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Just wow. Way to go begging for money by exploiting the disabled daughter. If for one second anyone thinks she’d actually even take Abbie if she was able to scam her way there they are nuts too. There better be an option to purchase another ticket because Priscilla MF Massive will not be taking Abbie alone to a damn concert, ever. ABBIE AND I ARE IN DISBELIEF. Bitchhhhh please, she has no clue why you’re squealing like a pig, if she did she would probably figure it’s meal time for your giant ass. This woman cannot be any more repulsive. Leave the girl alone, go to the gym and have several seats margarita monster.

I can't even imagine Pig and Abbie...alone at a concert...that is not a place for either for different reasons. She is truly disgusting and I hope the HUMPS do not fall for this.

Pig probably doesn't care about the concert....she is just scamming to get victims. Also pushing abbie as a normal teen who goes to concerts as a narrative.
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What makes her think she deserves this? As someone mentioned she doesn’t even know how to do makeup and all of her ads are just her shrilling a product. This is a woman who used covid to sell $45(I think it was) hand sanitizer at a time people were losing their jobs. She doesn’t deserve shit but most of FA fans feel bad for them or they are mentally ill themselves and want to give.

I posted a few post or maybe a thread back that Priscilla was projected to be Top 2 in sales and Top 6 in recruiting. Its hard to believe but she uses many sympathy tactics and plays the MLM game, lucky for her they have a following that’s easy to swindle. Someone here said they either purchased or made contact with Priscilla about Slimelife back when they followed FA, they said Priscilla is notorious for sending out spam e-mails trying to get people to buy.

If you look at the top 100 stats, the beauty guides aren’t really bringing in new beauty guides and I believe that is what Slimelife now requires for the big $$. Priscilla brought in 22 and shes #6 in recruitment, Pinky brought in 6 and shes #55. That says a lot to how many people they actually AREN’T bringing in.
Yep, Cilla Beast hounds people by email. I’ve mentioned before that I was stupid enough in the early days to buy a couple of products from her. I thereafter received regular emails from her begging me to buy more. I told her to knock it off. She persisted. I sent her a cease and desist. She persisted. I then informed her of all the legal action I was willing to take. There were no further emails from her Priscilla Maas email, but then she contacted me via Slimelife email. I went ballistic on Slimelife about their scammy employee, and haven’t received any further emails.

By the way, she “color-matches” without even seeing a photograph of the customer. She’ll ask you what color you think is good, and then tell you that color will look great with your skin, which she’s never seen!

Without Abbie, these two grifters wouldn’t have a penny to their names!
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Now I know how she could afford it.
I dont like Lauren, but I hope she continues losing.
So she can visit the Beast. So there will be side by side photos.
Maybe she will try to get P to exercise with her and Kaitlin!
Lauren and Kaitlin can flip tractor tires while P "skips", trips, and gasps for air. 🤣 🤣
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Ok, so I have to stay on this subject of farts because they crack me up. You bring up a very good point. How many times has Abbie farted in public and they blame it on her autism. OR, how many times has Pig farted in public and blamed it on Abbie? Maybe this is why Atha takes Abbie outside when they're eating at restaurants. She's either taken a giant dump or she's farting up a storm. I have never had Oat milk but I sure as hell know what ice cream does to me. My brother could fart on demand, BTW. :ROFLMAO: 🤪 :ROFLMAO:
Cracks me up too! 😹
Maybe this is why Atha takes Abbie outside when they're eating at restaurants.
👆🏼👆🏼What comes to mind is the other night at Pig’s Bday dinner. He had to take her for a stroll in the middle of it all. She needed a “break”. What kind of break? Pig claims she doesn’t fart. I call major BS! I don’t know if she is trying to play on the dainty girls don’t poot narrative, but yes…yes they do. I bet she does it all the time!
This is my hindsight on the Oat Milk experience.
Belly: Hey! Meow is out and about…what are your thoughts on how we will handle this foreign substance?
Brain: Hey! I know…Lets turn it all in to air!
Belly: Great idea! Should I do it gradually?
Brain: Nah! Let’s do it all at once…really make it memorable.
Belly: Roger that! 10-4 back back door.
It was alarming. I abandoned my cart and headed for the car. I had a moment where I thought something was seriously wrong. LMAO! After a noisy 30 minute ride home, I hit the Googles immediately. Oat milk…not easily digested. You don’t say? The one woman trumpet show went on well into the evening. Like I said…Never Again!
It can be pitch black in our room and I can always tell when Man Meow is about to let loose. I can hear his breathing change. He kinda holds his breath for the push. 😹😹😹
There is my TMI for the day.
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Any news on the Kylie Krash or the guardianship?
Nothing much. Waiting on the court date for Abbie’s petition and nothing has updated on the wreck…

I wouldn’t put it past Asshat to install cameras everywhere, if he thinks he can get away with it.

