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Chatty Member
Bloody hell, Junior is sharing a bed with Abbie and sharing a room with his parents. That’s ridiculous. I’m quite sure they could afford another room just for him.
That’s ridiculous for sure. I can’t imagine being a 21 year old man and having to share a bed on a cruise with your sister period especially one that has the issues that Abbie does. Talk about no boundaries.
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Good news for the Maasses and their last minute (as usual) planning - the worst of the hurricane should miss them. Jax is most at risk for tornadoes but flooding rains look to be to their north.

Bad news - upcoming 11pm update from the NHC is warning that Idalia will be a cat 4 at landfall. :(

One of these days their shit preps are gonna bite them in their giant asses.
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They will just use the ships pool. Just like they use the home pool as a bathing substitute. If it's wet it counts as a washing to them.
You’re right! Maybe the hurricane will come and she’ll be drunk and passed out in a deck chair and she’ll get a hard pounding 😂😂 and in this latest travesty he opens the video feeding Abbie yet again bc can y’all do anything but eat, and proceeds to run his stumps through her hair and preach about the amazing transformation that Priscilla’s company sells lmao…I wonder like really wonder, if some hot to the trot little hoochie coochie made a pass at Mr. Smelly maass after hours at the casino while his whale is beached and unavailable what he would really do 😂😂 I don’t for a second think he finds his life or his wife enjoyable. For the love of god stop stroking your daughters hair it’s so fucking weird.
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I bet that cruise is a bigger shit show this wasn't so great last time but Abbie was a bit younger /smaller then and maybe not as regressed. Who thinks they will let her try to scuba again... after the diarrhea episode last time. I need to get my pop corn ready..

That Scamster is now reverting to using old pics/videos of Abbie to keep the Humpties hooked on the Abbie is young and cute narrative and will eventually be "normal".... because of Asshat's super autism knowledge.... lol. I bet most of the current pics/video is edited as much has he can to make her look smaller/more normal..just like he does for the Pig.'
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Chatty Member
Also, gotta mention that thumbnail

with a super close up of Abbie’s face…

stay classy Asa….
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On tonight’s makeup live, she demonstrated the setting spray that’s on sale. Just beyond the color marks are several bruises/pinch marks from Miss Abigail Lorraine! Keep it up Abs!
Probably why Abbie got the bloody nose.
Can you imagine the commotion that the neighbours heard? It must have been wild! Those uncouth beasts are loud and obnoxious to begin with! On the topic of the dishwasher, what an absolute waste of water and energy. If they added dish soap when they were rinsing the plates bare, they wouldn't need to use the dish washer.

Don't worry he's a dishwasher expert. It's hilarious that's he's fighting with people about dishes when he's on "date night". Loser.
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I also think about how sensory unfriendly their home is. It's so cold and generic, yet also somehow cluttered. I get that NOT decorating your house like Hobby Lobby's Pinterest threw up on it might be like... an inconvenience and contrary to your personal design philosophy? And it might make the backdrop to your loud as shit football Sunday parties less aesthetic 💔 But it's Abbie's home too and I can only imagine how overwhelming it has to be in this busy, bright, sensory nightmare of a home :( And I don't get why they sent her back to school after pulling her out. My understanding was that they thought they could do it better... or get her a personal "teacher" who would probably have to agree to being filmed and bossed around. On second thought, I guess I actually do get it because it's evident that they don't want to have to be her caretakers any more often than they're required to be. It's just wild to me that as two people who don't need to work regular full time jobs to keep food on the table, they'd rather pass their daughter off than be with her. It's sad, it's seriously sad.
The supposedly bought the manor for Abbie,so Abbie would always have a home..yet Abbie has no designated room for her specific needs. I don’t count her bedroom as one because legally she has to have place to sleep. Every room we see her in is occupied or used is common areas. How none of their followers do not find that odd is beyond me.
The one room they could use was taken by P..she literally is incapable of sharing or thinking of others needs and only cares about her wants.
She must of weighed herself before her appointment..she goes blonde when the numbers go up
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So, Asshat shows Sandy with a nasty scrape wound on her head... well, he says it's a scrape. Says she is extremely accident prone and it happened when she tried to stick her head under the fence...?? It made me think about how we've just been discussing how scared Sandy is around Asshat a lot of the time, cowering when he's walking towards her. Just one of those things that makes you go "Hmmmm....". Wondering if that's what really happened or it was something else and he's decided to make up a story in case anyone comments on it.

