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She can barely fit through the doors inside the tin can without turning sideways.

Is this an actual group?
Hey Sweets! 😘 Where I snagged the video from? Nah! Just someone making the best outta all the YouTube accounts that have been shunned by Ass Maassive. 🤩
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I am not sure what kind of proof or info you want from me. I don’t want to cause any trouble or problems like I said I left on my own and was not fired and I don’t know much about these people I only worked for them. I have only seen a few of the videos on YouTube but other than that I have no clue about them and some of the questions I was asked earlier today did not make much sense to me so I was having trouble to answer them
Did they make you and other employees sign an NDA?
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According to the interwebs, the HunFest in Colorado starts July 28. Wonder if Isaiah will wait until then to join the rolling cesspool or what. I can't WAIT to see what Omar has prepared for Pig's love fest with the huns. She's about 40 pounds heavier than last year, so I'm sure they'll have plenty of video of the Pig dancing to Baby Got Back!
The Pig announced that he was joining them in MN, in a few days (I think it was one of her IG posts)… So, he will be flying out shortly and be there for the HunFest…
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Some of the people here sound like they got something real personal against these people. I read so many people make comments about how they treat Abbie but I have not seen them mistreat her or neglect her in anyway so I am not sure where you all are getting that from and hoping she goes to a group home or something. That is so crazy to want a child to be put in a crooked system
Yeah I dislike them but not enough to have my life revolve around them and harass them and how come every one repeats the same things with no original thought
Plus I find it very hard to believe that people on this site are active and not obese so why all the fat jokes
But yea I get that this is a different forum so keep up the snark as I’m enjoying reading on my end
Hey Ass! How are you?It’s been a while. I know PiggyCilla isn’t allowed on Tattle per your orders. Give her our regards!

Yep... saw it from a mile away ... like I said.. take these types with a grain of salt.

The Massives are GRIFTERS who prey on the weak minded... who brag about #105 lbs down.. while we see her eating like a contestant on my 600 lb life. So there may be over weight people posting here... but that really isn't the point..they dont put their lives out there like the Massives...
I love you guys. F’in right. If you don’t like it Ain’t nuthin (cough cough Assa) move on!
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I would really be interested , in total how much this RV trip will cost in total ? Gas is doubled this summer , they also seem to grocery shop at each location as well as eat out at least once per stop . They had to fix the RV in which he said cost around $700.00 . They really seem as if they have so much disposable income.. I would love to see In 10 years what their vacations consist of when social media is a thing of tha past and Piggy”s limelife is no longer …
I had asked that question a while ago and if I remember estimated realistic guesses came in around 20K plus.
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Doing great!
She had a rough last ten years I’d say… and it was hard to watch from far off.. I had a hard time being close to her for a while because, I guess the TL;dr version would be that she one of the many things she suffered with was bi-polar , but instead of the manic-depressive that I got, hers was more aggressive-manic. (I did a lot of research while she was growing up and found that children who take THAT MUCH Ritalin at THAT young of an age can really develop aggression issues.) Combine that with (what I found out later) “trauma” of me moving out (we’re 7 years apart)..

I found out later that she had a real hard time processing my leaving and took it as abandonment when in reality it was time for me to move out on my own. I kept in touch with her, and she would go from “needing her sister” where she would bring up very specific , memories that she cherished (remember when you told me the “you’ll be in my heart” Tarzan song was about us? I need my sissy time”) then an almost an INSTANT, get enraged, try to physically fight me and even tell lies to my boyfriends that I was cheating on them with such made up detail it was scary. The first time she met the guy I’ve been with for 12 years, she kept flashing him her private parts, she was about 11..
But then a week later she would need her sissy…
(She would do this all the way back when she was 4, extremely loving, than extremely.. just vicious in a way.)
One time she even tried to pull a knife on me..
So I had to distance myself even tho I knew it hurt her.. I was trying to fix my own life, ya know. But I never lost touch.

… she got mixed up with a lot of sex (she saw it as a way to make people like her) and drugs and even lost a kid To the state. But I never stopped loving her..