The property would be better rented yearly, for some college kids that want to live up there but then, Isaiah couldn’t use it in the winter time. That is why they are wanting to do short term rentals but it is going to backfire so quickly.

I knew a Mom, that had a beautiful house up in TN. They had purchased it and did a huge addition and lived there for 6 years. Once their son got to school age, they wanted to move into a city area, where he wouldn’t be so far from school and friends. They kept the house and tried to Airbnb the thing. She always offered us a weekend, just on expenditures pricing and it was over $250/night, due to property management fees, cleaner fees, utilities and taxes. They didn’t have a mortgage because her husband made very good money and paid the thing off, as soon as they bought it. She shopped around the management company and had went with one that was the cheapest too and the cleaner was the only one willing to do the job.
Well, there was days that her cleaner showed up and left without cleaning because she had reservations that would trash the place. She had things broken a lot and people took off with dishes and other random items. After only 1 year of renting it out, she was done and removed her listing and put the house for sale. She said that overall, they lost around $40k, and never made a dime with their rental, due to damages and refunds (because some would just request refunds for little things or things out of her control and they would side with the customer and give them a refund, like the time a bear blocked the road for 20 minutes, while someone was leaving).,.
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Sweet Jesus on a Swizzle stick. I'm changing her handle to Lipsmack Mama. I can't believe how much she smacks those damn droopy lips of hers when she thpeakth.
And she starts off with the meaning of Memorial Day...and ends with "so thank you for allowing me to have this platform."
Is she really thanking fallen veterans for allowing her "the freedom" to promote her MLM? o_O :sick:o_O
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Attention seeking at its finest. I am not a fan of hers but I actually feel sorry for her. She doesn’t have friends because if she did, wouldn’t there be pictures of them celebrating her birthday at a winery, restaurant, pub, etc.? She considers the young girls who take care of Abbie her friends…that’s not normal. I have wonderful girlfriends who I meet up with for drinks, quick catch up over a few beers and a pizza, a walk around the neighborhood, or just a drop in for a coffee. She believes that the women who also scam people for money to buy makeup are her friends? I don’t believe that for one minute. I think it’s sad to think that a woman her age doesn’t have anyone to share a true friendship with. I have my husband, my kids, and grandkids who I love, cherish and adore, but I also have meaningful, strong, long term friendships that are extremely important to my well being. We celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, new jobs, new homes, grandkids, graduations, and even new shoes! You name it, they are there for it!
Other than her Mother, she doesn't have a single true friend - including her husband. And if it were anyone else, I'd feel very, very sad for them. But she is the shit show that she created. Summer and Kylie no doubt have absolutely absolutely slammed Priscilla behind her back - they've seen the inner workings - you KNOW they have had "talks". The huns in her upline - come on....those mean girls probably have private chats dedicated solely to trashing her. Her "underlings" try their best to impress her but again, I would say there are multiple with a private chat with their true thoughts about her. But at the core of why she doesn't have any close relationships is she is totally self-absorbed. You can't have a real friend without being a real friend - and she has no idea how to do that. Part of me blames her mother and how she was raised - but lots of only children can have close relationships. I'm sure a lot of her put-offish-ness is a defense mechanism, but if she had any humility and self-awareness she would see that she is the problem.
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If he had to put her diagnosis's in the paperwork, hes certainly lying. I remembered something and pulled out my grandsons diagnosis.
He is diagnosed with ASD, Level 3, and lists all the ways he meets that criteria, and includes this ditty- and very last item listed on his diagnosis.
I would post a pic of the actual paperwork but for some reason I can no longer edit it, and his name is used repeatedly.

" These disturbances are not better explained by intellectual disability, intellectual development disorder, or global developmental delay. Intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorder frequently co-occur. *Insert grandsons name* symptoms are not better accounted for by a differential diagnosis."

DSM-V/ICD-10 Diagnosis: 299.00/F84.00- Autism Spectrum Disorder- Level 3 (Requiring Very Substantial Support).

I think this may be why he realized he needed to seal her guardianship paperwork.
Abbie clearly has a co-morbid diagnosis of IDD which is considered during the diagnosis process, and he is ashamed of that. :(
I absolutely agree. Fat Boy has never admitted or acknowledged the extent of Abbies intellectual disability. IMO that is her main diagnosis with incidental autistic traits. It is increasingly obvious just how mentally impaired she really is. They just plain cannot accept it.
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What can they do in 3 days? It probably all needs a fresh coat of paint, some new decent blinds or curtains, new bed linen, radical changes to that poky little kitchen etc etc. Its going to be difficult with Abbie into everything. This is going to be a fiasco which will be hilarious to watch, especially the reviews.
I wonder how many spy cams Moobie can install in 3 days? 🤭
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Asa is live right now.

