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Chatty Member
I seriously don't know how she can look at herself in the mirror and not think "I need to do something about my weight". Like, most normal people would've reached that point 200 pounds ago. Does she honestly not think ahead to the future and realise that she will end up completely disabled by her weight and the effects of it? It blows my mind.
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The fact they have to take scooters away with them is a subconscious admission that they are too fat to walk anywhere. Give it a year and they will be on mobility vehicles.
I agree. We’re currently in Disney World - here’s my step count from yesterday. 9.5 miles on a broken toe Priscilla. 10 miles the day before. And I’m 14 years your senior. The thought never even crossed my mind to rent a wheelchair to get through the parks (It’s as hot as Hades as well 😩) As long as I can walk with my Ortho shoe - I’m doing it. She absolutely disgusts me 😖


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He is correct. I am just not fond of how he skates around the comprehension aspect. He compares Abbies understanding of the guardianship process to everyone elses and that is just….so typical Asstha.
His answer actually doesn't make sense though. He says most people don't understand guardianship because it's not a part of their world, and therefore Abbie wouldn't understand it either...but guardianship is a part of Abbie's world. She's the person you're getting a guardianship for. So if, as he says, the reason people don't understand is because it's not a part of their life...then Abbie is the opposite of those people, it is very much a part of her life, and logically you would assume she would actually have a better understanding of it than those people.

The reason she doesn't understand is the same reason they're getting a guardianship. She is not capable of understanding any of what is required to survive as an adult in this world. She cannot perform those tasks for herself, or grasp the reasoning behind those tasks. But he doesn't want to say that. So he comes up with this convoluted illogical nonsense.
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I agree with all of the above, but he also said that she just had to wipe up spilled salsa, and other spills because she simply "couldnt even eat " until she did. (It was suppoesedly bothering her)
But the whole story for dragging Brandy along was BS anyway- straws and spills? Nah. 🤣 🤣
I went back to watch the relevant parts of those 2 vlogs (ughhhh) to see what jumped out at me.

First of all - in vlog 1 "Is It Really An Autism Thing?" halfway through his little speech he said, referring to the restaurant situation "It is attention-seeking behavior, ONE HUNDRED percent!"
Then, in vlog 2 "This Changes Everything" the next day (filmed Thurs 6/29), it was compulsive behaviors!

Vlog 1: he specifically talked about Abbie pinching, refusing to leave, yanking her arm away from him, not putting her shoes on. When explaining that the restaurant issue wasn't sensory problems he said "she definitely doesn't get violent with us when she's having sensory issues." Referred to it as a confrontation.
Asa: "Abbie is very much a habitual person. She gets in these habits, she gets in these routines." "We have to break her of that routine."
"She was pinching me because she wanted to get a rise out of us."

Vlog 2: on the drive to the restaurant with Brandy for dinner, Abbie was heavily medicated (itsy bitsy spider hands when she had slept in until nearly noon, therefore not naturally tired). Brandy told Abbie she needs to practice having "nice calm hands" when eating. There was a quick b-roll shot with no sound of Abbie sandwiched between Asa & Brandy, and she picked up the napkin and started wiping at the table. He talked about moving people's cups around. Another b-roll shot - with Priscilla sprawled majestically at the table across from all of them - of Abbie bringing the napkin to her mouth, then picking up a piece of salsa/tomato with her fingers and throwing it on the floor. The pinching and grabbing are compulsive behaviors along with moving cups around and taking the paper out of the chips basket.
(as an aside, the look on Priscilla's face when Asa said "We can't just go out. We have to plan these things" about restaurant meals was hilarious)
Priscilla says it's fine for Abbie to feel compelled to wipe the table "but when it comes to things like aggression towards people...." Until this point Asa has been framing it as aggression towards him, or sometimes aggression towards him and Priscilla - interesting.
He goes on to talk about how Abbie has to get rid of that piece of salsa or move someone's napkin or if Asa's fork is hanging off his plate she has to move it to how she wants it to be - y'know, he's calling these compulsions, and I guess in a sense they are, but on a wider scale that ties back to something he said in vlog 1: that Abbie has to have things a certain way, that she has to behave a certain way or do certain things in certain settings such as a restaurant, how she's a creature of habit. I'm watching him yammer on here and laughing because he insisted for years that Abbie thrives on chaos! Now she's a creature of habit with routines and rigid behavioral patterns?
Priscilla: "We've never dealt with this!"
Asa: "It's a relatively new thing! Well, we have seen progression in it...."

