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Because they’re twisting this now the way they want it to to not admit they’ve cheated in a championship that technically wasn’t theirs to win in the first place. This sport makes me sick.

I‘d have more respect for them if they just admitted to it and apologized.
so was it catering and sick pay or was it no overspending? gotta pick one
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My dad and I have never laughed harder than we did after a meeting he had to take out a loan for his mother 😂
The bank told him that he needed to bring his wife and mother in. And he told the bank "yeah, I'll just need to dig up my wife first" I a real serious tone.
The guy in the bank was shocked.

And guess who also managed to do the same when she was getting a loan for her house this summer? 😇😂 The bank lady apologised and felt really sorry, and I had to explain to her that it was okay, she couldn't know 😅
This is the gallows humour that I love! Honestly my favourite pastime is saying shocking things in a casual tone of voice and watching people be like :eek:😂
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I feel ya. My.sister lives in the US, in New Hampshire which is slightly less of a dhit show, and she and her American husband are desperate to come back. Reproductive rights are, obviously, a massive part of my job so this whole Southern American F1 vibe is not for me. It's not just F1 either, the whole World Cup in Quatar sits badly with me seeing as someone where I live was murdered over there. It's easy to say sport and politics shouldn't mix but it ain't easy if you have principles 😭🤣
being in the northeast is probably one of the best places to be, rights-wise (Insane that I even have to specify that 😩 ) Living here as a young adult is just very frustrating because we see so many people *trying* to make positive changes but there are also so many people that are so stuck in their ways and hateful it seems like nothing will ever change for the better
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We’re all such old ladies struggling to stay awake at this time on a Saturday 😂😂😂😂😂

Usually goes a little something like this…

Truth 😂 Either the team messes up, the car is ridiculously slow/broken or the driver does something wild. Sometimes a mixture of everything.
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I am fully aware of this, and in my opinion most of the US is a shitshow at the moment. At least there isn't an orange sitting in the White House anymore 😅

I only know people in Washington State, and they are on the more Conservative side, but not bad at all.
It can't even be compared to Texas or any of the southern states.

It is F1 we're talking about, they Will always show an idealised version of the place they are in. They didn't even acknowledge a terrorist attack just a few kilometers away from track earlier this season. That says it all.

I was actually considering ending my outfit post with: "And then i got pregnant with Lewis' child, and since there are some rights I'm not having now, I'll just be falling of my horse or leave the State for some time" 😅

They are actually going backwards in time with legislations like this, and it's making me so angry on all the women affected by it. Why don't they just put us on a leash between the kitchen and the bedroom?
And since I've just watched Handmaid's tale: Why don't they just make Texas into Gilead. (Funny enough in the series, Texas is its own Republic and considered a free space🙃)
I didn't mean to lecture you! I could tell from your posts you understand the situation, did not mean to come across as preach-y. It's just a scary place here now.
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hello Jenson
in other words

hll Jnsn

I didin't catch up fully with the posts from last days, so sorry if it has been posted but yes, another round of media (and ours) new hobby that is the battle of the baguettes, they pur Esteban and Pierre together for press conf LOOL
with their idol Lewis, who will have the bigger hearts in his eyes

View attachment 1663610

I am starting the Alpine Journal of encounters until the end of the season for Pierre&Estie:
1) Pierre's annoucement, excuse moi, Pierrot's
2) Ballon D'Or
3) Austin press conf...

only now I noticed the other press conf group has Carlando
oh F1 choose love&war mood
Love the Alpine encounters' journal 😂 Now that Esteban has made his first appearance in a Pierre dump, someone will have to figure out how many times Yuki has featured in them & keep tally. At least, Pierre & Esteban can both look at Lewis if they are feeling awkward.
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i wish they interacted more (in public at least, i didn’t appreciate the brief streaming era when we had it) - the hi alex, hi alex, HI ALEX is what i imagine hanging out with sharl is like in general 🥹

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Oh my, I am sure you are rocking at work, may Pierre's biceps' force be with you!

I love Susie and Toto vid too, in fact I forgot about it for a while and you reminding it means I will watch it right now, for the mood :)
Honestly, Pierre’s biceps are the only thing keeping me going this week 🥵 That and the thought of a bucket of gin on Saturday night! 😂

You've got eyes and ears everywhere... 👀

Me though, never 😇 unless it's horny jail 🤣
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oh, Lewis wants to win Austin, right?

