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VIP Member
Oh God. If that’s a day out of her life, then mine is fucking epic. 😂😂I have a flexi day today and the amount of shit I’ve done today and it’s not even noon! 😂Most of us feel like we’re on a hamster wheel, running between work and home and running a household and doing the best for our kids. But what is she at? I wouldn’t put the bins out without looking at least presentable. How she comes on to all of these followers in that state? It’s relatable to the lazy slobs out there who are themselves probably poor excuses for parents. She looks to be struggling in a big way. Her appearance for starters and the boring content, face like a slapped arse and no spirit or life to her. Maybe some mid life crisis but something is up and it’s obvious from how she’s coming across. By the way if Chris hasn’t left, there’s something brewing with the marriage or his job - or both.
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Active member
I mean she lied about how she was going there first off, makes out sienna saying she will save her pennies to go on holiday as something cute- it's not grace it's really really sad. She has come on for 2 little vids since being there and has rolled her eyes at her kids and gritted her teeth at them. She needs to be sent to a parenting classes and how to act on screen. She is just a fucking heartless cow end off. Send them to kids club as soon as I can, eyes light up at the taught of it . Calling it now Chris isnt there and she has dragged anne with her. If this is suppose to make her come across as a great fucking mammy she has failed that from the minute she said she was going away.
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My god they are childish. Sounds like a stroppy teenager whoever it is. Only short of sticking out their tongue going nah nah nah nah nah nah.
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Chatty Member
The recent posts and reels are just absolutely tragic.
She’s trying to keep up with the ASMR trend and editing of meal prep on tik tok but she has neither the editing skills or the imagination to make anything look good. She had no finesse at all, everything is just flung together job done.
As for that abysmal lunchbox. Is that anything to be proud of? A peperami and a sliced egg. The complete opposite of inspirational.
It’s dire. She has to know this is not good?
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She had Coke Zero in her grocery story. The Dr. Pepper scene was staged. Embarrassing.
She was obsessed with pepsi max cherry too remember..

What it boils down to is she is lazy.... has had it handed to her on a plate her whole life... everything given to her while doing the bare minimum .. remember lock down- the amount of free food and platters she took ... greed took over her .. and unfortunately for Grace, there are too many people now posting good videos, great edits, put actual work into their insta pages..

And then there's Grace.

She is hanging onto insta life by the scruff of the neck...

She isn't unwell..

Just lazy .
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VIP Member
We’ve had groceries put into a trolley and then groceries fucked onto the table.

Next up in the content, throwing groceries in cupboards.

In what universe is this influencing? She’s beyond a parody at this stage.
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Since when is raw carrot classed as dairy and a peperami 🤢🤢🤢 a vegetable???
I give my kids sandwiches and yogurt and a piece of fruit. What the fuck is in that lunch box surely she’d be starving!!
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Well-known member
Are they spending the entire holiday in kids club?? They are in creche every day wouldn't you think she'd give them a break from it? Jesus she rots me
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Well-known member
Congratulations to @lovelyladylumps for the winning thread title 🥳🥳🥳 You win a bruised red pepper to feed you and your entire family.

Recap of #84

Grace said she was going to come on for more chats and create more content. She hasn't been seen since.

Okay, okay, slight exaggeration - she showed us her cleaning her kitchen and she also did a food shop. #justicefortheredpepper

Grace also asked her viewers to DM her to remind her to post content.

Yes, she really said that.

On her professional account.

It's supposed to be her job.

Continue on guys and dolls.
I want to thank the Tattle Academy for this award! None of this would be possible without our leading lady, Tallaght’s finest Grace and her riveting daily content!
I’m off out to buy a 2nd coffee machine as a treat as one coffee machine is not enough! I’m sure this thread will be just as good as the last 84 😊
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Her family and Chris all need to cop on and stop enabling her, why is her 70 year old mother making her a dinner mid week. This is what happens when you get spoilt rotten all your life, you can’t then cope with basic day to day life skills in your thirties this is why she is the way she is now unfortunately.
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Every time you think she just can't stoop any lower....

Letting on that they had booked a surprise holiday for the kids when it was really a last minute pr trip right in middle of off-peak season.
Herself whinging to Evoke or Goss or one of those earlier in the week about poor her not getting to spend Valentines with her husband, when they were going to be heading off abroad on a family trip.
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Chatty Member
Isn't it just digusting that the rest of us are working and saving hard for holidays and she does f**k all every day and they get a free holiday, just no shame, it drives my blood pressure up
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I think she should work in The Square at a cafe making milky coffees.
I honestly don't think she'd be able for this either! At peak times it's a tough job, bang out coffee after coffee as quick as you can, customers getting impatient, specific demands of customers and not making mistakes under pressure. You are on your feet all day, cleaning and replenishing in the down time.
She would probably think she would stand about sipping on a latte and make the odd coffee for people and chat them for a few mins, all relaxed like!
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VIP Member
I know I say this weekly at this stage but def working on a trolling story ...also look at the st pats page there have been so many events/ surveys she has not been seen at our mentioned ...suddenly a cyber bullying one and she appears ....

Matchstick are def pushing her with the sudden increase in content / exposure too ..
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VIP Member
Well now we know why the kids aren’t in Disneyland, they weren’t offered a freebie trip and those two certainly aren’t paying to bring them anywhere. Which would be absolutely fine if it was a thing money was tight but there’s no shortage of it for things for themselves.
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