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VIP Member
yeah, Maisie is a nasty little bitch. Confirmed after she instantly uploads a video of her and the boyfriend when Esme starts posting again. I gave her the benefit of the doubt before (think we all did) but what a vile little girl, it’s so spiteful and mean spirited to do that kind of thing to try and upset Esme, who seems like a decent person and good mum, even if she is hung up over an idiot.
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All, time to draw a line and leave the arguments here as the thread is being derailed for others. Thanks.
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I think they’re both incredibly irresponsible. A good co-partnering relationship is great and I applaud anyone that does that for their children. But is their relationship as good as she makes it sound? Because if they’re sleeping together and one day one of them moves on, co-parenting them becomes messy. They’re really not thinking of their daughter in all of this. This really has made me look at her in a different light. I used to think she was all sweet and innocent and to a point felt bad for her. Nope not anymore.
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I mean I've been here previously reading and agreeing but as woman and a lot of us prob mothers what people are writing right now isnt right. Were talking like shes the devil but we will all know a couple of girls/women were we live doing worse. We have all been young and and disillusioned and wanted the best, maybe her upbringing was shit and craves better. I dont know, I previously agreed with a lot on here, still do. But are we all okay sticking the boot into a single mum who's pregnant and prob feeling the lowest. I can put my hand up and say I have not once not even twice but prob multiple times when younger made shit mistake give shit people chances and craved love on the wrong places. Beauty is I'm 33 now, shes not. Shes learning and hurting. Please let's be better because tearing into a young pregnant mum with a toddler doesnt feel right

We are all talking like we havent been young been in a toxic relationship, etc. We learn. Shes 20 and shes learning the body hard way. Come on girls. Bloody hell
None of us have said this to her, so unless she comes looking here she won’t see it. None of us are saying we’re perfect at all, but I certainly haven’t had another baby with someone I’ve said I’m in a toxic relationship with. End of the day she got pregnant again to try and trap him into a relationship and get some attention from him which clearly hasn’t worked. I feel for her because it takes two to tango and he should step up. Stepping up for Myla and the baby does not mean he’s not allowed to move on when he’s made it very clear he doesn’t want to be with her after they had their first baby. Why would he miraculously want to be with her after a second. She’s liking bad comments about him and his girlfriend, saying all the haters are his girlfriend and her friends. So things are clearly strained already. How is anything going to get better when the baby is born and he wants his girlfriend to meet her etc it will all go down like a lead balloon. Esme was naive to think they would be a happy family and the baby would fix everything. Babies don’t fix anything, you just end up raising them in a broken home with parents who hate eachother instead. They had a healthy coparenting relationship by the looks of things with Myla which I applaud her for as it couldn’t have been easy, so much so we all thought she was committing benefit fraud. Now I genuinely think he doesn’t give a shit about her at all and it’s been her chasing after him this whole time. It can’t be nice to be pregnant and lonely and going through that heartbreak, it’s hard enough not pregnant, but all of our points here is that Esme knew exactly what she was doing and getting herself in to. She could have not had sex with him, could have used protection or if it was an accident as she claims she could have had an abortion. But she didn’t because she thought it would make him stay and now it hasn’t she’s airing her dirty laundry in the hope all the comments slating him make her feel better and make his new girlfriend leave him. It’s not fair to say we’re tearing into her etc, none of us have messaged her privately or even commented so if she comes and reads it here then that’s up to her
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He’s 100% of POS that knew exactly what he was doing, no matter how much of a “great” dad she posted him to be, he never had Myla longer then her going to work one day a week. He’s upped and left for another girl (can’t understand what she sees in a lad that got his baby mum “accidentally” pregnant when they weren’t together but okay). I hope Esme is doing okay, although she’s done things that aren’t right it hurts seeing them move on when your stuck in the same place feeling confused. I hope his parents are making him take responsibility, doesn’t matter if he’s 25 he still lives under their roof
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Have I missed something- is Jordan a millionaire? Got a magic Willy? Can’t imagine for one second he’s worth throwing hands over!
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Long time lurker but unpopular opinion, I’m with Esme on this.
Maisie knew what she was getting into and was very naive to think that feelings weren’t still there when he had a baby on the way with his baby mum BUT I also think neither of them are telling the full story. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Chatty Member
Tbh I wish her nothing but happiness the baby is adorable and congrats to her.

but that pic of the baby daddy is definitely a power move 😂 she needs to make 2022 the year she moves on.
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I did notice she’s unfollowed him on Instagram and untagged him on her photos, covering your tracks Esme?

