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I only discovered tattle after seeing Aoife devlin went on insta screaming crying having seen the posts about herself (some followers sent her screen shots, sure Jan that google alert you set up for your name finally buzzed) and to be honest some posts on here are down right bullying speaking about people’s appearance isn’t fair. I joined to say how annoyed I am by Grace. She alludes greed to point of disgust. Not sponsored, not obligated, press drop blah blah blah. She said she’s a basket hoarder, no Grace you’re just a hoarder. She fills the void of fulfilment in her life with things, with stuff, belongings. She has 2 children which could fill that void of which boredom plays a huge role. The more you sit around the less you do. She doesn’t work yet she sends her washing out to be done by a company shows how lazy she is. How would she cope with a real job working 9-5 coming home to piles of washing. Time management does not exist, she gets up at 6am when the kids are still asleep and doesn’t stick a wash on or do some ironing. Just her ‘me’ time to sit around drinking anxiety inducing coffee. She does such a huge disservice to anyone suffering from anxiety. Her ability to flick it on and off like a switch confirms she does not have it. Her doctor should be reported to the medical council for giving such harmful advice ‘it will pass’ is not medical advice any doctor would give a patient suffering from anxiety. The rules and guidelines for GPs are to provide patients with treatment and options by referring them to a psychologist and/or psychiatrist. If a patient went on to take their own life the GP would loose their licence and possibly face prosecution for negligence. Anxiety doesn’t pass or burn out, it has to be treated through therapies or chemically with meds. It causes a physical reaction within different systems in your body which only becomes worse the longer it goes without treatment. It’s natural to have a small amount of anxiety in life but the level grace speaks of requires medical intervention and doesn’t flick on and off the way she say it does. Panic attacks last 20 minutes and that’s it over....... back to normal. Her lack of motivation, her laziness, her greed, her self entitlement are the worst traits people can have. And her fella..... oh my god, the standards are pretty low nowadays ‘chris is so patient’ is that why you sneak into his playroom to ask him a question knowing you’re bothering him. I dunno if it’s adults pretending to be adults who never fully developed from teens, they are very immature for their age making statements like ‘my bestie’ what are you 12? She appears immature and child like, materialistic and disingenuous. I feel sorry for teenagers looking at her stories thinking that’s what I want in life, to not work, be sent free things, go to nice events because I have followers. It’s the least appealing life to me, to keep up with a standard where the bar is being raised daily by younger, more talented, funny, kind, far more interesting girls so what happens when you become irrelevant? Where will her validation come from then when the ‘love this Hun’ messages dry up. It’s an industry where you put yourself in a position to be cancelled without notice. She doesn’t want to feel bullied then don’t put yourself online. All these fragile influencers/instagrabbers confuse criticism with bullying. You can be the ripest juiciest peach but there will always be people who don’t like peaches. I can’t understand companies sending her things I had a piece of furniture on back order with Mindy Brownes and I cancelled it. I was absolutely influenced, influenced to cancel. I wouldn’t give my hard earned money to a company who uses the laziest greediest person I’ve seen online to promote their brand. Not an ad, not a collab just two brands working together to create content sorry love, Gwyneth Paltrow you are not. What is your brand? Sloth? Digital creator? Because you’ve followers and recorded a video on your phone with an app you actually paid for does not make you a digital creator. Going to college to get a degree in in digital media, working your way up the ladder in a media company, drawing in contracts through your hard work, your designs and campaigns makes you a digital creator. There is nothing notable or admirable about her, I cannot fathom her following shes not relatable or likeable. And because someone has an opinion on you and calls you out on advertising standards doesn’t make them a bully. But you, finding loopholes to get around the set standards because the company who sent you free stuff didn’t send you a cheque as well, that makes you the epitome of greed and will be your eventual downfall. And that is my opinion
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She bought sage to clear the negative energy in the house

When she lights it... she will fuckin disappear

She probably told him to take it...
She either A-set up her tripod . Camera on timer. Lay down. Closed her eyes.. picture taken.. she sat up.. took the camera.. and proceeded to upload