I’ve known her my whole life. I was the one bringing her to school when I dropped out, I knew she was divergent with more than one diagnosis before anyone… I helped calm her when I could and I played with her all the time . (I think it’s the fact that I enjoy meeting kids at their INDIVIDUAL level that makes me want to go into helping others)
My parents eventually even started to come to me for understanding. (Psh.. AFTER she moved away from them)

anyways, TL;dr and I said all this because
I can safely say this is the LONGEST she has gone being as balanced as she is. I would say two whole years, that’s ALOT for her.. I finally felt comfortable completely opening that relationship back up. Although I wish she would challenge herself a little more intellectually, like going for her license (she said she can pass the driving test but she can’t retain the info to study for the “written” part)
I honestly think she could! But, she is a mother again and is an AMAZING MOTHER!!! 100% I feel that child is safe with her and she finally got a decent dude in her life that I feel honestly takes care of her after so many abusive pricks…

Anyways, sorry for the rant on here. I never really talk about this to anyone because it’s never really an appropriate time, ya know.. but I feel here, y’all can understand what I’m talking about. So it just felt good writing it all down.. todays my 35th birthday so I’m feeling a lil existential haha
Happy birthday!
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THAT IS AMAZING! That is a big deal! I’m very happy for you. Congratulations!

(Skip this part if too long)
I don’t have a child, but I’ve always been drawn to young children who require alternative learning. I really want to go back to school for it. I was the first person to notice something divergent about my sister. My parents didn’t believe me… she was 3.. I was 10.. she’d get diagnosed a whole year later.. repeat kindergarten 3 times then pass because of some law forbidding her to stay back, with no alternatives, and our parents just kept her doped up non-stop.. I was the only one in the world who cared.. so at age 13, I made an entire lesson plan and taught her myself..
But I couldn’t stay long in that house once I hit my teens.. so toxic
She’s 28 now, never held a job, with a 3rd grade education and has lived a HARD life… a lot of it out of her hands.

Thinking of my sisters face when she was in her 20s.. going through alot of stuff..when we were looking in the sky and I explained to her that stars are the same thing as our sun. She never knew, and it absolutely amazed her. She still brings it up

So anyways, I know the feeling of watching someone you love strive and succeed…

Continuous learning is so vital. Of course you go at the pace of the child, but there are times a little challenge has to come their way. Not in a disruptive, uncomfortable or overly-stressful way, but in maybe trying something new. And I don’t mean a new RESTAURANT or a new CANDY STORE.. but new ways of learning. Something I NEVER see them do… they’ve completely given up.. not even trying to teach her new signs..

I could say more, but I’m just rambling
I just wanted to say, I’m very proud of both of you! Your got your son set up for success!
The MASSives have become a great teaching tool.. as in what will happen when everyone gives up.
Honestly guys.. the fall season of FA is gonna prove to be quite a depressing one…
How is your sister now? SHE MUST LOVE YOU LOTS
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What is interesting, go back to the original postings...the syntax, grammar, mis-spelling's, etc. This post, is WAY better, seems to be 2 different authors or someone that was trying to be misleading...just an observation.
Noticed that. They were pretending to be challenged in that area but all of the sudden they can create coherent, grammatically correct sentences.
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Yep.. so plastic food bags it is.. it means she’s bored out of her mind gonna be a great chef some day!

This is a good example of why I think I could do well with children or adults with ID, etc..

I LOVE playing with kids toys. Interactive projects.. creativity and art…Legos, Matchbox cars, bored games, those little boxes of projects you get from Walmart .. You know what I’d gift Abbie with if she were in my life? A Bop It. I know she wouldn’t be able to do the memorization, but Bop It’s have an open play option.. where it just plays the music and Abbie play it in any order she desires. It also is great for her weak hands to get better at pulling and twisting things… and the best part is you can turn it down and I don’t think Abbie has the capacity to go into the settings to turn it back up..

It’s too bad Abbie wasn’t a 90s girl.. the 90s were the best when it came to toys FOR TEENAGERS even, that made a lot of noise and buttons..