Yeah, after watching this all back again with the benefit of hindsight, I think he was leaning way too hard into the idea of Abbie wiping the table as though it was her deciding to clean things. She clearly wiped at the table purposefully at one point (and she actually applied pressure and directed her hand, very different to what she does when they try to make her wipe down the kitchen island), she clearly picked up a piece of food off the table and got rid of it, but she was also moving silverware around and fidgeting at the same time.

Here's my new theory based on my rewatch : this whole thing is about aggression. They called Brandy in for an emergency consult because of a particularly bad violent outburst at the restaurant in vlog 1 (6/28? 6/27?), and Brandy tied the violence in to these compulsive/rigid behaviors.
What I find interesting is that Asa & Priscilla are lumping the aggression in the same category as her need to unwrap straws or move cups around or whatever. Is that what Brandy told them? Or did Asa decide on his own that aggression is just a compulsive behavior?

Because I have a very rigid child. My younger one needs things a certain way - a very specific sleeping setup with very particular items and light configurations or they literally cannot fall asleep, very specific routines and food items for outpatient hospital visits and inpatient hospital stays, a particular way that their toys must be displayed, I could go on and on. If those rigid, yet seemingly nonsensical, "rules" aren't followed, my child's anxiety spikes - and without intervention it spirals out of control.
And then my child gets violent. When we had to go to an outpatient appointment at a different hospital that didn't have a care with slices of vanilla pound cake, my child had a screaming meltdown & hurt themselves. If older child accidentally (or on purpose, because siblings can be jerks) knocks a Funko Pop off the shelf those belong on and puts it back wrong, younger child will kick and hit.

What I want to know is if Brandy outright told them that Abbie's violent behaviors are just a compulsion, or if she told them that they're a result of Asa and Priscilla not paying attention to and attempting to mitigate the anxiety she probably feels when her habits (rigid behaviors) aren't being attended to. Because that's what a normal therapist would tell them.
If Abbie needs to unwrap extra straws on the table, either let her do it or just take them off the table immediately. If she needs a certain amount of clear space around her placesetting in a restaurant, either make sure she has that space or, y'know, don't take her to restaurants where things are too far out of her control. If she's agitated because her routine is being disrupted, you don't ignore her agitation or make it worse; you stick with the routine and put in the long-term, sustained effort to adjust it if necessary.
I once said to my younger child's intervention specialist that I stay patient with kiddo's routines by imagining that my child's experience of the world may be similar to if I was being forced to do calculus problems while someone repeatedly poked me in the forehead. That sounds awful and confusing and it would really upset me. If someone kept poking me in the forehead, eventually I'd lash out and yell and hit too! Therefore, it's my job to try and keep my kid from getting poked in the proverbial forehead - what can I do to make the confusion and irritation better for them?
To me it sounds like Asa & Priscilla's handling of Abbie's habits and routines and compulsions in the moment are the antecedent to her violent behaviors
(I went to college too, Asa.)
and I would hope Brandy, expert that she is, made them aware of that.
I am so sick of Asa's grandstanding. He was pointing out the Kulture City quiet area at the alligator farm.
He explains what it is, and then says: "Yeah, we partnered with Kulture City for the Jax Zoo- press conference and everything..."

Ummm no. No you did not "partner" with them.
They were invited to the opening at the Jax Zoo (along with many others) because they were YouTuber's.
Asa filmed himself introducing himself to the founder, asking questions, etc. They had no idea who he was, and he sure as hell had nothing to do with the project or "press conference." Although he made a point to say they were going to hook up in the future to "work on things", and you could tell the founder was simply being polite and smiled and nodded. As if he gave a shit about Asa, and clearly, Asa has NOT been involved or we would have heard all about it. Lying bastard.