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That is not a scrape, that is a painful gouge that could easily become infected. Those disgusting arseholes didn't even take Sandy to the vet. They are using Neosporin, which is fine after you go to the vet to get everything cleaned and properly checked out. I hate them.
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New video
Sloppy, slobby, fat, drunken sots. Tubby slurred his way through that incoherant vlog. Twatty didn't nap, she passed out from too much sun and too many Trulys. Who on earth eats burgers and hot dogs for a regular lunch on a stinking hot day? Nice to know that Tubby reads Tattle and that he made a feeble attempt to clean the pool. Time to get rid of the Zodiac that ISNT cleaning the pool AT ALL and actually hook up the hose to the vacuum head and suck up the leaves and debris. The gall to talk about empty nesters doing things with out the kids!!! Twatty lives like she is a single woman with her Paloozas, meals, football games and concerts. That twunt is out more than she is home.
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My old late night order is forever in my brain.
Pecan waffle, country ham, hash browns-scattered, smothered, chunked, and grits with maple syrup.
Nothing better at 3 a.m. with the juke box blasting and everyone laughing and talking. 😂 🥰 😂
Chicken melt plate…scattered, smothered, covered, chunked, topped, diced….with a packet of ranch dressing. Yea, I admit it. 😂
Waffle House was my very first job. 16 years old. I loved it. I used to program all those WH original songs into the jukebox.
🎶Why would you eat yo grits anywhere else🎶
I went in at 3:30 pm. Had very few patrons until 5-5:30. Plenty of time to get into some shit, and I did. We set up the produce boxes and my co worker, a Nigerian exchange student, taught me how to throw knives. Food fights. I had to wash waffle batter out of my hair and dry it under the hand dryer. I participated in luring some geese with bread into the restaurant…got them inside the foyer, where they quickly decided they did not like it. They literally lost their shit. Had to clean that up. 😂 No geese were harmed.
I would have lured The Maassives with some pork chops and bacon….then served them chicken salads. 86 the ranch.
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I also want to ask Mr. Autism when exactly they plan to stop high-fiving, and shouting "Good job!" every time Abbie moves a muscle.
Thats part of being prompt and reward dependent.

Abbie seems to hate the new family room set up. Almost every time they show it the tables are wonky, rug moved around, etc.

And I'm sick of hearing about the cruise. Yes Asshole!! The humps have allowed you to board another floating buffet. We get it.
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That live was cringe. It was like a couple 2nd graders face timing their grandparents.
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It's pretty telling that Isaiah jumped in to help her and neither of her parents noticed (or pretended not to). I believe that Pig only jumped up to take over because she was on camera. Isaiah seems to be quick to jump in as a caregiver- a little too eager, almost like he is her parent. It's such a fucked up dynamic.
It is messed up. You know Abbie requires help wiping even if she can use the toilet (which I doubt she uses toilet vs. just soiling her pants). Her mother should be doing the majority of her toileting and showering needs not her brother and father.
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Cardinal Rule

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She only cares about herself and only herself!! She is a rude fat bitch!! NO MANNERS, for claiming to be a southern fucking ass!! I have seen her be so sweet to people placing an order and once they have, she is dismissive it is purely transactional!! Fake and phony as hell!! Yet, her minions continue to worship at her alter, time after time, and making her RICH!
Ugh. Read the room, Piggy. Tricia B. is sharing her story about having premie twins and getting a divorce by the time they were 3 years old, working to make ends meet as a single mom. And selfish Big P tunes out and starts snapping Zoom selfies. So tone deaf and uncouth.


GM Sherry’s ex-husband and the father of her children recently died. Wonder what the compassionate CillaMe did to support her.

And it took her seven seconds on camera to struggle getting up out of her living room chair next to the bar when G arrived.


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Canadian Sunflower

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🐷 turned off comments on her personal page, yet has kept them open on Cilla shit and things and Lipstick on a Pig. Another crazy night in mold manor strategizing on damage control over the "leaked footage". People are also on FA asking if she is going to respect all cultures when decorating the AirBNB.....oh the tangled webs they weave. I am here for all of it, at some point the fempire has to collapse 🍿🥂
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AssA suggested Abbie was feisty in the kitchen, but he didn’t film it. It was late and she was smiling and giggly.

He lead with: “What is this mood? Excuse me. Do you need to be roughed up? Excuse me. Do you need to fight? Is that why you’re messing with me?”

Abbie was just smiling and giggling. AssA followed her over to the couch and began attacking her. I’m not calling it wrestling because she didn’t fight back. He shook her head and neck. Then he proceeded to hit her in the face and head with every couch pillow. She did not lash out or defend herself. And this was a kid who allegedly had a massive nose bleed during dinner preparation. What an AssAhole!

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Have to wonder if a lot of Ass fighting/wrestling with Abbie is just his way of targeting her with aggressive frustration. He can hit her, shake her, pinch her, but call it playing. (Same way P pinches her when playing or when she is visibly annoyed with Ab.) He is just lashing out. Probably what he does with Sandy too why she cowers.

I dated a guy once (also a raging narcissists) who would do that. "Play" fight, hit with objects, pen me down, and claim he was just goofing around. But it was his way of targeting me and being abusive but in a way that made me look irrational or a bitch if I didn't just take it. He was just playing after all.

And you know Ass has a lot of frustration. He has a dumb, useless wife who would rather spend money, drink, eat, and be absent... a daughter who he is essentially a single father to... a son who he feels is a rival in both accomplishments and his wifes affection... and no friends, no life outside of what he has built exploiting his daughter, no real qualities or value. He is just looking for things he can focus all the negative on... whether it's random people online or his own family.

Dude has already been outted as "not nice" when the camera isn't on.
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