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1. Arrested development. Her brain is like a 13 year old in junior high swooning over Taylor Swift

2. Who are you kidding, Pig?! You won’t take Abbie for an ice cream cone alone, let alone on a flight, to a concert, and an overnight hotel stay!!!

You are a selfish bitch and were using your disabled daughter YET AGAIN to get what YOU want. 🤬🤬🤬
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Asa used government money (respite) to pay Crazy Nanny to produce "art" with Abbie, then he turns around and benefits $$$ from the art.
Is this what they call double dipping? 🤔
I dunno what they'd call it.
I call it Egregious af.
Crazy Nanny knew it was dirty and didn't want to be associated with it anymore.
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Chatty Member
The beast was out of breath whilst brushing Abbie's hair. Sweet girl was snout rubbin' in the back seat. The beast was driving from the back seat. I mean, what the fuck?! Is it even safe for her to be so far from the steering wheel? Her gunt will continue to grow but her arms won't, then she's really fucked.

Also guyth, I finally figured out why the beast weighs 400 pounds. Thalad. Yep, it's the thalad that's doing it.

"I could eat a salad every day" - Priscilla Plaggenhoof
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Asa on about Abbie being independent and navigating the world lol. She can’t “navigate” a fart without shitting herself never mind anything else! He’s deluded.
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Sweet Jesus on a Swizzle stick. I'm changing her handle to Lipsmack Mama. I can't believe how much she smacks those damn droopy lips of hers when she thpeakth.
"Noone died from military "
you twat, it's no one died in the line of service. A patriotic family would at least know to give our fallen some respect and not some sloppy, half-assed line.
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That video was extremely hard to watch.
She brought zero to the topic.
I can't even say it was a nice try.
Titled "The Many Scandals."
I gave up very quickly- did she even mention a scandal?
On one hand, all these little rando vlogs popping up are nice, because it will piss off Asa.
But the bigger part of me is like, do SOME digging. Have some actual thoughts and opinions that dont require a script you stole from the previous half-assed attempt!
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I think they whole concert post/delete/Asa live was BS.
Abbie is 18. Shes been diagnosed for 16 years. SIXTEEN. How did it "just hit her" that she couldnt take her daughter to a concert?
Just another ploy for sympathy, and attempt to make people "love" Priscilla, so she can continue to make that MLM cash.
Yes! Yes! Yes!
Wasn’t it about this same time last month that Pig used the “crying in the car after Abbie opened up a can of whoop ass on her” sales tactic?
It did not just hit her. She is a dumb ass, but she is not that stupid.
I did see a few comments that were unsavory in their eyes. I wish I had taken a screenshot, but I was hungry in a Costco parking lot and the free samples were calling my name. They did not disappoint!😂😂
Anywho…Pig knows using Abbie to sell her cult cream has never gone over well.
As @Bogey has pointed out, Moobie draws a significant higher amount of views on her MLM page, so it is not surprising at all to me that he was the one to go live after the debacle. They are a manipulative bunch and the humpers are an easy target. All I can say is…Karma is real bitches…I wouldn’t want their fate. ☠💀☠
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Cardinal Rule

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Recently rewatched One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest and kept seeing the MaAssives throughout the film.

AssA and Abbie:


Big P and AssA:


Golden Boy trying too hard:


Perhaps I need a MaAssive detox this holiday weekend!
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Regarding the car wreck court case. Not surprisingly, in Asa and Kylie's Answer to the Complaint filed against them, they are denying all allegations of Kylie being responsible for the wreck, denying she was on her phone, denying she posted on social media about it other than one TikTok video, denying that any damages or injuries were not their fault in the least. While not uncommon, it is very on brand for Asa not to take responsibility for anything. It looks like they drug their feet on providing specific documents that they were requested, which is what resulted in a Motion to Compel the production of the documents. Unfortunately, where the meat and potatoes in a lawsuit lie are in discovery - when one side asks specific questions and requests specific documents. And unfortunately, discovery is not filed with the court in Duval County. The county where I live is the same way - you file a document with the court saying that you have provided the opposing attorney with written answers but you don't file the actual documents with the court. This sucks because that's where you can see what they actually say.

Interestingly, the Complaint says that Asa and Kylie were UNDERINSURED motorists who maintained minimal bodily injury liability insurance through State Farm. Absolutely unbelievable that Asa had the bare minimum insurance on a car that he allowed someone else to drive (and probably drive Abbie around in). So the amount of insurance he had was not enough to cover the damage to the Plaintiff's car and her bodily injury claims. So it appears that because Asa's insurance didn't cover it, she filed claims with her own insurance, which they initially denied, which is why she in turned sued her own insurance company in addition to Asa, Kylie, and State Farm.

