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Look what I just found 👀👀.
It’s a British guy with 298k subs discussing the 1st daughter, racist comment by WLW, of course exploitation.
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Vegan for the Animals

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Asswipe talked his usual crap about autism and how Abbie now enjoys trick or treating, but the only reason she was forced to wear a ridiculous costume was because her selfish parents wanted an excuse to go to that event, because their dumb football team put it on. They probably thought they’d see some of the players there. Abbie doesn’t give a shit about dressing up and they don’t give a shit about making her look ridiculous or uncomfortable.
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FA170 thread suggestion
While shopping they cleared the shelves. Piggy's huns are now her elves.
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“What is that UFO thing?”, she asks. (Unbelievably fat object)
Now she has a Jags helmet on display in her office.
I'm so sick of her BS football fan crap.
She just thinks it makes her look cute and it gives her something to post about because she has no interests or hobbies aside from food to post about.
Does she exercise? Clean/re-set/organize? Read? Craft? Garden? Volunteer?
Any special skills, gifts, anything at all to offer the world?
All a big old NOPE.
So she'll dress up in cheap animal print and cardboard earrings and pretend she understands football because it takes zero talent or energy.
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She's still pinching herself. Why does she do that?


That look of mother;y love after she forces a kiss on Abbie.

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Doesn't the urban farmer grow cucumbers? This is like a blooper real for legit cooks. She fucked up the recipe and still decided to post it. What a moron.
That "salad" was disgusting. Who puts jarlic in a salad, adds jarred chilis (and doesn't even mix it first) then adds everything but the bagel seasoning, tops it with a glob of ginger dressing and "cuts" the hot spice with balsamic vinigar? WTAF. That was unedible. They must have shat for hours after that culinary travesty.
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Fake bitch faces. I think she's drunk. And the best shots come from when she loses camera control. I can hear her now. "ATHA come help me I look like Thit!

Before she realizes she's live:





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They are live on FB right now talking about all the amazing things they do for charity for Christmas. :sneaky: :rolleyes: And they don't want to be acknowledged for the charity that they do while they're talking about all they do :LOL: And Thilla crying again. But then Asshat jumps in and says she's had a rough day. But she needs two NEW customers. Wtf.
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@JunoandMaya My thought is that they taught her to'wrestle' so they have an excuse when she is at her 'school' and attacks people Asswipe can say "oh, she's playing wrestle" He knows she really doesn't qualify to be in the program she's in now.
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This is why I find it hard to believe they have new subs. Imagine stumbling upon this channel for the first time and being so impressed you give them a follow. There is NO way. The early viewers tuned in for Abbie and Abbie only, now she's mostly just a mention. You can not have me believe that there are real people in this world tuning in to watch these dirt bags eat.

Exactly. I subbed way back when they first started because of Abbie. She was close in age to my son, and our families had things in common that we were struggling with. Now, their vlogs just consist of them eating 90% of the time or going on vacations/dates/"work" trips...etc. Their lives and ours couldn't be any more different now-which is fine. Life moves on. Fortunately for me, trying to walk 4 miles a day, getting the boy off to school-home from school, doing things with hubby and friends, keeping up with the granddaughter etc. takes up most of my time.
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Isaiah needs to get the hell out of there.
He was trying to explain how he does things with a client and Asa totally ignored him the entire time- just stared at the air fryer.
Then at the last minute he acted like he was listening but he wasnt.
Isaiah is going to get fed up one day.
At some point Isaiah will have a lot of knowledge and experience, but Asa will always act like he knows more.