Or B- she asked Kips to take it then took the camera off him and proceeded to upload

Either way I'm scarleh for her ma for havin her 😳
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New thread title? " Faces by Grace: Tailgate was #Failgate still scratching my head? Don't mention her " Guh" or she'll take to the bed".
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Was there any need to mention her weight? Its comments like this that they focus on and deflects from the very valid and real constructive criticism people comment
I hate the weight comments. It’s not a nice thing to pick on someone for
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I've criticised Grace for all the freebies etc, but after hearing those voice messages I'm absolutely going to defend her now.

Firstly, I think it was kind of her to offer help, apologise and to offer to call you Jane. She really went out of her way to explain herself, which she really didn't have to do. Most people would just ignore.

To me, it's clear from those messages that Grace is not bullshitting. Just because she's able to pick herself up and get on with things an hour or two after a panic attack doesn't mean she's not suffering real panic attacks.. Not everyone's experience is the same. As she said she's been suffering from them for a long time on and off, she's probably learned to not give in to the urge to just lay low at home, etc. She said that in Australia she couldn't even leave the bed.

I read a couple of posts saying she needs to describe her panic attacks and her triggers. Some panic attacks have absolutely no triggers. They hit you out of nowhere and you feel you're going to die, or you can't breathe, or you have to escape somewhere, etc. And if your system is just about coping from constant (less severe) anxiety all the time, it doesn't take much to push it over the edge into full panic mode. Panic attacks consume you, they're soul destroying and I wouldn't wish them on my worst enemy. But they do end, or if you live with general anxiety disorder, the feeling of intense panic fades and the background din of anxiety returns. I really don't see Grace trying to make herself the poster child of anxiety. She's not obliged to give us her medical history or the ins and outs of her condition just because she alludes to it in her stories.

I also read some posts previously along the lines of "she should be in hospital if she's suffering multiple panic attacks a day" and "surely Chris would have brought her to A&E if she had a panic attack." This kind of thinking really is quite uneducated and even damaging. It adds to the stigma around mental health. Suffering with anxiety/panic doesn't mean you need to go to the hospital. For a lot of people panic attacks are a part of life. For those people, are they supposed to go to the hospital every time they have a panic attack? Obviously not. Panic attacks are not a sign someone is "losing it," "going crazy" or that they need immediate medical help.
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I got the impression that a collab fell through, and she decided to stroke some ideas off the internet to make a showreel for any further potential collabs, to show brands the kind of content she came come up with. Which is all fair enough. But this kind of content doesn’t come naturally to her, her body language gave away how umcomfor and self conscious she was, and then the convoluted explanation of pulled stock just tainted it even further.
why not be truthful, say it was an experiment of the kind of work she’d like to do, tag the relevant companies, list which products came from where and declare #gifted. Pulling stock for a shoot is one thing, that has to be returned. Pulling stock and being allowed to keep it is #gifted and should be declared as such.

Her level of transparency is nil and her refusal to accept responsibility is worse. Trying to make people feel guilty in her editorial post ‘I feel this disclaimer up is necessary but it takes away from the hard work and joy this video brings me’ No, this disclaimer would not be necessary if you were just honest from the get go.

sorry for the rant but lack of transparency in this industry is my pet hate.
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Like she waited a week to tell us about the food. A friend of a friends company.....🙄🙄. She didn’t even say what was in each dish talk about lazy advertising. Do she even mention the name of the business or just put the link up.

Re. The cleaning places. She baiscally uses companies and then moves on to someone else when they stop giving freebies. How desperate is she for free stuff. She has zero class and had no appreciation or work ethic. Has she still got an agent. I’m sure she is constantly asking them for companies to send her free stuff.