Conor Moore who does impressions is in Austin, he posted this on twitter and I am curious about his other encounters, I hope he'll make a vid soon because most of his impressions of the drivers (and Will) are spot on :LOL:
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Oh man I feel like I'm so out of the loop with Rawe Ceek this week - not like me at all! I've just been working 24/7, having a bit of a rough mental health week and now I have ANOTHER cold?!? I swear my immune system is on it's arse rn :cry:

WHAT HAVE I MISSED?! Pierre looks like a snack as per (even in those boots) and thanks for the podcast youtube link @OOps2022! I think I may also watch that between FP seshes!

Can't wait to just relax and enjoy the weekend now! Sorry to anyone I've not replied to on Insta too, promise I will catch up tonight! 🤩
Aww hope your alright aidil have a lovely chill weekend with these amazing race times ❤

also what’s Iona thinking of Taylor’s new album ??
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Not F1 related but talking of laughs try and make it through this video without laughing 😂

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i love that mick spent the delay doing a little tour of the other garages 🤣 fernando is a hard mood in this too.

@Blablabla29 - your feelings are absolutely valid, i don’t know if i can fully disengage because gosh darn it i’m attached to these boys and their cars but it’s so disheartening. i saw some people making comments like lol he should try racing in the 70s about pierre and like, they were losing at least one driver a season then. why do people WANT the sport to be dangerous? it’s not the hunger games! also do people not realise how fast pierre was going? it’s not like he can see the lorry and come to a gentle gradual stop or slowdown. it makes me so mad and i know i’m going to be mad with the budget cap tomorrow too.

hearing some of the bosses (mattia and toto definitely) sound very despondent also makes me pause, i don’t want it to become the christian horner show but sometimes it is. and i liked red bull so much when seb was there but their trajectory is so strange. plucky heroes to villains in ten years.
I mean i don't think i will stop watching it anyway because i am too invest in this sport 😅 I am just so disappointed about all the situation is handled (i know the fia will investigate everything but come on, this is the fia investigating the fia nothing will come out of this, except if they decide to fire Freitas like they did with Masi). The feeling will probably be gone tomorrow and i will be as excited as always when the race in Austin comes around.
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Hard day - lost a patient and I’ve been crying since I got home because I keep thinking is there anything else I could’ve done to stop it 😔 It’s days like these when I hate living by myself. Cos I just get home and start spiralling without anyone to debrief with 🤦‍♀️

Thanks beaut, I’ve had a lazy night on the sofa with my cat and already in bed ready to roll again tomorrow. Don’t have the luxury of getting in my head about this now I’m the only nurse 🙃

Sorry to bring the vibe down guys, just feel a bit lost! 😭
oh noo, I am so sorry. I hope you'll feel better tomorrow, sleep always helps. ❤
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I'm trying to catch up on the drunkenness, but I probably won't be able too 😂
Gonna put on some good music and write a little tonight I think, and just see where my train of thoughts takes me 😂
Love that I’m having a greattttrrtt night min ❤
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Every so often my parents shifts would clash and they'd be both working on a Sunday. When that happened my uncle, a big f1 fan, would baby sit me.

I wanna say I started watching about 2007 or 2008.

My uncle is a Williams man. Don't know why, but he is and always has been.

My dad's never really been hugely into F1 but I've watched a few races this year with him and have been getting him up to speed. I always need to remind him that Lewis hasn't been at McLaren for nearly 10 years.

Also, what is it with the majority of British dads being Lewis stans? I don't blame them though.

Just want a man like Seb 🥺

Talking of dating, why do some former situationships, pop up every so often and disappear into thin air again?

I have this one guy, we were dating a lil bit but he basically was wanting everything on his terms. We stopped dating like a year ago but every 2 months he pops back up, then disappears. Like why?
This is probably not what you want to hear but he does this because he can. You’re an option for him and him coming and going just means he can continue to have you as an option whilst he goes out and finds what he wants.
Next time he comes back into the picture don’t make yourself available to him. You don’t deserve being someone’s ‘option’. You should be their one and only choice.
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