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I just dont get how she was a single parent when her and Jordan were sleeping with each other and going on holiday together lmfao but hey ho
I wouldn’t count it either but from a benefit perspective only, she is a single parent as they don’t live together. Morally, it’s a different conversation 😂
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Silly girl. Why didn’t she wait until she was in a different relationship to have baby number 2? I don’t understand when she says she wanted them to have the same baby daddy, she just wants him to stick around more
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Thirst trap tiktok.
Such a shame. Yes Esme having a baby with ur ex who ur not in a relationship with won't be great for ur mental health. Especially when he then gets a girlfriend .

I remember her saying how she didn't fancy having multiple baby daddies and wanted another baby with him and vice versa.....few months later she was pregnant.
yes!!!!! I remember this well
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Her family are incredibly supportive as are her baby daddy's.
As someone else said maybe it was all just very good timing hardship wise. Maybe 4 weeks after getting a job was just fate.
Who knows . Regardless I don't believe tiktok is as transparent we think it is.
Family can be incredibly supportive childcare wise and wanting to be involved in their lives but just not have the room to allow them to move in permanently? We don’t know how big their houses are or who currently resides there as it is.
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Esmes story 😞
I have to actually say, I feel really bad for esme seeing that 😔 can’t be nice for her to go through that. Especially if she’s going through it alone. At least Jordan has Maisie to lean on about it, who’s esme got 😔 sad really to be fair to the girl. I haven’t once questioned her mothering abilities. She seems a good mum and that’s never been my issue with her. So hope she’s ok
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Maisie doesn’t help herself by posting it online, it will all be used against them if they ever go to court and the fact Maisie herself stated he assaulted her and her friend would go against them. The fact Maisie and Jordan have assaulted each other and the photos Maisie posted of her ripping up his things, driving past esme’s flat and including writing “I love esme” on his clothes doesn’t exactly show the maturity does it. If you don’t trust your man, don’t be with him x
So juvenile 🙈
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I honestly dont wish any harm or ill feeling towards Esme BUT she isnt stupid either - she must realise posting on tiktok saying you are a single parent with an amazing co-parent rship is fine... but then suddenly when youre pregnant, you have to expect questions! Its only natural people will think its benefit fraud for her to be pregnant again by the baby daddy when they live apart and Esme lives on UC and works 16 hours a week. Its not rocket science and her saying "We'd be financially better off if he moved in" probably isnt true either! Dont be smug about it, dancing around mouthing along saying its my life I do as I please.... well its not really is it when youre asking people to fund it and buy you coffee off Amazon!
exactly this. I enjoyed her tiktok as I felt despite her age she was a mum like me (I’m a bit older) but if you put any part of your life online, you’re going to have questions. She’s not with the daddy so of course people are going to ask away! Doesn’t help that tiktok comment section is one of the most toxic I’ve ever seen.
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I don’t think this is a place for this type of discussion as Esme has never made it clear what Jordan does for a living and how he provides for his children. She also had a job before she had Octavia. She and Jordan did not live together, she lived alone with Myla so claimed as a single parent which under UC is permitted as it is based on what she earns and assumes he provides the minimum. I don’t think we need to discuss anything else to do with their finances as quite frankly it’s not our business and if she made all her money as an influencer/on TikTok we’d be complaining it’s not a stable income/she was selling out to do ads.
let’s stick to bitching about Jordan’s embarrassing attitude and why grown people lip sync over important topics!
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I don't think he's still with her tbh. Comments are back on on that video and a few mention another girl by name...
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I don’t think he needs to because I’m guessing he just stays over at her house. He definitely goes over or is there more than she shows, he’s been in the background of days out that she’s posted as well so I think he does see her quite often but unsure how often he has her alone. She doesn’t seem to go anywhere else without her but work.
Either way you look at it, it’s just a very odd set up. Maybe he does have Myla on his own and she doesn’t show it to keep up with the ‘single mum doing it mostly alone’ act. Sad really because she actually built up quite a decent following and I used to really like her. It’s a shame she’s gone and ruined it for herself by lying.
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New member
She won’t do it. I’m a single mum with no baby daddy support, my daughters 6 and I’m just only getting back into education after having her at 19.. it’s been bloody hard with 1 kid can’t imagine with 2!
Well done hun
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I honestly don’t know what to make of the baby’s name? She’s beautiful though. And Esme looked FAB post giving birth pictures. I wish her all the best but she was deffo bitchy with the holding hand comment.

I feel like if Jordan and Maisie are still together, now that baby girl is here Esme can be like “had a really rough night can you come over” and play those cards. I’m honestly intrigued to know if Maisie has met Myla yet. Esme did leave Myla with her dad the other day while she went to the hospital…Maisie could have come round then? I just hope she’s not going to get involved in their relationship. Their relationship is separate to hers and baby daddy’s coparenting and I hope she remembers this.

Has watched Maisie’s TikTok’s? Especially with her bestie Erin? Erin was 19 and pregnant and she seems like a fantastic mummy and Maisie has been there for her no end. I just hope Esme won’t feel threatened by her eventually meeting the girls because she will need too eventually. Maisie may even go on to have a baby with Jordan in the future. Plus if they got their own place he then has NO excuse to not have the girls overnight and give Esme a break.

Seems like such a weird love triangle but hopefully it works out because if it carries on being as bitchy as it has it will affect the girls and that’s not fair at all

Octavia though??? In all honesty I was hoping for it to go with Myla’s name but it doesn’t at all 😂 I hope she does a video explaining aha
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Chatty Member
I am so sorry! Yis are all a good giggle. Sorry if av pissed yis aff.

Sorry am an actual arsehole! All of yis in this thread give me a gid giggle tbh …
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