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I agree. He got off lightly. If he had stopped after the accident and called an ambulance, the victim may have survived.... can’t believe more wasn’t said in the article about that? Left that poor man’s body on the road to be rolled over by other cars
So let me get this straight. Her fella was involved in a hit and run and left a man to die on the road, and this Jen one thinks it's somehow appropriate that she tries to become Insta famous? I know she wasn't driving the car but has she no shame at all? Get to absolute fuck.
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Wow that beauty declutter and restyle really gave me inspiration 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
Stop, she’s so narcissistic and ignorant that she thinks filming random parts of her days like the coffee and toast making and whatever shitshow that shelf thing was is content people want to see. Who wants to see the 100s of bottles of stale perfume worth thousands of euro that she hoards and reshuffles on her Ikea shelving? She’s not styling the shelves and even if she were she doesn’t explain anything like positive or negative spaces etc.
She’s like a 14 year old who cleaned and rearranged their bedroom and calls every member of the family in to look at their room like MTV cribs

I think she is.. explains a lot & her moods
She’s describing an element of bipolar but she really isn’t. I can’t stress enough that she is not. Even medicated, she isn’t.
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Am I alone in thinking this is her Britney circa 2007 meltdown. I actually do feel sorry for her though, she has clearly lost her way since having the kids and she's clutching at straws trying to hold on to the remnants of her blogger career. Everyone who started out the same time as her have upskilled, started their own businesses and brands and become very successful businesswomen and household names and meanwhile she has lost sight of who she is or was. Her video today had a feel of Joanne Larby about it, "content creator" and trying to portray a happy and calm life when it's obvious it is anything but. I've always followed her, never really loved or hated her but the refusal to acknowledge #ad or #gifted in this day and age is turning me off her big time. She brought all that on herself today by not doing so. But then again the video got 50k + views so maybe she knows exactly what she's doing.
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Did anyone see Grace's latest video of her decluttering of her beauty and perfume? She says the stuff she's didnt want she brought over to her mam and mags. Well she must have edited the video as some person commented saying she noticed so sues perfume was gone and was it not nice that she was going to get it for her birthday. And Grace replied saying she was wearing so sue perfume today and it was a mistake and it wasn't meant to be in the box and a ha ha at the end of the comment because we all know a ha ha makes everything we say OK. So basically she got caught with the so sue perfume dumped in the box. She must have shown it in her dumped box and edited it out of the video. I'd say So Sue was on the Phone FEEWWWWMINNNN. THE NEEECCCKKKK

PS. Them pillows. Kant Kope
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Oh and not to forget a lot of rambling in her voice notes about how she is a mum of two kids. Listen hun I have two kids. One has a serious medical condition that requires round the clock care and attention. Don’t fuck with me. She has a house full of freebies and makes a mint doing jack shit. This is the message I sent her a week ago. Not hateful but enough for her to know i knew she was talking shit


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I lol'd.. it's like you are having an argument with yourself 😂love it x
That's exactly how it reads 🙈😂😂😂😂 in my defence, I've just finished 8 days in a row of, you know, actual work. While simultaneously keeping my kids fed and happy, cleaning my home, doing my grocery shopping. I'd like my (gifted) medal now please. Or a coffee maker....will take anything 😂
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Instagram shouldn’t allow business accounts to delete comments and stories should be automatically saved down for reference. They get away with their shady behaviour cause the stories disappear before anyone realises its an ad and when they put out “content” on their grid, any comments questioning the transparency are deleted so brands don’t actually know how the ads are being received by viewers/followers and still work with them even though they are tanking. Grace is prime example of this.
What in gods holy name was that video. No need for the shadiness around “pulling product”. I hope Penney’s nail her on that. That with love from italy brand is flat out gifting grace and other influencers. I wouldn’t be spending my hard earned money with a brand that repeatedly gifts lazy people like grace for no reason!
You have completely hit the nail on the head. Businesses wont have any idea as all negative comments have been deleted. Even those that just nicely asked questions. So people like Grace will continue to get the work....vicious cycle!!
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Jesus christ, Grace the visionary director - 'her amazing team', and they brought her vision to life 🤦‍♀️ she asked them to take pictures of her posing in a field, you're hardly Steven Spielberg hun
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Chatty Member
I completely agree with you.

Look I get that they get some hurtful and unnecessary comments. There are comments on here that I find unnessessary.
But they probably account for about 5 percent of comments.
The other 95 percent of comments are about her content and her work ethic. People are sick of her carry on and frustrated that she doesn't seem to listen.

