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Vegan for the Animals

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Fat fuck Priscilla either ignores Abbie or else gets in her personal space. She really doesn’t know how to interact with her daughter. She’s lucky she only got pushed away and not punched in the face. Her reaction though was childish and just shows her immaturity.
As for those costumes, what can I say? They keep promoting the ‘be kind to everyone’ mantra, yet think it’s ok to make fun of certain types of people. They really are trashy.
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Just catching up but in the vlog where they took brandy with them out to eat assa said abbie is having obsessive compulsions with straws (having to unwrap them and put them in her cup), with playing and moving cutlery and wiping the table down incessantly.
Yet in the clip he played there was no extra straws, not in any of the cups, not on the table or any paper wrappers on the table. The only person who kept moving cutlery was assa and the only time abbie wiped the table was AFTER assa moved the cutlery out of the way and tapped the table and pointed at the food that was needing to be wiped. I hope for abbies sake she doesnt have compulsions as her life is hard enough. If abbie was that debilitated by having to wipe the table she wouldnt wait to be prompted. Everything assa showed did not align or match the story they told after. I think abbie has become very aggressive or uncontrollable in restaurant settings and a and p are freaking out because 70% of their lives is eating out. We saw in golden boys grad dinner vlog at the steak house abbie got very upset and frustrated when she saw other peoples food to the point they had to leave. Youd think she would have the compulsions at home as well but you know dr assa he knows best hes read a wikipedia page or two.
Hes such a liar. " Oh Abbie just had to wipe the table. A blob of salsa was just driving her crazy."
We see them on the vlog several times a week having to prompt and hover over Abbie to wipe their counters.
She spilled water on the floor while trying to use the fridge to fill her cup.
He handed her the towel, she bent over and without looking at anything moved the towel back and forth once and stood to walk away.
Asa had to show her the huge puddle of water and tell her to wipe it up.
She has no concept of wiping up anything, let alone a sudden compulsion to do so.
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I think it is so gross that two grown ass men are all over Abbie when she’s in the pool and especially when they “wrestle” with her I find it highly inappropriate. She has the body of an 18 year old and u have a 40 year old man and a 21 year old man all over her wrestling her and everything it’s sick. I find Asa and GB extremely creepy.
This. If you wouldn’t man handle a “normal” 18 year old girl like that why are you doing it to someone who can’t even talk back??! Oh right, because she can’t talk back. Most 18 year olds would tell their brother and dad to fuck off creepy pervs if they were touching on them that way.
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Tonight's vlog may have contained the bullshittiest bullshit that rotund man has ever spewed from his cakehole.

He went into this whole spiel about not wanting to label Abbie's compulsive behaviors as OCD because "that's not an official diagnosis she has."
Then. THEN he started yammering about developmental delay. And he said, sunglasses on so we couldn't see them lyin' eyes, that they don't use developmental disability because that's not an official diagnosis that she has.

Which must be news to the judge who oversaw the guardianship, because the court filing specifically said developmental disability. She legally and officially is developmentally disabled.

Oh, and now, suddenly, Abbie IS getting sunburnt easily outside. Photosensitivity is a side effect of one of her meds!!
Which we knew. And people have been saying for years.

If you can make it past the first 4 minutes containing two grown men whining about how they're being victimized by tomatoes and a completely inappropriate conversation about how Priscilla needs the toilet lid left up because of her "bathroom emergencies" there are some infuriatingly good tidbits today. Hate watching at its finest!!
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Tonight's vlog may have contained the bullshittiest bullshit that rotund man has ever spewed from his cakehole.

He went into this whole spiel about not wanting to label Abbie's compulsive behaviors as OCD because "that's not an official diagnosis she has."
Then. THEN he started yammering about developmental delay. And he said, sunglasses on so we couldn't see them lyin' eyes, that they don't use developmental disability because that's not an official diagnosis that she has.

Which must be news to the judge who oversaw the guardianship, because the court filing specifically said developmental disability. She legally and officially is developmentally disabled.

Oh, and now, suddenly, Abbie IS getting sunburnt easily outside. Photosensitivity is a side effect of one of her meds!!
Which we knew. And people have been saying for years.