It’s totally benefit fraud, anyone with half a brain can see.
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I don’t know if she’s just not filming him but it’s so grim how ill his daughter is and he’s just doing eff all. Maybe it’s covid but he should be there at all times.

Also isn’t he like 26/27? Why are you still clubbing in a visor at that age
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End of the day Esme started this beef. Don’t plaster your personal lives on social media if you don’t want it spoken about? She should not have done that tiktok but maybe if she hadn’t done so many vids about Jordan in the first place we all wouldn’t be so intrigued and invested. I don’t doubt his love for his daughters at all. The picture she put on instagram was beautiful of him holding Octavia. He looked so proud. But it’s how Esme has portrayed him that makes us all question him….he’s never had Myla overnight? Fair enough he works. My ex used to work full time and still had our child every other weekend overnight without fail. But then he moved on because let’s face it, if you’re just fucking each other it’s not exactly a great situation. It’s not coparenting. Esme started all this with this tiktok and now Maisie’s friends are making #teammaisie videos….as well as constantly checking tattle. If you don’t like what’s being said don’t read it. Don’t post your lives on your socials. Personally I don’t think tattle is a toxic place. It’s what you make of it and how YOU portray yourself on your social media. You choose what to share and what not to share.
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She really seems to be smashing it on her own with two young kids, fair play to her. I’ve noticed she doesn’t acknowledge any questions about their dad anymore.
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If he cheated on her and ran off with another female and the other female knew he had a partner and children, then yes by all means let's get that girl told about girl code, respect, splitting up a family etc however

Esme made it clear they weren't together so he was single and entitled to meet someone else. What is he meant to do? Be single forever because he has children lol

The new girl should be praised as shes clearly happy taking him and his children on and that to me is a huge pat on the back because I couldn't do it.
I never dated anyone with children because I wanted the attention, I wanted to have their first child with my partner, I couldn't deal with baby mommas etc so I stayed away from lads with children

So I take my hat off to her!!!

Esme needs to stop the secret disses and likes of bitchy comments as it's just making her look petty and immature. She must of wanted the perfect family unit with him and it didn't work, yes that will bloody hurt and sting like a bitch but it is what it is and you've got to move on

It annoys me because I think she's got so much going for her but she is wasting her time and energy on her ex.
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I’m so glad I came across this thread, especially after being blocked by her today for going against the tide.

I used to really like Esme’s content, I had bucketloads of sympathy for the girl - being a young single a mum myself when my daughter was small - I remember how hard it was to do it with no support.
Then, it started to come out that she had way more support with Myla than she originally admitted - so people, including myself, starting questioning her on her use of the #singlemum at the bottom of each of her TikToks… she said that as she lives alone with Myla she classes herself as a single mum 🙄 she has more support than most women I know in relationships - she lost some sympathy then.

Then the pregnancy bombshell came along and she’s annoyed me ever since. Her voiceovers come across all cute and sweet, now she seems nasally and OTT. The voice is almost baby voice and it makes me cringe.
This baby is no way an accident. There’s definitely a hint of benefit fraud with her, but I think she’s desperate to cling on to the baby daddy, has caught wind that he maybe likes someone else, and has made her move.
She’d only been with him 3 months when she got pregnant with Myla, you’d think they’d be a lot more cautious and sensible to prevent that from happening again?
No matter how badly you want your child to have a full sibling, surely you don’t have another baby with your ex. Can you imagine how that conversation with her parents? I know exactly how I’d feel.
It’s a weird situation.
She needs to pack it in talking about not having any leftover money too (although I believe she’s doing that as a hint towards the DWP in case they check her social media…)
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Chatty Member
Gotta say she's a very pretty baby. Tbh I think Esme is very pretty.
I hate it when I see birth announcements where the mum gushes over the dad.....the one time it's not all about them.
Sad to say but I think Esme will never let her baby daddy feelings go. She's smitten. With major daddy issues.
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