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Chatty Member
he acted so sad that she would lose her right to vote....what did he think would happen. She is illiterate and can't read a ballot..let alone understand what was going on. Theres no way he thought she could vote right??
Something is wrong with Asshole. Cilla admits he couldn’t hold a job for long and went through a lot of various jobs. She claims it was because he got good job reviews but they never gave him a raise. Probably because he never stayed long enough. He tears up at every little thing to the point you want to yell at him, “ Oh for heaven’s sake you big fat pussy!”
Recently someone here screen shot one of his responses to a comment on his you tube or Facebook vlog page. He lashed out at her, ripping her up one side and down the other. All she said was something along the lines that Abbie wouldn’t know the difference about something ( changing the birthday date or party, I can’t remember exactly what it was) . And he made it sound like it was a horrible thing to say to the parents of a disabled child. Why? It wasn’t mean or said cruelly or with evil intent. She was offering another suggestion. And it was the truth. Abbie wouldn’t know the difference. I’m sure they’ve said the same from time to time about various aspects of Abbie. Why lash out in anger at this woman? I did not understand. He’s such an Asshole.
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Apologies in advance as this is a long one. Just caught up on the swimming pool vlog. He’s basically telling us Abbie enjoys getting her rocks off and is masterbating by lifting her leg in front of the jet in corner. He did the same in a vlog at the old house when she was much younger by showing her in the paddling pool and Abbie was holding the hose pipe spraying a jet directly onto her intimate area and stimulating herself. There’s no doubt in my mind now that he is catering for the creeps. @Rocket Queen you were bang on the money once again about Asas intentions. He is fully aware these creeps share info and clips on some sordid disgusting sites and they recommend what family vloggers to watch that cater to their depraved and sickening desires. DCP may not be everyones cup of tea but I’ve learned a lot of things from him that my naïve self had no idea existed eg these perve sites that target family vloggers and share info. Just my opinion but Asa is basically a borderline pimp to his IDD daughter in my eyes now and I feel physically ill about it all. It’s off the charts scumbag behaviour 🤢😤
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I watched her pool Live.
Guyths!! Did you know shes only $400 from her daily goal?!
"If just four of you ordered $100 worth of product we'd be helping her and get free shipping!"

Literally shameless. Sitting in her pool, fresh off another mini-vacation, bragging about their upcoming 4th of July party with her new patriotic swimsuit and all the food, her trip to DC in a few weeks and begging for "help" from her followers. Pisses me off.
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"You don't have to punch a time clock and go to a "job" making someone else rich."

That attitude right there is why you've been fired from every "job" you've ever had and why you're so desperately trying to keep the money train going with youtube. You're terrified of the possibility of having to work for someone else. Then you wouldn't be able to boss people around and get away with being an asshat.
This guy really thinks he's doing something here. Sure, he doesn't have to punch a time clock and put in work to make profit for someone else...but he does have to post the right number of videos that hit the right levels of engagement to get showed to the right number of people for him to get a paycheck. And that paycheck is minuscule compared to the bank the C-suite and YouTube are making. There are countless stories of YouTube creators losing their channels, being demonetized, having their videos hidden from view, all with no recourse because there's no one for them to even talk to at YouTube about it. He thinks he's Mister Big Brain for not punching a time clock...but in reality he's chasing an algorithm for a business he doesn't own and can't control, with no ability to negotiate or find a better offer, accepting pennies on the ad-profits dollar to enrich a bunch of tech bros who don't even know his name. What a winner.
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Do yall think FA will ever get cancelled? It seems they always skate by every accusation or issue brought up about them. They have lost a lot of viewers but they still record Abbie’s every move.

Have yall seen how Colleen Ballinger is being canceled right now? Ppl are pulling up her old Youtube videos.

I think “puberty blockers” chick was right on track. If Fathering Autism gets into the right hands of one of the new generation content creators, it’s a wrap for FA. It would be hilarious if something like “puberty blockers” got them cancelled. The new generation does not play around with what they believe in lol.
They're at a weird place right now in terms of social media cancelling.

