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My goodness, is it possible that Twatty Beast has put on even more weight? She looks enormous sitting in the car. Holy crap, she's a size!!
Is Boy Wonder's "job" being a camp buddy? If he had a real job, he'd not be able to swan off to camp and he'd not want to swan off to camp as he would be earning real money if he had a real job.
The way that Tubby talks about money is so disgusting. I want him to really feel a financial burden. How dare he babble on about the mildewy $42 that he is embarassed to spend. What an arsehole. Then his backhanded brag about the pool vac spraying his window pane. Don't blame the water, blame the dirty windows, you filthy beast. If you had clean windows, the water wouldn't make a difference. I know you are reading here, Tubby, so have some compassion for your vulnerable followers who would give ANYTHING to have $42 in their wallet right now. Don't get me started on the pool bullshite. You are not Lord of the Manor. You are not special because you have a cement pond. The pool looks a hot mess as does your tacky backyard. Some party you had, attended by people you employ to babysit your daughter , your remaining Jacksonville family and that weirdo, Creepy G. Good going, Maassives, the party looked to be a shiteshow.
Yes she's on a fast track to her guest appearance on My 600lb Life.

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Cardinal Rule

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Nope…. Not buying it. That kind of thing is what offices do for open houses. They went and got an ice ball and walked in and toured the office. I didn’t watch the rest to see if they actually claim she saw a dentist.
The dentist’s Facebook page has been posting since August 2016. The Kona Ice promo appears to be a promotion to grow their client base, especially over the summer when school is out. On AssA’s vlog they noted that the dentists Abbie has seen in the past didn’t offer sedation dentistry. Then why didn’t they change providers years ago? Does this relate to her guardianship process? Do they have to confirm that she has healthcare providers in place? AssA and P talked about doing additional dental desensitization with Abbie. They should do those same tasks with Big P!


And yes, Priscilla, your skincare has done a WHALE of good for you! You kept running your tongue around your teeth during the vlog, too.

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Big P’s downline and “ dear friend” posted this question to P in her Live relative to her birthday:

View attachment 2191255

CillaMe stuttered and stammered and told Stephanie that it was a real stumper of a question. Oh so hard, whine, whine! P finally suggested that she had accomplished all she had set out to do. That may have been when she led into her weight loss 65 pounds down chatter. I don’t recall.
It blows my fucking mind that anyone would be unable to answer this, and quickly.

I wish I'd had the chance to travel to Ireland or Korea or Mexico by now.
I wish I hadn't dropped out of college the first time around.
I wish I'd spent more time with my sister.
I wish I'd taken that one specific opportunity related to my previous career which I turned down out of fear and uncertainty.

That's just a few things right off the top of my head!

Yet another example of how little thought Priscilla actually puts into anything, even her own life. Maybe especially her own life.
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I’m being slightly petty here but I am sick and tired of that stupid fucking “Be A kind person” shirt. it’s almost a demand that everyone must be extra kind to Abbie even when she’s acting a fool and misbehaving. I’m sorry but I’d treat her the same way I’d treat anyone else if I saw her in public which is mostly try my best to ignore people and go on with my day 😂. Also when has Abbie ever shown a shred of kindness to anyone? probably not something she’s cognitively able to demonstrate but either way she doesn’t deserve more kindness than anyone else in public. Sure I’d be a little more understanding but not because of that dumb shirt but because one look at Abbie and you can tell something is “off” and that she’s intellectually disabled. I’m sure they just put it on her to draw even more attention to them when they’re out and about and when they’re disrupting everyone’s day/night and someone dares to say something they’ll just point to the shirt and start banging on about autism instead of removing her from the environment that’s setting her off. I hate they way they use autism as an excuse to do whatever they like, they give autism a bad name.
Someone needs to do a photoshop of Pigrillabottomlessstomachpus having a whole meal in the reflection of those horrible sunglasses.
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Here is a picture of my little man, after he was puppy groomed. That's my dad holding him.

Also thank you to those who sent nice words, it was nice, I've been worrying about coming back here.
Oh my goodness that is the cutest floof I’ve ever seen, I could just smush and smooch his little face all day, I’d never get anything done lol. He’s absolutely adorable 🥰 Sorry you were worrying about posting, you are always welcome here, we are a tattle family and we are very happy to have you back 😊
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I stopped watching but I do read here still...and occasionally have to go look because you all are amazing with the commentary!

One thing I don't understand about these people is...what happened???? Not that Asa and Priscilla were ever good parents ...but at least on cam they seemed United and worked together with Abbie....Priscilla seemed more like a mother...

About a year after the move to moody she seemed to wake up one day and decided I want a fun single lifestyle with bffs, and booze, and lots of travel without any responsibility!!!

She blew out her stomach surgery , had her phone permanently fused to her hoof, if she's not online partying drinking and acting like she's 17, she's laying on a couch under a blanket playing on her phone like a teenager.....when did she just decide I don't want to be a wife, a mom, a caregiver, a parent, or part of this family anymore?

Did something happen between her and Asa? They live more like they have an " arrangement" then a family..marriage...

Just wondering if something specific happened?
Isaiah graduated highschool. After that her job as a mother was over in her eyes. She stopped doing anything with the school and volunteering. Once she wasn't obligated to be involved with Isaiah she was done. It was literally within days he graduated and they annouced she was stepping away from every single thing school related.

