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This is actually so very interesting. We are watching a couple of idiots eating themselves to morbid obesity, diabetes, heart disease and/or stroke.

In my book I wonder if it's one of a couple of things

Anyway, to her.

My thought
1. She has fat serenity. Let's be honest, she's not ugly facially. I think she probably doesn't have a single full length mirror in the house but sits and looks at her face and think "hon, you're rockin' it today". i.e. complete and utter DENIAL (Don't even know I am Lying) about her porkiness.
2. She is happy in her skin even though it stretching and screaming for help... (Nah, cross this out she's too dang stooooopid to even know what happiness is.
3. She's getting fatter and fatter to punish Asa for his misdoings. You're lumbered with me, watch me eat myself to death you loser.
4. No-one and I mean no-one dares tell her, whoa girlie, your life is in danger.... as, do you remember the clip in the car where Asa oh so cautiously said sometimes we have to be mindful of your weight and adjust what we do accordingly. She shot him a look and said WHEN? He crumpled. He was too scared to say and he was SPOT ON.
5. She has a serious mental illness.

I was thinking after last night's vlog - look at Candy's kitchen and pantry. We've seen it all before, of course, but I was really looking at the pantry, which is just a separate room with shelves to display mountains of junk food. It's not an old bookcase tucked away in the basement, it's not a little closet or extra cabinet to keep some extras on hand. It's a custom built room with beautiful cabinetry, open shelving, and bright lights to display a bounty of food. She had that built specifically for that purpose.

What kind of food reverence was Priscilla raised with, given her mother's dream home setup?
How did Candy use food when Priscilla was a child? Look at how she uses food with Abbie; she has Abbie "go shopping" every time they visit. She always has treats and big spreads of food for any occasion big or small.
Priscilla has given tons of examples of how lonely and desperate for attention she was as a child. She recently was talking about being with a grandmother out of town during the summers and going to multiple vacation bible camps each year to try and find kids to play with so she wasn't stuck inside with good old gram. She's talked about not playing with toys when she was a kid, not watching TV. She never, ever, ever mentions childhood or high school friends that she's still in touch with, other than the one lady who talked her into joining Slimelife and we know how that situation goes. She literally has no typical childhood stores she's ever shared, and when Asa talks about his fond memories of childhood Priscilla just looks.....lost, and blank, and non-comprehending. She's talked about acting up in serious ways as a child, enough that Candy got professionals involved - sounds like attention seeking behavior to me.

She grew up lonely in a broken family with what seems like few normal childhood experiences. If Candy ever married Ralph they weren't together long so her bio father's involvement would have been sporadic. She may or may not have been aware of her older half siblings but if she was that was probably ....traumatic, wondering if her mother would leave her too. Her mother and stepfather were heavy early on, even with Wayne in the military, which points to how food has always been handled in that house.

To me that all points to the utter clusterfuck of disordered eating and food addiction we see shamelessly flaunted in every single vlog the last couple-few years.
Priscilla was lonely, physically mistreated (the hilarious story about broken wooden spoons), shuttled around between her broken family and military moves, never seemed to have any normal childhood experiences, and she latched on to the first military man (those ladies have a type!) she could sink her claws into.
Candy has a food addiction of some sort and Priscilla was raised in that environment. Top that off with a disastrously lonely child/adolescent who seemed to want to escape to a better situation with the man of her dreams only to get pregnant immediately, get abandoned, get married to her reluctant Romeo, get cheated on, get left alone with an infant for months while Romeo knocked another woman up - all of that building on her existential loneliness, mind you - and then, finally, Romeo returns and knocks her up again and they're having a baby girl and her family is now perfect and complete and she can buy all the dresses and ruffles and pastels and all the things and........
Welp. Her family isn't perfect. Her fix-it baby isn't fixing anything. They're broke. Romeo can't hold down a job. Therapy is so expensive and it takes so much time and tiny little girls aren't supposed to scream and hit and, y'know, the diaper problems. If she had any friends then they were long gone - that happens when you've got a disabled kid more often than not. She's working at a damn home improvement store, they're living in her mom's house because they can't afford to live on their own.

The only coping mechanism she's ever known has been to find comfort in food. The emptiness of nothing inside isn't hunger but food helps make it feel full for a bit. Some people get caught up in drugs. Some people drink to make it all go away - and she does that too, but food was first. At this point, with a full blown mental/emotional addiction, food - eating it, thinking about it, preparing it, shopping for it, having it, looking at it - is the only thing that makes her feel a little bit like things are okay in her life.

One day real soon those vlogs are gonna go silent and it will be because one of them has dropped dead from a massive heart attack. If it’s big ole P they’ll be back bc asa will film it and he’ll have a joyous pep in his step.
If Priscilla keels over first, which is probably more likely whether via coronary or a major physical injury, Asa will monetize the shit out of the entire thing. Holy shit, think of the views he'd get! Think of the "single father to autistic girl" new audience he'd pull in! Think of the sympathy and donations that would roll in! It would be an absolute shitshow that he'd milk for years.

