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This vlog was full of special gems.

The look the beast gave Igayah when he said her beloved slop was "school lunch upgrade" LMFAO. She then threatened to stab him with the knife in her hand. The mask slipped for that bitch right there. That is the true Priscilla Maass.

Then Ass walks in on Abbie in the corner of the dining room, facing the wall and scratching her ass/picking at her diaper.

The Pig then eats breakfast at the counter with her mouth like a washing machine. Then she digs some food out of her chompers and licks her fishy fingers. FUCKING HELL.

I cannot WAIT to see what @WowMeowMeowWow has to say about this 🤣

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View attachment 2191863
And when he caught her picking her butt he said "sorry to interrupt you" :ROFLMAO: He's such an ass for leaving it in the vlog. I wish someone would film him picking the dingle berries off of his ass.
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Okay, I don’t understand. It’s been mentioned so many times on this site about Pig and Ass not wanting to admit or accept this ID or IDD diagnosis. ( in addition to her autism diagnosis) I understand she was diagnosed as a young girl with autism. And I can see that there is more to that diagnosis. She just doesn’t seem to progress at all in any area. I’m no expert. But if I were a parent, I’d want the truth, I’d want to know the more accurate diagnosis and prognosis. Why bury your head in the sand and keep beating your head against the door? A different or more current diagnosis might have helped with the treatment plan. Did the Jacksonville school for Autism know her accurate and true diagnosis and try to tell the Massives? Did the school want to go another direction as far as her plan of treatment? (not trying to have her work in the community because she’d never be able to). Was this something that the Massives refused to accept and that’s why they left JSA? Are they like stubborn mules ( sorry Bee) and just not willing to believe at age 18 Abbie is never going to progress, learn anything new or retain anything new, be potty trained, ever hold down a job, ever live independently? What’s their biggest fear? Taking care of her until they die? Regardless, I just don’t “ get them” when it comes to this ID or IDD diagnosis. They are already living it. And Abbie is Abbie. As they’ve admitted before with the Autism diagnosis. And I can’t see why if they are honest with their you tube/Facebook audience, it would change their viewership. The same people are going to watch this freak show. Might have different expectations but I can’t see the humps or anyone else stop watching.
They totally know Abbies limitations and abilities, and always have.
Problem is, Asa has painted himself into a corner.
He has spent years acting like an autism guru and "educating" the public, yet never cared to make sure Abbie was educated.
Instead of following through with ABA and JSA lessons he just strolled around with a camera and ran his mouth, doing everything for her.
And I agree, and have zero doubt he pulled her from JSA when they said (AGAIN!) she could not participate in the vocational program.
Then their private teacher also gave them a reality check and quit.
Now he's REALLY screwed. Shes an adult now- way too late to suddenly announce the reality of it all, hence his daily dose of "Success! Independence! Progress!" as we see her do nothing but toss some fish food, and unload the dishwasher.
Its not even about Abbie aymore.
Its about his ego- the amazing Asa, father of the year, doing for his child what no professional could do. :sick: :sick:
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Wouldn't you have been interviewing potential teachers leading up to signing them on in the Fall? And he goes on to say they haven't decided exactly what they want the teacher to do. Hmmm, sounds to me like you've hit a dead end buddy. Nobody is coming to save you, Atha. You've got this teacher gig for the rest of your life. Buckle up buttercup and start lifting 300 lbs weights to prepare you for your future.
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I always thought this as well. Why would/should a parent want to subscribe to a channel run by an uneducated, uncertified man to learn how to toilet train their kids? Everyone in the history of having kids as figured this out without needing the guidance of Asa Maass. These parents are just as sick and twisted as he is.
I can understand viewing to get tips and tricks for activities or play/learning modifications, but basic human functions like hand washing and toileting should be figured out early by the parents.
especially because his 18 year old adult daughter is still not toilet trained. I guess he tries to give the impression she is..and some believe it.
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Mom Needs Coffee