Colleen is significantly more popular, and always has been. Her views have dropped and her audience has changed over the years, but she's still got a huge group of people who followed her in the past or who were very aware of who she is.
In order to be "cancelled" in the way the word is currently used there has to be a fairly significant audience willing to put forth the effort to do the cancelling. Colleen has that, even if that audience doesn't currently watch her content.

The Maasses are kind of on the edge of that level of social media fame and that means it would take a certain level of fuckup to gain enough outside traction to see an actual public cancelling. The secret daughter thing is a good illustration of this; that did a number on their core base of fans and they bled views afterwards, but it never migrated outside of the general FA online world because, despite what Atha likes to tell himself, no one gives a shit about them. They're not famous Youtubers, they're not renowned autism experts, they're not charming, messy family vloggers. They're mid content creators using their audience to springboard their MLM scamming for money.

The most likely outcome for these fools is - and I've been saying this for years - a fairly gradual sputtering out of their online presence. Their actual audience will dwindle, their "income streams" (including Slimelife) will dry up, the hardcore humpers will fade away leaving them more open to unchecked negative comments, the vlogs will come less often, and they'll eventually have to seek out other sources of income.
We're actually seeing this ^^^ play out now. It's a process, but it's happening. Asa is in the midst of trying to drum up other sources of income - the Boone rental, vague plans for a new channel/new channels, suggestive content on FA, etc - as everything is crumbling around them.

As things stand, I don't know that anything they're doing at a glance is enough to capture the attention of the younger gen's ire. They're Youtubers in a Tiktok world.
I do feel strongly, however, that Asa is heading down a pathway that may cause him some problems outside of his little bubble and that those dang kids may pick up on something juicy enough to give Asa a taste of what cancelling is like. If he didn't read Tattle on the daily I'd expound on that but I'd rather see him shoot himself in the foot.
Based on the media he consumes and how that media affects one's views on the world I believe he's going to get sloppy about trying to revitalize Fathering Autism. Kids these days™ don't care about SSI fraud or child abandonment or MLM bullshit. The things they do care about are exactly what his media tells him is okay.

Whether he gets sloppy enough before Maass Media LLC crumbles to nothingness remains to be seen, I suppose.
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I watched her pool Live.
Guyths!! Did you know shes only $400 from her daily goal?!
"If just four of you ordered $100 worth of product we'd be helping her and get free shipping!"
$100 worth of product...that's a lot of money to most people! People are just supposed to drop a week's grocery budget to "help her out" with her sales goals? You just posted about your multiple "date nights," your $140 crop-top outfit, and the weekend getaway you food-'n'-boozed your way through with your yourself out, bitch.
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Vegan for the Animals

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I don’t believe for a second that these are new behaviours from Abbie. We’ve seen numerous vlogs in the past where she’s been filmed in restaurants looking uncomfortable or upset and she’s had to be taken outside. She’s always been violent at times, even when she was just a wee girl and even though we only see about ‘fifteen minutes’ of their daily lives, how often have we seen Abbie push, pull, nip and kick her so called mother at any given opportunity? What might be new, is that she’s challenging Asswipe more and he can’t deal with her because he’s fat and unfit and she’s getting bigger. However, as others have mentioned, Asswipe is filming his daughter when she’s braless or there’s close ups of her in her swimsuit. That no doubt will pull in the pervs, but showing Abbie acting up, hitting, etc…also pulls in the viewers. It’s good content, especially for a channel that isn’t doing as well.
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More Bullshit early this morning from Asshole. The lies he tells. First off I don’t think Abbie even knows what tucking in means as well as half the time she nods her head yes and they say oh you don’t want to. They sicken me🤢🤬
I love that he pretends to have an office for his pretend job 🥴 🥴
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Chatty Member
It’s so funny to me that they finally decide to bring Brandy in to “fix” Abbie’s behavior when it plays with their ability to go out to dinner 😂 No potty training for you, but dammit we’re going to Zaxbys. ITS ALL FOR YOU ABIGAIL 🤣
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I am so sick of Asa's grandstanding. He was pointing out the Kulture City quiet area at the alligator farm.
He explains what it is, and then says: "Yeah, we partnered with Kulture City for the Jax Zoo- press conference and everything..."

