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I actually noticed that Assa has been showing a lot less Abbie. And sometimes I don't even notice her in the VIDEO.
View attachment 905258
I didn't even notice her in Summer's lap, until they were asked to say goodbye. If she's already sleeping why are they not just putting her up in her room? And then they wonder why she can't sleep. 🤷
*The whole comment section is saying oh sorry about your loss, but at least I found this peach of a comment. The weirdos never disappoint.
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View attachment 905265
Some of these people actually think Abbie is God, and people are treating her like that. It's like she is the special one with autism, and also severely mentally impaired. They also think that people in her family make her the center of their universe. 🤣😂😅😆😭
Wow..that is very odd..even for the Humpiest HUMPER. One .,,, Abbie really has no interest in dogs...Two... getting a dog is a HUGE family decision that you live with for possibly close to 20 years...So they think Abbie is so special she can just point out a dog and name it Granola... She would "point out" a dog like she chooses Pumpkins..just point her finger so they will leave her alone.

How in the world can they get some of these HUMPERS to be sooooo deluded???? These are the people that also send them money, buy dumb ornaments, sign up for slimelife or buy slimelife products..cause .. you know P has "goals".
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@Sweetums I wish I could give you the biggest hug and kitty kiss.❤ The sharing here has been everything a Christmas/Holiday season should be about. I admire the fact that we can laugh, snark, talk shit and also be much as strangers on the internet can be. It is a blessing. You guyth are a blessing. I am honored to spend part of my life with y’all. ❤
So sorry to hear Santa Slouch couldn’t make it to work. 😂 Those damn morning mimosas will do it every time, huh Papa Moobs?😂

Ahhhhhhh! Okay. Now it all makes sense. Papa Fatmaass is most likely talking Pig out of opening that second bottle of vodka about right now. 😂
Oh Moobie..just get back in the kitchen and shut your snout you little bitch. Mama Sow is needing to be fed soon. Go on now.
Moooove along.
View attachment 907387
And why are they working the hockey games? The private parties and events?
I thought SW was "hands off" and going to be ran by staff?? :unsure: :unsure:
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Oh how the mighty have fallen. I just went to see if there was a vlog today. Didnt see one, but!--

The past 20 vlogs....TWENTY.... he only had 2 that hit 50k in views.
"Brother Comes Home" and "Goodbye Old Friend"(the one about the SFA founders death with the clickbait pic of tiny Abbie as a thumbnail.)
P's chip bag feet? 49k. But is been up for ten days! And frankly he probably gained a few views from "that POS". :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Yesterdays Thanksgiving vlog? 26k.
Even the lying clickbait "Singing with her Brother" only hit 46k. Even his clickbait is failing LOL.

Where are they Asa?? Where the 595,000 members of the Maass Squad??
Less than TEN PERCENT of your subs are watching.
No wonder you're begging for likes, trying to start shit, bringing back "Vlogmas", etc.
Keeping bailing, but this channel is as dead as your boat! 😂 😂
He is in trouble and he knows it. He is beginning to behave like a cornered wild animal - desperately lashing out in an ever increasing aggressive manner. The fact there is no vlog tonight tells me they are licking their wounds.
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Noir Fan

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Happy Hanukkah to your daughter. A lot of us Jews love Christmas, we look at it in a secular way. It's not about Jesus being born, it's not about anything Christian in our eyes. It's about the decorations, the presents, the being around family and there's something magical about Santa. Some people say Santa is about Saint Nicholas, but to me he's a fictional character. It's not religious to me. It's just fun. There's a lot of Jewish people like me who feel the same way. Happy Holidays to everyone!
Thank you! I love Christmas Day, but not the Christmas month-long season - way too commercialized for me. I like Christmas movies as well. I plan to watch Scrooge (1951), Its a Wonderful Life, Oliver, Christmas Vacation, and of course, Bing Crosby Specials. That's my type of Christmas. :) And Happy Holidays to all my Tattle friends - whichever holiday you celebrate!
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View attachment 892555
Pigcilla, nobody would give a shit how much you weigh if you would quit LYING and just admit your WLS failed. You could use your platform for the good and explain what went wrong to help others.
I know several people who have had WLS and there is no way they would fill their plate up like that even at Thanksgiving. If they overeat, they actually get sick. I don’t know how that hasn’t been the case with P. She is a medical anomaly in more ways than one.
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Good God Almighty.
Im paraphrasing, but heres Big P's kitchen talk.
"And I talked to her. I told her how much her brother wanted to go to a hockey game. And we want her to be with us. I asked if she could try and she said yes."
Are you friggin kidding me?!
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D R U N K? Or just STUPID?View attachment 894322
P was filming the bartender and said "youcanneverhavtoomuchtequila...thoooo....." She sounded like she had too much tequila....also...fried green beens???