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So….I try and make sure we have a veggie every night. 90% of the time it is a meat and a veggie. Broccoli, squash, zucchini, brussel sprouts, asparagus, green beans, etc. Sometimes we will have black beans, black eye peas…I say this because they have an effect. A gaseous effect.😂 I won’t even go in to my experience with oat milk. Never again!
Baked beans…we all know what comes after eating them. Farts. This makes me curious as to how often Sweet Girl lets one rip in public. You know it happens!
I feel like Pig never has diaper duty. If she did, she would not be feeding that young lady the slop she dishes out.
And yes…she was snout rub stimming like a mofo! LMAO!
View attachment 2203842
She has a ball sack in her armpit.
She has a ball sack in her armpit.
So that’s where Atha keeps them!!!!!
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Omg this is the vlog that P bought five pounds of shrimp for a dish that only called for one pound!
"Well, there are five of us."
And THAT is why her surgery failed.
She never lost the fat mentality. She even said she gets nervous there may not be enough.
That’s not “fat mentality,” that’s fucking stupid. I’m fat. My mentality is I like junk food and I don’t like exercise. I have never once thought “I need to quintuple this recipe if I want to feed five people.” And that’s because I’m not a stupid bitch.
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Isiah sadly exaggerates for A's camera. His over the top reactions are ridiculous. P definitely imbibed during dinner! She was sloshed! I can't believe they kept encouraging her to skip with her weight! It could have gone really bad! She knows perfectly well how to skip - it was simply her size that prevented her from doing it. And what was up with A's pet names for her like "baby" and "sweetie?" Did he forget about "beb?"

Yet again, they stop to play in the road with a car coming. Poor Abbie. Which is it Abbie? Do you wait on the side of the road and wait unti a car passes or do you randomly stop to act like fools and ignore the car coming at you?
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What is this bullsh*t he’s putting out there that Abbie can possibly be left by herself down the road? The person who even asked that question is ridiculous. Besides her inability to react to what goes on around her, anything can happen. A fire can break out, she could wander outside etc. Why does he act like she can progress to being left alone one day? This drives me crazy!!
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I very much remember Asa not being ok with giving Abbie sedation to go to the dentist, but now they're on board? 🤥🤔
Ya he said a few times he doesn't like seeing her sedated and it was the only way to do dentist.

But he says now no place did sedation?

They are all antidentist in that house so is it more likely they just didn't give a shit to take her.
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I made the mistake of commenting on one of Pig's lives and now I've been banned. Actually, it was a live Atha was doing and he immediately banned me. I wonder how many commenters have been banned over the past five years. I would guess 100's of 1000's. Oh wait, those are all the professionals, teachers and therapists Atha said LOVES them. My bad. But I bet there have been professionals, therapists and teachers who have been banned. We sure don't want to let any of those pesky people who actually know what BS he's spreading getting in the mix of all of the imbeciles. He's a fucking sociopath.

I've had my salad spinner since the early nineties. I'm sure Piggy is going to share some of her homemade salad dressing recipes soon which, she googled from the internet. 🤪
He is the king of spinning the narrative. They are so defensive of any type of criticism because they know they are not being truthful with most of what they put out there.
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Chatty Member
He should just sell the place and get out.
They aren’t going to make any money on Airbnb because nobody is going to want to rent from them when there is a ton of competition in the neighborhood, not to mention their neighbors also have their home listed and they are a premiere host.

Selling would probably be the best thing to do. This isn’t a home that is paid off, they financed. It was stupid IMO to take on another loan. It’s only profitable if they were to rent the home out. They probably figured AirBnB would be easier because no tenant commitment and because of the location. They are in for a rude awakening, it’s like they don’t think before they do.
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I hope someone in that family has the wherewithal to make sure Priscilla is buried in that yellow dress since she loves wearing it so much.
That poor dress has given its all. It deserves to be laid to rest with dignity and honor.
With a medal for bravery and valor- it fought the good fight. 😂 😂
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Long day at the “office” Moobie? 😹
Well it does take 5 hours roughly to edit a vlog since he does such a "wonderful" job, that all the movie producers are after him to film the next big film on how to get away with getting money from the government 🤣
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Chatty Member
This vlog was full of special gems.

The look the beast gave Igayah when he said her beloved slop was "school lunch upgrade" LMFAO. She then threatened to stab him with the knife in her hand. The mask slipped for that bitch right there. That is the true Priscilla Maass.

Then Ass walks in on Abbie in the corner of the dining room, facing the wall and scratching her ass/picking at her diaper.

The Pig then eats breakfast at the counter with her mouth like a washing machine. Then she digs some food out of her chompers and licks her fishy fingers. FUCKING HELL.

I cannot WAIT to see what @WowMeowMeowWow has to say about this 🤣

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Screenshot (201).png
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It blows my fucking mind that anyone would be unable to answer this, and quickly.

