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Not to turn it into a strictly thread but I found the show so weird tonight dancing to the theme tunes 😂
omg it was bizarre! it felt like a fever dream but also nikita was on his knees for a significant amount of time so i was very into it 🥵

but what was that dancing to the casualty and eastenders theme tunes 🤣
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Helloooo, this budget cap stuff is 🥴 tbh I don’t think what I have to add will go down well but here we go.

gonna preface this by saying I’m not a redbull fan, I like all of the teams (McLaren and Ferrari are my teams), I don’t really have any ill-will towards any team. Last year I rooted for redbull (because it was exciting!), this year I rooted for Ferrari but wanted Mercedes’ to get a win (because I love competition!)

We know absolutely nothing about it, other than it’s been confirmed they went over the cap and some swirling rumours. I don’t think redbull are automatically an evil entity that want to lay people off, it could have been a completely accidental I overspend (not excusing, they should’ve managed better, every other team did) or it could’ve been cheating. We will likely never know. I don’t trust the FIA to be transparent in their investigation/penalty but also don’t want to shit on a team without any actual details about the overspend. I feel like the Ferrari 2019 stuff didn’t get the same hatred, that was blatant cheating & a cover up (this is coming from a lifelong Ferrari fan).

I think the cost cap is so so important, I think if redbull cheated, then that’s horrific and gave the an insane advantage. BUT I really don’t think they would risk, in their most important season in years, intentionally cheating, and having their titles stripped/bad press/losing their star driver/whatever over the sake of a few million. (Then again maybe they were calling the FIA’s bluff hoping they wouldn’t give harsh penalties in the first year or other teams would overspend too)

Idk sorry this was a ramble I just don’t know how to feel because we have no information and I don’t think it’s worth wasting our energy on right now, we’re already pretty burnt out from the weekend and need to take care of ourselves. I love you all💚

@Minttu your message was lovely and really made me smile 🥰
I do completely agree with everything you’ve said, I do think the influx of newer fans over the last few years have really blown everything up and generally everything in F1 is talked about and analysed much more nowadays. The Ferrari thing is 100% as bad and should never have been a behind closed doors deal. Id like to believe Red Bull wouldn’t do it intentionally, but unfortunately for them Horner went on record in Monaco this year saying he believed every team would “have to overspend”, so it just doesn’t look great for him. I truly think they thought all teams would and therefore it wouldn’t be bad, or most would have a discrepancy of some kind. I’m happy to state my own bias in this case, I’ve never liked them as a team for many reasons and after all the cheating accusations they threw at Merc last year, this feels quite deserved honestly 😂 but yeah it’s nothing to get worked up over so I’m trying not to lol
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now I really want to see it! :LOL::LOL:
There is always someone to share it even if it has been deleted 😉


Not F1 related but talking of laughs try and make it through this video without laughing 😂

I found this video the other day and was cry laughing for at least 30 minutes 🤣
I still don't understand why french tv decided to film a talk show about that 😂
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ok, so Sharl and Checo both will have penalties cause of new parts, less fun for Sharl in quali ☹
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I'm so happy for your daughter getting herself a bf ❤
There's a reason I don't want kids😂😂 I can't even imagine not having my favorite wine for 9 + months 😂
it's not only because of alcohol, I just don't want kids. The exception is if I find someone I really want to have kids with, Lewis could get me pregnant every day of the week if he wanted to, just because I think we might have the cutest kids ever with a gap in their teeth😂
But thats about the only person I would consider getting kids with 😂

And hey Ems, look at it as her being more independent, and she'll always know that you're there for her, even if she has a boyfriend.
Enjoy that beer for all it's worth ❤
Oh it’s hard though! She is sensible but I still worry. She’s such a bright future ahead of her. She’s smart & ambitious and I don’t want a boy to stop her following her dreams. This is her first proper bf & he’s had a few gf, one that was older so worried he’s a lot more experienced than her. Oh and he doesn’t watch F1 so she may get to that sorted 😂
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Yeah sure! Come along, I'm only trained in a little bit of wildlife medicine, and haven't practiced it all that much since I had my class on it, so I was planning on being Bernd Mayländer out on track and drive us out to the groundhogs as fast as possible 😂
At least for me this will be a learning by doing type of thing, only that I know the basics 😂 (I had a class about beavers once, remember, can't be that different? 😂)