If Asa goes first we'll never hear from that family again. She has no idea how to do much more beyond updating her Facebook page.
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New video
So they went to a fund raiser.. and won a stay at a motel??? They are such Scamsters. ...also trying to get Abbie to react to them leaving.. she just doesn't care... as long as she eats. Pig sure was feeling her oats and getting ethited for the eat/drink fest that is about to occur...while she lays her humongous body on the "autism Mama" towel.

Summer and Kylie.. for gods sake... GET A LIFE!!! Why do they always step up and do 24/7 care of Abbie so these beasts can go vacation?
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Pink Marshmallow

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If you were treating your daughter with dignity and respect and not for monetary gain maybe you wouldn't be near tears and scared about the outcome of a proceeding that is in Abbie's best interest. If you aren't doing anything exploitive why the theatrics and drama. They are both annoying AF!
And Asshat kept saying "We've been doing this for a long time (referring to taking care of Abbie), we've been at this for years"... Yeah, the duration of time isn't what ultimately determines whether or not you're good parents or fit parents. You can do a shitty job of it for many years.

It's pretty damn telling that Asshat gets so nervous whenever there is someone examining whether or not things are being done in Abbie's best interest and if she's being treated well. Like when CPS came to investigate, both times. Now he was super worried at having the attorney representing Abbie coming to look at the house and observe things.

You put it perfectly, if they aren't exploiting Abbie for financial gain, if they weren't USING their child as a means of bringing in money because the two of them (especially Asshat) can't bring themselves to work for someone else, if there wasn't a very real chance that the attorney would discover some kind of shady shit or some kind of neglect etc... then why get so nervous and worried??

Also, the fact that he was looking at and speaking to P for a lot of this and only glancing at the camera for a cpl seconds here and there. That's his tell tale sign of being super uncomfortable, like he's not being entirely truthful, like he's been caught doing something he shouldn't or is in danger of being caught/found out.

Oh and yes Princess P, you paid privately for an attorney.... with the money you have because of Abbie. Let's not forget that.
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The fact SL picked her as a keynote speaker tells you the company is trash. No reputable company in their right mind would put that freak front and center. How much are they propping her up with fudged sales numbers. How much product is she buying herself to stay on top? It all seems suspect. If they’re using her as a “look you too can be a fat F’ing idiot and make it in our company “ they’ve found their 🤡
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Chatty Member
I think it is so gross that two grown ass men are all over Abbie when she’s in the pool and especially when they “wrestle” with her I find it highly inappropriate. She has the body of an 18 year old and u have a 40 year old man and a 21 year old man all over her wrestling her and everything it’s sick. I find Asa and GB extremely creepy.
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Five years and Twatty still can't artfully apply makeup, much less simple lippy.

Will another Tattler please go to Twatty's stories!! Do I need to bleach my eyes? Did I spy a sex toy on the bed when Nahla was playing under the covers?
“Best friends for life”? And who exactly would that be? She has no friends! She has humpers, and downliners she exploits, and bosses that exploit her….but friends? Nope!

I’m so glad I can be snarky here! I NEED to be snarky! I had the day from hell yesterday. The end of which included my car key getting stuck in the ignition (still there) and breaking two toes! To say I’m cranky would be an understatement!🤬😂
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No report from the MaAssive July 4th celebration. Except this sad post from Becca. How lovely.
Fat fuck Priscilla either ignores Abbie or else gets in her personal space. She really doesn’t know how to interact with her daughter. She’s lucky she only got pushed away and not punched in the face. Her reaction though was childish and just shows her immaturity.
As for those costumes, what can I say? They keep promoting the ‘be kind to everyone’ mantra, yet think it’s ok to make fun of certain types of people. They really are trashy.
Watching them make Abbie put on those glasses over and over was so sad. When Abbie was putting them on herself was an even sadder sight. She is clueless. Also, even when they put the glasses on Abbie she was still behind them squinting. She doesn't;t want to wear glasses you fucking idiots. It's NOT cute, it's painful to watch
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They will pretend it's profitable, pretend the long distance upkeep is no problem at all, pretend the expenses are lower than they imagined...yadda, yadda, yadda. Add that to the list of pretensions, how she loves her fat body, they know a good steak, know how to garden, how to eat at the best places, are autism experts, expert photographers, video producers, ... it's their whole lives. What they are good at is being shysters, swindlers, liars, scam artist. and terrible parents.
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Chatty Member
Asa, shut the fuck up, seriously. You have a 400 pound wife and no friends. Soy twat.
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“Or you have whatever Priscilla has” 😂😂😂
I had a hunch I knew where that commenter came from…milk jugs. 😂 I was tickled with the “ but you get right in there with your mom, don’t ya”. When I saw that picture though. LMAO! 😂
I don’t know who is responsible, but all I can say is Thank YOU! That was a wonderful treat.
We are a good damn group here. Smart. Caring. Witty. Hilarious!
99% of you are life enriching souls and I am thankful to have you guys in my life! ❤
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I saw that too. Very interesting. How did she figure Abbie would leave the home so she could be an empty nester? She’s known Abbie and her disabilities all of Abbie’s life. Not sure when us Tattlers started commenting on it, but she truly did “ check out” of mothering Abbie. She goes on frequent trips, is on her phone or computer or shopping all day and lets Assa do all the care. I’m not sure she ever showers her anymore. I got tired of watching that podcast but they did bring up the haters and their response to their comments.
Because she was still holding on to the fantasy of Abbie and a caretaker living in the Shack Out Back. They bought their dream home with a carriage house in Riverside (sort of), Abbie was on her way to the vocational program at JSA (they thought)...everything was going according to plan.