I wish I'd had the chance to travel to Ireland or Korea or Mexico by now.
I wish I hadn't dropped out of college the first time around.
I wish I'd spent more time with my sister.
I wish I'd taken that one specific opportunity related to my previous career which I turned down out of fear and uncertainty.

That's just a few things right off the top of my head!

Yet another example of how little thought Priscilla actually puts into anything, even her own life. Maybe especially her own life.
The narc in her won’t let her have any regrets. Priscilla can’t show even a little bit of vulnerability. Her whole life is an act.

She is 40 years old and still goes on about how “divorce is hard”. Like what. She is very child like. I don’t think it’s due to any id or anything. She’s just immature..
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She’s #2 in the company.
1st place loser.

It's the constant lies that irk the hell out of me. Like her recent FB "traveling starting airbnbs" BITCH! You are renting out a crap house with shit soaked patio furniture. You are not some real estate mogul. I loath liars so much, and bending the truth to make a buck off people who probably don't have much to give is the worst form of lying. All these MLMers have a special place in hell waiting on them.

And, at what point will her client base stop and think "hmmmm, Abbie has it pretty good now. Big house, travels, more money than they apparently know what to do with. Maybe, there is another child in need that could use my donations way more that this family." Wake the F up humpers!!!!
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I give anyone other than Ass credit for bravery as far as attempting to take Abbie anywhere in the car with all her behaviors. I would not want the liability if anything would happen. She might elope, open the car door, refuse to get up off the floor, have a melt down, have a blow out from her diaper, break something, injure someone or herself, the list is endless. It’d be a nightmare. I’d sure love to hear all about Crazy Nanny’s experiences and thoughts as far as the Maases and Abbie.
🖐🏻<—-this guy right here. Been through it all in the 14 years I worked in a Supportive Employment program for autistic and IDD adults

ive had clients have meltdowns in department stores and refuse to get up. Open doors and try to escape a moving vehicle. Disgusting diaper blowouts. Yes, the list is endless I’ve been hit, kicked, punched, spit on, scratched and knocked out cold.
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Will all that food eating and obese people snarfing it down. And there is one bathroom off the kitchen? Is there more than one bathroom on the kitchen level? They must all keep an eye on that bathroom for a “vacancy” before lumbering over to the toilet. Doubt anyone wants to climb stairs or go outside to the “outhouse bathroom” in 85° heat. Ya know? That whole shindig doesn’t sound enjoyable at all. They all live to eat and watching those huge beasts devour all that food then lay back trying to recline to allow their bodies to digest it. Just eww. You’d be watching this scene thinking, “That just ain’t right” No food monitoring or thinking about taking a group walk or anything. Just eat, rest, eat again….then poop. This is our life here at the Maasive slop house.
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New video

Watching P skip was pure comedy gold for us, but honestly so sad for her. She can barely move. She was out of breath from just walking and trying to skip. Does she plan on being around for any grandkids? Not just alive, but actually an active part of their lives? At this point, if she does live long enough, she's going to be immobile. We watched our granddaughter most of the day, and I was up doing things with her. We went for a walk around the neighborhood, we danced, I tossed her in the air and spun her around, and chased her all over the house. I want to keep up with her (and as I just found out, her little brother is coming in November! So I'll have two to keep up with!) I attempted skipping in my kitchen after I saw this just to make sure I still remembered how to do this myself. Yep. I can still skip at 50. WTF P??!!?
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I'm so damn confused. They said that none of the places that do sedation take insurance. Not even medicaid?? Reason number 3,000,000,023 we will never move to Florida despite my whole family being there. I thought it was bad that we have to drive 1.5hrs every year to a dentist who specializes in the special needs population and does sedation dentistry in the office. AND they take his medicaid. I've never had to pay a dime for it. No need for a special state program that only takes a certain number of clients per year, and they see patients of ALL ages. It's so funny that they gloat about how "great" Florida is, but in reality, Florida is at the fucking bottom when it comes to services. I've known so many people who either wish they could move or have moved because of this.
My kid has been going to his dentist now for at least 9-10 years. Sedated every time. He's had extractions of baby teeth, x-rays, cleanings, and anything else that was needed. Most of the time he is only out for maybe 10-20 minutes and it is all over. It's a total piece of cake. Our appointments are in the mornings, so I wake him up, we use the bathroom, and we're out the door. I pack up a little bag the night before. I wish dental visits were that easy for
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