But we would probably need someone to watch as the groundhogs come out on track, so you could be our groundhog spotter😂😂

Not sick but not well either, had a fever last week, it has disappeared over weekend, and I have the energy, I just feel like I'm in the state before I get the cold, and I just want it to break out so I can be done with it 🙃

Hope you feel better soon ❤
yeah i know the feeling . i had it last week too so i was drinking lemon, ginger all the healthy stuff and it didn't help 😕 i woke panicking because i couldn't breathe. and we were at family birthday party so not great too 😂 but i got my antibiotics yesterday so hopefuly i will be good soon☺ thanks ❤❤❤
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Oh man I feel like I'm so out of the loop with Rawe Ceek this week - not like me at all! I've just been working 24/7, having a bit of a rough mental health week and now I have ANOTHER cold?!? I swear my immune system is on it's arse rn :cry:

WHAT HAVE I MISSED?! Pierre looks like a snack as per (even in those boots) and thanks for the podcast youtube link @OOps2022! I think I may also watch that between FP seshes!

Can't wait to just relax and enjoy the weekend now! Sorry to anyone I've not replied to on Insta too, promise I will catch up tonight! 🤩
Use the weekend to relax, and get better❤
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I have barely watched any of it. Fell asleep during practice 1 last night & didn’t see 2. I was watching strictly earlier & had to take my sons friend home so haven’t watched the last hour. I am thinking of opening a beer but worried I’ll fall asleep & miss Quali.
I feel like we’ve all been busy and quieter than usual this week, we’re all syncing! 😂 Get the beer out Ems, you deserve it! We can all keep each other awake! 👵

I slept until noon today, and had another powernap after three hours of mostly staring at the mess in my dining room😂
That event last night threw me off, I won't blame it on the two beers I had after 😂

Just sleep as much as you need to, seems like you need it❤

I almost fell asleep right before FP3 started soeh 😅
So glad I’m not the only one who’s been a zombie this weekend! 😂 I’m going to have a massive lie in tomorrow to try feel like me again!
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Pole er bear

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i think he keeps himself guarded because ultimately a lot of people in and around this sport have been awful to him
Just want to say this is good point I hadn't considered, but it makes a lot of sense in how he carries himself. just goes to show how deep that gets internalized no matter who you are.
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Honestly if I could I would. I'm a politics major and even though I'm only in year 1 if there's enough research for me I'd love to write my dissertation on politics of F1, for example the expansion of F1 in the Middle Eastern markets etc
That would make an incredible dissertation!! You’ve got plenty of time to accumulate the research too, and can be back up with other case studies like the World Cup!! I would honestly love to read it 😂
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I'm guessing we're gonna end up with the (I) option
I am predicting the same option as well, because "it is a learning stage, everyone needs to get used to it" :ROFLMAO:

I want equal budgets and the competition all being only based on pure engineering and organisational skills
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Princess of Scots

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This guy I dated for a short time would randomly text me out of nowhere almost a year later. I was already with my now-husband, but it was weird because this guy had completely stopped everything himself (& I hadn't pursued him at all or made any effort to contact him ever). Probably for an ego boost or hook up.
send him to hell, Princess, he should either stay for good or go for good :)

on serious note, I cannot tell why it is like this, one of the many secrets of the universe :) I guess it depends on the whole situation and its details and a guy of course, but I'd say this: if he is a nice guy, he checks if he has chances and if you would take him back and it's pure good intentions.
If he is an asshole however, he reappers and dissapears to see whether and what effect he has on you and if he can count on coming back again if he wants to.
I am in a cynical mood today, so I say send him to hell next time he appears so he doesn't take your precious Princessy time :) but I might as well be completely wrong😂😅
I'm of the opinion it's the latter. It's really weird because I feel like he does it so I don't completely forget about him. I always seem to bump into him in the club ( we live in a fairly small town) and yep, all over me then. Yet I legit saw him in the train station when I was with my friend. Said hi to her yet blanked me. Pretends I exist when it suits him.

What the fuck?

Anyway, I can't stand fuck boys but Tinder around here is an absolute hell hole. Scottish tinder is not for the faint hearted

Nvm gonna become a nun 🙃
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