They think they are so important..."influencers night"... really? I looked on facebook and it is their grand opening..nothing about "influencers night"
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How the hell did Abby tell them she wanted to go to the hockey game? Is it on her I pad. I’m sure she told them she wanted to go to the hockey game, after riding her bike to Publix and picking out and paying for food for dinner. They disgust me with their narrative. They are so far entwined with their lies that they don’t even know what is true anymore. And Abby looks absolutely terrified. And the forced hug was probably a way to try to keep her from getting up and running off.
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How many times can he say VIP in one VLOG.... He is so proud of himself to be the Juicy Crab

OMG..Asshat is insufferable in this VLOG...Influencer/VIP/Influencer.... one thing that helped with "autism friendly" was that there weren't many people there.
OMG I was going nuts.
That greasy, funky little fuck.
And then when they got to the truck, and he said that P "gave them such good advice about what to do next" -
I swear, a blood vessel popped in my brain. :eek::eek:
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The restaurant is simply looking for free advertising but Pigcilla has twisted that into being “invited” because she’s so special and important. The delusion is strong in the Big One.
Yup....she thinks she's "all that, and a bag of chips" pun intended, lol.
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Melissa Roper

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*Do you remember last week when Joshy poo made that snark video about the chip bags on Cilla's feet?
*ASSa was totally disrespectful to Gabby, and a lot of the humpers and "FA fans" and tattle people here said that was really disrespectful.
*Didn't he say it was wrong to make money off of other people's content or things that happen in their lives and families? And he doesn't like that he's making a profit off of his wife, because she was having a bad week?
*1. He makes a video about his sister's dog that he hardly knew.
2. He talks about the Ballinger family, which they don't even know personally about a family members death. (He mentions in the video that they have no comment section, it's because their children are minors and can't consent, and that's what YouTube does to most family vloggers) I'm still wondering how he has comments! But getting to the point.
*Cancer Sucks
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I certainly think that if Big P stopped getting all up in her face and in her space all the time then she might not get attacked quite so often. She backs Abbie into a corner sometimes and she has nowhere to go. I'd more than push her away if she came towards me with her giant girth. Pure and simple it's a fight or flight response, Abbie chooses to fight. Poor Abbie. And Ass Face telling everyone to 'love on Pricilla' just because she's had a 'hard' week is sick making. Boohoo, you scam people and open unsustainable businesses try doing some real work. How about you's both stop making poor life choices then your weeks might go better. I've got news for you too.... if you stop filming yourself doing stupid shit like put crisp bags on your feet and flap about like a 8 year old school girl who's been paired up with a smelly boy for group work, then people are going to make videos making fun of you because laughing at you is fucking hilarious! It's not even hate, I would make fun of my best friend if they did that too!
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Chatty Member
I noticed in Isaiahs video when he was taking pics of Ab, he got a bag of funyums out of the back of Pigs car. He said sometimes you need an edible reinforcement. At least he admits it and I thought the pics were really nice.
So Pig must keep all kinds of treats in the back of her luxury vehicle to bribe Ab everytime she is alone with her. Or for a quick snack or 10 for herself.
And, one must be prepared in case one needs a pair of chip bag footwear to walk in mud to retrieve an iPad or something. 😉
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Comments on Lauren’s weight loss surgery vlog:View attachment 899292View attachment 899293
I love that Lauren is considering WLS. Not because I follow her, but because of the heat it is going to put on Big P. Even the humpiest of humpers will not be able to deny her failure once more comments start rolling in, or Lauren starts losing. I'm wondering if she will sneak off and try for a revision. If so, we will notice right away. The sudden lack of Dunkin coffees, eating out, etc., thats 75% of every vlog! 🐽🐽
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BTW, Tattle friends -
Be cautious over the holiday season & make sure to get your booster shots if you're able. I got my booster and my kids got their first shots a couple weeks ago, just in time for my younger child's hospital stay in one of the 6 open pediatric beds our (very) large hospital system had left. The adult beds aren't faring much better. One of our regular nurses, who my child and I just adore, was shocked. For years I've never seen him anything other than positive and cheerful for the kids but things are bad and only getting worse.

There are very real concerns about Omicron. The increase in my workload over the last couple weeks was fairly unexpected - it seemed Delta was fading, but an uptick in cases made us concerned something else was going on. Apparently something was, indeed, going on. Take it seriously, take care of yourself, take care of your loved ones.
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What the ....

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I can't believe this! I just posted on here about Ass being Piggies behind the scenes bitch and now he is owning up to it! What the fuck is going on? Look how he asked permission to say a price

Is he embracing his inner bitch?
Is he feeling like she could do better at the race to "dun dun million dollars" so he has to get involved.
Is she making him work cause he ain't getting paid anywhere else?

Hey Moobs, if she is forcing you to sling Slimelife play w/ your left moob and moo like a cow 2 times in the next vlog...:sneaky: we will send in the Canadian to save you:m
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