Next she will be saying the welfare office had gotten in touch to ask her would she like to try the weekly €350 Covid Payment out a few months ago but she had forgotten to mention it at the time.
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Caroline Flack domestically abused a few partners if reports are to be believed. She attacked her partner so viciously he rang 999. The attack was so serious the police insisted they press charges, even though she clearly managed to get back inside his head and he wanted to drop the charges, which very common in domestically abusive relationships. She lost a lot of her work and her friends from what came out about her after she was arrested and charged, and she knew that even more would come out when the police persued charges against her. Caroline Flack was an abuser who was about to be exposed in the most public way possible. She wasn’t #beingkind when she attempted to kill her boyfriend. She was a celebrity with mental health and drug abuse issues, hounded by the press. Her friends blamed the CPS for Caroline’s death like it was their fault her crime was before the court. It’s the lack of accountability that is wrong with these narcissistic women, they do what they like until they’re called out on it and then it is everyone elses fault for questioning their awful actions and behavior.
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I'm none the wiser tbh and apparently asking her to clarify detracts from all the hard work she put into it 🤔
Do you know how hard it is to climb into a car boot, fairy lights wrapped around your ankles, trying to catch a Buddha before it hits the deck, cutting lumps of brie as the tea lights nearly catch fire to the throw the Penny's PR girls kindly pulled for you... Doing all this while dealing with a quare dose of thrush. That's hard work!!
Krisps... Hand me a chilled cucumber
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Every reason when she doesn’t even fucking fit into it, and lights a candle🤦🏻‍♀️She’s promoting an unhealthy image, she’s clearly not fit and doesn’t lead a healthy lifestyle as we all know so yeah actually the weight thing does need to be mentioned
I’m not fit and don’t lead a healthy lifestyle and I’d happily throat punch you if you commented about my weight. Don’t be mean about her weight it’s not nicd
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That rant she posted on stories is absolutely pathetic. Grace, just get off the internet. You’re obviously not cut out for the insta hun life. You’re not a blogger, you’re not a makeup artist, you don’t post anything that would inspire anyone. You’re a glorified salesperson and You sound like a spoilt brat. Grow up, get a real job.
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Hear me out on this Grace (cos I know you read here), but maybe - just maybe - the headaches are caused by your 832736392 diffusers/candles/wax melts etc on the go all at once. And also, coming on complaining about them and then mentioning having another coffee is not gonna help the situation 🙄

common sense here girl, get some
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I honestly think it was Grace advertising herself and her vision to potential brands, as usual with Grace it all feels a bit flat.
What did she actually do? The food was provided, she went into penneys for freebies so all she did was pack the food, freebies and tat into the car and film herself staging what should've only been a photo to be fair.
She put no effort into her own image, she looked greasy with patchy tan and that dress didn't look the cleanest, if i was a brand id be running the other way to be honest
This is spot on. She was trying to show how she can bring a vision to life. The only thing she brought to life was a fucking baguette and a lump of cheese but I do agree she wanted Charlotte tilbury or Estée Lauder to come out and say ‘ please create for us !’... where as she would be lucky if John Deere will use this in a Safety course for ‘what not to do in a field you don’t own’
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This girl is playing a very dangerous game.

I actually think that her videos there could be hurtful and detrimental to her followers mental health.

So she wants followers. She wants us to buy into her , use her affiliate links , buy what ever she is selling. She wants us to praise her , tell her that her kids are lovely and like and engage ( positively) with her posts. She sucks people in and leads them to believe that she is their friend while shilling her shit.

She goes on and on and on about her mental health. But no one is allowed to message her about mental health because she is only interested in her own mental health.

I just actually really feel for someone who had ever messaged her who was feeling down. Someone who follows her may have been feeling very down and very low and messaged her and got no reply. She pretty much said there , don't message me about your mental health, talk to your doctor.

Ok, fair enough Grace. But then don't suck all these people in on the pretence of being their friend. Don't talk about your mental health all the time if you aren't prepared to engage with your follows who may be feeling low and message you because they feel you will understand.

This girl takes no responsibility for her actions whatsoever. All they want is the followers, the freebies , the engagement and for the "fans" to respond how she wants them too.
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