Anyone remember YakBak?
You could hit buttons for music, sound effects, and you could record your voice..
I had one that had this cone you’d pull out to make your voice do different effects…

Can you imagine, giving Abbie a toy, that she not only loves cause it makes sounds, but by just teaching her to hit one button, she could record her self “talking”… so not only does she like the sounds, it makes “talking” funView attachment 1414817

My kiddo loves all the interactive stuff too. They have got some really cool toys for kids these days!
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I am not sure what kind of proof or info you want from me. I don’t want to cause any trouble or problems like I said I left on my own and was not fired and I don’t know much about these people I only worked for them. I have only seen a few of the videos on YouTube but other than that I have no clue about them and some of the questions I was asked earlier today did not make much sense to me so I was having trouble to answer them
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The purse situation is astonishing. My cross-body purses hit me at my hip or below. P’s is barely below her boobs! Granted, I’m only five feet tall, but isn’t she on the short side, as well?
I think she is thinking…camouflage?!? Lol

This just popped up on my FB, this is how a normal adult fits into a hammock, notice how she isn't like 3 inches from the ground. Also she probably doesn't have to flop into it. Mark my word, Pig will have broken that hammock by the end of the trip. Since she has gained so much weight since last year's Palooza, I'm sure some of the Huns will be shocked. Oh God please don't have her be Dropping It Like It's Hot on the Dance Floor.. at her current weight that would be disgusting to watch. Too bad she doesn't read our comments, do not dress in a short sequined, tight ass dress! You are too fat, correction obese, act like such a fool, and don't realize others are laughing at you.. not with you. Remember, you guys are 'kinda' trash. You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.🐷🐖🐽
This just popped up on my FB, this is how a normal adult fits into a hammock, notice how she isn't like 3 inches from the ground. Also she probably doesn't have to flop into it. Mark my word, Pig will have broken that hammock by the end of the trip. Since she has gained so much weight since last year's Palooza, I'm sure some of the Huns will be shocked. Oh God please don't have her be Dropping It Like It's Hot on the Dance Floor.. at her current weight that would be disgusting to watch. Too bad she doesn't read our comments, do not dress in a short sequined, tight ass dress! You are too fat, correction obese, act like such a fool, and don't realize others are laughing at you.. not with you. Remember, you guys are 'kinda' trash. You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.🐷🐖🐽
Fortunately she doesn’t “drop it like it’s hot“ but unfortunately she does perform “Baby got back”…Always…never fails…she is known for it…it’s sad and cringe!
Thank you for identifying the orange slop. How can anyone eat a consistant diet of heavy and greasy food, especially for breakfast! It's the summer, and tons of fresh fruit is available. A breakfast of strawberries and yogurt is so refreshing and filling. Their bodies would likely go into some sort of shock if a fresh fruit or vegetable slid down their gullets.
Gastric bypass here! 130lbs and 18 yrs ago(2002)✋ my number 1 breakfast is Dannon plain and strawberries. ESP now in US the 🍓 are so yummy and sweet. I would DIE if I ate potatoes, eggs with cheese and bacon…die…100%

I think she is thinking…camouflage?!? Lol

Gastric bypass here! 130lbs and 18 yrs ago(2002)✋ my number 1 breakfast is Dannon plain and strawberries. ESP now in US the 🍓 are so yummy and sweet. I would DIE if I ate potatoes, eggs with cheese and bacon…die…100%
Plus my human daughter and my fuzzy 4 legged daughter love the yogurt too! It’s a win win. Ab should be eating what I’m serving…lol


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Is Gayvid high or special needs?
My suspicion is that he might be on the autism spectrum himself. That or just not the brightest bulb in the box.

I have been under the impression that he does most of their social media, along with all the filming and editing. I could be wrong though. His wife just doesn't seem that involved in much besides being on camera.
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Cindy has all the hallmarks of severe poly-cystic ovary syndrome. It can be a debilitating condition. There isn't a ton she can do about her appearance beyond painful hair removal treatments that generally have to be repeated.

Her behavior online is mockworthy but mocking a medical condition is......y'know. Not great.
Absolutely agree

Thank you so much for informing me. I have no intention of making fun of her looks. Espically with a medical condition. I just wanted a lil background .

I really appreciate you telling me
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The purse situation is astonishing. My cross-body purses hit me at my hip or below. P’s is barely below her boobs! Granted, I’m only five feet tall, but isn’t she on the short side, as well?
Same here! I am small too and my purse hits at my hip unless I choose to yank up the strap haha! Maybe that’s what’s going on with P’s purse.
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