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Gerry o

VIP Member
I'll repeat what I said again. I'm all for these fools being called out but there is a right way to do it. Stick to the facts and don't go personal.

Don't let a few actual trolls dilute the message.

I really hope people won't be deterred from messaging, Dm'ing and emailing brands to call out shady behaviour. As someone who used to work in this area you cannot ignore complaints, you have to act on it at some point. It DOES make an impact.

Don't come for me for being cocky but I'm taking full credit for the Beacon slap on the wrist. I kept complaining to them directly. I called them up etc and in fairness they gave me a sincere apology and agreed it was very unprofessional and they'd have a word with the person in question (Mags).

For anyone that doesn't know what I'm on about. Greasy had a horrific back injury (sarcasm). And Mags bumped your girl to the top of the Q in the beacon because she works there. But they then proceeded to gloat about it on one of their infamous lives. At the time I was waiting for a test in there myself so this really struck a nerve with me.

Please keep calling these fools out. Just keep it factual and measured. Stay away from personal attacking and spamming, you're ruining all the good work so many of us are doing.
I came to tattle as I was getting sick of getting blocked or my comments being jumped on by other people on blaggers instas- even if it was constructive comments..

Now here on tattle, comments are being moderated... 'oh she can't win' etc etc.. This is tattle- where the threads are about people who get on every single nerve in our bodies..🤷‍♀️

If people don't like comments or think they are offensive - hit report and admins will decide and deal with it.
Don't write to the poster with a tut tut attitude.

Sorry, had to get that off my chest...

Happy Tuesday guysssss😂😂😂💛🥳
Well done you 👍 that’s prob why mags has been so quiet lately and the lives stopped they haven’t a clue how the world works but that beacon situation was dreadful and I hope mags got a right telling off😊👍
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It says if connecting flights to Dublin are needed, they won't be covered. I took that to mean, if the winner lives in Cork and wants to fly to Dublin to catch that flight to Rome, the prize doesn't cover that cost. It's just standard 'cover yer arse' T&C t. Don't see anything wrong with that, TBH.
So if Ahmed from Dubai wins or Etanni from Ethiopia they won’t help them with flights to Dublin? 😜
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New member
Sickened! We wemt September brought and paid for my mam and we had our 2 year old (4 of us in a two bed ocean view house), without flights and just accommodation and meals,spa treatments each and bits that we got in the resort (it's done on a charge the room basis) we didn't come back with change of 5k for a week 🙈 never mind flights and clothes and bits we bought. I wonder how much of her stay is actually covered by Being a pr stay.
Really turned off by the resort now 😥
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Every time you think she just can't stoop any lower....

Letting on that they had booked a surprise holiday for the kids when it was really a last minute pr trip right in middle of off-peak season.
Herself whinging to Evoke or Goss or one of those earlier in the week about poor her not getting to spend Valentines with her husband, when they were going to be heading off abroad on a family trip.
This is the thing. She’s just not genuine. Had she said that in the evoke interview ‘yeah we’re not spending valentines together but we do have a trip coming up with the kids that we can make memories at… etc’.
Even when she talked about surprising the kids with the trip- had she said it was gifted at that point it would make her so much more credible. Tiny things like that.

But there’s such an entitlement about her. It’s like watching a car crash. You can’t look away. I’d say tattle gets far more engagement than her social accounts.
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Genuine question, who is honestly interested in watching a video about a day in her life?? It looked atrocious, if I had to /wanted to do one (sometimes we get the new grads in work to do these vids for social media/hiring pushes and they are amazing), I’d make sure I’d look I was worth more than 50c and actually make my day interesting.
Whoever messaged Grace yday and woke her from her slumber to remind her to post has alot to answer for!!
She didn't even look presentable, atleast wait till you have an event to attend or something exciting going before you decide to do a day in the life style of vid.
It was lazy and half arsed, 😴
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Chatty Member
Can’t believe I was naive enough to think she was actually bringing them on a holiday organised by herself… I’ll see myself out
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Wow, so things really are that bad. So bad they had to take action prompto. Max called in a favour and nabbed a PR stay. Must have got two rooms as Rob Kenny is like a dog in heat trying to get over too. Or else he's being drafted in to help Maxi sort this mess out.

MAX is a fool but he's a fool with contacts. I'm not giving him credit as some mastermind, he just has the pull to get favours.

He's carrying out some reputational/crisis management essential actions here to save a client, a shareholder (lol) and his last chance at an agency so he doesn't have two fuck ups in a row to his name. There is A LOT on the line for him.

Unless he hires a 24/7 PA for Grace who will literally roll her out of the bed and whip her until she works, a re brand of this dopey slob will never successfully happen.

It's pure entertainment watching this sorry state of affairs.

Grease isn't happy though, because she had to bring her two kids along for content.

How much of a hero would Rob K, James K or Holly be to come out and tell the truth about Greasy!? They clearly go out of their way not to be seen or associate with her.
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I think we need to keep some perspective here. Grace’s version of “ah-may-zinnnn” may not align with everyone else’s version of it.
Agreed, considering her 80k (!!!!) wedding looked like something Cletus The Slack-jawed Yokel would throw.
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Sounds like her ideal holiday. Not only can she send them into kids club, she also had people to supervise them while she ate breakfast.
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I honestly don't think she'd be able for this either! At peak times it's a tough job, bang out coffee after coffee as quick as you can, customers getting impatient, specific demands of customers and not making mistakes under pressure. You are on your feet all day, cleaning and replenishing in the down time.
She would probably think she would stand about sipping on a latte and make the odd coffee for people and chat them for a few mins, all relaxed like!
After 5 mins she would end up sitting down at a table falling asleep and crying into a battered sausage.
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No word from Greasy. Rob Kenny’s mam must have locked the door on her.

Remember when she was on the honeymoon and flah out posting every day, a time when you’d be forgiven for taking some time off.
I’ll never forget it. Non stop walrus sexual innuendos.
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I’m convinced Chris isn’t there, she said “I” then changed to we gotta get the kids ready, the only time we ever see her doing lunch is when he’s not there, she goes to her mothers every time he’s not around and then she said “Chris is out at the moment” plus if he was there she probably wouldn’t have “slept it out” she’s like an incapable over grown new born calf
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Chatty Member
Is something not a bit off with all of this? It all seemed super last minute, that they had decided on a bit of whim to whisk the children away on a holiday and now all of a sudden it’s a gifted stay? Like surely she would have known that it was gifted? Why give the false pretence?
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Oh so it was Jen who was emailing Max on a Saturday looking to collab with Grace?
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I’m torn. I’m glad that they are going away, poor kiddos never get a holiday. Buuuut Portugal in February is rainy and miserable so no pools or beaches or wandering the streets ice cream in hand. And let’s face it she does not appear to be the type of mum who’ll pack the board games and make the fun. So it could be a miserable for the kids if she’s in a mood over the weather and lack of things to do. I hope for their sake she steps up and makes present and engaged parenting the priority.
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Chatty Member
What's her obsession with steps, I don't get it. Surely a brisk walk to rise your heart rate is much better for you than trying to get 1 Millon's steps per night on a saunter and worse still stomping around your house.
In a 4 x 6 room🤣🤣 just put the fitbit on the dog and go to bed.
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Maybe she’s in a flap because she can’t let on Kips is with her.

Kips: don’t show me greasy I called in sick!

Shih! Oi FORGUH!
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