What is interesting though, is JWWOW from "Jersey Shore" is on the board of Kulture City. Her son has autism.
This is actually how I found FA five or six years ago. She posted about his diagnosis, and someone suggested she follow FA because they were so wonderful.
Someone else replied how horrible they were, and it was a trainwreck. So naturally, I had to see.
Anyway, JWWOW is constantly raising money and traveling for KC, and even had a sensory room built at the Barclay Center in honor of her son.
But hey, Asa was invited to an event! (y)😂😂(y)

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Julian wouldn't want a thing to do with Asa Maass. Good lord. He's made it his life's work to actually help people with autism - something Asa can't even do for his own child.
And with the board he's got, there ain't a thing Asa could offer other than as a "what not to do" PSA.

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Because she was still holding on to the fantasy of Abbie and a caretaker living in the Shack Out Back. They bought their dream home with a carriage house in Riverside (sort of), Abbie was on her way to the vocational program at JSA (they thought)...everything was going according to plan.

She still thought, through no effort of their own, that Abbie would somehow grow out of her disabilities or be "fixed" by therapy, and able to live the Autism Pixie Dreamgirl life they had planned for her (and themselves)...the life where her care was palmed off on to a home health aide, and she rode her trike down to the store daily to buy cookies from the adoring local shopkeepers, and everyone who stop and wave and say "Hi Abbie!" when they saw her because she was a perfect inspiring angel who never tried to beat the shit out of her parents in a local Mexican food establishment.

But it never happened. Abbie still freaks out in public. She can't ride her trike anywhere. The shack doesn't even have a bathroom, let alone an apartment. There is no home health aide. JSA is gone. No help is coming. Abbie will be in the house forever. That reality came crashing down hard on Miss Priss.
Unfortunately Abbie will be in that house until they can find a place that will take her on.
I don't imagine they will keep sweet girl with them for much longer. I don't mean this in a bad way so no attacking but
1. Abbie is getting bigger and harder to handle
2. It seems like bridges are burned with JSA so no help there.
3. Does anyone honestly think DoucheBoy is going to hang around..especially if he hooks a sugar mama or sugar daddy
4. Piggys checked out and is just waiting for a time to bolt
5. If Piggy bolts you think Asswipe is going to stay alone..

At the rate it seems Abbie is growing and the way her behaviors seem to be getting worse does anyone here honestly think they will be able to handle her or find an aide that would be willing to take all 3 of them on.
And forget about Summer...if she had 1/2 a brain she would have run years ago
Sorry for length
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They have complete control over her. They can drop their "typical teenager" bs because there is no way any 18 year old would want to be filmed in situations and looking the way she does. I suspect there will be much more to come in their content regarding Abbie. It's really sad and disgusting the way they are monetizing her. She doesn't stand a chance with the family she was born into. And I blame it on him. HE was the one that brought her to the public eye. I don't think Cilla had the drive or the thought process in the beginning to share about their daughter. That was all his idea.
Since when has this sow ever been real?

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I get a bit of sick in my mouth when I see her provocatively showing off her flab. Rein in it you disgusting woman, rein it in.
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Reminds me of the spider scene (size of a Buick) in ‘Annie Hall’ - not. Get ready for the swimming pool at Nanny’s scenes. 🥹

He is so damn socially awkward. I really don’t care for his smug ass self. Oh also my daughter will be a Junior in college in the fall. As you may ir may not know she is double majoring in psychology and autism studies. Her 2nd semester of her junior year she will be taking her RBT certification assessment. I’m so confused why Ass Jr hasn’t taken it yet. I was under the impression you have to take it before you can be placed for an internship. When did he do his internship? I’m telling you something is up with his schooling , I don’t know what but something smells fishy. Abd no mention of getting his Masters. Hmmm.
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Chatty Member
In the land of fireworks, a tale unfolds,
About a boy named Creepy G, or so it's been told.
Sat close to Abbie, he sought her attention,
But his actions, alas, caused some apprehension.

Creepy G
sat so close to Abbie,
with a plan in his head,
To make her look at the sparks, he eagerly said.

Resting his arms upon her shoulders with glee,
Invading Abbie's personal space, you see.