Ummm no. No you did not "partner" with them.
They were invited to the opening at the Jax Zoo (along with many others) because they were YouTuber's.
Asa filmed himself introducing himself to the founder, asking questions, etc. They had no idea who he was, and he sure as hell had nothing to do with the project or "press conference." Although he made a point to say they were going to hook up in the future to "work on things", and you could tell the founder was simply being polite and smiled and nodded. As if he gave a shit about Asa, and clearly, Asa has NOT been involved or we would have heard all about it. Lying bastard.

What is interesting though, is JWWOW from "Jersey Shore" is on the board of Kulture City. Her son has autism.
This is actually how I found FA five or six years ago. She posted about his diagnosis, and someone suggested she follow FA because they were so wonderful.
Someone else replied how horrible they were, and it was a trainwreck. So naturally, I had to see.
Anyway, JWWOW is constantly raising money and traveling for KC, and even had a sensory room built at the Barclay Center in honor of her son.
But hey, Asa was invited to an event! (y)😂😂(y)

Screenshot 2023-07-03 6.35.16 PM.png
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He wasn't making fun of the waitress, he was pretending that he was interested in her Bodacious butt, looking at his dad for approval. But Dad was looking elsewhere, or pretending to look elsewhere, so it was all in vain LMFAO! If it had been a normal man I would have called him a pig, but so much more hilarious that it's just GB, and in no way is he attracted to Vajayjay😂😂🤣🤣😉
I cannot even put into words how much I dislike GB.
He is a skeevy, smarmy, unkempt, immature, floppy, flabby creeper.
He has perverted "living in Mommys shack" secret life vibes.
Nasty little fuck.
Well, I guess I did have words. :giggle::giggle:
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LOL I was just going to post this. That is such BS her saying that the money is for Abby's future care, then why did you buy a huge rv, a boat, an expensive home, take all those trips that Abby really didn't enjoy, new vehicles every two years, I could go on and on. By the time Abby does need care, there probably won't be a dime left, and she will end up in one of those janky Care Homes, sitting in a wheelchair in a hallway drooling. It's not her fault she has dick wads for parents.
First off that is a lie that the money is for Abbie’s future because they have already said they are banking on their life insurance policies to provide the 8 million dollars 👀 that Asshat calculated Abbie needs to be cared for properly for the remainder of her life. They don’t have a trust or savings account for her IMO. Pig specifically said the above on the same vlog that she said Abbie doesn’t get SSI. “THE LIes THE LIES THE LIES” she tells.
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She fuckin hated the cruise, to the point where she supposedly kept requesting “school” (meaning the respite room) on her iPad.

The 4th of July gathering is pathetic. First of all, at 40 years old, I have no desire to get wasted with a bunch of shitfaced college grads…literally nothing sounds LESS fun to me than that. But also, my friends and I have occasionally gathered at a parents’ house for 4th of July or New Year’s or whatever, and we never behaved like these weirdos. They were nice little gatherings with dinner and drinks and good conversation…not fucking ragers where guys got girls down on their knees to shotgun beers. Sorry, but I don’t want to do that…well, ever, but especially not while someone’s parents watch.
You’re right. She did hate the cruise. Perciller stating that this upcoming cruise is to celebrate both Abbie and Isaiah makes my eyes want to roll out of their sockets.
So, how does this work? Are they preparing Sweet Girl now for the trip? Showing her old vlogs of the last cruise? Do they plan on bringing Brandy along with them? Abbie is struggling to go 30 minutes in a restaurant without losing her shit. Let’s take her on what can be compared to a big ass floating restaurant. Makes perfect sense. What could possibly go wrong?
One word.
Lots of it.
I am sure Izzy will feel wholly celebrated as he takes his shift confined to the room watching his sister. At least he is of age now, so he can stay just as drunk as his parents, so there is that….
Speaking of…
The 4th of July party.
All I see is two stunted assholes trying to recapture the early adulthood. A feeble attempt to live vicariously through a bunch of weirdos. It is all they have. People our/their age generally have no desire to get wooooheeew wasted on a Tuesday. Holiday or not. MOST people have shit to do today.
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