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Whale…she spends 75% of this Live in the dark. You can’t see her, but you damn sure can hear her wheezing around in the shadows. Apparently, camera angles are of no concern when you think nobody can see you, but Pig…of all people…should know there is an app and filters for that sorcery. 😂
If Twatty Beast was a pretty woman she could look like John Candy as Divine at the next Hunopalooza with Pinky and the girls. Twatty has the same lisp as John did 🥴 😂

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He actually said “just a little whisker stimming over there…” 🤮
I know! I couldn't believe it. I'm so jealous, lol.
A great big Tattle ‘Neer THANK YOU & CONGRATULATIONS to @Srsmom for providing us with a hilarious and truthful title for thread #157.
Amazing! Simply ahhhhmazing! ❤
Y’all please give her all the tattle love your teats have to offer! 😂
View attachment 2166230
You need to put Isaiah suckin' on one if those!
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Chatty Member
Ok, this may be unpopular and appear that I'm anti- Abbie, but damn. o_O
Why would anyone else be expected to step in and care for Abbie? Or want to?
Elderly grandparents? Seriously?! The same Abbie who tantrums, beats P's ass and gives Asa a run for his money?
Or even GB? I'm sure someday he really may want to have a family and not have his 30 /40 year old sister terrorizing them.

Why would any state want to assume responsibility for anyone? The state has already agreed to care for Abbie for her entire life. That waiver will cover her future housing somewhere. And if Medicaid is good enough to house our elderly in nursing homes, and other disabled people in housing or nursing homes, its good enough for Abbie. Why wouldnt it be?
They arent being shipped off to some dank building hidden in the woods. We are a generation removed from the institution/warehousing days.
And since we, the taxpayers, are paying for this care- if we expect the state to somehow individually manage case by case, we better be prepared to pay for it.

JMO, and just sayin'. :) 🤷‍♀️:)
It’s not a warehouse but it’s also not top quality care. Gov assisted programs get bare min funding. It’s no different than public school vs private school. There is a reason one is free and the other cost a shit ton of money.
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I’m not sure about the criminal stuff but can someone answer about abandonment?

Supposedly child abandonment disqualifies someone from becoming a legal guardian.

“Abandoned” or “abandonment” means a situation in which the parent or legal custodian of a child or, in the absence of a parent or legal custodian, the caregiver, while being able, makes no provision for the child’s support and has failed to establish or maintain a substantial and positive relationship with the child. For purposes of this subsection, “establish or maintain a substantial and positive relationship” includes, but is not limited to, frequent and regular contact with the child through frequent and regular visitation or frequent and regular communication to or with the child, and the exercise of parental rights and responsibilities. Marginal efforts and incidental or token visits or communications are not sufficient to establish or maintain a substantial and positive relationship with a child.”

Would Assa’s first daughter count as Abandonment?
I don't think so no. Since Ass was never a legal guardian nor ever had a presence in her life.

Though the fact he hid employment and funds, refused to report changes in income even though court ordered, would seem more of an issue. Child support avoidance and all that.
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I’m actually going back to work tomorrow after 8 weeks being off from heart surgery. I technically don’t have to return until June 14th but I miss working and I’m healthy enough to go back early so I can help our staff shortage
Wonderful news!
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What is wrong with these people? They have to be blind or drunk or high or just not all there. These comments were posited under her Barney costume
I wonder where the hu
What is wrong with these people? They have to be blind or drunk or high or just not all there. These comments were posited under her Barney costume
She looks like an oversized wilted wisteria flower. Perfect for Spring!
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For contrast purposes….my 21 year old son when he studied abroad last summer (Split, Croatia). They really have screwed GB up in sooo many ways, but I don’t see him taking control of his life anytime soon. What a trip they sent him on!😜
Wowee! Your son has an excellent toned body as should any healthy active 21 yr old. Hogboy is streets away from ever looking as good as that.
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Ok so this Sherie is like a stalker she knows a lot about them. She once knew their flight information. Absolutely crazy. And look at this random guy leaving a selfie. It’s so creepy. These are the type that watch to see Abbie. It’s disgusting. Priscilla and Asa are absolutely disgusting people to put their severely disabled daughter all over the internet and especially showing her in her bathing suit like they do. They are just as bad as the creeps.
Now this makes me angry. Any decent parents would respect their children's privacy and not expose them to creeps like this. And, if incidents like this happened, it would be addressed immediately.

Abbie is nothing more than a circus freakshow to these two fat lumps of lard. Where's the focus on her safety and, most importantly, HER WELLBEING?
Well, if Isaiah still has a girlfriend after this weekend, it’ll be a miracle. After posting this “cute” shot on his vlog. Asa truly is an ass. Do they not want Isaiah to succeed in life? Sabotaging his social life, making him drive 8 hours home when he should have stayed in Boone studying. And Priscilla made fun of somebody? Really? Pot calling the kettle black, living in glass houses, etc. And Abbie over there “stimming” on her Grandpa. Folks, that’s one fucked up family. Zoo, freak show….doesn’t begin to describe it. 😵😵💫🫣😳🤬🤪😖😱🙄🤡View attachment 2166766
No bullet points re
Well, if Isaiah still has a girlfriend after this weekend, it’ll be a miracle. After posting this “cute” shot on his vlog. Asa truly is an ass. Do they not want Isaiah to succeed in life? Sabotaging his social life, making him drive 8 hours home when he should have stayed in Boone studying. And Priscilla made fun of somebody? Really? Pot calling the kettle black, living in glass houses, etc. And Abbie over there “stimming” on her Grandpa. Folks, that’s one fucked up family. Zoo, freak show….doesn’t begin to describe it. 😵😵💫🫣😳🤬🤪😖😱🙄🤡View attachment 2166766
No mention of completing assignments or revising for exams? Shows what sort of student he really is.

When I was at uni, I prioritised getting my assignments/tutorial exercises completed and revising for exams to get good marks. He's more interested in being a cool guy and getting more money and content for his YouTube channel to be Mr Popular. Like parents, like son.
Weren't they supposed to work on personal space and all that? If they're not following thru then don't act surprised when someone (therapist) highlights it to you!
Mind you, they invade her personal space which explains why she does it. They need to set a good example for her.

How about, to help her understand personal space, use a story about her favourite film/TV characters e.g. how would Elsa feel if Anna invaded her personal space, or how would the trolls feel in this situation? That way, she'll be more interested and she'll be able to understand it better.

At the same time, they could teach her to sign people's names e.g. Mum, Dad, Grandpa as well as "Can I sit with you?" or "Can we do this?" so that she can communicate her needs effectively.
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That whole picture looks off to they took seperate pictures of Abs till they could get her to smile and photshopped her into their photo. The arm near her brother looks odd, and Prissassapotomus's hand doesn't even seem to be touching her.
Because she hates Abbie, can't even bear physical contact.
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Chatty Member
That's silly. Literally a video of them admitting to it. Court child support records that are ooen to the public.. That's zero effort put in.
I think that was her way of mentioning it but not speaking on it. I think she mainly wanted to focus on exploitation.
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