She still thought, through no effort of their own, that Abbie would somehow grow out of her disabilities or be "fixed" by therapy, and able to live the Autism Pixie Dreamgirl life they had planned for her (and themselves)...the life where her care was palmed off on to a home health aide, and she rode her trike down to the store daily to buy cookies from the adoring local shopkeepers, and everyone who stop and wave and say "Hi Abbie!" when they saw her because she was a perfect inspiring angel who never tried to beat the shit out of her parents in a local Mexican food establishment.

But it never happened. Abbie still freaks out in public. She can't ride her trike anywhere. The shack doesn't even have a bathroom, let alone an apartment. There is no home health aide. JSA is gone. No help is coming. Abbie will be in the house forever. That reality came crashing down hard on Miss Priss.
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Good Morning ,Afternoon, Evening
Didn't Asswipe slip up once awhile ago and admit when they were discussing child's toys that Abbie was IDD.
I vaguely remember a toy company contacted or sent them something but the companies toys were too advanced for sweet girl. Piggy was shooting death stares at him.
All these years and they still don't really accept abbie as she is, they still see a cash register.
Oh and Piggy you have not gained lifelong friends, you've gained people who tolerate you and your gross ass husband when they see you.
Happy Wednesday
Now which is Asswipe and which is Piggy.. who am I kidding, neither could get on the floor let alone back up
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Well-known member
So they went to a fund raiser.. and won a stay at a motel??? They are such Scamsters. ...also trying to get Abbie to react to them leaving.. she just doesn't care... as long as she eats. Pig sure was feeling her oats and getting ethited for the eat/drink fest that is about to occur...while she lays her humongous body on the "autism Mama" towel.

Summer and Kylie.. for gods sake... GET A LIFE!!! Why do they always step up and do 24/7 care of Abbie so these beasts can go vacation?
Asa-Are you going to miss me? Abbie-eat eat eat Asa- Can I have a hug? Abbie- backs away, then sidles back over to him just to tap away at him and ask to eat again 😂 That girl could not give one single crap about her parents. They are a means to an end to her, a tool to be used to get food and rides, that is all.
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That jumped out at me too.

I don't want to say it annoyed me because that's not quite right, but I feel some sort of way about it.
The "grunge hillbilly" costume is a mocking portrayal of poor Appalachian and Deep South stereotypes. They're dressing in a way they find humorous - "Hurr hurr, 'murica, drink beer and blow shit up and mullets!"

which a lot of people do, but it always makes me feel kind of uncomfortable. Like, why you gotta mock the culture that came out of poverty-stricken regions? These assholes don't live in economically depressed small towns with poor educational opportunities, jobs with no upward mobility, corruption, unfettered lead poisoning and industrial pollution and hookworm infestations and they never have. Yeah, let's laugh at fashion and music and hobbies - positive things - that arose from generations of struggle. Ha ha, put on that mullet hat from Amazon and smoke 8 racks of ribs and act like "white trash" because I guess mocking people who actually suffer is the patriotic thing to do.

They think they’re mocking “white trash”. Hate to break it to them, but they ARE white trash. No costumes needed
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Chatty Member
He's disgusting. I held off commenting about it for a while, but it seems to be more blatant lately.
And he absolutely knows, they havent even blocked Dakari who has posted really graphic things about Abbie. We know they watch the Canadian, and he also mentioned the other very disturbed person. He announces to the world that every Monday is "girls night" with Summer or Kylie, and anyone could follow them after they leave the manor.
He doesnt care. He has his stupid Ring cameras and a gun so he thinks she'll always be safe. Frankly, he would love being able to announce he harmed a stalker or intruder- imagine the views! Sick bastard. :mad: :mad:
This ad popped up while I was perusing all the comments, how ironic. I don't think they do enough to protect Abby's safety, I'm surprised none of those creeps haven't showed up at their house, or stalked her when she's out and about, creepy.

OMG these humpers are so delusional, I just can't with them!😫

This one is golden, let's see how long before this comment is deleted, or Asswipe and his fat fuck of a wife attack this person. Hi Asa, now that this comment has been brought to your attention, how are you going to handle this? Just delete it, or attack this person mercifully with your immature attitude, and small man, small penis syndrome

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So when is this educating wizard going to teach his now adult daughter to wear shoes?
Cant walk to the ice cream truck, no shoes.
Cant walk to the ice cream stand, no shoes.
What if that cart breaks down? No shoes.
If he ever wants Abbie to seriously participate in some type of program (of ANY kind) she will need to wear shoes.
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