If you can make it past the first 4 minutes containing two grown men whining about how they're being victimized by tomatoes and a completely inappropriate conversation about how Priscilla needs the toilet lid left up because of her "bathroom emergencies" there are some infuriatingly good tidbits today. Hate watching at its finest!!
The bathroom emergency is because it takes her five minutes to pull her pants down over those thunder thighs. :poop::poop::poop:

They must be absolutely exhausted from all that Amazon advertising they did today. Time to pour themselves some Cadillac Margaritas and call it a day. 🍸🍸🍸

Diagnose yourself with ADHD to get views ✔
Not admitting your daughter is officially developmentally disabled by the courts ✔

He said Whimsical again in tonight's vlog @Whimsical ;) I think someone has a crush ❤
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OMG where to begin?? I don't think I've ever seen two parents who live in such a state of denial. It's not helpful to Abbie at all to not have a full, comprehensive dx by a good psychologist. A "generic" dx of autism doesn't cover everything she or my son deal with. Autism also doesn't cover everything on the funding side of things either. Say we are applying for funds to cover things like window alarms-well that's not provided on the "autism" side of the house for funding, but it IS provided from the Intellectual Disability side-so we qualified because it is listed on his report as an additional dx. It was basically the same thing with his Tourette's dx. We didn't need the dx for ourselves. He needed it so that teachers/therapists could respond to everything he does as a result of it in an appropriate manner-and not from a simple behavioral aspect. Having a complete picture is solely for his own benefit-not ours. If it's not listed as an official dx she has, but is absolutely affecting her daily life, then WHY isn't it an official dx? Every single autism parent I've known KNOWS that autism comes with a slew of other conditions. Every single one of our kids has MULTIPLE dx. At this point, I don't understand why Abbie doesn't.
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Again I say… just because they MAKE it in your size… doesn’t mean you should wear it! Can you imagine the side view.. those fat rolls getting some fresh air. 🤮
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He's disgusting. I held off commenting about it for a while, but it seems to be more blatant lately.
And he absolutely knows, they havent even blocked Dakari who has posted really graphic things about Abbie. We know they watch the Canadian, and he also mentioned the other very disturbed person. He announces to the world that every Monday is "girls night" with Summer or Kylie, and anyone could follow them after they leave the manor.
He doesnt care. He has his stupid Ring cameras and a gun so he thinks she'll always be safe. Frankly, he would love being able to announce he harmed a stalker or intruder- imagine the views! Sick bastard. :mad: :mad:
This has got to be the worst thing he’s ever done to her in my eyes so far. He talks a big game about being a protective papa bear to his Autism princess yet is serving her up on a platter for creeps and dangerous people. Dakari for real needs to be on a watch list of some sort. Like you said it’s been amping up recently so I dread to think what he’s going to do next. Genuinely feel depressed and in a rage all at the same time after watching. Yep I agree, he is sickest of the sick bastards 😠 I sure hope karma is real and it comes back on him tenfold for this and that thing that calls herself a mother doesn’t get away scott free either. No decent mother lets their husband speak about their daughter that way so she’s just as complicit. Off to watch the IT crowd to try and clear my head and distract myself or I’ll just spend all morning seething about it and it’s already 3.30am here in the U.K., insomnia sucks lol 😩
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Well at least the Bitch took Asshat with her this time. I guess their bitches Kylie and Summer are babysitting. And you guys are just jealous that Pigcilla looks great in her two piece outfit.
JK 🤢
Camp I am Special posted up (within 24 hours ago) that "Right not we are still not able to have anyone back on the property as we are still clearing out road hazards.." So, Abbie isn't at camp right now.. So, respite has to be it... She was probably due to go to camp this week and they were set to already go out of town.. Priscilla definitely wasn't going to cancel her drinking and eating plans..
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View attachment 2276582

I hate that door he painted. Awful.
Your screenshot was 9 seconds in to the vlog. I know. I paused it. 😂 I was like…HOLY MOLY! I don’t think Moobie has EVER given us a glimpse of what the gunt looks like from below. Thank you for that, sir.
Atha has to have a tattle account. Reveal yourself Moobie! Just do it! 😎
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Quick. Get your Asses over to Igayahs vlog, before Pig tells him to delete it.

OMG he's doing pool tricks and lifting Mama sow in the pool! LMFAOOO
Fixing the bed? That Wayne broke.
Mommy and Junior literally flirting in the water like preteens - then barely pics mamma up and dunks her. Literally what kids that are learning to flirt do.
THEN he has a close up of his wet bathing suit and slaps his ass and says "yeah, that's America's ass!"
I really hope the kid was drunk - no other reason to act so fucking weird with your Mom...
Please go watch....weirdos.
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The saga continues over on Thillas Shit page. I feel like this post did not go as she planned. There are so many comments saying they would buy groceries, gas, medication. Quite a few saying they would spend it on their children or pay it forward. I am waiting to hear how she would spend her extra $100. If she comes out saying she would spend it on the $39 digital package and sunscreen, or really anything similar, she is going to look like an obnoxious fool.
Spill the beanth, Thilla Thuey!
How would you spend your extra $100 🐽?
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