Abbie is Ass problem.
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I’m just going to leave this here. She has gained 45 lbs in her upper body alone. Above all things I despise about this woman, her outright lying is what gets my goat. She could have kept her fat, slack jawed mouth shut about her obvious failure…as she has done for years prior to a few days ago…but NO!
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They are so damn fake. Abbie is 18 you know your daughter Priscilla. You wanted to use her for clout and you couldn’t so you and Assa probably came up with this scheme on how you can spin it so you can get sympathy points and sell products. What losers.
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I’m a couple of hours away and would 100% be down for a road trip. But only if @WowMeowMeowWow comes! 😂

I remember that. She literally was a carbon copy of Abbie. Strange because Abbie resembles the Pig now 😂
Sounds like a plan! Let’s meet each other halfway. 😂 I will bring the horse trailer and we can go pick up @Angret and her critter tribe. I will bring the inflatable pig costume. LOL. When our vacay nears it’s end, I will leave said costume crumpled in a corner for The Maassives to find…kinda like how Kris Kringle left his cane in the corner for little Susan on Miracle on 34th St. 😂 The Tattler’s were here, Atha! 👀👀
I left you guyth yesterday evening, went down the road and purchased some new faces to bring on the trip!😂👇🏼👇🏼😂
BeeBee was less than thrilled. She definitely had a case of only pasture child syndrome. She has settled in and is now being quite the nurturing soul.


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I hope someone in that family has the wherewithal to make sure Priscilla is buried in that yellow dress since she loves wearing it so much.
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She already deleted the post. Sus.
Swifty probably made a call that she wants no affiliation with Piggy Thue.
Not good for her brand.
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She also said Abbie loves baked beans and could eat her weight in beans. Do they flip a coin on who has diaper duty 🤪

Prithcilla was trying to figure out how to get in a snout rub while both hands were deep into that chicken carcass.
So….I try and make sure we have a veggie every night. 90% of the time it is a meat and a veggie. Broccoli, squash, zucchini, brussel sprouts, asparagus, green beans, etc. Sometimes we will have black beans, black eye peas…I say this because they have an effect. A gaseous effect.😂 I won’t even go in to my experience with oat milk. Never again!
Baked beans…we all know what comes after eating them. Farts. This makes me curious as to how often Sweet Girl lets one rip in public. You know it happens!
I feel like Pig never has diaper duty. If she did, she would not be feeding that young lady the slop she dishes out.
And yes…she was snout rub stimming like a mofo! LMAO!
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Does anyone remember when Pig stole Crazy Nanny's cupcake and put it in the shepantry? CN was like "Where's my cupcake?!" and Pig sheepishly got it back out of the shepantry. I believe it was when Nanny took Abbie out in the car and she was throwing her shoes out of the window or some shit.
That’s hilarious. I’m surprised Pig confessed to the cupcake theft. I remember when Crazy Nanny took Abbie somewhere (bless her heart).. and she said Abbie threw her shoe or shoes out the window into the parking lot. I loved it when Crazy Nanny defiantly said, “And I’m not going back! “ (To retrieve the shoes.)

I give anyone other than Ass credit for bravery as far as attempting to take Abbie anywhere in the car with all her behaviors. I would not want the liability if anything would happen. She might elope, open the car door, refuse to get up off the floor, have a melt down, have a blow out from her diaper, break something, injure someone or herself, the list is endless. It’d be a nightmare. I’d sure love to hear all about Crazy Nanny’s experiences and thoughts as far as the Maases and Abbie.
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Were they buzzed off their asses? Abbie was trying to regulate herself the entire time. She was scared to walk down the alleyway and it looks like she was looking for reassurance but they all just stood there staring. It looked like she was going to try to communicate on her Ipad but then there was a jump cut. They also had her in lowes for over an hour. Lowes is a high sensory place. They gotta do what they gotta do but jeez, she needs things to stem with at least.
Her going down the steps was heart wrenching. They blob around like the world is their pig pen then cut to this innocent girl terrified of the stairs. Her life is so forgotten and sad.
I am happy she conquered them and I understand they need to let her do these things, but it just gives a glimpse about how lonely, scared, and forgotten she must feel all the time.
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Asa is live right now.

Boo fucking hoo…it made her cry.

Their spin (LIE) is she put it up, then reality set in and she realized if she won she couldn’t take Abbie.

He said she could still win and didn’t know what she’d do with the tickets.
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Oh will you pigs just FUCK OFF with your bullshit narratives, with the birthing unit crying like a pretend mummy (if she cares at all it's because she wants to go & dance to Tay tay with all the other cute young girls)
Did the moronic bitch forget what Abbie is like until all of a sudden reality returned?.

JUST FUCK OFF & keep your babbling food hole SHUT!!
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Part 2 after I got over the secondhand embarrassment from Isaiah shielding mama from the rain….

Assa and Priscilla take the family out to eat. Assa goes on about how stunning Priscilla looks, probably more promo for Slimelife. Of course Assa has his big ass camera in his hand recording the restaurant decor and bs.

Isaiah freaks out because of the restaurant prices. Assa says not to worry its only $25-$30 a meal. Well that’s expensive because he knows his mom is gonna chow down at least 3 of them.

Abbie likes girl time with Summer that’s why she’s not home blah blah blah
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