She just lumps every comment into the "troll" category. It's not just here though, it's the lot of them. It is incredibly frustrating
I agree with all these comments. Grace and every other blogger who blocks for “bullying” does so because they believe their shit doesn’t stink. We’re all just haters. I will admit some of the stuff I see just boils my blood and I’ve been known to send a few angry DMs or post publicly over the years and obviously get blocked. if they just responded to people publicly instead of hiding the “haters” comments, maybe even “trolls” like myself might appreciate the fact they took the time to respond or their “ive nothing to hide” attitude might make them more relatable. Humility goes a long way!

I often think if I was in their position i.e I had no real talent, I liked receiving free gifts for no reason, I lived my life for content and shared intimate moments with my family because other people are interested... what would I be like? I’d be mortified. I mean if I had a large audience. Don’t normal people do this everyday on Instagram and Facebook?

Sometimes I think I could blog. I happen to think I live a really interesting life. I like to think I’m funny and well liked and have a good job that is full of stories both good and bad. I can do makeup, I can style my hair well. I have nice clothes that I bought out of my hard earned cash. I travel. I still don’t think that what I do in my life is so interesting that I deserve a large following! I do a lot more with my life than a lot of these bloggers. More aspects of my life are more relatable to others than any other bloggers but I could not do what they do everyday... it seems like utter shite! I am totally aware that I’m not everyone’s cup of tea and never will be. Even people who follow me on insta (and there aren’t that many)probably scan through my stories because what I’m doing might not interest them and I’m totally ok with that! Bloggers aren’t though! They feel hurt by it. They’re always seeking validation! It must be a pretty lonely world. I would never scan through a story to see who watched it or who liked a post. But I have friends who do. Friends who won’t like someone’s post because they didn’t like their last one. the world became so shallow when social media took off and likes became such a means of validation! I just wish there were better role models out there who didn’t have an agenda to make themselves a celebrity and the ones that do, use their platform wisely. If Grace is still seeking medical advice on her anxiety she really shouldn’t be preaching to the masses.
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I’ve been reading this from the start but finally had to just post. I’ve said for so long I think Grace needs to pack in the whole influencer game she just doesn’t seem to have it in her anymore. You can see all the girls she was once friends with in the industry have totally distanced themselves from her (publicly anyway). I think what does it for me most is her attitude. Whatever about her lazy content and her constantly taking freebies, her attitude literally stinks! She comes across so rude and entitled. She won’t take ANY criticism whatsoever. I can totally understand she is probably sick of being “judged” but she won’t actually take on board anything that people say! She just labels them jealous haters or trolls. Yes we may only see snippets of her life and I’m not claiming to know anything about her personally. But what I see comes across as rude and ungrateful. I think she is so lost in an industry which has become a lot bigger than what it was when she started out, and sometimes I feel sorry for her. But then she comes on with stories like yesterday and it just sounds like someone who is spoiled, not a grown woman. She really needs to look at some comments as constructive criticism and stop instantly labelling it as trolling. It drives me mad. If she took on board what people said maybe it would help her get her spark back because right now the content she “creates” is woeful. Just take it back to basics, there’s no need for a bloody camera man to film you using a hoover!
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Let me pull some bits oh fuck of grace ya absolute bum. We all waited for Penney's to open after the Lockdown we all paid for our own shite yet poor old grace once again gets free stuff. Is she really that famous in Dublin ??she has absolutely no appeal her house is a joke not one thing in that house is nice the garden is beautiful if you had no kids maybe waiting for a bust lip from one of those kids off those edges. For herself she had a jumper on today I wouldn't wear to the dump and wore it over a dress because she needed a hug 🤣🤣
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Her stories are getting too long, I'm just skipping and I go back to check if something is highlighted here
Look at her last one there.. said shes shooting something with pennys bits .. it's not sponsored but Penny's let me pull some bits.. wtf does that mean... why is she so shady... was she given bits .. did she fucking approach and ask for stuff.. did she pay for stuff...