And no, Abbie is never going to heat up her dinner in the air fryer, Asa. And you know it.
I just posted a similar comment. Boy Wonder needs to get out of that toxic environment. Twatty is killing his physical health with the garbage that she serves him and Tubby is killing his metal health by being a shitty person. Abbie needs to be accepted for who she is and the challenges and limitations that come with her. She needs physical therapy, exercise and good nutrition, not hand over hand air fryer instruction that will lead nowhere. Abbie doesn't need "employment" but she does need engagement. With all of the resources at their disposal, Abbie should be able to be in physical activities that will keep her healthy, active and more alert.
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She did a live at midnight. Let the dogs in from outside and fed them (so not Abbie’s job after all…shocker). Said Maverick didn’t like to eat in the morning so she feeds them at night. Didn’t pet them at all and closed them in the laundry room for the night, finishing their meals in the dark. 🤨

She also said Abbie would just fall asleep wherever (drugged no doubt), but last night they saw she was really sleepy so they, and I quote, “sent her up”.

Clean, dry diaper? No
Pajamas? No
Teeth brushed? No
Bullshit teen face care she lies about? No
Tuck in? No

They suck.
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Chatty Member
Hey Loves. 😘
All is well here. I have been very busy. I also am on a little soul journey. I am trying to fill my time with more positivity. The Maassives ain’t it, They are a big, fat roadblock. Literally and figuratively. 😂 That being said, the laughter and friendships we have formed here are a positive….HANDS DOWN.
Sorry I left y’all hanging with the thread title. Y’all kicked ass. Thank you both for creating the thread and to an excellent title.
I am done watching their shit for now. All of it. With that, I pass the thread title creation on to whoever wants it. @sparkle&glitter1 did a fabulous job. 😘
I will be around. I still look forward to Pig hitting her goal weight of 500 lbs., as well as celebrating with y’all once she is successful.🐽
I hope you all have had a wonderful day.
❤❤❤❤❤❤Love you!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
View attachment 2524108View attachment 2524119
Noooo Say It Isn't So, I will miss you so much, but I do understand your reasoning. You were always the kindest to me, helped me stay out of the Bad Girls Club LOL. You stood up for me a few times, and for that I thank you very much! I feel like I'm losing my surrogate mom, even though I am probably about your age HeHe. I especially love your love for kitties, I have 2 Murfee & Maizee, both Maine Coons. Please pop in now and then to keep us updated, it won't be the same without your GIF's.😢☹🙁❤
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She is the only person I've ever seen whose knuckles are not aligned with her fingers. Wtf.


Her shape is now a potato.

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Well, Sweet Girl was dressed in a yellow shirt for her big date with "brother", and came back in a gray shirt, pissed off, and slammed the door in Asshats face! 😂 😂
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Chatty Member
I agree with everything except I think that Abbie looked ridiculous in that costume.
The thing that struck me is….when Abbie was trick-or-treating at that one house where the older folks were sitting on chairs in the yard passing out candy and Abbie was surrounded by little kids trick-or-treating….they were half her height. And Abbie (forced by Ass) was struggling to hold open her bag, use her device to tell them “Trick or Treat” and “Thank you” plus sometimes sign “thank you”. By the end of the walk to some houses, Abbie looked wiped out. She didn’t look like she enjoyed it. Ass mentions it was the most work she’s done for a while. How shitty was that for Abbie? Ruined her trick-or-treating. Ass was hollering “thank you” each time anyway. She didn’t need to carry her device all around the block or wherever they went. And Ass mentioned at one point that all the kids were smaller than her, so I know he is sensitive to that fact. Abbie wanted and loves candy—-that’s a fact. Neither Abbie, Ass or Pig want to go trick-or treating—-why put her through that? Maybe let her pass some candy out that night and give her a little, then call it good. And for exercise the entire family can take a 30 minute walk in the park during the day.
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No m’am you’re definitely not a fan of cottage cheese are you. Sweet Jesus she’s breathless
I burst out laughing when she called the brine, "water" and dumped it down the drain, then I laughed again, when she said the three added strawberries made it healthy and finally, I nearly fell off the sofa when she called that a little snack 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
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You were right!
Piggy no where to be found doing actual work. She was probably sprawled out on the couch, hoof lunged in an okra jar, and they had to rent a fork lift to get her up for the photo op.
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