Boo fucking hoo…it made her cry.

Their spin (LIE) is she put it up, then reality set in and she realized if she won she couldn’t take Abbie.

He said she could still win and didn’t know what she’d do with the tickets.
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I'm just plain sick of baby Ass and I don't think any excuses should be made for him. I understand he grew up with weird ass parents and was expected to do some 'unusual' things caring for Abbie. But heck we all have childhood crap we carry around. I didn't have it easy and was on my own as soon as I got outta high school at 17. But I take responsibility for my life and never use the excuse of a rough childhood. Baby Ass is 22 now (I think?) and certainly old enough to act and think independently from his big fat slob parents. Time for him to grow a pair, drop the boob, and make a decent life. The very worst thing for him in every way is to be back in the Shack.
I couldn't agree more. I remember leaving University and the very LAST thing I wanted was to move back home. He is a spineless, pathetic individual made worse by the fact he has never worked and has been given everything at a very young age. I, personally, find him repulsive and have yet to hear him utter one intelligent sentence. As whale, he is lazy AF and will just stay put, get fatter and mouldering in the Shack. He needs to show some initiative and get the hell out the whole set up as he will be tarred with their brush of exploitation, scamming, cheating and overall sloth and gluttony.
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Vegan for the Animals

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Asswipe might claim he’s so busy, but the reality is apart from the times he orders his daughter around and films her, he has nothing else going on in his life. It’s not like he’s got friends to hang out with and everyone he knows has jobs and are getting on with their lives, even his fat, scuzzy wife. I’m not surprised he wants to start up new channels because it’s been clear for a while that he’s bored with FA and only continues because it brings in some money.
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I was also thinking about Boy Wonder being a lifeguard. Since we know every single aspect of their lives, do we know if he has ever had swimming lessons which led to being a lifeguard? I hate to think that Camp I Am Special isn't just handing out whistles and zinc and calling employees lifeguards. Being a lifeguard takes major training because it is a major responsibility.
Slimelife must be on the skids. Twatty Beast is really pushing her Amazon storefront 🧐 🧐 🧐

Also...photoshopping done by the Pig
View attachment 2195865
Just wow. Way to go begging for money by exploiting the disabled daughter. If for one second anyone thinks she’d actually even take Abbie if she was able to scam her way there they are nuts too. There better be an option to purchase another ticket because Priscilla MF Massive will not be taking Abbie alone to a damn concert, ever. ABBIE AND I ARE IN DISBELIEF. Bitchhhhh please, she has no clue why you’re squealing like a pig, if she did she would probably figure it’s meal time for your giant ass. This woman cannot be any more repulsive. Leave the girl alone, go to the gym and have several seats margarita monster.
I cant...I hate her. She's not even trying to hide that she's using Abbie anymore
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My take on the whole Taylor Swift debacle is P wanted to get on board and post things just like her other "besties" and be one of the crowd. To me it showed that she still has not accepted Abbie for who she is and who she will never be and that is really sad. She should know that Abbie would be so overly stimulated at a concert like that. We can all see that why cant she? Its again all about how P feels and how sad she is that her daughter is not how shed like her to be. Im sure it totally sucks but come on...she is 18 now...nothing should come as a suprise. They could have alot of fun with Abbie if they just did things on Abbies level and not for their own benefit.
Pig KNEW she could never bring Abbie to the concert. She KNEW she was schilling. Big Ass saw it and thought maybe it went too far....he realized he couldn't get away with this...there was no 'sudden realuzation'
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So at Pig's birthday dinner where you HAVE to make reservations :cautious: Abbie and Atha were taking a leisurely stroll outside (some shit behavior went down in the restaurant). Was Abbie signing to go to the bathroom? After yesterdays vlog where we saw her standing in the corner with her facing the wall, I am on high poop alert now.

Notice how when Atha said at the end of the vlog he wanted to go sit out on the patio and have adult beverages with her, his "Queen" said "yeah, I'm calling my friends, they're going to have a cocktail with me". All he could say is "that's sweet" :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

So, for the 50th time we hear about the big life transition Isaiah is experiencing, just like thousands of other young adults around the country. I can't believe he went to the so-called "job interview" with all that gross hair growing on his neck. I work in HR and if I was interviewing him I think that would definitely be a big NO for me. He looks dirty and smelly. Oh and according to Atha wearing khaki's makes you a full grown adult. I remember when I was a SAHM and all I was around were toddlers, to some degree, I was not able to have meaningful conversations with adults. I think this is happening to Atha. But I also think he is a total asshole so the combination of him staying home with Abbie 24/7 and being a dick makes him 100x's more unappealing to watch.
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