Aw shes such a headwrecker
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I only discovered tattle after seeing Aoife devlin went on insta screaming crying having seen the posts about herself (some followers sent her screen shots, sure Jan that google alert you set up for your name finally buzzed) and to be honest some posts on here are down right bullying speaking about people’s appearance isn’t fair. I joined to say how annoyed I am by Grace. She alludes greed to point of disgust. Not sponsored, not obligated, press drop blah blah blah. She said she’s a basket hoarder, no Grace you’re just a hoarder. She fills the void of fulfilment in her life with things, with stuff, belongings. She has 2 children which could fill that void of which boredom plays a huge role. The more you sit around the less you do. She doesn’t work yet she sends her washing out to be done by a company shows how lazy she is. How would she cope with a real job working 9-5 coming home to piles of washing. Time management does not exist, she gets up at 6am when the kids are still asleep and doesn’t stick a wash on or do some ironing. Just her ‘me’ time to sit around drinking anxiety inducing coffee. She does such a huge disservice to anyone suffering from anxiety. Her ability to flick it on and off like a switch confirms she does not have it. Her doctor should be reported to the medical council for giving such harmful advice ‘it will pass’ is not medical advice any doctor would give a patient suffering from anxiety. The rules and guidelines for GPs are to provide patients with treatment and options by referring them to a psychologist and/or psychiatrist. If a patient went on to take their own life the GP would loose their licence and possibly face prosecution for negligence. Anxiety doesn’t pass or burn out, it has to be treated through therapies or chemically with meds. It causes a physical reaction within different systems in your body which only becomes worse the longer it goes without treatment. It’s natural to have a small amount of anxiety in life but the level grace speaks of requires medical intervention and doesn’t flick on and off the way she say it does. Panic attacks last 20 minutes and that’s it over....... back to normal. Her lack of motivation, her laziness, her greed, her self entitlement are the worst traits people can have. And her fella..... oh my god, the standards are pretty low nowadays ‘chris is so patient’ is that why you sneak into his playroom to ask him a question knowing you’re bothering him. I dunno if it’s adults pretending to be adults who never fully developed from teens, they are very immature for their age making statements like ‘my bestie’ what are you 12? She appears immature and child like, materialistic and disingenuous. I feel sorry for teenagers looking at her stories thinking that’s what I want in life, to not work, be sent free things, go to nice events because I have followers. It’s the least appealing life to me, to keep up with a standard where the bar is being raised daily by younger, more talented, funny, kind, far more interesting girls so what happens when you become irrelevant? Where will her validation come from then when the ‘love this Hun’ messages dry up. It’s an industry where you put yourself in a position to be cancelled without notice. She doesn’t want to feel bullied then don’t put yourself online. All these fragile influencers/instagrabbers confuse criticism with bullying. You can be the ripest juiciest peach but there will always be people who don’t like peaches. I can’t understand companies sending her things I had a piece of furniture on back order with Mindy Brownes and I cancelled it. I was absolutely influenced, influenced to cancel. I wouldn’t give my hard earned money to a company who uses the laziest greediest person I’ve seen online to promote their brand. Not an ad, not a collab just two brands working together to create content sorry love, Gwyneth Paltrow you are not. What is your brand? Sloth? Digital creator? Because you’ve followers and recorded a video on your phone with an app you actually paid for does not make you a digital creator. Going to college to get a degree in in digital media, working your way up the ladder in a media company, drawing in contracts through your hard work, your designs and campaigns makes you a digital creator. There is nothing notable or admirable about her, I cannot fathom her following shes not relatable or likeable. And because someone has an opinion on you and calls you out on advertising standards doesn’t make them a bully. But you, finding loopholes to get around the set standards because the company who sent you free stuff didn’t send you a cheque as well, that makes you the epitome of greed and will be your eventual downfall. And that is my opinion
I cant love this post enough... valid point after valid point ...I especially love the last 2 sentences. .. you have certainly hit the nail on the head with that .. her new thing about 'this isnt a sponsored post but I reached out to etc etc '

She gets goods and services from these and DOES NOT put gifted or is any way transparent. ... its actually really infuriating... she gets away with so much but poor lil grace dont say anything to me or I'll do another long winded yap saying the same thing over and over... when is she gonna be held accountable for not following the rules.. never it seems

I wouldn't let a stray dog sleep on them pillows 🤢🤮
I wouldn't even let Larry bleedin Murphy lie on them 🤢🤢🤢
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Chatty Member
Jesus would someone gift the poor unfortunate woman a bra? What in the name of god is she at out there in a random hay field posin? She absolutely knows her angles, whoever took that video does not 🤭 the guh, the trush “down there”🤢 takin a rain check tomorrow on her “shooh” cos she just never takes time for herself? Jesus uv shipped one child off, and u have krisps at home too?!seriously-what have u got to do?! She is on her own that one...🤯😳
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Just read her EDIT ... pulled stock! That saying actually pisses me right off now ! Hate it
Instead of pulling stock from pennys she needs to pull her head from up her own arse and realise her followers aren’t thick unlike her.
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