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Lots of nail munching in recent videos.
Looking for a fourth person for their skeet shooting..on Thursday…during the day. Well, most people have jobs! And he is involved with a fundraiser for JSA??!!!
Snack time! 🐽 🐽 🐽
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Asa brought up Abbie changing her shirt on her outing with Issiah due to a nose bleed again. Never brings up when she has 3 or 4 short/trouser changes in a single vlog though so this Patti super shirt change seems to have gotten under his skin for some reason. He also says that the nosebleeds and someone maybe having chocolate on their foot and it transferring on to the sofa is the reason they need removable covers on the sofa too. Sure Jan! Didn’t know piss and shit had been renamed nosebleed and chocolate lol.
View attachment 2560761
She needs a cigarette and a hunk of cheese.....stat!
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Looks like he’s enjoying it. Ass not the bone daddy. To be fair, it’s rare to be able to actually wrap his arms around his romantic partner. That’s got to be abuse of a corpse though. Ass, be a kind human and leave the skeleton alone. Clearly he’s not that into you. So many captions for this. Numbskull. 🩻💀I’ll leave out the most obvious one. Lol
Okay you win best quote of the day🏆🏆🏆🤣🤣 I love the shots where his eyes are closed, I was trying to get as many as I could, but it was late and I was tired and a little crunk😵 luckily for the skeleton, Ass can no longer get a long enough boner to reach any body cavity, and that includes BJ's. His Munt (male gunt) would smother her if she tried, and same goes for him, he would need a crane to lift all that tonage hanging over her privates like drapes 😣🤢🤢😵
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Yesth! 😂 I can imagine the tantrum. LOL!
What’s harder for me to imagine is Pig being a grandmother.
In the case of Izzy…
Like you said, he is still twerkin’ for Dunkin’. Dancing for mommy and daddy. Performing for mommies channel. Even if he does become a husband and father at some point, from the way it looks now that is AT LEAST 5 years down the road. Hell, even if he has a baby out of wedlock ….like his daddy did …..he still needs to find a bar hopper to mate with, and that doesn’t look like it is happening anytime soon either.
So, say 5 years…
If nothing changes in Pig’s life from this day forward, what does life look like for her in 2028-2029? Will Grandmama Sow be able to do anything with a grandbaby? Will she beckon for Izzy to bring her the baby so she can ride her/him around the Publix on her mobility scooter? Will she be able to spend good quality time with her grandkids while wearing her Halloween Slime mask in her hospital bed when the fam runs out to pick up her second pizza of the day?
And for Atha…
What happens when Sweet Girl, Pig and the grandbaby all need to be changed at the same time?
Ha! I have gone down the rabbit hole, but the potential “what ifs” just keep adding up. 😂

Quoting myself here…sorry..
There is one positive I see to a grandchild joining the Maassive Manor.
We will get to see Pig bouncing that bundle of joy on her lap, and when the kid gets old enough they will get to choose which lap.
Alrighty then…
What happens when their mutant genes get passed on in some unmarketable form? Will baby M get the Abbie treatment from piggy?
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Vlog comments.

Commenter: I wonder if there are covers that would prevent items from being unplugged. I imagine Asa has googled that, or checked on Amazon. Surely there must be child protective covers that could be used.

Ass: I have researched. I didn't like my options lol
They are $15-30 a piece and they are HUGE. So we would have the big lumps stuck to the walls and have to spend a few hundred on something that she may just stop doing soon anyway.

Comment: Was it smelling salt? or Narcam? Narcam goes in the nose too, if it was a drug over dose she would of fallen too, and drug over dose stops your heart, I dont think they would use smelling salt on a heart attack

Ass: I'm pretty sure is was a grand mal seizure based on the sound Priscilla heard and how she hit the floor.

Commenter: Victim's family may want to see footage no matter the outcome. If you are in public you are fair game. Not always nefarious. Geeze.

Ass: No, it may not be nefarious. Based on what the guy that was doing the filming said, he decided to become the self-proclaimed checks and balances for the first responders. What he could have done is helped or gotten out of the way so people can do their job. People have been saving lives long before cell phones were invented. It's rude, no excuse. Just because you are legally allowed to film people in public spaces without consent doesn't make him less of a jerk.

Commenter’s Reply: You realize there is video surveillance virtually everywhere now. I do not think he should post it for any reason. Period. The woman was traveling alone according to you wife. A family member may want to see everything was done to saved their loved one! Was he getting in the way?

Ass’ Reply: Yes I do realize surveillance is everywhere. Everyone realizes that. Let's not pretend it's the same thing. A stranger recording you at your worst moment is inappropriate. How would he have gotten the video to her family? What would it benefit the family to know what was done by flight attendants and a passenger that was a doctor? Lemme guess, so they can take legal action if the people HELPING their loved one did something wrong? I think you should step back and realize that you and the guy filming are the only ones that agreed with his actions. The airline, a plane full of people, and security who were all there at the actual scene when it occurred are of the opinion he should not be doing that.
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I can't imagine a more miserable time than dressing like an old woman with a bunch of other women, drinking like a fish, eating like a pig and selling overpriced utter shite.
No wonder Twatty is bigger than ever, look at all of those pizza boxes. No doubt she was responsible for ordering those and no doubt that she polished off one all by herself as her first snack of the evening. Goodness only knows how many other slices of pizza she consumed.

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They probably give Abbie a huge catalog to tear apart knowing it will keep her busy for a while and they won't have to watch her. Who thinks Abbie actually cleaned it up? He showed a huge mess then jump cut to it cleaned up. I say she picked up a few pieces and had a meltdown.

How many times can they take her to Dailies for a cookie?

Of course Abbie had to make an appearance in Pig's live..bringing her a lemon... she has that super nice fake mom voice for that.
And she was so thrilled, she told Abbie to pick them back up and take them downstairs! 😂 😂
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Brandi already taught her all that doctor appt stuff and he doesn't even mention her.
You’re right. I didn’t think it was a brand new thing and was sure she’d been “desensitised” to those things years back. The way he was talking about working with therapists and Cilla working alongside them made it sound as if it was a relatively new thing. Like I said he’s been saying for years about how she can get her blood pressure checked etc with no issues so wonder if he was just being a lying liar that’s lies again lol.
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It’s obvious assa is using a filter on his face in tonight’s vlog. It looked super fake the second it started
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