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😂😂 She rose from the Tattle graveyard twice. Once as a magician, second as another smelly failure. Maybe she is now Perciller’s new dentist, who knows? 😂😂
I must be thinking of someone else.... or combining a couple people lol

Maybe some behind the scenes conspiracy type thing haha.
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With Issie’s friends in the audience, does that mean they didn’t pass? Or are they doing a longer course or such?
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I must be thinking of someone else.... or combining a couple people lol

Maybe some behind the scenes conspiracy type thing haha.
It is easy to combine peeps after a couple of years.
Not sure what happened to your post, but…I would love to wake up as a magician too. 😂
Percillerpotamus’ late night tiki bar song.👇🏼👇🏼
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Its hard to get the slimming filter to work as good with multiple people..cue the black..I'm surprised the camera wasnt higher...cue Asshat and Pig hiding behind poor Abbie and GB..notice how Abbie looks much larger..even wearing black then some of the other more filtered photos of her. Pig did forget the fake waist move here.

Also... that hair on Abbie is looks horrible.. where is all the blown out, thick healthy hair Asshat featured a few times? It looks very unhealthy, stringy and thin.. and pulling it back right at her receding hairline?? she would look a thousand times better with a cute short style.

How in the world is Pig's face smaller then Abbie's in this pic??
That whole picture looks off to they took seperate pictures of Abs till they could get her to smile and photshopped her into their photo. The arm near her brother looks odd, and Prissassapotomus's hand doesn't even seem to be touching her.
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Speaking of bodily secrectian stains, I feel sick for the poor bastards renting the Maassive properties who are going to unknowingly sit on furniture sprayed by the Maassives nether regions. What piece of furniture hasn't been wee'd on or seen a blow out by Abbie or Twatty?
When I saw the word "blow" I panicked for a minute thinking you were talking about Sowsuey. She'd put anything in her mouth lol.
Who is she?
She needs more education.
Couldn't find concrete evidence of the 1st daughter? Lol
She's definitely lacking skills in sleuthing.
The normal daughter is 18 now so all bets are off. She can post what she wants to now.
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For example if they asked abbie if she wanted Mexican or Chinese for dinner. It doesn't matter if she wanted Mexican food if they wanted Chinese food then that's what they are having. So basically abbies choices don't matter as they never listen to her anyways.
I know and that to me is so sad. I get that you can't have choices all the time, but on times where it doesn't matter-give her the choice and honor it damn it!
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GB does not have it made. He lost out big time and he’ll keep on losing out. They want him to be a caretaker and work in the same field? He’s preprogrammed to burn out.

A college professor explained this to me when I was a freshman. I will be eternally grateful. She told me to not, under any circumstances, set myself up to be caregiving 24/7. The best thing I could do was get a job that I could leave at the office and not take on too much responsibility for my sibling. I’m glad I listened. The pressure was so intense from my parents and grandparents to be his skilled caregiver. I catch flack now for not having my sibling living with me. With this stuff you’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t. But life is easier if you don’t.
I don't think he knows any better except what he's been taught (brainwashed)
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Noir Fan

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Nice and btw I don’t want you to think I’m being judgy towards the price on one of those. My judgment is only towards the gluttonous pigs maassholes. They just buy shit to buy shit. Probably gonna be opening up a circus soon with Isaiah coming home. The popcorn machine is fitting.
Not judgy at all! Hubby probably spent about $50 at the time, at the most.
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What is going on in the first picture? He is laying on someone? Why does it look like he has four arms? Why are his legs cocked so funny?
This looks like the chalk outline of a body. Is this a real picture?
I thought the same thing! A deceased person's chalk outline! 😂
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@JunoandMaya, I was thinking of you when I made my post. Your older son is now a dad himself and I knew based on what you’ve posted that you never wanted the burden to fall solely on your older son. I have 3 other older siblings who try to help the oldest with helping my younger sister. Since I’ve worked in social services for nearly 29.5 years, I was able to give the oldest sister all of the available resources she needed to find a program and more independent living situation for the younger one. We found that when my father was alive, they didn’t advocate hard enough to get enough in disability benefits for my younger sister. I was able to find out who to contact to have the younger sister reevaluated to see if she is eligible for more disability as my younger sister has developed more health issues since my father’s death. In the 6 years between each parents deaths, my mother didn’t follow up with anything but then again she had her own health issues that the five of us didn’t know about or recognize until it was too late.

Yes he is a dad himself now and has his own things going on. That is fantastic that you were able to point your sister in the right direction as far as services and such. It can be overwhelming even for us, so I can only imagine how it is for someone who has never dealt with all this before. That is one thing our case manager helps us with at the moment. All this adult stuff like SSI, future plans, wait lists for waivers, etc. Having documentation of every single diagnosis Abbie qualifies for will only help her in the future. I don't understand why they won't do this. Maybe they have and are just not sharing it, but if that's the case, then can they really say they are all about raising awareness and helping other families? We definitely want our oldest son to keep visiting and he really does believe in family taking care of family, so I don't think he'll just leave his brother out to dry, but we've never planned on him being the sole caretaker.
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Will be interesting to see what they dig up on these two. Too bad the documents might possibly be sealed by then. If it's anything like they do in Texas, they'll check everything. My husband got into some minor mischief with some bad kids he was hanging out with when he was a teen. They were able to see this when they did background checks. My son's court appointed attorney was actually annoyed that they even questioned it.
I would think all Asses dishonesty with the child support would get him. Maybe we'll get lucky and the documents will remain unsealed. 🤞
You are 100% correct!! I live in Texas and work for the state, they do a background check and run your prints with the FBI...Don't Mess with Texas, is just not a slogan!!
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