Also interesting (and something that sounds just like something Asa would do), in their Requests for Production of Documents to the Plainitff, Asa & Kylie through their attorney requested each and every medical record of any and all kinds of the Plaintiff from her date of birth. It is common to ask for medical records for the injuries related to the accident at hand, but they ask for each and every medical record from the frickin date of her birth. Of course the Plaintiff's attorney objects and offers records going back 10 years.

And it looks like Asa and Kylie either replaced their original attorney or added a new attorney last week.

On the 15th, the Plaintiff filed a Proposal of Settlement to Asa & Kylie.

So if I had to guess, if Asa & Kylie don't accept the settlement proposal, the judge will require a mediation (a meeting between all the parties with a neutral party mediator, to help try to settle the case. If settlement can't be reached at mediation, it will go to trial.
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Cardinal Rule

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This vlog was full of special gems.

The look the beast gave Igayah when he said her beloved slop was "school lunch upgrade" LMFAO. She then threatened to stab him with the knife in her hand. The mask slipped for that bitch right there. That is the true Priscilla Maass.

Then Ass walks in on Abbie in the corner of the dining room, facing the wall and scratching her ass/picking at her diaper.

The Pig then eats breakfast at the counter with her mouth like a washing machine. Then she digs some food out of her chompers and licks her fishy fingers. FUCKING HELL.

I cannot WAIT to see what @WowMeowMeowWow has to say about this 🤣

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View attachment 2191863
AssA said that Big P is a VERY clean cook. Clearly they do not know what clean cooking means. Two huge cans of tomato sauce AND Alfredo sauce, pasta, ground beef, pasta, cheese, cheese, cheese, and way too many shakers full of dried seasoning AND salt and pepper. For four people! Don’t forget the garlic bread! Didn’t see any salad. Yep, CLEAN eating!
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It’s all about MEEEEEEE!!!! 🐷🐷🐷

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This is UNREAL! And she included photos of every gift and her massage room. She’s mentally ill.

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Attention seeking at its finest. I am not a fan of hers but I actually feel sorry for her. She doesn’t have friends because if she did, wouldn’t there be pictures of them celebrating her birthday at a winery, restaurant, pub, etc.? She considers the young girls who take care of Abbie her friends…that’s not normal. I have wonderful girlfriends who I meet up with for drinks, quick catch up over a few beers and a pizza, a walk around the neighborhood, or just a drop in for a coffee. She believes that the women who also scam people for money to buy makeup are her friends? I don’t believe that for one minute. I think it’s sad to think that a woman her age doesn’t have anyone to share a true friendship with. I have my husband, my kids, and grandkids who I love, cherish and adore, but I also have meaningful, strong, long term friendships that are extremely important to my well being. We celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, new jobs, new homes, grandkids, graduations, and even new shoes! You name it, they are there for it!
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That was so strange. One cake, probably bought by Candy Cane Lorraine. It only recognized CillaMe’s birthday. I thought this shindig was advertised as a Golden Boy Graduation Abbie Birthday Piggy Birthday Extravaganza. Piggy even said she ordered party decor. I must have missed it.

It looked so pathetic with only Big P’s mommy watching her blow out the candles on her birthday cake while AssA filmed.

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Speaking of Candy Cane…oh my!

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I’m very curious about the Candy Cane and Only Child Pig dynmic especially in regards to having siblings and why Candy Cane goes along with it?
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I saw a comment on her IG live where the person said they can’t wait to meet them when they come to Florida to visit their friend. Pig looked a wee bit worried 🤣🤣🤣. Makes you wonder how many have shown up at their door unannounced but they would never talk about it because they don’t want to encourage anyone else.
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I’m very curious about the Candy Cane and Only Child Pig dynmic especially in regards to having siblings and why Candy Cane goes along with it?
That really fascinates me. We've seen the family photos with the Maassives with her sisters and their families so it is not an issue of not knowing them. I wonder if they ever lived under one roof at any time? Candy's other daughters appear to be nice women, well accomplished and have nice families of their own. Why is Twatty her focus? Given that Candy Cane Lane Bryant has other daughters and grandchildren, her relationship with the Maassives is very strange. She and Twatty have an almost creepy bond that I can't put my finger on.
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And when rewatching, Asa and P are standing in Asas office talking about the iPad. In the background you see Abbie leave the Jaguar room and GB rushing after her. The same person Asa said may be left alone someday

And that eval that had them so in their feelings- Asa said don't sugarcoat it. Well, Asa, don't then. Tell us what was really said. We know that won't happen.
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I didn't watch the whole vlog last night, so I picked up again when GB was trying to explain differentiating habits from behaviors. I was actually embarrassed for the little puke! 😂😂
First, the question was about ABBIE. He rambles off some shit about calling him Mommy to let her know he's up in the morning. At age 21.
Then he caught on and tried to talk about Abbie but it was jibberish. So bad, it made Asa sound the recent graduate. He is not gifted, and I believe Asa loved showing how inept GB really is.
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