Assa, the Father of Autism, was near,
Recording the scene, every moment, crystal clear.
Abbie, with her stoic expression and closed-up cues,
Displayed her discomfort, she wasn't amused.

Her body language spoke volumes, a language of its own,
Abbie was not liking it, her true feelings were shown.

Creepy G's actions were unwelcome if you don't mind,
Disregarding boundaries, a line he did blind.

Let this be a lesson to all, a tale to be heard,
Respect personal boundaries, honor each spoken word.
For in the realm of fireworks, where joy should be found,
Let's ensure that respect and consent always surround.
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Farting episode? 😂
Please share a time stamp. Please!! I don’t want to watch that entire vlog again, but I want to hear the farts.
@PugliaLiving did you hear it? 😹
I am surprised there isn’t a toot flute solo in every vlog. 😁
Don't give Asswipe any ideas, he'll claim it's another new way of her communicating.
I can see the vlog title now
"Abbie farts a message in Morse Code"
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Noir Fan

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I hated him being all choked up when talking about Abbie’s rights being taken away. Such as the right to vote or make financial decisions. And during her trip to the lawyers office, she seemed very zoned out.
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Chatty Member
This is Asshat skating passed the reality...of the fact Abbie is profoundly intellectually disabled.. I wonder if the whole guardianship process caused them to take a good hard look at what Abbie's future will be like..not for the VLOGS of course..those will remain delusional..but behind the scenes.

Abbie's understanding of the guardianship.. Abbie didn't even understand where she was or if it was a restaurant or a dr office...that is no where near ass's comparison of the average person not understanding the details of guardianship.

I don't think he wants the humps in on the guardianship details because it kind of shows that Abbie will never be independent and will always be 100% dependent on them..and that will blow away his carefully constructed narrative.
I didn’t think they would talk about the guardianship for that reason but looks like they need content.

Someone asked if she needs guardianship, can she consent to being on film. One of the super leghumpers replied and said Abbie knows when she doesn’t want to be on cam, she pushes it away. The leghumpers are in denial.

Assa will never fully admit what Abbie is and isn’t capable of.
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Whale, according to our Sow on the Streets…

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Hey Priscilla, you do know your husband put up a video with you actually riding the scooter and the helmet doesn't fit. Honey, it's not your fault your Mama and Daddy produced a human with a head the size of a watermelon. Own it, Gurl, like you do with all of your other enormous body parts. We know you are the Queen of hashtags so just call your head #chunkyblockhead or #plussizenoggin or #watermelonhead. :m


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It was interesting that when AssA showed Abbie’s shoulders, he immediately jumped to the defensive. “ I also want you to be aware that this is not burn. She just got out here.“ And they both don’t appear concerned by saying, “She gets red pretty quick.”

So AssA and Big P, Custodians Extraordinaire, you don’t think she is burned from her limited exposure to the sun today, but what about yesterday.’s exposure?! Also Big P telling Sweet Girl how Vitamin D is so important for her, and sun glasses are necessary and she should wear them. Then she harkens back to when they worked on trying to get her to wear sunglasses a long time ago. Ugh.
I don't think they are putting sunglasses on her as any kind of protection...for her. They are putting them on her because they think it makes her look cool and hip and like a "normal" teen..for the humps and the thumbnail. I would have punched Pig if I was Abbie... with her cornering her and putting the glasses on her over and over..they are such idiots.
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Nothing creepy about a father asking to see his 18 year old daughter's bathing suit and proceeds to remove her t-shirt for her. Cos the viewers
n e e d to see her fit.

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Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who is the fairest beauty guide speaker of them all? I anticipate they may have more BG breakout session speakers, but here are the ones I found.

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Funny everyone's flowers are exactly the same, minus Ps. It looks like she went out and bought her own or slimelife didn't feel like spending money on her as a "beauty guide." She is only the token "if SHE can do it anyone can." That is all she brings to the table. That and her ability to manipulate and use Abbie and her following to make sells.
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The fact they have to take scooters away with them is a subconscious admission that they are too fat to walk anywhere. Give it a year and they will be on mobility vehicles.
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