapers. Summer has taught her to beg for food like a dog when she was eating fries. Summer probably has some scheme in her head to become the first ABA therapist vlogger. Noooooooo thank you.
Just remember, Summer has known them for 8 years. So she was Abbies age when she met Abbie. That’s a lot of brain washing from the Maass family.
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VIP Member
Asa stop trying to use slang. Him saying “go off sister” was so cringe. Does he even know what that means.
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Well-known member
Around 14:30 of the newest vlog he is standing infront of the three girls including Abbie and is talking ABOUT abbie while she is right there. That's the first red flag I had with that family is how they talk about her while she is right there rather than engaging with her while talking about her like you would a neurotypical toddler for example. It's just rude
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I think that Abby just gets on Pricilla’s nerves and she only deals with her when the camera is on. I think she is really embarrassed by her, Asa is no saint but I believe he does more for Abby care than Priscilla. She can’t put her phone down .
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